ABC,CBS,NBC,etc. do not produce "fake news".... what they do is present...

I had to take my wife to the emergency room at the military hospital at the Air Force base the other day. While waiting to be seen, I was forced to watch MSNBC. I've never seen any reporting to damned skewed to the left as much as that. I wanted to give up my lunch.

I'm sure in comparison to your normal viewing habits of Fox and Alex Jones, it seemed quite radical.
All the networks do is take the "approved" AP propaganda and apply their own little spin to it.

FOX, too.

Fake News: Here’s an Example from AP - NewsHawk Network <<Have tinfoil hat ready.

This is a blog. Hahahhaaa....Sorry, Charlie. No cred.
About NHN - NewsHawk Network

UH-OH! It gets worse. NHN "Submit a Story"
""Submit a Story
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Lol, fox news produces fake crap...

Cnn, Abc, cbs and nbc produce real news that promotes reality...Something liberterians hate.

This is what you call balanced?





A special kind of a moron... CNN even referred Clinton as their candidate on their election coverage.

What don't you post a link to that, then?
Again, cable channels are held to different FCC rules than networks. And websites can say anything they want with practically 100% impunity, especially if they have editorial contributors as third party to their site. They waive all responsibility, if you read the fine print.

Are you now trying to say that... CNN's website is... fake?

No, no, no, it's not fake, it's FAKE NEWS.
So called fake news is really emotionally driven innuendo incorrectly presented as fact
Very difficult nowadays to get the under 40 crowd to recognize that feelings are Not facts

Is everything "emotionally driven"? You seem quite fond of that phrase.
Fond of facts yes and feelings not so much

Then state some.
Already did so run along now as your attempt to create a scenario where you get to make demands and judge if satisfied will not work here Young Sh*tTalker
Lol, fox news produces fake crap...

Cnn, Abc, cbs and nbc produce real news that promotes reality...Something liberterians hate.

This is what you call balanced?





A special kind of a moron... CNN even referred Clinton as their candidate on their election coverage.

What don't you post a link to that, then?
Again, cable channels are held to different FCC rules than networks. And websites can say anything they want with practically 100% impunity, especially if they have editorial contributors as third party to their site. They waive all responsibility, if you read the fine print.

Are you now trying to say that... CNN's website is... fake?

No, no, no, it's not fake, it's FAKE NEWS.

That's not what I said at all. You are spinning what I said, which means you're a hypocrite since that's what you are accusing CNN of doing. Got it, yet?
Lol, fox news produces fake crap...

Cnn, Abc, cbs and nbc produce real news that promotes reality...Something liberterians hate.

This is what you call balanced?





A special kind of a moron... CNN even referred Clinton as their candidate on their election coverage.

What don't you post a link to that, then?
Again, cable channels are held to different FCC rules than networks. And websites can say anything they want with practically 100% impunity, especially if they have editorial contributors as third party to their site. They waive all responsibility, if you read the fine print.

Are you now trying to say that... CNN's website is... fake?

No, no, no, it's not fake, it's FAKE NEWS.

That's not what I said at all. You are spinning what I said, which means you're a hypocrite.

Well, you were asking about a link to them admitting that Hillary is their candidate.

You are in luck, I found it:

Josh Goodman on Twitter

And seems like it aired live, what's your spin? "Unbiased"? LMAOOO!!!!
Fact avoiders gobble up CNN innuendo as if the event occurred right in front of all of us
"biased" news. And this is what most Americans now think of when it comes to the MSM.
Biased news.
Now most of you biased MSM defenders say well what about Fox? Yes the present a "biased" news also.
But instead of "biased" left or Democrat or progressive, Fox presents BALANCED news that just appears
because it is "balanced" biased!

So rather then let the FACTS speak for themselves, i.e. the MSM does not produce fake news but biased news, I will open this dialogue with intelligent open minded people and prove me wrong, i.e. that the MSM present the news in a biased left leaning democrat favoring manner.

To set the tone for this I ask you open minded people (of which there are truly a small number for sure)
to honestly assess the perceptions of Americans when it comes to the MSM.
According to Gallup, only 32% of Americans still believe the lies, half-truths, and shameless propaganda being offered by the old media:
Now mind you this is saying only 32% of Americans think the MSM is to be believed.

