A White House in Crisis Mode

"White House in crisis mode" - you can almost hear the sound of keyboards tapping away across America as conservatives repeat the right-wing echo chamber chain emails of the week.


Totally. Cuz you know lil manpon didn't come up with that sound bite all on his lonesome.

If you can take the time to troll my thread BDBoop, you can respond to it. I know how you like to taunt me even though you supposedly have me on your ignore list. But then again, that's just how much of a coward you really are.

Now, are you going to contradict the words of a White House aide? The Liberal mouthpiece known as the New York Times? Apparently not. You didn't even take the time to click the link. You can't fathom the prospect of your guy falling so far from grace, or failing whatsoever. It's truly pathetic that you're willing to be led by the hand as you have by the media, but then get upset at them when they go after the President.

Sorry, but tricks are for kids.
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"White House in crisis mode" - you can almost hear the sound of keyboards tapping away across America as conservatives repeat the right-wing echo chamber chain emails of the week.


Totally. Cuz you know lil manpon didn't come up with that sound bite all on his lonesome.

You understand the OP was from the NY Times, right you little airhead?

Nope, and apparently she won't. She has too much hope and change floating around in that head of hers.
And if the administration is successful in fixing the glitchs, listens to the problems as the ACA starts implementation, and fixes those, you people are once again in trouble. You see, nobody appreciates the asshole that sits on the sidelines as a problem is addressed, making fun of those addressing the problem, while creating larger problems. And that is the postition of the GOP and the 'Conservatives'. Constant critisim and derision, and not a single real idea on how to address this nation's problems, other than more tax breaks for the very wealthy.

How is Obama going to fix the problem that all the new policies are 45% more expensive than the old ones with bigger deductibles?
What? Did I go too far in revealing the vulnerabilities of a president once perceived as invincible?

Kiddo, we have yet to have a President that is not a human being. Every human being has vulnebilities. All you revealed is the immaturity of your mind.

We've never had one so arrogant, who thinks he can stop sea level from rising.
In what has been a grueling month and a half for the President to this point, many questions loom as to whether Obamacare is ready for prime time. Aides and connections to the White House recall a President angrily tearing into his staff for the failure of the healthcare.gov website two weeks after it's botched rollout. The President is now facing the wrath of those who once supported his healthcare law, demanding that it be delayed or that the enrollment period be extended until the law is fixed. The White House somehow believes that this is just another crisis that will eventually fade. They couldn't be any more wrong.

WASHINGTON — President Obama was seething. Two weeks after the disastrous launch of HealthCare.gov, Mr. Obama gathered his senior staff members in the Oval Office for what one aide recalled as an “unsparing” dressing-down.

The public accepts that technology sometimes fails, the president said, but he had personally trumpeted that HealthCare.gov would be ready on Oct. 1, and it wasn’t.

“If I had known,” Mr. Obama said, according to the aide, “we could have delayed the website.”

Mr. Obama’s anger, described by a White House that has repeatedly sought to show that the president was unaware of the extent of the website’s problems, has lit a fire under the West Wing staff. Senior aides are racing to make sure the website is fixed by the end of the month as they confront the political fallout from presidential promises, now broken, that all Americans who liked their existing health care plans could keep them.


I'm baffled by this facination with ACA. Sure, its a mess, and was a mess before it was even a law, bit the thimgs this administration has done from the get go has been crazy. Had this been a McCain presidency, then a Romney presidency, all this other shit would have been a major issue. Hell, had this.been a Clinton presidency this administration would have been a dead one in its first year. The drones, GITMO, NSA, and the continuation and enhancement of the Bush anti terror policy. Mainl I blame cable news networks and straight ticket voters for the mess this country is in. More so then Obama. He just shows up for work. Voters voting and not voting put him there. The country gets the President it deserves.
In what has been a grueling month and a half for the President to this point, many questions loom as to whether Obamacare is ready for prime time. Aides and connections to the White House recall a President angrily tearing into his staff for the failure of the healthcare.gov website two weeks after it's botched rollout. The President is now facing the wrath of those who once supported his healthcare law, demanding that it be delayed or that the enrollment period be extended until the law is fixed. The White House somehow believes that this is just another crisis that will eventually fade. They couldn't be any more wrong.

WASHINGTON — President Obama was seething. Two weeks after the disastrous launch of HealthCare.gov, Mr. Obama gathered his senior staff members in the Oval Office for what one aide recalled as an “unsparing” dressing-down.

The public accepts that technology sometimes fails, the president said, but he had personally trumpeted that HealthCare.gov would be ready on Oct. 1, and it wasn’t.

