A simple question for Trump fans: Is Trump above the law?

That simply isn’t true. It happens. Apparently quite a lot.
Intent comes into play once they are discovered.
Biden voluntarily searched for them and returned them.

Trump ignored requests for their return for over a year. Then a subpoena for their return before a warrant was issued.

The telling part with Trump’s case is that NARA knew there were classified docs missing from the start.
who has the highest government status?
I'm not a Trump fan at all. I do see the precedent of legal wrangling with a former president. Much of this has never been done before, which is Trump in a nutshell. He will also see to it that it stays that way.

Come what may.
What if the evidence is correct? What if he broke the law?

Should he pay the price?

Then right after they indict hilary you can find him guilty...

Shendidnworae and they didnt wven take it to angrandnjury......

Trump ia not beneath the law
You've answered my question just fine.

And this isn't about Trump. It never is. It's about rubes like you.

I'll bet even YOU understand that.
It's more a corrupt government acting like this is 1960s Russia, tard.
Actually, the way it works is, a case must be investigated and charges laid BEFORE that case goes to trial.

You don't hold a trial to determine what laws may have been broken... you determine what laws may have been broken and ONLY THEN can a trial be held.

No trial can be a fishing expedition under our system.
Apparently it can.
What’s hilarious is, trump has docs he’s allowed to have and is punished, and joe has docs he isn’t allowed to have and is clean. No double standard there, now move along slugs
That's a fact.
Here we go again. For the 50th time:
  1. If you suspect something, investigate.
  2. If you find something, prosecute.
  3. If they're found guilty, nail them.
  4. If someone helped them, nail them too.
  5. If they're politicians, nail 'em harder. I don't care much for politicians.
  6. Party affiliation irrelevant. Go get 'em.
I don't know why this needs to be so goddamn complicated for you people.
Mac, why the fuck do you think Trump doing the same thing every president before him did is a crime?

I already know, you're a TDS retard. I can still remember before you had TDS and you were just fence-sitter Mac. You're fucked up now.
No....but neither is he beneath it.

This is a political persecution. If they didn't charge hilary for her felonies, they can't charge Trump for any he may have committed with these documents.......
Oh, they can, it's crooked as can be and may lead to Civil war, but OK.
What if the evidence is correct? What if he broke the law?

Should he pay the price?
What evidence, retard? What hostile nation did Trump show America's secrets to?

Meanwhile, Obama had the Muslim Brotherhood having sleepovers in The White House and showed them many American secrets.

Joe Biden pretty much ensured there are no secrets to the way our military operates with the way he fucked up the withdrawal

from Afghanistan. They have all the comms, weapons, drones, robots. It's really bad.

I'm sure China bought 1-2 of everything from the Taliban to reverse engineer it.

Probably manuals and everything. The Army loves their manuals.

Who said that? Oh! It was Deano. Deano said "The Army loves their manuals."

My buddy bought a Deano record today. Greatest hits, even!
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Then right after they indict hilary you can find him guilty...

Shendidnworae and they didnt wven take it to angrandnjury......

Trump ia not beneath the law
He shouldn’t exist for them, still waiting for them to take him out
Yes, I know, you Trumpsters are just too smart for the rest of us.

I assume you've read the indictment, and it's all fake news?

And clearly you think he's above the law.

Good stuff.

You and your friends are beyond ridiculous!

Your side has hosed this guy for almost 6 years; and everything you have come up with has been proven to be a hoax, or worse. Why would we believe any of you now?

Does NOT mean he is innocent, but what it DOES mean is that those who are bringing charges, tried to do this before and got EXPOSED.

What REAL people who are interested want to know, is why and your FRIENDS keep buying this stuff! How many times are you going to buy into this crap?

Sure, this could be the time they are correct, but from a supposed smart person, you should at the very least, show skepticism YOU ARE NOT! Which should tell everyone reading this thread, exactly where you stand.

You are smart, above politics? You are a phony-E-baloney!

