A true emergency, record illegal immigration surge at the border

Mathematics are not on the side of the fear mongers.
How many illegals does it take for it to be a crisis?

There must be a joke in there somewhere.

We had 10x the supposed crisis level lie you are propagating currently and there was no emergency then or now.

Just stop it with the arguments.

The facts are as follows.

Conservatives hate brown people.
They think a wall will stop them from having to interact with brown people
That is the only reason for it to be built

Odd, I like Ben Carson and Emmitt Smith.

I am currently dating a Cuban woman.

But you know us, Cons.

Liberals lie, all day every day.

The argument I hear from your blob is that we...can’t have a nation if we don’t have borders.

"A country without borders is not a country at all," Trump said at the start of a space council event at the White House.

View attachment 249024

Where is the push to build a border across the north—where white folks may be coming across?

Oh wait…there is none.

Quick…disavow that argument and fall back to

View attachment 249025

I’m sure it’s more comfortable.
Are you saying it’s a crisis at the Canadian border too?

That’s news to me. You?


What I am saying is that the struggle to find a justification for the wall lead the blob to say:

Screen Shot 2019-03-06 at 5.22.10 PM.png

And I’m pointing out that our non-fenced-in northern border is just as open as our non-fenced-in southern border.

None of Trump’s flutters seem to care about that…. I wonder why?
The argument I hear from your blob is that we...can’t have a nation if we don’t have borders.

"A country without borders is not a country at all," Trump said at the start of a space council event at the White House.

Where is the push to build a border across the north—where white folks may be coming across?
Oh wait…there is none. Quick…disavow that argument...

We have a border to the North, and it is very well regulated in both directions. It is not subject to massive illegal crossing attempts, and thus does not need a wall. You don't have to have a wall to have a border.
Why are so many lawmakers against securing our borders against illegal immigrants?

because they're too busy inviting them in to become citizens>>>>

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
H1-B holders in the United States can rest assured that changes are soon coming which will bring both simplicity and certainty to your stay, including a potential path to citizenship. We want to encourage talented and highly skilled people to pursue career options in the U.S.

4:40 AM - 11 Jan 2019

What do legal Visa holders have to do with illegals jumping the wall?
Staff the border entries, instead of reducing the staff to handle legal border entries, then you won't have all of these people crossing illegally, who just can't wait the 6 weeks it is now in wait time, to legally enter and apply for refugee status.... staff the courts as well, so the hearings go quickly...

instead it seems like we are spending all the money on border patrol to catch them crossing illegally, which they would not do if the border crossing was not essentially shut down, and since they are asylum seekers, (which means they do not come from a country that borders us) we have to by law, give them their day in court for seeking asylum ANYWAY....

just staff the border crossings and courts, and stop putting the asylum seekers and border patrol, in harms way.

And at the same time, we need our diplomats and State Dept people to work on the problems in these foreign countries where thousands of people just want to escape from danger there.... otherwise, these asylum seekers are going to keep coming....

Being hard ass and making them wait is not stopping them.... rejecting 90% of them for refugee status is not stopping them. A wall is not stopping them, they are simply climbing over it... it does slow them down enough for border patrol to apprehend them, but it is not stopping them....

its time to change our strategy.
The argument I hear from your blob is that we...can’t have a nation if we don’t have borders.

"A country without borders is not a country at all," Trump said at the start of a space council event at the White House.

Where is the push to build a border across the north—where white folks may be coming across?
Oh wait…there is none. Quick…disavow that argument...

We have a border to the North, and it is very well regulated in both directions. It is not subject to massive illegal crossing attempts, and thus does not need a wall. You don't have to have a wall to have a border.

We have a border in the south too. Right?
How many illegals does it take for it to be a crisis?

There must be a joke in there somewhere.

We had 10x the supposed crisis level lie you are propagating currently and there was no emergency then or now.

Just stop it with the arguments.

The facts are as follows.