“If I had known,” Mr. Obama said, according to the aide, “we could have delayed the website.”

Mr. Obama’s anger, described by a White House that has repeatedly sought to show that the president was unaware of the extent of the website’s problems, has lit a fire under the West Wing staff. Senior aides are racing to make sure the website is fixed by the end of the month as they confront the political fallout from presidential promises, now broken, that all Americans who liked their existing health care plans could keep them.


I'm baffled by this fascination with ACA. Sure, its a mess, and was a mess before it was even a law, bit the things this administration has done from the get go has been crazy. Had this been a McCain presidency, then a Romney presidency, all this other shit would have been a major issue. Hell, had this.been a Clinton presidency this administration would have been a dead one in its first year. The drones, GITMO, NSA, and the continuation and enhancement of the Bush anti terror policy. Mainly I blame cable news networks and straight ticket voters for the mess this country is in. More so then Obama. He just shows up for work. Voters voting and not voting to put him there. The country gets the President it deserves.

Fair enough. But then you have to consider how many people are being adversely affected by this law, to the tune of 4.2 million people and counting. The Republicans warned of the consequences, but were ignored. Now that such a warning has come to fruition, people like myself are going in for the kill. And rightly so.

As for all of these other things, they were all complete contradictions of Obama's campaign promises. People just don't understand that they were completely lied to. It's party over country with them. The media was in bed with Obama for so long they couldn't see past the foot of the bed. Fortunately they are beginning to come around. The blame can be pinned equally on straight ticket voters, the media and Obama.
In what has been a grueling month and a half for the President to this point, many questions loom as to whether Obamacare is ready for prime time. Aides and connections to the White House recall a President angrily tearing into his staff for the failure of the healthcare.gov website two weeks after it's botched rollout. The President is now facing the wrath of those who once supported his healthcare law, demanding that it be delayed or that the enrollment period be extended until the law is fixed. The White House somehow believes that this is just another crisis that will eventually fade. They couldn't be any more wrong.


I'm baffled by this fascination with ACA. Sure, its a mess, and was a mess before it was even a law, bit the things this administration has done from the get go has been crazy. Had this been a McCain presidency, then a Romney presidency, all this other shit would have been a major issue. Hell, had this.been a Clinton presidency this administration would have been a dead one in its first year. The drones, GITMO, NSA, and the continuation and enhancement of the Bush anti terror policy. Mainly I blame cable news networks and straight ticket voters for the mess this country is in. More so then Obama. He just shows up for work. Voters voting and not voting to put him there. The country gets the President it deserves.

Fair enough. But then you have to consider how many people are being adversely affected by this law, to the tune of 4.2 million people and counting. The Republicans warned of the consequences, but were ignored. Now that such a warning has come to fruition, people like myself are going in for the kill. And rightly so.

As for all of these other things, they were all complete contradictions of Obama's campaign promises. People just don't understand that they were completely lied to. It's party over country with them. The media was in bed with Obama for so long they couldn't see past the foot of the bed. Fortunately they are beginning to come around. The blame can be pinned equally on straight ticket voters, the media and Obama.

This true,this true. Personally, I don't wanthis bill killed or repealed. I do was 2,400 pages removed, and a huge rework done on it though. I also want a President, senators, and congressmen who aren't polititions. Pretty much we agree.
Here is something interesting about the ACA also known as Obamacare the premise for making it work is that you have large numbers of young healthy people sign up to offset the cost of the older sicker people but part of this law allows you to stay on your parents insurance till your 26 so that cuts out a pretty good amount of signees and the fine you would have to pay for not signing up is lower than what your premiums would be if you did. To me this would seem to be a major problem with this plan and one that simply fixing a website won't cure.
Here is something interesting about the ACA also known as Obamacare the premise for making it work is that you have large numbers of young healthy people sign up to offset the cost of the older sicker people but part of this law allows you to stay on your parents insurance till your 26 so that cuts out a pretty good amount of signees and the fine you would have to pay for not signing up is lower than what your premiums would be if you did. To me this would seem to be a major problem with this plan and one that simply fixing a website won't cure.

Thank you,
Thank you.
Thank you....

I brought this up recently and thought I was going insane that no one in the media ever mentioned this.None that i recall anyway.

Young people need to buy into this big time to fund this monstrosity.
Then the dumb asses make it part of the law that they stay on their parents
policy and NOT BUY into the system.....

It's madness.... :cuckoo:
And if the administration is successful in fixing the glitchs, listens to the problems as the ACA starts implementation, and fixes those, you people are once again in trouble. You see, nobody appreciates the asshole that sits on the sidelines as a problem is addressed, making fun of those addressing the problem, while creating larger problems. And that is the postition of the GOP and the 'Conservatives'. Constant critisim and derision, and not a single real idea on how to address this nation's problems, other than more tax breaks for the very wealthy.

