A through line is emerging from 1/6 hearings testimony


Another idiot miss representation for stupid Trump Humpers to follow.

These are idiot accusations vs Maddow.
The real quote is....
“Such was the case with MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, who inspires barbers around the world to say “Make Hair Long Again!”, when she emphatically reminded her fellow panelists and audience that Donald Trump’s rally was not – repeat, not – the starting point of the so-called January 6th Insurrection.

“not – the starting point of the so-called January 6th Insurrection. “

Only illiterates would think Trump did not start this campaign to over throw the results we’ll before the election when he claimed he could only lose if the election was rigged. The dufus Humper still thinks he isn’t now planning another overthrow through his idiot white supremest Bannon led conies.
And again you can't refute it.
Keep trying proggy, maybe your low info lemmings will buy it

More so than we realized, people inside the admin told Trump his batshyte crazy belief the election was stolen from him was batshyte crazy. Personally, I'm a bit surprised. I imagined his inner circle being too afraid to tell him the truth. After all, many who tried were summarily fired (like Chris Krebs).

But the testimony contradicts my belief. Everyone from his campaign manager to his AG to the guy in charge of election day data told him he lost. Except the drunk known as Rudy and the other glue sniffers like Meadows.

Here's the thing. None of them went public with their first hand accounts of Trump refusing to accept the truth. None of them wrote op-eds stating without equivocation that Trump had repeatedly been told the Big Lie was a big lie. I can't help wondering if the outcome of impeachment #2 would have been different if those on the inside came forth as witnesses to say Trump orchestrated the 1/6 riot based on a lie he told his followers that he knew to be a lie. Would the country have been spared 1/6, and the attempted coup plot, if a number of admin insiders had gotten together to write an open letter to Trump followers. One stating the obvious. That while the election had the usual, anecdotal instances of voter fraud and human error, there was no evidence of fraud on a scale large enough to change the outcome. Not even close. We'll never know. What we do know is they uniformly showed a disappointing level of cowardice in not coming forward when it mattered most.
Yeah, this whole mess has really driven home, to me, how wonderful a job in politics HAS to be. These people are so desperate to get or keep their political jobs that they are not only willing to sell their soul, but they're willing to sell out their country. The motivation to hold these jobs must be absolutely profound in its power.

I say it all the time: This period is going to be studied by psychologists, sociologists and anthropologists for a long, long time. It's just astonishing to observe.
Not being allowed within 500 feet of a school makes you a statistic, not "in the statistics community".

There's a subtle, but important difference.

You try so hard and fail every time!

At least you are consistent
Here's the thing. None of them went public with their first hand accounts of Trump refusing to accept the truth. None of them wrote op-eds stating without equivocation that Trump had repeatedly been told the Big Lie was a big lie.

None of them came forward until they were forced to testify under oath. Even Ivanka is coming clean

What is clear is that Trump knew damn well there was no stolen election. He chose to ignore his experts and embrace the lie

It resulted in gullible followers storming our Capitol and trying to reverse a lawful election
I am in the statistics community and we all know that you are fucking clueless about statistics.
Were that true, you'd know how full of shit that you are.

The odds of Xiden's "comeback" in just one of the contested states, after about 85% of the vote was tallied, are astronomical....Winning all of them is beyond absurd.
I have already responded to that whataboutism numerous times. Even if what you say is true, and it isn't, it has nothing to do with the evidence presented by the 1/6 committee.
LOL. By claiming whataboutism you are indeed admitting that the whataboutism is absolutely correct.
None of them came forward until they were forced to testify under oath. Even Ivanka is coming clean

What is clear is that Trump knew damn well there was no stolen election. He chose to ignore his experts and embrace the lie

It resulted in gullible followers storming our Capitol and trying to reverse a lawful election

A follow on was his attempt to force Mike Pence to overturn the States EVs
He was repeatedly told that a VP had no such power.
Yet, he enraged a mob and told them he could.
They're making no mistake....Nobody gives a flying fuck about your Kabuki dance whe they're paying $5 for gasoline and they can't fill their grocery carts.
I get it. I'm paying for gas too. I just think it's an epic mistake to let a cyclical event like inflation prevent people from paying attention to an attempted illegal takeover of our government because Don's ego wouldn't allow him to admit he lost the election.
My understanding is the staff needed more time to put together the video presentation. Not that it matters. The content of the hearings is what matters. So far it has exploded all the myths The Following (Trump's cult) are stupid enough to believe.
and no one cares.
Not being allowed within 500 feet of a school makes you a statistic, not "in the statistics community".

There's a subtle, but important difference.
That was gold. Progressives also think having a mental illness makes them a psychiatrist, a free Obama phone means they are tech experts & getting a monthly govt check qualifies them as an expert on economics
Yeah, this whole mess has really driven home, to me, how wonderful a job in politics HAS to be. These people are so desperate to get or keep their political jobs that they are not only willing to sell their soul, but they're willing to sell out their country. The motivation to hold these jobs must be absolutely profound in its power.

I say it all the time: This period is going to be studied by psychologists, sociologists and anthropologists for a long, long time. It's just astonishing to observe.
A sociologist should study you…
Were that true, you'd know how full of shit that you are.

The odds of Xiden's "comeback" in just one of the contested states, after about 85% of the vote was tallied, are astronomical....Winning all of them is beyond absurd.

Candidates have “comeback” from elections they were behind with 99 percent of the votes tallied

Happens all the time
I get it. I'm paying for gas too. I just think it's an epic mistake to let a cyclical event like inflation prevent people from paying attention to an attempted illegal takeover of our government because Don's ego wouldn't allow him to admit he lost the election.
Since you are so positive DT lost the election, then you should have absolutely no objection to a full forensic audit so we can all see the proof.
I'm sure you can support that so we can all ignore common sense & move on

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