It's not that the MSM is producing "fake news"... again... it is HOW they present it is a biased fashion.
Let's look at the latest example of how the MSM biases the news...

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer came under fire Tuesday after saying that Adolf Hitler “didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons” against his own people like Syrian strongman Bashar Al-Assad. Spicer, speaking from the White House podium at the daily press briefing, said that Hitler, whom he called “despicable,” did not use “the gas on his own people the same way Assad used them.”
Now, if you parse Spicer’s statement carefully enough, there’s both a strictly literally defensible position and a grain of general truth there.
It’s true that chemical weapons were banned by common agreement after World War I. It’s true that the combatants in World War II, Nazi Germany included, generally adhered to that ban.
It’s true that large-scale chemical attacks on civilian targets have been been deployed freely by the Assad regime, in ways that have no direct parallel even in the cornucopia of atrocities that was the Second World War in Europe.
Spicer, after several botched efforts to clean up this wholly unnecessary rhetorical mess (some of which came off as if Spicer was suggesting that German Jews were not Hitler’s “own people”), apologized.
Sean Spicer Steps in a Hitler Mess

But what did the MSM ABC,CBS,NBC lead with their MAIN story on Tuesday 4/11/17?
In spite of more dramatic events that occurred they all led off their newscast like this:
WHY was this a "firestorm"???? Why did these MSM people insist Spicer needed to resign?
Again.... read the above closer and you will see why most of us don't believe the MSM!

View attachment 121943
Americans' Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low

This thread is nothing more than an echo of the RW meme that the MSM is biased by liberals who support the Democratic Party. It is an example of a BIG LIE, which when repeated ad nausea the biddable - i.e. easily led - public will believe.

Spicer, for example, does not give a press conference, and never has since his first appearance as a Trump sycophant. To pretend Fox News, or Breitbart and et al Internet sources are "news" and not propaganda wrapped in damn lies and character assassinations is foolish and a damn lie itself.

But let's give the Alt. Right credit, they have effectively done what what the Republican Party wanted, to dumb down American voters. Time will tell how many of these biddable and retarded Trump voters will one day realize they created the monster of Authoritarianism, which B. Franklin warned us about when he said, "you have a Republic, if you can keep it".
"biased" news. And this is what most Americans now think of when it comes to the MSM.
Biased news.
Now most of you biased MSM defenders say well what about Fox? Yes the present a "biased" news also.
But instead of "biased" left or Democrat or progressive, Fox presents BALANCED news that just appears
because it is "balanced" biased!

So rather then let the FACTS speak for themselves, i.e. the MSM does not produce fake news but biased news, I will open this dialogue with intelligent open minded people and prove me wrong, i.e. that the MSM present the news in a biased left leaning democrat favoring manner.

To set the tone for this I ask you open minded people (of which there are truly a small number for sure)
to honestly assess the perceptions of Americans when it comes to the MSM.
According to Gallup, only 32% of Americans still believe the lies, half-truths, and shameless propaganda being offered by the old media:
Now mind you this is saying only 32% of Americans think the MSM is to be believed.

It's not that the MSM is producing "fake news"... again... it is HOW they present it is a biased fashion.
Let's look at the latest example of how the MSM biases the news...

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer came under fire Tuesday after saying that Adolf Hitler “didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons” against his own people like Syrian strongman Bashar Al-Assad. Spicer, speaking from the White House podium at the daily press briefing, said that Hitler, whom he called “despicable,” did not use “the gas on his own people the same way Assad used them.”
Now, if you parse Spicer’s statement carefully enough, there’s both a strictly literally defensible position and a grain of general truth there.
It’s true that chemical weapons were banned by common agreement after World War I. It’s true that the combatants in World War II, Nazi Germany included, generally adhered to that ban.
It’s true that large-scale chemical attacks on civilian targets have been been deployed freely by the Assad regime, in ways that have no direct parallel even in the cornucopia of atrocities that was the Second World War in Europe.
Spicer, after several botched efforts to clean up this wholly unnecessary rhetorical mess (some of which came off as if Spicer was suggesting that German Jews were not Hitler’s “own people”), apologized.
Sean Spicer Steps in a Hitler Mess

But what did the MSM ABC,CBS,NBC lead with their MAIN story on Tuesday 4/11/17?
In spite of more dramatic events that occurred they all led off their newscast like this:
WHY was this a "firestorm"???? Why did these MSM people insist Spicer needed to resign?
Again.... read the above closer and you will see why most of us don't believe the MSM!