Are you really this stupid or just pretending? No need to answer...

The website, lol...

The new breakthrough we need in health care is the antidote for the Kool Aid Oblammer has you on...

Here is something interesting about the ACA also known as Obamacare the premise for making it work is that you have large numbers of young healthy people sign up to offset the cost of the older sicker people but part of this law allows you to stay on your parents insurance till your 26 so that cuts out a pretty good amount of signees and the fine you would have to pay for not signing up is lower than what your premiums would be if you did. To me this would seem to be a major problem with this plan and one that simply fixing a website won't cure.

The website problems are BS, they will keep that crap front and center for as long as possible...

He wants Single Payer, no one can afford this crap in the first place, much less the deductible, they knew from day one he was lying his ass off...

Impeachment hearings need to start today...
Here is something interesting about the ACA also known as Obamacare the premise for making it work is that you have large numbers of young healthy people sign up to offset the cost of the older sicker people but part of this law allows you to stay on your parents insurance till your 26 so that cuts out a pretty good amount of signees and the fine you would have to pay for not signing up is lower than what your premiums would be if you did. To me this would seem to be a major problem with this plan and one that simply fixing a website won't cure.

Thank you,
Thank you.
Thank you....

I brought this up recently and thought I was going insane that no one in the media ever mentioned this.None that i recall anyway.

Young people need to buy into this big time to fund this monstrosity.
Then the dumb asses make it part of the law that they stay on their parents
policy and NOT BUY into the system.....

It's madness.... :cuckoo:

How can any young person between the ages of 18 and 26 freeload and mooch off their parents?

No self-respect?

No pride?

No desire to do something for themselves?

No sense of their intelligence being insulted by government bureaucrats assuming that they are too stupid to fend for themselves?

No job, no desire to get a job, no humility to start on a job below the Vice President or department manager lever, because of a useless art degree in the business world?

And to be fair: Don't the parents of these freeloaders have any spine and character and courage to tell their misbegotten mooching munchkins to go and be a grown-up?
Here is something interesting about the ACA also known as Obamacare the premise for making it work is that you have large numbers of young healthy people sign up to offset the cost of the older sicker people but part of this law allows you to stay on your parents insurance till your 26 so that cuts out a pretty good amount of signees and the fine you would have to pay for not signing up is lower than what your premiums would be if you did. To me this would seem to be a major problem with this plan and one that simply fixing a website won't cure.

Thank you,
Thank you.
Thank you....

I brought this up recently and thought I was going insane that no one in the media ever mentioned this.None that i recall anyway.

Young people need to buy into this big time to fund this monstrosity.
Then the dumb asses make it part of the law that they stay on their parents
policy and NOT BUY into the system.....

It's madness.... :cuckoo:

They did this because Democrats assume people are stupid. THey have good grounds for this belief, since America voted in Obama as president. Twice.
When placed on Ignore by a Member, You may Pos and Neg Rep them. You may not PM, VM, or @Mention them, it is considered harassment....... This goes both ways.
When placed on Ignore by a Member, You may Pos and Neg Rep them. You may not PM, VM, or @Mention them, it is considered harassment....... This goes both ways.

I was trying to respond and could not.

One minute later:

Seems like I can now, but the moment passed.
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And if the administration is successful in fixing the glitchs, listens to the problems as the ACA starts implementation, and fixes those, you people are once again in trouble. You see, nobody appreciates the asshole that sits on the sidelines as a problem is addressed, making fun of those addressing the problem, while creating larger problems. And that is the postition of the GOP and the 'Conservatives'. Constant critisim and derision, and not a single real idea on how to address this nation's problems, other than more tax breaks for the very wealthy.

Yeah and monkeys will fly out my ass as well.

The truth is that even if they get the website fixed, the problems with Obamacare are so many and so deep Obama's problems will only get worse.
Currently only older sicker people are signing up. Insurance companies counted on hordes of healthy young people willingly over paying for insurance they don't need and wont use to make the actuarial tables work. But they wont. They will pay the penalty instead and the pools will blow up, causing rates to skyrocket more than they already have.
btw, where is Greenbeard, professional flack for Obamacare, who promised us that rates would go down?

OK. Let's take a look at our present health care system. The most expensive, on a per capita basis in the world. Yet achieves results that rank it with many third world nations. And, in spite of it being the most expensive on a per capita basis, it does not cover all of our citizens. Our longevity is below that of most other industrialized nations, and our infant mortality is definately third world.

