A White House in Crisis Mode

Here is something interesting about the ACA also known as Obamacare the premise for making it work is that you have large numbers of young healthy people sign up to offset the cost of the older sicker people but part of this law allows you to stay on your parents insurance till your 26 so that cuts out a pretty good amount of signees and the fine you would have to pay for not signing up is lower than what your premiums would be if you did. To me this would seem to be a major problem with this plan and one that simply fixing a website won't cure.

The website problems are BS, they will keep that crap front and center for as long as possible...

He wants Single Payer, no one can afford this crap in the first place, much less the deductible, they knew from day one he was lying his ass off...

Impeachment hearings need to start today...

Impeachment for wanting single payer? If no one wants an improvement in health care then how is it that obama won by a landslide? Republicans may not want an improvement to our present corporate run health care system but it's a joke to all other advanced countries that have national health care.
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Here is something interesting about the ACA also known as Obamacare the premise for making it work is that you have large numbers of young healthy people sign up to offset the cost of the older sicker people but part of this law allows you to stay on your parents insurance till your 26 so that cuts out a pretty good amount of signees and the fine you would have to pay for not signing up is lower than what your premiums would be if you did. To me this would seem to be a major problem with this plan and one that simply fixing a website won't cure.

The website problems are BS, they will keep that crap front and center for as long as possible...

He wants Single Payer, no one can afford this crap in the first place, much less the deductible, they knew from day one he was lying his ass off...

Impeachment hearings need to start today...

Impeachment for wanting single payer? If no one wants an improvement in health care then how is it that obama won by a landslide? If no one wants it then how come our health care system is a joke to other advanced countries that have universal health care?

Our healthcare was the best in the world. Any problems it had were purely the result of government meddling.
Here is something interesting about the ACA also known as Obamacare the premise for making it work is that you have large numbers of young healthy people sign up to offset the cost of the older sicker people but part of this law allows you to stay on your parents insurance till your 26 so that cuts out a pretty good amount of signees and the fine you would have to pay for not signing up is lower than what your premiums would be if you did. To me this would seem to be a major problem with this plan and one that simply fixing a website won't cure.

Thank you,
Thank you.
Thank you....

I brought this up recently and thought I was going insane that no one in the media ever mentioned this.None that i recall anyway.

Young people need to buy into this big time to fund this monstrosity.
Then the dumb asses make it part of the law that they stay on their parents
policy and NOT BUY into the system.....

It's madness.... :cuckoo:

How can any young person between the ages of 18 and 26 freeload and mooch off their parents?

No self-respect?

No pride?

No desire to do something for themselves?

No sense of their intelligence being insulted by government bureaucrats assuming that they are too stupid to fend for themselves?

No job, no desire to get a job, no humility to start on a job below the Vice President or department manager lever, because of a useless art degree in the business world?

And to be fair: Don't the parents of these freeloaders have any spine and character and courage to tell their misbegotten mooching munchkins to go and be a grown-up?

18-21 - most are in college. How is that 'mooching' off their parents?
21-26 - you have no idea what the job market is like out there. My daughter graduated 5/2012 and can not find a job in her field. Granted, her major was tv/film but she has looked in every/any market that is within the realm of her field and also outside of it. Nada, nothing. She has decided to go back to school for dental hygiene. She gas done her research and it is a growing field with job security, good pay. Should she have taken a different major in college? You bet. She didn't (she is paying back a decent student loan; live and learn). She is 23 and by the time she is done w/this school she will be 26 or close to it. She has worked p/t at Target since she was 15. They want to put her into management but she is not interested in that as a career path. In the meantime? She's on our health insurance and will remain so until her 27 birthday or until she gets a job that offers it ... if they even exist then. If she has to get insurance on her own at that point? It will most certainly NOT be on the (un)aca exchanges. Unless the gov't really screws us and morphs to single payer.
Here is something interesting about the ACA also known as Obamacare the premise for making it work is that you have large numbers of young healthy people sign up to offset the cost of the older sicker people but part of this law allows you to stay on your parents insurance till your 26 so that cuts out a pretty good amount of signees and the fine you would have to pay for not signing up is lower than what your premiums would be if you did. To me this would seem to be a major problem with this plan and one that simply fixing a website won't cure.

Thank you,
Thank you.
Thank you....

I brought this up recently and thought I was going insane that no one in the media ever mentioned this.None that i recall anyway.

Young people need to buy into this big time to fund this monstrosity.
Then the dumb asses make it part of the law that they stay on their parents
policy and NOT BUY into the system.....

