A serious question... is Kamala Harris mentally handicapped? Not a joke.

What is really funny is to compare the way the press treated him before Bush the First announced his choice as running mate, to how the press treated him afterward.

Above all else, what I saw in their treatment of Mr. Quayle, was what caused me to become very skeptical of the mainstream news media.

They went, in a day, from praising and building him up, making the case that Quayle was who Bush the First should pick as his running mate; to smearing and slandering him as viciously as they thought they could, once Bush the First had made that choice.

Everything that Kamala “The Whore” Harris has achieved,

Yup. Misogynistic to the core.

Your party is full of man-whores - Trump, Gingrich, etc... Oddly, you are never bothered by them.

What can possibly be more misogynistic than defending that as the way for a woman to get ahead, rather than succeeding on her own legitimate merits?

Um, she has plenty of legitimate merits... you are just offended she had sex you didn't approve of. Oddly, your prudishness doesn't apply to Trump, who cheated on all three of his wives.
Yup. Misogynistic to the core.

Your party is full of man-whores - Trump, Gingrich, etc... Oddly, you are never bothered by them.

Um, she has plenty of legitimate merits... you are just offended she had sex you didn't approve of. Oddly, your prudishness doesn't apply to Trump, who cheated on all three of his wives.
Trump didn't cheat on his wives to advance a career for which he was unqualified.
Um, she has plenty of legitimate merits... you are just offended she had sex you didn't approve of. Oddly, your prudishness doesn't apply to Trump, who cheated on all three of his wives.

I'm not going to defend Trump, here.

He's an asshole, who, with regard to his marriages, has behaved in ways that any decent person ought to find utterly repugnant.

But unlike Kamala “The Whore” Harris, Trump's successes are not built on the foundation of his immoral sexual behavior, but on genuine skills and merits.

Kamala “The Whore” Harris would never have amounted to anything better than a low grade ambulance chaser, if not for the opportunities that she bought in exchange to adulterous sexual favors with a married man.

Trump's immoral behavior is a black footnote to an otherwise successful career.

Kamala “The Whore” Harris' immoral behavior is the very foundation of her career.
Your party is full of man-whores - Trump, Gingrich, etc... Oddly, you are never bothered by them.
Trump didn't cheat on his wives to advance a career for which he was unqualified.

As far as I know, neither did any of the other “man-whores”. Nor am I aware of any indication that any of them allowed otherwise unqualified women to gain opportunities for which they were unqualified, in exchange for sexual favors.

The Willie Brown/Kamala “The Whore” Harris thing seems to be a rather singular and unique circumstance, in which a cheating husband used his power as a public servant to help launch the political career of a completely unqualified whore, in exchange for adulterous sexual favors. If not the only case of that happening, certainly the most famous and successful instance thereof.
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Trump didn't cheat on his wives to advance a career for which he was unqualified.

It always sounds so artificial when that old saw about Trump cheating on his wives comes out of the leftist vermin, who will and do fuck anything that walks just for fun.

In terms of morality, that's the blind leading the 20/20.

Here is a text of her words.....

"what I think culture is... it is a reflection of our moment in our time....
And and.... and... and present culture is our expression of how we are feeling at the moment.
And and we should always find time to express about how we feel at the moment that is a reflection of joy...
cause...ev...eh.. you know... it comes in the mornin' hahahahaha
we also have to find ways to express the way we feel about the moment in terms of just having language and and and...a connection about how people are experiencing life. And I think about it in that way too".

Go ahead and even begin to make sense of that. It truly is akin to the type of random nonsense that a meth head might say. It makes positively no sense.
How is she that way? She does this all the time. Absolute nonsensical rambling. A 12 year old has more ability to answer a question than this.

She belongs in a zoo with the other baboons.
More Crazy Mormon Logic

I'm not going to defend Trump, here.

He's an asshole, who, with regard to his marriages, has behaved in ways that any decent person ought to find utterly repugnant.

But yet you voted for him twice and will probably vote for him again. So much for "morality".

But unlike Kamala “The Whore” Harris, Trump's successes are not built on the foundation of his immoral sexual behavior, but on genuine skills and merits.

Trump's success was having a rich father. The rest is all self-promotion and bankruptcies. This is a guy who lost money selling steaks and vodka.

Kamala “The Whore” Harris would never have amounted to anything better than a low grade ambulance chaser, if not for the opportunities that she bought in exchange to adulterous sexual favors with a married man.

Uh, not really. Every office she's held she's run for in election and won, with no help from Willie Brown. All Willie Brown "did" for her was appoint her to a couple of committees before she went back to her day job as a prosecutor. She got elected to DA, Attorney General, Senator and Vice President on her own merits.

Trump's immoral behavior is a black footnote to an otherwise successful career.
"black" footnote? Naw, you aren't racist at all, Bob.
Again, Trump's career has been a lot of business failures, gaudy self-promotion, and being a reality TV rodeo clown. Born on third base and thought he hit a triple. Pretty much everything he touches turns to shit and you praise him for it.

Kamala “The Whore” Harris' immoral behavior is the very foundation of her career.

Naw, you aren't misogynistic at all, Bob.

As far as I know, neither did any of the other “man-whores”. Nor am I aware of any indication that any of them allowed otherwise unqualified women to gain opportunities for which they were unqualified, in exchange for sexual favors.

The Willie Brown/Kamala “The Whore” Harris thing seems to be a rather singular and unique circumstance, in which a cheating husband used his power as a public servant to help launch the political career of a completely unqualified whore, in exchange for adulterous sexual favors. If not the only case of that happening, certainly the most famous and successful instance thereof.

Actually, what the man whores did was a lot worse.

Take Newt, for instance. Cheated on his first wife while she was fighting cancer, even presented her with divorce papers when she was in the hospital. Cheated on the Second wife while he was insisting on impeaching Clinton for the Lewinsky matter. That actually sounds a lot worse than anything that Harris did having a relationship with a man who was married in name only. (Brown and his wife haven't lived together for decades).

Or we can take Trump.
Cheated on all three of his wives.
Sexually assaulted a woman in a department store.
Routinely walked around dressing rooms of beauty pageants he owned when the women were in states of undress.
Had sex with a porn star and paid her for silence.
Had sex with a Playboy Model and paid her for silence.
Routinely says misogynistic things about women.

you know, you like to scream all day about morality, but at the end of the day, maybe you should hold your own leaders to your standards.

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