A simple question for Trump fans: Is Trump above the law?

So just so we are clear you know you sound like a crackhead right?
That would be your dear leader.
I mean Hillary destroyed classified documents, and the devices other evidence was on, IE blackberries, from her staff with a hammer, why after loretta lynch blew bill on the tarmac did all of that go away I guess she was above the law. How about old poopy pants himslef, he had classified documents all over the place unsecured so is he above the law. Be concise in your answers
Try telling the truth in your answers.
But being in Trump's cult, we all know you can't, just like your orange daddy.
Are democrats above the law? In a banana republic they are.
That's just a fantasy in your head.

Did it ever occur to you that Trump didn't just screw himself with his self absorbed, wreckless behavior, but also all the people like you that thought of him as their political representative and voice?

It takes a masochist to still carry water for that degenerate
Dumbass if what Trump did was a crime why isn't Biden being indicted? Why wasn't Hillary indicted for obstruction?
It's not about trump it's about his supporters
You finally got something right, it has never been about Trump and always about his fanatical worshipers. When Trump said he could shoot someone on 5th Ave and not lose any votes, he was speaking of you.
Trump supporters are not worshipers you dumb son of a bitch .
We just see the two tier justices system going after him. There are no crimes if senator Biden has not been indicted or Hillary Clinton
Dumbass if what Trump did was a crime why isn't Biden being indicted? Why wasn't Hillary indicted for obstruction?
It's not about trump it's about his supporters

Because they didn't do what Trump did. DUH.

They didn't refuse to return documents.
They didn't claim that classified gov documents belong to them.
They didn't obstruct investigation.
Because they didn't do what Trump did. DUH.

They didn't refuse to return documents. They didn't claim that they belong to them. They didn't obstruct investigation.
Horseshit Biden didn't have any authority to remove classified documents from the Senate sciff.
Clinton didn't have the authority to destroy an obstruct
Trump supporters are not worshipers you dumb son of a bitch .
We just see the two tier justices system going after him. There are no crimes if senator Biden has not been indicted or Hillary Clinton

And then you prove my point.

Try telling that to a cop the next time you get stopped for speeding...'since you did not stop that other person, there was no crime for me either"
You don't know wtf you are talking about.
Show where statute gives a senator to remove and keep classified documents from the Senate skiff? Destroying subpoenaed documents is obstruction destroying phones that have been subpoenaed is obstruction
And then you prove my point.

Try telling that to a cop the next time you get stopped for speeding...'since you did not stop that other person, there was no crime for me either"
Strawman fallacy
If there is no two tier justice system Trump wouldn't have a witch hunt and fake crimes

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