Conservatives hate brown people.
They think a wall will stop them from having to interact with brown people
That is the only reason for it to be built

Odd, I like Ben Carson and Emmitt Smith.

I am currently dating a Cuban woman.

But you know us, Cons.

Liberals lie, all day every day.

The argument I hear from your blob is that we...can’t have a nation if we don’t have borders.

"A country without borders is not a country at all," Trump said at the start of a space council event at the White House.

View attachment 249024

Where is the push to build a border across the north—where white folks may be coming across?

Oh wait…there is none.

Quick…disavow that argument and fall back to

View attachment 249025

I’m sure it’s more comfortable.
Are you saying it’s a crisis at the Canadian border too?

That’s news to me. You?


What I am saying is that the struggle to find a justification for the wall lead the blob to say:

View attachment 249038

And I’m pointing out that our non-fenced-in northern border is just as open as our non-fenced-in southern border.

None of Trump’s flutters seem to care about that…. I wonder why?
The problem with your position is, we don’t have people invading our nation from the northern border.
Why are so many lawmakers against securing our borders against illegal immigrants?

because they're too busy inviting them in to become citizens>>>>

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
H1-B holders in the United States can rest assured that changes are soon coming which will bring both simplicity and certainty to your stay, including a potential path to citizenship. We want to encourage talented and highly skilled people to pursue career options in the U.S.

4:40 AM - 11 Jan 2019

What do legal Visa holders have to do with illegals jumping the wall?
Staff the border entries, instead of reducing the staff to handle legal border entries, then you won't have all of these people crossing illegally, who just can't wait the 6 weeks it is now in wait time, to legally enter and apply for refugee status.... staff the courts as well, so the hearings go quickly...

instead it seems like we are spending all the money on border patrol to catch them crossing illegally, which they would not do if the border crossing was not essentially shut down, and since they are asylum seekers, (which means they do not come from a country that borders us) we have to by law, give them their day in court for seeking asylum ANYWAY....

just staff the border crossings and courts, and stop putting the asylum seekers and border patrol, in harms way.

And at the same time, we need our diplomats and State Dept people to work on the problems in these foreign countries where thousands of people just want to escape from danger there.... otherwise, these asylum seekers are going to keep coming....

Being hard ass and making them wait is not stopping them.... rejecting 90% of them for refugee status is not stopping them. A wall is not stopping them, they are simply climbing over it... it does slow them down enough for border patrol to apprehend them, but it is not stopping them....

its time to change our strategy.

Just enforcing the laws we do have would be a good strategy, giving them some teeth would be a better strategy.....~S~
We had 10x the supposed crisis level lie you are propagating currently and there was no emergency then or now.

Just stop it with the arguments.

The facts are as follows.

Conservatives hate brown people.
They think a wall will stop them from having to interact with brown people
That is the only reason for it to be built

Odd, I like Ben Carson and Emmitt Smith.

I am currently dating a Cuban woman.

But you know us, Cons.

Liberals lie, all day every day.

The argument I hear from your blob is that we...can’t have a nation if we don’t have borders.

"A country without borders is not a country at all," Trump said at the start of a space council event at the White House.

View attachment 249024

Where is the push to build a border across the north—where white folks may be coming across?

Oh wait…there is none.

Quick…disavow that argument and fall back to

View attachment 249025

I’m sure it’s more comfortable.
Are you saying it’s a crisis at the Canadian border too?

That’s news to me. You?


What I am saying is that the struggle to find a justification for the wall lead the blob to say:

View attachment 249038

And I’m pointing out that our non-fenced-in northern border is just as open as our non-fenced-in southern border.

None of Trump’s flutters seem to care about that…. I wonder why?
The problem with your position is, we don’t have people invading our nation from the northern border.

We had 10x the supposed crisis level lie you are propagating currently and there was no emergency then or now.

Just stop it with the arguments.

The facts are as follows.

Conservatives hate brown people.
They think a wall will stop them from having to interact with brown people
That is the only reason for it to be built

Odd, I like Ben Carson and Emmitt Smith.