View attachment 121943
Americans' Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low

Twenty years ago, Donald Trump said Alicia Machado, the 1996 Miss Universe, got fat.

Washington Post articles about it: 12

George Soros is a hedge fund billionaire who has spent millions encouraging mass immigration to the US. He is also a major force behind the migrant crisis in Europe. He has given $25 million dollars to the Hillary Clinton campaign, and Hillary Clinton has already promised to increase the flow of Middle East "refugees" if elected.

Washington Post articles about it: 0
Fact avoiders gobble up CNN innuendo as if the event occurred right in front of all of us


Fox news is the real fact avoider....

You liberterian pieces of shit really are the American taliban and should be deported.
Lol, fox news produces fake crap...

Cnn, Abc, cbs and nbc produce real news that promotes reality...Something liberterians hate.
Twenty years ago, Donald Trump said Alicia Machado, the 1996 Miss Universe, got fat.

Washington Post articles about it: 12

George Soros is a hedge fund billionaire who has spent millions encouraging mass immigration to the US. He is also a major force behind the migrant crisis in Europe. He has given $25 million dollars to the Hillary Clinton campaign, and Hillary Clinton has already promised to increase the flow of Middle East "refugees" if elected.

Washington Post articles about it: 0
"biased" news. And this is what most Americans now think of when it comes to the MSM.
Biased news.
Now most of you biased MSM defenders say well what about Fox? Yes the present a "biased" news also.
But instead of "biased" left or Democrat or progressive, Fox presents BALANCED news that just appears
because it is "balanced" biased!

So rather then let the FACTS speak for themselves, i.e. the MSM does not produce fake news but biased news, I will open this dialogue with intelligent open minded people and prove me wrong, i.e. that the MSM present the news in a biased left leaning democrat favoring manner.

To set the tone for this I ask you open minded people (of which there are truly a small number for sure)
to honestly assess the perceptions of Americans when it comes to the MSM.
According to Gallup, only 32% of Americans still believe the lies, half-truths, and shameless propaganda being offered by the old media:
Now mind you this is saying only 32% of Americans think the MSM is to be believed.

It's not that the MSM is producing "fake news"... again... it is HOW they present it is a biased fashion.
Let's look at the latest example of how the MSM biases the news...

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer came under fire Tuesday after saying that Adolf Hitler “didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons” against his own people like Syrian strongman Bashar Al-Assad. Spicer, speaking from the White House podium at the daily press briefing, said that Hitler, whom he called “despicable,” did not use “the gas on his own people the same way Assad used them.”
Now, if you parse Spicer’s statement carefully enough, there’s both a strictly literally defensible position and a grain of general truth there.
It’s true that chemical weapons were banned by common agreement after World War I. It’s true that the combatants in World War II, Nazi Germany included, generally adhered to that ban.
It’s true that large-scale chemical attacks on civilian targets have been been deployed freely by the Assad regime, in ways that have no direct parallel even in the cornucopia of atrocities that was the Second World War in Europe.
Spicer, after several botched efforts to clean up this wholly unnecessary rhetorical mess (some of which came off as if Spicer was suggesting that German Jews were not Hitler’s “own people”), apologized.
Sean Spicer Steps in a Hitler Mess

But what did the MSM ABC,CBS,NBC lead with their MAIN story on Tuesday 4/11/17?
In spite of more dramatic events that occurred they all led off their newscast like this:
WHY was this a "firestorm"???? Why did these MSM people insist Spicer needed to resign?
Again.... read the above closer and you will see why most of us don't believe the MSM!

View attachment 121943
Americans' Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low

Twenty years ago, Donald Trump said Alicia Machado, the 1996 Miss Universe, got fat.

Washington Post articles about it: 12

George Soros is a hedge fund billionaire who has spent millions encouraging mass immigration to the US. He is also a major force behind the migrant crisis in Europe. He has given $25 million dollars to the Hillary Clinton campaign, and Hillary Clinton has already promised to increase the flow of Middle East "refugees" if elected.