It's madness.... :cuckoo:

No...that's Liberalism!
Here is something interesting about the ACA also known as Obamacare the premise for making it work is that you have large numbers of young healthy people sign up to offset the cost of the older sicker people but part of this law allows you to stay on your parents insurance till your 26 so that cuts out a pretty good amount of signees and the fine you would have to pay for not signing up is lower than what your premiums would be if you did. To me this would seem to be a major problem with this plan and one that simply fixing a website won't cure.

Thank you,
Thank you.
Thank you....

I brought this up recently and thought I was going insane that no one in the media ever mentioned this.None that i recall anyway.

Young people need to buy into this big time to fund this monstrosity.
Then the dumb asses make it part of the law that they stay on their parents
policy and NOT BUY into the system.....

It's madness.... :cuckoo:

It isn't madness, it's intentional. What better way than to create a crisis that 'not even the great aca can fix!' so we 'have to go to single payer'. Wait for it.

And when some dipshit wants to create a single payer system, everyone else will say "No! you created this monster...you live with it!"
This story once again shows Obama as
1) Blaming others
2) Out of the loop
3) Impotent
4) Immature.

He is the worst president we have ever had. He is the worst president ever. And I include Robert Mugabe.

LOL. Exactly what you said prior to 2012, and will have the same effect as then. And, once again, your 'Conservative' ass will be kicked by that 'Black Man in the White House'.

And, once again, we see 'Conservatives' wishing for failure for anything that would be of help for the citizens of this nation. From a minimum wage that would be the same as that of 1968 in real terms, to affordable health insurance for all Americans, the 'Conservatives' want no part of it. Only more tax breaks for the very wealthy.
Here is something interesting about the ACA also known as Obamacare the premise for making it work is that you have large numbers of young healthy people sign up to offset the cost of the older sicker people but part of this law allows you to stay on your parents insurance till your 26 so that cuts out a pretty good amount of signees and the fine you would have to pay for not signing up is lower than what your premiums would be if you did. To me this would seem to be a major problem with this plan and one that simply fixing a website won't cure.

The website problems are BS, they will keep that crap front and center for as long as possible...

He wants Single Payer, no one can afford this crap in the first place, much less the deductible, they knew from day one he was lying his ass off...

Impeachment hearings need to start today...

Germany has been affording universal health care for over 130 years. Every other industrial nation in the world is doing the same.
Here is something interesting about the ACA also known as Obamacare the premise for making it work is that you have large numbers of young healthy people sign up to offset the cost of the older sicker people but part of this law allows you to stay on your parents insurance till your 26 so that cuts out a pretty good amount of signees and the fine you would have to pay for not signing up is lower than what your premiums would be if you did. To me this would seem to be a major problem with this plan and one that simply fixing a website won't cure.

The website problems are BS, they will keep that crap front and center for as long as possible...

He wants Single Payer, no one can afford this crap in the first place, much less the deductible, they knew from day one he was lying his ass off...

Impeachment hearings need to start today...

Germany has been affording universal health care for over 130 years. Every other industrial nation in the world is doing the same.

And yet other world leaders come to the US for treatment when they have a serious ailment. Go figure!
Here is something interesting about the ACA also known as Obamacare the premise for making it work is that you have large numbers of young healthy people sign up to offset the cost of the older sicker people but part of this law allows you to stay on your parents insurance till your 26 so that cuts out a pretty good amount of signees and the fine you would have to pay for not signing up is lower than what your premiums would be if you did. To me this would seem to be a major problem with this plan and one that simply fixing a website won't cure.

The website problems are BS, they will keep that crap front and center for as long as possible...

He wants Single Payer, no one can afford this crap in the first place, much less the deductible, they knew from day one he was lying his ass off...

Impeachment hearings need to start today...

Germany has been affording universal health care for over 130 years. Every other industrial nation in the world is doing the same.

Germany has a small population (compared to the USA) and it is made up of 99% germans. They share a culture, a ethnicity, and core beliefs. The USA is made up of many many different races, ethnicitites, and beliefs.

Germany is like a large interrelated family, what works there will not work here.
And if the administration is successful in fixing the glitchs, listens to the problems as the ACA starts implementation, and fixes those, you people are once again in trouble. You see, nobody appreciates the asshole that sits on the sidelines as a problem is addressed, making fun of those addressing the problem, while creating larger problems. And that is the postition of the GOP and the 'Conservatives'. Constant critisim and derision, and not a single real idea on how to address this nation's problems, other than more tax breaks for the very wealthy.

Yeah and monkeys will fly out my ass as well.