I am currently dating a Cuban woman.

But you know us, Cons.

Liberals lie, all day every day.

The argument I hear from your blob is that we...can’t have a nation if we don’t have borders.

"A country without borders is not a country at all," Trump said at the start of a space council event at the White House.

View attachment 249024

Where is the push to build a border across the north—where white folks may be coming across?

Oh wait…there is none.

Quick…disavow that argument and fall back to

View attachment 249025

I’m sure it’s more comfortable.
Are you saying it’s a crisis at the Canadian border too?

That’s news to me. You?


What I am saying is that the struggle to find a justification for the wall lead the blob to say:

View attachment 249038

And I’m pointing out that our non-fenced-in northern border is just as open as our non-fenced-in southern border.

None of Trump’s flutters seem to care about that…. I wonder why?
The problem with your position is, we don’t have people invading our nation from the northern border.
Yes, we do... but because they are white, and speak our language, we give them temporary visas... but then they melt in to the crowd and don't go home. Mexicans and Canadians are the top two illegal immigrant populations in our country.
Yes, we do... but because they are white, and speak our language, we give them temporary visas... but then they melt in to the crowd and don't go home. Mexicans and Canadians are the top two illegal immigrant populations in our country.
I'd be very curious to see some instances of illegal Canadians living in the USA. Do they have false IDs and jobs? Do they commit crimes? Are they ever deported?

"Melt into the crowd" doesn't really work too well, I'm calling foul on this one unless you have proof.
Yes, we do... but because they are white, and speak our language, we give them temporary visas... but then they melt in to the crowd and don't go home. Mexicans and Canadians are the top two illegal immigrant populations in our country.
I'd be very curious to see some instances of illegal Canadians living in the USA. Do they have false IDs and jobs? Do they commit crimes? Are they ever deported?

"Melt into the crowd" doesn't really work too well, I'm calling foul on this one unless you have proof.
let me look it up again, and find a link.... brb.

Care to actually look at the true numbers? Record number of family units attempting to cross illegally. The cost of dealing with families is FAR more than the cost of single men.


4 out of 5 women who attempt to cross are sexually assaulted:

80% Of Central American Women, Girls Are Raped Crossing Into The U.S. | HuffPost

So if you care about women, you'll want to do everything you can to reduce the allure of them trying to get here.


Amazing he waited 2 years to declare an “emergency” then… Funny how it only became an emergency after the leadership in the House changed…huh?

Like most Americans Trump actually believed both parties wanted the same thing when it came to border security.

We've all had our eyes opened in the last few years by todays Dimocrat party, who could care less whether a person is an citizen or not.
Illegal immigration at worst rate since 2007

This is going to bolster Trumps claim about it being an emergency. Why are so many lawmakers against securing our borders against illegal immigrants?

There is no immigration clause in our Constitution and we should not be losing money on border policy with a naturalization clause.
Protecting the country from invasion is in the constitution.
a refugee problem is not an invasion. millions cross the border every day.

You're right. They're not refugees. They're illegal aliens breaking the laws of our country.
there is no immigration clause in our federal Constitution.
Yes, we do... but because they are white, and speak our language, we give them temporary visas... but then they melt in to the crowd and don't go home. Mexicans and Canadians are the top two illegal immigrant populations in our country.
I'd be very curious to see some instances of illegal Canadians living in the USA. Do they have false IDs and jobs? Do they commit crimes? Are they ever deported?

"Melt into the crowd" doesn't really work too well, I'm calling foul on this one unless you have proof.
Okay, Canadians by far, overstay their 6 month temporary visas and begin living here permanently, over Mexicans, primarily because we issue more temp Visas to Canadians.... and we now have more illegals in this country that overstay their visas, verses illegals that cross the border.... so it is trending towards Canadians.... but I was wrong they are the second largest group of illegals here....Mexicans are nearly 50% of existing undocumented illegals.

