A year in jail for burning the flag?

Again, a constitutional amendment is needed to stop the treasonous behavior of flag burning. If you burn a flag as an agitator you should go to prison band be exiled from the United States of America.
Your worship of your striped and starred god is commendable. As for me, the Lord commands I have no other gods before Him.
Here's the funny part: Right now the Trumpsters are in power and doing the ugly authoritarian shit. They attack us for pointing it out like we're the freakin' devil.

Then, when the Regressives are back in power, THEY'LL do the ugly authoritarian shit. And THEY'LL attack us for pointing it out.

This is why I often have to wonder if this shit is like professional wrestling. A big game of bullshit that no one wants to admit.

Unfortunately, it's wrecking the country.
BOTH parties are loaded with authoritarians.

It's as if they had a meeting and decided to divide up the issues on which they would fuck us over.

The only solution is to jump on board with those who are the most libertarian. But when you do, you whip their ass when they go authoritarian on you.

This president still doesn't get it and neither do you. It is awful symbolism, but it is protected under "free Speech" under the first amendment to the Constitution of The United States. The president took an oath, "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." He does not support the oath he took. He does not support the Constitution, and neither do you.
Bullspit. An action is not speech. No one is attempting talk of burning the flag. Burning flags is a hate crime.
A year on a chain gang with a Stars and Stripes jumpsuit instead of the traditional Orange.
#1) Even though we see it all the time, according to the flag code, clothing representing the flag is wrong, and #2) The Supreme Court ruled in 1990 that burning of the flag is protected under the 1st Amendment. Agree with it or not, it's the law.
You should not attribute "thought" to anything a bed wetting leftist says.

You can not be a rational, cognizant human being with critical thinking skills and reach the conclusions these parasites believe in. All they do is parrot agitprop.

You are correct.
Your worship of your striped and starred god is commendable. As for me, the Lord commands I have no other gods before Him.
What does Christianity have to do with flag burning? You worship in front of a crucifix the symbol of Christian faith (as I do) but that is an incorrect image. In that age Roman's crucified people on wooden structures that were in the form of an "X"
I get the hatred for those that disrespect our great nation but thats a very ridiculous notion. Ultimately it boils down to jailing political rivals.

I can see a misdemeanor fine for starting a fire if you are not on private property. Say up to 500 dollar fine or a week in jail. Fire is dangerous after all. But a year in jail? Come on with the crazy talk Trump.

Also I do not think it was appropriate for him to be using foul language at a rally that people took their children to. I get that passion is important but that can be achieved without that.

Other than that I think he had a good rally and his anecdotes were great for reving up the crowd.
I don;t agree with it but Im willing to compromise.
1 year in jail for burning a flag
6 months in jail for kneeing for it
Seems to me that, whenever operating within a given system, the participants need to do so in good faith. There has to be a level of integrity and trust for all concerned, that they're going to play be a certain fundamental set of rules.

These people think they are LITERALLY in a "war". That gives them license to break that fundamental set of rules. The ends justifying the means.

So those fundamental rules have broken down. Can they return? I truly don't know.
Fundamental rules?WTF does that even mean? How many times did the Obama administration skirt the Fundamental Rules? And why do you keep acting as if this shit is somehow new to the Trump administration?
What the hell is this? Don't we have enough problems without trying to put people behind bars for burning Old Glory? The Supreme Court already decreed that burning the Flag was covered by the 1st Amendment free speech clause.
Bullspit. An action is not speech. No one is attempting talk of burning the flag. Burning flags is a hate crime.
Talk to the supreme court.: Texas v. Johnson, 491 U.S. 397 (1989), was a landmark decision of the US Supreme Court that invalidated prohibitions on desecrating the American flag, which at the time were enforced in 48 of the 50 states. Justice William Brennan wrote for a five-justice majority in holding that defendant Gregory Lee Johnson's act of flag burning was protected speech under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Johnson was represented by attorneys David D. Cole and William Kunstler.
I repeat. Protected speech.
You are correct. But not protected people. Beat the shit bout of ignorant assholes that want to burn the flag. This action is far more offensive than the "N" word because burning the national ensign is an affront to every citizen.
Fundamental rules?WTF does that even mean? How many times did the Obama administration skirt the Fundamental Rules? And why do you keep acting as if this shit is somehow new to the Trump administration?
We've been deteriorating for a while. The notion that I'm "acting as if this shit is somehow new to the Trump administration" is in your mind only.
What we need is a generation of educators who don't hate their own Country and teach respect for the Flag. The U.S. has been going down hill since Jimmy Carter pardoned all those draft dodgers and they became teachers.
You are correct. But not protected people. Beat the shit bout of ignorant assholes that want to burn the flag. This action is far more offensive than the "N" word because burning the national ensign is an affront to every citizen.

Meh. I'm totally apathetic. I'll put my hand to my heart for the anthem, but I'm not triggered by the kneeling of others if they so choose. I don't worship symbols, though.
Talk to the supreme court.: Texas v. Johnson, 491 U.S. 397 (1989), was a landmark decision of the US Supreme Court that invalidated prohibitions on desecrating the American flag, which at the time were enforced in 48 of the 50 states. Justice William Brennan wrote for a five-justice majority in holding that defendant Gregory Lee Johnson's act of flag burning was protected speech under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Johnson was represented by attorneys David D. Cole and William Kunstler.
Terrible decision and disagreed with it then and still disagree with it today. Johnson was a white agitator that burned the flag outside of 1984 RNC convention in Houston to protest Israel's policies toward Palestinians. Johnson was a miserable turd.

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