Washington Post articles about it: 0

Because the two decades ago Miss Universe has Scintillating feelings involved which libs lap up but those stone cold accurate facts about Soros are just boring facts
Lol, fox news produces fake crap...

Cnn, Abc, cbs and nbc produce real news that promotes reality...Something liberterians hate.
Could you post an example of Fox fake news?

I can give you two examples, and both CNN as well as FOX made the same mistake both times.

First one was when the SC ruled that the ACA was constitutional. FOX and CNN only read the first page and thought that the SC had ruled against it. MSNBC was the only channel at the time that bothered to read the whole thing, and shortly after CNN and FOX said it was struck down, MSNBC reported that it had been upheld.

Second example is when the Boston Marathon bombers were being chased. Again, both CNN and FOX reported that it was done by Muslim terrorists and that they had been captured and killed, when in fact they weren't caught for another day.

That was unintentional, trying to break the story first...


I'd rather get the story slow and accurate rather than first and wrong.

But I can't stand when they leave out facts and then I have to argue with a person about it
All the networks do is take the "approved" AP propaganda and apply their own little spin to it.

FOX, too.

Fake News: Here’s an Example from AP - NewsHawk Network <<Have tinfoil hat ready.

Network television is simply 22 minutes of headlines. They do not go into depth on any story. But they closely align with AP and Reuters, too. They are not allowed to opine and they don't. Because if they do they can be sued.

For the most part you are correct

Lol, fox news produces fake crap...

Cnn, Abc, cbs and nbc produce real news that promotes reality...Something liberterians hate.
Could you post an example of Fox fake news?

I can give you two examples, and both CNN as well as FOX made the same mistake both times.

First one was when the SC ruled that the ACA was constitutional. FOX and CNN only read the first page and thought that the SC had ruled against it. MSNBC was the only channel at the time that bothered to read the whole thing, and shortly after CNN and FOX said it was struck down, MSNBC reported that it had been upheld.

Second example is when the Boston Marathon bombers were being chased. Again, both CNN and FOX reported that it was done by Muslim terrorists and that they had been captured and killed, when in fact they weren't caught for another day.
Where are your links? I believe you are making that up. Honest people share where they get their sources so others can validate.
I simply don't believe you.
Several surveys have said that FOX only gets it right 60 percent of the time.

As far as what do I consider reliable news? Well, there is a new news channel out there and they air on HBO (yeah, I know, pay cable, but what ya gonna do). It's called VICE News, and they air every night at 6:30 CST on HBO, M through Thurs, with a VICE in depth special on 2 subjects on Fridays. I like them because it's just the facts, and there appears to be zero bias in their reporting.

Same reason I trust BBC news. Their reporters throw little to zero of their own opinion in the story.

The surveys use loaded questions.

And I am with the OP when I think of fake news I think of the tabloids, the main stream media does not intentionally do fake news it's biased, it only tells us half the story sometimes and leaves out key facts that would go against their narrative.

It's up to the public to research more what you read or heard and don't take them for their word.


That is intentional misleading of the citizenry. Its propaganda, which makes it fake ... on purpose.

To me it's just being biased with holding all the facts...

Not out right fake, we all do it and not most will admit it.

Fake news story's are like from the old onion or again the tabloids were a quarter are real mixed in with totally fake so you buy it and read it.

Maybe you should as Scott Pelley what he thinks of Fake news.

This '60 Minutes Segment' On "Fake News" Illustrates Why And How The MSM Is Losing The Media War | Zero Hedge
And this is what most Americans now think of when it comes to the MSM. Biased news.
Yes, most of the mainstream media is clearly biased to the Left, it no longer makes much of an effort to hide it, and it's nice to see someone who understands the distinction between "biased" news and "fake" news.

I'd disagree about what's happening on the Right, though. First, what was originally meant by "fake news" was the goofy shit being quoted from sites like Breitbart, Alex Jones, and WND. Stuff that was just demonstrably wrong, obviously made up. And FOX, while they do a better job of presenting pundits from both sides, is almost cartoonish in the way it presents the news, and its over editorial bias is as clear as that of CNN and MSNBC.

Our "media" in this country is a fucking disgrace.

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