It seems that an army of Canadian citizens — despite coming from a place of relative affluence and opportunity – live illicitly in the U.S. One research institute estimates the total at 100,000, while a recent American government report said nearly that many Canadians outstayed their legal welcome — and failed to leave – in one year alone.

Immigration lawyers confirm they regularly hear from Canadians who have exceeded the time they can lawfully be in the U.S., sometimes by years.

Canadian illegals approached by the National Post declined to be interviewed about their situations.

But lawyers say they wind up in such predicaments because they’ve gotten romantically entwined with Americans, they’ve sunk other sorts of roots or have decided to remain — underground — when their work or student visas expire. Some know they’re on thin ice legally, others wrongly believe they have a right to linger as long as they want.

“A lot of it comes down to ignorance, naivete or love,” said Canadian-born Cedric Shen, who practices immigration law in Los Angeles.

Minawi, the Toronto-based lawyer who’s also licensed in New York State, said many Canadians think “Oh, well, we’re neighbours, we can be in the U.S. (indefinitely).”

“But this is not a right for them,” he noted. “Many times, these people find that they’ve overstayed, and they’ve built their lives in the U.S. and they don’t know what to do.”

The total numbers still are dwarfed by undocumented immigrants from places like Mexico, which has an estimated 5.8 million illegals in the U.S. But when the U.S. Department of Homeland Security published its first report last year on people who overstayed their legally permitted time in the country, Canadians led all other nationalities.

Canadians can be in the U.S. for six months as visitors, longer as students or under various work visas. But in 2015 alone, 93,000 Canadians whose time was up failed to go home, the Homeland Security report said.

That’s more than twice the number of overstaying Mexicans. And yet, this nation’s citizens are seldom mentioned by immigration hawks like Trump.
When asked, representatives for the Department of Homeland Security offered no comment on whether the U.S. considers Canadian illegals to be a significant problem.

There is certainly one key difference between Canadians and, say, Mexicans living unlawfully in the U.S.: the former usually enter the country legitimately and then don’t exit; the latter tend to sneak into the U.S. without documentation at all.

Both, however, are equally in violation of American law, said one expert. The silence on Canada’s illicit migrants likely points instead to a racially tinged double-standard, with a blind eye generally turned toward the predominantly Caucasian illegals from the north, argued César Cuauhtémoc García Hernández, a professor at the University of Denver law school.


Many times, these people find they’ve overstayed, and they’ve built their lives in the U.S. and they don’t know what to do.

Hernandez said he isn’t really advocating such a campaign — for any illegal immigrant — only pointing out what he sees as an inequity.

Northern aliens: Around 100,000 Canadians live under the radar in U.S. as illegal immigrants
Odd, I like Ben Carson and Emmitt Smith.

I am currently dating a Cuban woman.

But you know us, Cons.

Liberals lie, all day every day.

The argument I hear from your blob is that we...can’t have a nation if we don’t have borders.

"A country without borders is not a country at all," Trump said at the start of a space council event at the White House.

View attachment 249024

Where is the push to build a border across the north—where white folks may be coming across?

Oh wait…there is none.

Quick…disavow that argument and fall back to

View attachment 249025

I’m sure it’s more comfortable.
Are you saying it’s a crisis at the Canadian border too?

That’s news to me. You?


What I am saying is that the struggle to find a justification for the wall lead the blob to say:

View attachment 249038

And I’m pointing out that our non-fenced-in northern border is just as open as our non-fenced-in southern border.

None of Trump’s flutters seem to care about that…. I wonder why?
The problem with your position is, we don’t have people invading our nation from the northern border.
Yes, we do... but because they are white, and speak our language, we give them temporary visas... but then they melt in to the crowd and don't go home. Mexicans and Canadians are the top two illegal immigrant populations in our country.
I don’t think so, based on this.

Amid focus on immigration from south, illegal crossings from Canada surge

So far this fiscal year, there have been at least 267 apprehensions along Vermont’s border with Canada, compared with 132 all of last year, according to statistics compiled by Nolan’s office.

