A serious question, serious replies only

Trump showed the truth about Democrats. They are nothing but a gang of criminals.
You say that...but reality is that Trump was impeached for his corrupt conduct of office and Trump associates are the ones constantly convicted of crimes, not Democrats:

You say that...but reality:

when biasing is exposed, this is what happens. we get it, they are all big meanies and needed to be locked up. Hunter can be compromised and sell options to daddy. We get it. cheat and hide the cheat through inferior judges. we get it. Your lack of bipartisanship is always noted.
yeah, no.
This reassuring. I had suspected that you entertained the absurd notion that 81,283,501 Americans had voted to dump the dude at their first opportunity for emotional reasons rather than rational ones.
You say that...but reality is that Trump was impeached for his corrupt conduct of office and Trump associates are the ones constantly convicted of crimes, not Democrats:

All you showed is the two tier system of "justice" in the federal government. Republicans get investigated and sent to prison. Democrats take bribes, smoke crack, and break the law with abandon.
I would like to understand the obsessive hatred of Donald Trump. Is it because:

1. He beat Hillary
2. He is a self made billionaire
3. He talks like a typical guy from NY, NJ, Boston (if you don't understand that, do not respond)
4. He made the country energy independent
5. He made Nato members pay their fair share
6. He opened dialog with North Korea
7. He made up names for his opponents
8. He did not start any new wars
9. He killed terrorists who were killing Americans
10. He has had 3 hot wives
11. He is a republican

I would really like to understand the hate. If its simply politics, please have the honesty to admit that.
For most trump haters its all of the above

And when trump is gone they will transfer their hate to whoever follows
This reassuring. I had suspected that you entertained the absurd notion that 81,283,501 Americans had voted to dump the dude at their first opportunity for emotional reasons rather than rational ones.
yeah, yeah, yeah, you want me to believe that do fking nothing Joe got 21 million more votes than the first black president got!!! Yeah, nope.
All you showed is the two tier system of "justice" in the federal government.
Nope, all I showed is the disconnect between what you say and reality established in the court of law.

And now you are showing DENIAL and inability to deal with reality in healthy ways.
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Prove it.

(PSSSST -- folks, this loser is one who runs away pissing itself whenever you demand that it back up its bullshit.)


You keep predicting I'm running away even though I keep bitch-slapping you with facts & reality. Watch as I do it again...


Bullshit. You denying layoffs in 2020 was the topic of your post.

If you think big orange font mitigates the stupidity of your post, then you need to think again.
It depends on what you are referring to. I'm sure there are layoffs every year. The issue concerns the point you're trying to make. Did demofk governers tell companies to lay folks off, you bet!!! they told them wuhan was sooooo bad that no one was allowed to visit anyone, or work in a building together. People therefore were laid off due to the inability to go to work by government. Demofks that is.
Nope all I showed is the disconnect between what you say and reality established in the court of law.

And now you are showing DENIAL and inability to deal with relaity in healthy ways.
No, I think Bri hit the nail. You're gonna try and scramble now. it is funny to watch.
sure, cause you didn't answer my question. I know, it was hard for a kkker to actually admit trump isn't racist and that he actually helped them. Name legislation that helped hispanics?

The same as Trump's which helped blacks.
the data doesn't back his claim. It showed a dip in one month, not a year. Funny how you can't see that .

You can't stop lying, can ya, con?

I never said it was like that for the year. I said it caused gas prices to drop under $2, which also lasted for about 2 months...

did you tie the job losses to the price of gasoline? Please enlighten us.


Cretin, I posted jobs numbers showing 21 million jobs were lost in March & April, 2020. I also showed gas prices began dropping in March, 2020; dipping under $2 in April and May; and starting to increase again in May as millions returned to work.

Why do you blame me because you're too stupid to understand the charts I posted??
Proved? You showed us a pretty picture that you made on mommy's laptop.




Uh, no, I showed you the employment figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which proved what I said. You only think that's a "pretty picture" because you're stuck mentally at age 4.
It depends on what you are referring to. I'm sure there are layoffs every year. The issue concerns the point you're trying to make. Did demofk governers tell companies to lay folks off, you bet!!! they told them wuhan was sooooo bad that no one was allowed to visit anyone, or work in a building together. People therefore were laid off due to the inability to go to work by government. Demofks that is.

But Republican governors didn't??

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