The truth is that even if they get the website fixed, the problems with Obamacare are so many and so deep Obama's problems will only get worse.
Currently only older sicker people are signing up. Insurance companies counted on hordes of healthy young people willingly over paying for insurance they don't need and wont use to make the actuarial tables work. But they wont. They will pay the penalty instead and the pools will blow up, causing rates to skyrocket more than they already have.
btw, where is Greenbeard, professional flack for Obamacare, who promised us that rates would go down?

This idea that young people do not need insurance is very disturbing to me. Cons continue to say this as they seem to believe that health insurance's main goal is to cover all medical expenses. It's not. The main purpose of health insurance is to cover medical costs if you become seriously sick, and the bills head into the tens of thousands or more. It's like saying people should not purchase home owner's insurance because so very few people actually ever use it. The argument is absurd, but it is one that cons continue to make.

Of course, we could put a complete end to the idiocy by allowing healthcare providers the right to refuse service to anyone who cannot show proof of the ability to pay. That might shut a lot of you idiots up about young people not needing health insurance.
The website problems are BS, they will keep that crap front and center for as long as possible...

He wants Single Payer, no one can afford this crap in the first place, much less the deductible, they knew from day one he was lying his ass off...

Impeachment hearings need to start today...

Germany has been affording universal health care for over 130 years. Every other industrial nation in the world is doing the same.

Germany has a small population (compared to the USA) and it is made up of 99% germans. They share a culture, a ethnicity, and core beliefs. The USA is made up of many many different races, ethnicitites, and beliefs.

Germany is like a large interrelated family, what works there will not work here.

Small is an interesting term. Yes, Germany is less than one third the size of the US, but it's still a fairly large country with over 80 million people. As for it being 99% German, that is wrong also. Germany is comprised of approximately 80% ethnic Germans. The other 20% is a mixed bag of Eastern Europeans, Turks, Arabs, along with a mixed bag of other ethnicities.

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And if the administration is successful in fixing the glitchs, listens to the problems as the ACA starts implementation, and fixes those, you people are once again in trouble. You see, nobody appreciates the asshole that sits on the sidelines as a problem is addressed, making fun of those addressing the problem, while creating larger problems. And that is the postition of the GOP and the 'Conservatives'. Constant critisim and derision, and not a single real idea on how to address this nation's problems, other than more tax breaks for the very wealthy.

Yeah and monkeys will fly out my ass as well.

The truth is that even if they get the website fixed, the problems with Obamacare are so many and so deep Obama's problems will only get worse.
Currently only older sicker people are signing up. Insurance companies counted on hordes of healthy young people willingly over paying for insurance they don't need and wont use to make the actuarial tables work. But they wont. They will pay the penalty instead and the pools will blow up, causing rates to skyrocket more than they already have.
btw, where is Greenbeard, professional flack for Obamacare, who promised us that rates would go down?

This idea that young people do not need insurance is very disturbing to me. Cons continue to say this as they seem to believe that health insurance's main goal is to cover all medical expenses. It's not. The main purpose of health insurance is to cover medical costs if you become seriously sick, and the bills head into the tens of thousands or more. It's like saying people should not purchase home owner's insurance because so very few people actually ever use it. The argument is absurd, but it is one that cons continue to make.

Of course, we could put a complete end to the idiocy by allowing healthcare providers the right to refuse service to anyone who cannot show proof of the ability to pay. That might shut a lot of you idiots up about young people not needing health insurance.
Your inability to read an understand a simple post marks you as having inferior intelligence.
First, it is not up to you or anyone else to tell anyone what kind of health insurance they need.
Second, it is not up to you or anyone else to mandate that single gay men buy maternity coverage in order to raise premiums to balance actuarial tables.
Third, no one has said that young people do not need insurance at all. Only you are saying that.
Germany has been affording universal health care for over 130 years. Every other industrial nation in the world is doing the same.

Germany has a small population (compared to the USA) and it is made up of 99% germans. They share a culture, a ethnicity, and core beliefs. The USA is made up of many many different races, ethnicitites, and beliefs.

Germany is like a large interrelated family, what works there will not work here.

Small is an interesting term. Yes, Germany is less than one third the size of the US, but it's still a fairly large country with over 80 million people. As for it being 99% German, that is wrong also. Germany is comprised of approximately 80% ethnic Germans. The other 20% is a mixed bag of Eastern Europeans, Turks, Arabs, along with a mixed bag of other ethnicities.

Most Patients Happy With German Health Care : NPR

And they have about zero percent inner city blacks and rural whites, who drive up health care costs through bad lifestyle choices. They also have many fewer cars per capita.
So the comparison is ludcrous.

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