In the border patrol sector that covers 300 miles of border with New York, Vermont and New Hampshire, agents have apprehended 324 people who crossed illegally from Canada so far this fiscal year, compared with 165 in all of 2017. Last month, agents apprehended 85 people across the three states, compared with 17 in June 2017 and 19 in June 2016, statistics show.
Care to actually look at the true numbers? Record number of family units attempting to cross illegally. The cost of dealing with families is FAR more than the cost of single men.


4 out of 5 women who attempt to cross are sexually assaulted:

80% Of Central American Women, Girls Are Raped Crossing Into The U.S. | HuffPost

So if you care about women, you'll want to do everything you can to reduce the allure of them trying to get here.


Amazing he waited 2 years to declare an “emergency” then… Funny how it only became an emergency after the leadership in the House changed…huh?
There's no mystery here. Nancy made it clear to the President that declaring a national emergency was the only way to get the fence built.

It was the only way he could keep a campaign promise…
Other Presidents have faced insurmountable congressional obstruction in keeping promises too...
None of them attempted to loot the treasury…
The people elected him in large part because of that promise and they expect him to keep it. You seem to think it is wrong for a President to keep his promises.

I have a problem with looting the treasury to pay for a program the Congress expressly chose not to fund.

No. But when the Congress says no, you negotiate, you don’t rob the bank. Obama didn’t rob the bank to pay for universal healthcare. Bush didn’t do it to pay for Iraq/Afghanistan. Reagan didn’t use it to bankrupt the USSR? Kennedy didn’t do it to get to the moon.

All of the above would have been much easier than the give and take of budget negotiations, right?
Those were in the days when the Democrats had issues they were willing to bargain for, but today's Democrats were clear that there was nothing they wanted enough to pay for the fence they had wanted to build right up until Trump also wanted it. Trump tried to bargain with them, offering them paths to citizenship for the "dreamers" and another 1,000,000 illegals and they gleefully turned him down. If the Democrats were interested in healthcare, they might have tried to gain concessions from the President, but they clearly no longer care about healthcare. In fact, it is not clear that today's Democratic Party has a serious interest in any national issue. Faced with such cynicism the President had no choice but to declare a national emergency since Congress, with the Democrats controlling the House, was clearly not fit to attend to the nation's business responsibly.
The argument I hear from your blob is that we...can’t have a nation if we don’t have borders.

"A country without borders is not a country at all," Trump said at the start of a space council event at the White House.

View attachment 249024

Where is the push to build a border across the north—where white folks may be coming across?

Oh wait…there is none.

Quick…disavow that argument and fall back to

View attachment 249025

I’m sure it’s more comfortable.
Are you saying it’s a crisis at the Canadian border too?

That’s news to me. You?


What I am saying is that the struggle to find a justification for the wall lead the blob to say:

View attachment 249038

And I’m pointing out that our non-fenced-in northern border is just as open as our non-fenced-in southern border.

None of Trump’s flutters seem to care about that…. I wonder why?
The problem with your position is, we don’t have people invading our nation from the northern border.
Yes, we do... but because they are white, and speak our language, we give them temporary visas... but then they melt in to the crowd and don't go home. Mexicans and Canadians are the top two illegal immigrant populations in our country.
I don’t think so, based on this.

Amid focus on immigration from south, illegal crossings from Canada surge

So far this fiscal year, there have been at least 267 apprehensions along Vermont’s border with Canada, compared with 132 all of last year, according to statistics compiled by Nolan’s office.

In the border patrol sector that covers 300 miles of border with New York, Vermont and New Hampshire, agents have apprehended 324 people who crossed illegally from Canada so far this fiscal year, compared with 165 in all of 2017. Last month, agents apprehended 85 people across the three states, compared with 17 in June 2017 and 19 in June 2016, statistics show.
good info thanks!

But I was talking about illegals from Canada, become illegals because they overstay their Visas and do not go back home....