In most industrailized nation, bankruptcy caused by medical bills is a bad memory from generations ago. In our nation, it is a reality for over 750,000 families every year. If you are very wealthy, the US has a great health care system. If you are working poor, or middle class, "Let him die, let him die".

And that is what the GOP is happy with, and is working hard to perpetuate.

Oh bull shit!!! ,the world beats a path to our door daily for healthcare,training and technology,trying to create a false disaster to promote an agenda are the tools of histories scumbags.
In what has been a grueling month and a half for the President to this point, many questions loom as to whether Obamacare is ready for prime time. Aides and connections to the White House recall a President angrily tearing into his staff for the failure of the healthcare.gov website two weeks after it's botched rollout. The President is now facing the wrath of those who once supported his healthcare law, demanding that it be delayed or that the enrollment period be extended until the law is fixed. The White House somehow believes that this is just another crisis that will eventually fade. They couldn't be any more wrong.

WASHINGTON — President Obama was seething. Two weeks after the disastrous launch of HealthCare.gov, Mr. Obama gathered his senior staff members in the Oval Office for what one aide recalled as an “unsparing” dressing-down.

The public accepts that technology sometimes fails, the president said, but he had personally trumpeted that HealthCare.gov would be ready on Oct. 1, and it wasn’t.

“If I had known,” Mr. Obama said, according to the aide, “we could have delayed the website.”

Mr. Obama’s anger, described by a White House that has repeatedly sought to show that the president was unaware of the extent of the website’s problems, has lit a fire under the West Wing staff. Senior aides are racing to make sure the website is fixed by the end of the month as they confront the political fallout from presidential promises, now broken, that all Americans who liked their existing health care plans could keep them.


It's not just the web-site millions of insured Americans are getting cancellations notices on the insurance they have. They are then directed to a much more expensive policy to meet the new mandates of Obamacare.

And when you get into American pockets--they finally pay attention. This is why his approval and favor ability rating is dropping like a rock. He is now lower than G.W Bush was when Bush left office in 08.

I doubt he'll notice this as he surrounds himself with people who only agree with him. Democrats who are running for re-election in 2014 are going to feel the pain.

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And if the administration is successful in fixing the glitchs, listens to the problems as the ACA starts implementation, and fixes those, you people are once again in trouble. You see, nobody appreciates the asshole that sits on the sidelines as a problem is addressed, making fun of those addressing the problem, while creating larger problems. And that is the postition of the GOP and the 'Conservatives'. Constant critisim and derision, and not a single real idea on how to address this nation's problems, other than more tax breaks for the very wealthy.

Yeah and monkeys will fly out my ass as well.

The truth is that even if they get the website fixed, the problems with Obamacare are so many and so deep Obama's problems will only get worse.
Currently only older sicker people are signing up. Insurance companies counted on hordes of healthy young people willingly over paying for insurance they don't need and wont use to make the actuarial tables work. But they wont. They will pay the penalty instead and the pools will blow up, causing rates to skyrocket more than they already have.
btw, where is Greenbeard, professional flack for Obamacare, who promised us that rates would go down?

OK. Let's take a look at our present health care system. The most expensive, on a per capita basis in the world. Yet achieves results that rank it with many third world nations. And, in spite of it being the most expensive on a per capita basis, it does not cover all of our citizens. Our longevity is below that of most other industrialized nations, and our infant mortality is definately third world.

In most industrailized nation, bankruptcy caused by medical bills is a bad memory from generations ago. In our nation, it is a reality for over 750,000 families every year. If you are very wealthy, the US has a great health care system. If you are working poor, or middle class, "Let him die, let him die".

And that is what the GOP is happy with, and is working hard to perpetuate.

That was not even close to the health care we had, lol.
Here is something interesting about the ACA also known as Obamacare the premise for making it work is that you have large numbers of young healthy people sign up to offset the cost of the older sicker people but part of this law allows you to stay on your parents insurance till your 26 so that cuts out a pretty good amount of signees and the fine you would have to pay for not signing up is lower than what your premiums would be if you did. To me this would seem to be a major problem with this plan and one that simply fixing a website won't cure.

Thank you,
Thank you.
Thank you....

I brought this up recently and thought I was going insane that no one in the media ever mentioned this.None that i recall anyway.

Young people need to buy into this big time to fund this monstrosity.
Then the dumb asses make it part of the law that they stay on their parents
policy and NOT BUY into the system.....

It's madness.... :cuckoo:

It isn't madness, it's intentional. What better way than to create a crisis that 'not even the great aca can fix!' so we 'have to go to single payer'. Wait for it.

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