"A Well Regulated Militia" explained

Do you agree or disagree? Why?

The dumb son of a bitch never heard of the unorganized militia. Nor did the stupid fucker comprehend the right to keep and bear arms part when the ignorant bastard said the government issues those weapons. But he's a dumb son of a bitch what would you expect? Oh and the national guard is the militia.
Even our forefathers recognized they were bringing forth an insurrection against the government.

We Must Hang Together Or Surely We Shall Hang Separately

On July 2, 1776, the Continental Congress agreed upon the content of the Declaration of Independence. Two days later, on July 4, the document was signed
they did do an insurrection,, but in our case its not,, its a restoration,, well unless its antifa or the democrats doing it because they want to burn down the old and put their system in place,,
Why is DC vs Heller important?

In a 5-4 decision, the Court struck down the laws, definitively finding that that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense in the home.


What is your point?
He had the right to buy a gun.
Are you so dense I have to spell it out for you?

You posted a stupid video of a Democrat moron ranting incoherently about how Americans don't really have the right to keep and bear arms unless it is connected to a "well regulated militia". The stupid sonofabitch even went so far as to say we Americans aren't allowed to have an AR-15 unless it it provided to us by the fucking government.

Meanwhile we had the same kind of confused Democrats in DC saying a citizen could not have a firearm in their own home. It took the Heller case to fix that.

We had the same kind of confused Democrats in Chicago that said a citizen could not carry a firearm for his own protection in the most crime ridden city in America. It took the McDonald case to fix that.

We had the same kind kind of confused Democrats say that a citizen in New York State can only carry a firearm if they get permission from the the fucking government. And the fucking government hardly ever gives permission. It took the Bruen case to fix that.

Your confusion and inability to understand what the hell you are talking about is really an embarrassment. You need to just shut the fuck up about things you know nothing about lest it makes you look like a bigger fool than you have already demonstrated.
Right. But only Congress can create and regulate those Militias, set up to fight back against Foreign Invaders.
That claim is not supported by the constitution.
What you are proposing is that any people who do not like their government can create Militias, arm themselves and revolt against that government.
I did not propose that. The founders did. That was a few years after they had done exactly that. They wanted to make sure future Generations could do the same if the government they created became a monster and needed to be done away with.
That is called An Insurrection. And if one simply disagrees with one government and wants to bring it down, it is a Coup.
Theoretically, quote one unquote could attempt to bring down a government that that one person disagrees with. Obviously that would fail.

The founders provided for expressing disagreement through free speech and through Fair voting, something not particularly respected anymore bye a large portion of our leadership. The purpose of militias, among other things, is to be ready in case the government ends free speech and fair elections. That is tyranny, and subject to overthrow. By the people, thanks to their right to bear arms not being infringed.

Suppose Donald Trump somehow was able to rig the 2024 election and be elected even though the overwhelming majority of people opposed him. Not saying that could happen, just suppose. You would not be willing to take up arms against such a dictatorial regime?
People before the 20th century, needed arms to protect their lives and their property. It was not a matter of fighting a foreign government, as with the American Revolution.
We no longer need arms to protect our lives and property? Have you visited a blue run city, lately?
Is there a need for non Congressionally approved Militias, like the National Guard, in present days?
I'm not sure if you mean do we need the National Guard. I would say yes, but it has been abused in the last couple of decades by being sent into the endless Wars along with regulars.

If you mean malicious other than the National Guard that decision is clearly left to the people and the states respectively. Guess where I got those words? My state, texas, has a Texas State guard which I believe has no funding from congress. Several other states do as well if I remember correctly. And of course we Texans make good use of our right as people to bear arms also. I would say the latter is definitely needed. I'm not sure about the state guard, but on paper it seems a good idea.
The dumb son of a bitch never heard of the unorganized militia. Nor did the stupid fucker comprehend the right to keep and bear arms part when the ignorant bastard said the government issues those weapons. But he's a dumb son of a bitch what would you expect?
He is not arguing against private militias. He's explaining the meaning / qualifications of a militia under the US Constitution.
The purpose of militias, among other things, is to be ready in case the government ends free speech and fair elections. That is tyranny, and subject to overthrow. By the people, thanks to their right to bear arms not being infringed.
The irony of that statement is that the state government creates that states militia. And the state government is in charge of fair elections.
My state, texas, has a Texas State guard which I believe has no funding from congress. Several other states do as well if I remember correctly. And of course we Texans make good use of our right as people to bear arms also. I would say the latter is definitely needed. I'm not sure about the state guard, but on paper it seems a good idea.
You confuse the Texas National Guard, with the Texas state police force that Governor Abbott created, as an armed militia, that could no be federalized.
Are you so dense I have to spell it out for you?

You posted a stupid video of a Democrat moron ranting incoherently about how Americans don't really have the right to keep and bear arms unless it is connected to a "well regulated militia". The stupid sonofabitch even went so far as to say we Americans aren't allowed to have an AR-15 unless it it provided to us by the fucking government.

Meanwhile we had the same kind of confused Democrats in DC saying a citizen could not have a firearm in their own home. It took the Heller case to fix that.

We had the same kind of confused Democrats in Chicago that said a citizen could not carry a firearm for his own protection in the most crime ridden city in America. It took the McDonald case to fix that.

We had the same kind kind of confused Democrats say that a citizen in New York State can only carry a firearm if they get permission from the the fucking government. And the fucking government hardly ever gives permission. It took the Bruen case to fix that.

Your confusion and inability to understand what the hell you are talking about is really an embarrassment. You need to just shut the fuck up about things you know nothing about lest it makes you look like a bigger fool than you have already demonstrated.
[You posted a stupid video of a Democrat moron ranting incoherently about how Americans don't really have the right to keep and bear arms unless it is connected to a "well regulated militia".]

That is not what he said.
You do not wish to understand it.

You understand it only as some people wanting to take away your right to bear arms.

It is not about that at all.
The irony of that statement is that the state government creates that states militia. And the state government is in charge of fair elections.
Yes, which is clearly an argument against the idea that the national guard is the militia by which we maintain our freedom from government tyranny.

I'm not sure that it makes sense to consider the National Guard a militia anyway. The founders envisioned the militia as farmers, ranchers, shopkeepers, lawyers, and other professions* working their daily jobs with their weapons of war at home at the ready in case they are needed.

The national guard especially, as it is used now, is basically a part-time arm of the full-time standing army. Their uniforms say US Army, same as mine did when I was a regular in the Federal army.

* of course, those Founders were not thinking of black Americans as keeping arms and being part of the militia. It wasn't until black Americans were freed and guaranteed equal protection, including the second amendments protection of the right to bear arms, that Democrats suddenly saw a need for gun control. In those days, it was very selectively enforced, as they knew it would be. Modern-day Democrats have decided that we all should have the same status they wanted assigned to black Americans, though they used different terms than that, of course.
And he's wrong.and ignorant for showing all.
He is applying fundamental legal principles to the US Constitution. The first rule of contracts, which the Constitution is basically a contract with the people, you first look to the contract, to glean the meaning of the words it uses, by finding their meaning "in context" with the document in total.

The two places from the original constitution define a militia as being under the oversight of congress and when needed, under the control of congress.
no it isnt,,,
So, let me get back to what was being said:

What private organizations are you talking about?
really?? you need that explained too??

theyre called the democrat and republic parties,,
So, my question is:

How are the Democratic and Republican parties private? Is the Independent party private, too?

Are they not elected by the people, via elections?

What makes them private?

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