Trump is kinda a bad actor, YOU are worse, but then again, you are not running for President, but what you are running for, is the biggest phony on this site. Between the two of you, you win! You are the biggest PHONY I have ever seen. And that takes a lot of work, when you are up against Trump, Karrie Lake, and Adam Shift!

You are NOT honest, you are disingenuous. While I wish you the best, I also know you are the biggest phony-e-baloney on this site!

At least most everyone else is relatively transparent, and you know where they are coming from. You try to hide your bias. SHAME ON YOU dude!
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You and your friends are beyond ridiculous!

Your side has hosed this guy for almost 6 years; and everything you have come up with has been proven to be a hoax, or worse. Why would we believe any of you now?

Does NOT mean he is innocent, but what it DOES mean is that those who are bringing charges, tried to do this before and got EXPOSED.

What REAL people who are interested want to know, is why and your FRIENDS keep buying this stuff! How many times are you going to buy into this crap?

Sure, this could be the time they are correct, but from a supposed smart person, you should at the very least, show skepticism YOU ARE NOT! Which should tell everyone reading this thread, exactly where you stand.

You are smart, above politics? You are a phony-E-baloney!

Trump is kinda a bad actor, YOU are worse, but then again, you are not running for President, but what you are running for, is the biggest phony on this site. Between the two of you, you win! You are the biggest PHONY I have ever seen. And that takes a lot of work, when you are up against Trump, Karrie Lake, and Adam Shift!

You are NOT honest, you are disingenuous. While I wish you the best, I also know you are the biggest phony-e-baloney on this site!

At least most everyone else is relatively transparent, and you know where they are coming from. You try to hide your bias. SHAME ON YOU dude!
Mac was fence-sitter Mac with a fence up his ass before the TDS took over his brain.

Now he's more like a drooling TDS retard.
Mac was fence-sitter Mac with a fence up his ass before the TDS took over his brain.

Now he's more like a drooling TDS retard.

Mac is the guy who makes himself feel superior by saying he is above both parties........
Mac is the guy who makes himself feel superior by saying he is above both parties........

This clown trying to make himself someone who sits in the middle is not only laughable, but caustic.

Why does he only criticize the guy who hasn't been in office for almost 2 and 1/2 years?

Oh sure, he can claim he is for a 3rd party, but it is more than obvious he is not. It is plainly apparent that he is NOT about electing his person, but rather trying to insure, who does NOT get elected. Shows you how much he is "all in" on his party's candidate; and yes MAC..... YOU ARE A PHONY! Support a 3rd party candidate? What, like YOU!

Like it or not, YOU are transparent! You might say, that I am too. But, I am NOT trying to hide it, behind the phony take that I am some sort of brilliant independent, lol.

I am going to follow you as long as you are on here! Why? Because you are the biggest phony I have ever seen, and that includes Trump, Shiff, and Hilly!
Mac is the guy who makes himself feel superior by saying he is above both parties........
That was before he became drooling retard TDS Mac.

Now the TDS enslaves him. He is at its' mercy. (and it has none)
Its not about trump. It's all about his supporters. You fascist want us silenced. Sad for you we have guns and ain't going nowhere.

That's just a fantasy in your head.

Did it ever occur to you that Trump didn't just screw himself with his self absorbed, wreckless behavior, but also all the people like you that thought of him as their political representative and voice?

It takes a masochist to still carry water for that degenerate
There is no way Biden was out in his garage searching through boxes for classified info.

I'm not trying to defend Trump.
You are defending Trump by deliberately creating false equivalencies and no one said Biden himself was digging through boxes, tool.
Biden and Pence knew it was wrong to abscond off with classified information.

Besides that is never an excuse. Just because I do not know the speed limit is 45, if I'm doing 60 I'm still going to get ticketed.
Just like you know it’s wrong to attribute a motive that you cannot know.
But wait. You do know as Pence was cleared and Biden will soon follow.

As far as the ticket goes. It’s a ticket. Subject to the officers whims. Not federal statutes.

You’re working very hard for someone who claims to not be.

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