A through line is emerging from 1/6 hearings testimony

My understanding is the staff needed more time to put together the video presentation. Not that it matters. The content of the hearings is what matters. So far it has exploded all the myths The Following (Trump's cult) are stupid enough to believe.
I bet you're just shuddering in anticipation of another one of their selectively edited fan fiction videos!

My understanding is the staff needed more time to put together the video presentation. Not that it matters. The content of the hearings is what matters. So far it has exploded all the myths The Following (Trump's cult) are stupid enough to believe.
LOL....How it must twist your ilk's tails to know very few people care one way or the other and view the whole thing as a distraction from the economic woes they are experiencing.

The 1/6th Of A Brain Committee is just rehashing/repackaging 18-month old news that does not amount to a hill of shit in the grand scheme of things.

The country has bigger fish to fry as you and your ilk will soon find out. But hey, keep digging that hole deeper. ;)
I bet you're just shuddering in anticipation of another one of their selectively edited fan fiction videos!

Selectively edited? Have any of the interviewees come forward to say their testimony was misrepresented?
How it must twist your ilk's tails to know very few people care one way or the other and view the whole thing as a distraction from the economic woes they are experiencing.
They are making a mistake in judgement but I do understand how "kitchen table" issues are front of mind.
They are making a mistake in judgement but I do understand how "kitchen table" issues are front of mind.
They're making no mistake....Nobody gives a flying fuck about your Kabuki dance whe they're paying $5 for gasoline and they can't fill their grocery carts.

Your Reicchtag fire isn't worth a hoot in hell to anyone but hack pinheads like you.
I notice you didn't refute what he just said.... because they are facts, the kryptonite of progressives.
Are you another one that believes your own lies?

Another idiot miss representation for stupid Trump Humpers to follow.

I notice you didn't refute what he just said.... because they are facts, the kryptonite of progressives.
Are you another one that believes your own lies?

These are idiot accusations vs Maddow.
The real quote is....
“Such was the case with MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, who inspires barbers around the world to say “Make Hair Long Again!”, when she emphatically reminded her fellow panelists and audience that Donald Trump’s rally was not – repeat, not – the starting point of the so-called January 6th Insurrection.

“not – the starting point of the so-called January 6th Insurrection. “

Only illiterates would think Trump did not start this campaign to over throw the results we’ll before the election when he claimed he could only lose if the election was rigged. The dufus Humper still thinks he isn’t now planning another overthrow through his idiot white supremest Bannon led conies.
The election was stolen. Nothing can change that. No fake media, no ministry of information, no compliant politically motivated judge, no amount of name calling will hide it. Most Americans instinctively know it to be so. November coming.
Getting a laugh emoji on a post like this amounts to nervous laughter which is a sign of internal guilt knowledge. Yep even lefty knows what happened.

The major narrative is simply this is political…people are allowed to think they won an election , people are allowed to challenge results, people are allowed to have different opinions…the narrative that trump somehow organized or order the riot has been debunked so now it’s thought police actions met only to try ans help the dems in the mid terms cause they policies have harmed america
Not looking too good for the batshit crazy side these days. A House seat flipped here last night that had never voted GOP.... ever. The air smells good here in Texas as the beta followers are crawling back under the rocks.....

The beat down has begun.....

I am not going to lie, its warms my heart knowing you will go to your grave believing this bullshit.

IT's OK....see I already know it's not bushtit also know and also that it amounted to a near perfect crime. Happens all the time. I have a feeling you also know it. The bravado doesn't do much to convince me otherwise.

The entire statistics community knows it...dirty little secret you see. The type of odds that the irregularities overcame to reverse the results on election night do not exist and never will. There is no further need for investigation on whether it was stolen. I do think however that given the penetration of the theft that Trump could simply have concluded that fighting it would be more damaging to him than simply being silent about it. Nevertheless it was an election theft....whether your heart is warm, cold, full of shit or anything else...well that's more or less irrelevant.
Not looking too good for the batshit crazy side these days. A House seat flipped here last night that had never voted GOP.... ever. The air smells good here in Texas as the beta followers are crawling back under the rocks.....

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The good hard working latinos in the Rio Grande valley have had their fill of human trafficking cartel goons overrunning their border towns.

Another idiot miss representation for stupid Trump Humpers to follow.

These are idiot accusations vs Maddow.
The real quote is....
“Such was the case with MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, who inspires barbers around the world to say “Make Hair Long Again!”, when she emphatically reminded her fellow panelists and audience that Donald Trump’s rally was not – repeat, not – the starting point of the so-called January 6th Insurrection.

“not – the starting point of the so-called January 6th Insurrection. “

Only illiterates would think Trump did not start this campaign to over throw the results we’ll before the election when he claimed he could only lose if the election was rigged. The dufus Humper still thinks he isn’t now planning another overthrow through his idiot white supremest Bannon led conies.
IT's OK....see I already know it's not bushtit also know and also that it amounted to a near perfect crime. Happens all the time. I have a feeling you also know it. The bravado doesn't do much to convince me otherwise.

The entire statistics community knows it...dirty little secret you see. The type of odds that the irregularities overcame to reverse the results on election night do not exist and never will. There is no further need for investigation on whether it was stolen. I do think however that given the penetration of the theft that Trump could simply have concluded that fighting it would be more damaging to him than simply being silent about it. Nevertheless it was an election theft....whether your heart is warm, cold, full of shit or anything else...well that's more or less irrelevant.
He's actually fucking stupid enough to believe that there was over 90% turnout in the election.

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