In 2015 alone, nearly 100,000 Canadians overstayed their Visas and began living here, illegally....

see the article I posted above....
Yes, we do... but because they are white, and speak our language, we give them temporary visas... but then they melt in to the crowd and don't go home. Mexicans and Canadians are the top two illegal immigrant populations in our country.
I'd be very curious to see some instances of illegal Canadians living in the USA. Do they have false IDs and jobs? Do they commit crimes? Are they ever deported?

"Melt into the crowd" doesn't really work too well, I'm calling foul on this one unless you have proof.
We had 10x the supposed crisis level lie you are propagating currently and there was no emergency then or now.

Just stop it with the arguments.

The facts are as follows.

Conservatives hate brown people.
They think a wall will stop them from having to interact with brown people
That is the only reason for it to be built

Odd, I like Ben Carson and Emmitt Smith.

I am currently dating a Cuban woman.

But you know us, Cons.

Liberals lie, all day every day.

The argument I hear from your blob is that we...can’t have a nation if we don’t have borders.

"A country without borders is not a country at all," Trump said at the start of a space council event at the White House.

View attachment 249024

Where is the push to build a border across the north—where white folks may be coming across?

Oh wait…there is none.

Quick…disavow that argument and fall back to

View attachment 249025

I’m sure it’s more comfortable.
Are you saying it’s a crisis at the Canadian border too?

That’s news to me. You?


What I am saying is that the struggle to find a justification for the wall lead the blob to say:

View attachment 249038

And I’m pointing out that our non-fenced-in northern border is just as open as our non-fenced-in southern border.

None of Trump’s flutters seem to care about that…. I wonder why?
The problem with your position is, we don’t have people invading our nation from the northern border.

It’s not my position, it’s Ttump’s
Are you saying it’s a crisis at the Canadian border too?

That’s news to me. You?


What I am saying is that the struggle to find a justification for the wall lead the blob to say:

View attachment 249038

And I’m pointing out that our non-fenced-in northern border is just as open as our non-fenced-in southern border.

None of Trump’s flutters seem to care about that…. I wonder why?
The problem with your position is, we don’t have people invading our nation from the northern border.
Yes, we do... but because they are white, and speak our language, we give them temporary visas... but then they melt in to the crowd and don't go home. Mexicans and Canadians are the top two illegal immigrant populations in our country.
I don’t think so, based on this.

Amid focus on immigration from south, illegal crossings from Canada surge

So far this fiscal year, there have been at least 267 apprehensions along Vermont’s border with Canada, compared with 132 all of last year, according to statistics compiled by Nolan’s office.

In the border patrol sector that covers 300 miles of border with New York, Vermont and New Hampshire, agents have apprehended 324 people who crossed illegally from Canada so far this fiscal year, compared with 165 in all of 2017. Last month, agents apprehended 85 people across the three states, compared with 17 in June 2017 and 19 in June 2016, statistics show.
good info thanks!

But I was talking about illegals from Canada, become illegals because they overstay their Visas and do not go back home....

In 2015 alone, nearly 100,000 Canadians overstayed their Visas and began living here, illegally....

see the article I posted above....
Okay I get that, but compared to the millions from the south, it hardly matters.
Okay, Canadians by far, overstay their 6 month temporary visas and begin living here permanently, over Mexicans, primarily because we issue more temp Visas to Canadians.... and we now have more illegals in this country that overstay their visas, verses illegals that cross the border.... so it is trending towards Canadians.... but I was wrong they are the second largest group of illegals here....Mexicans are nearly 50% of existing undocumented illegals.
Good information, and I thank you. I also give you a standing ovation for using words that I have NEVER seen before on this Forum: "I was wrong". You've renewed my faith that logical and civil discourse might be possible here, at least on occasion.

Concerning Canada, there doesn't seem to be a significant problem at least with illegal entry attempts or drug smuggling, nor is there any apparent problem with Canadian criminals. Based on this it would appear our Northern border security is at least adequate. There is always the possibility that this could change, but imo the current and very real threat is from the South.

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