ABC Harris-Trump Debate

It’s true. Iran was dead broke, and Biden enriched them to the tune of billions of dollars. There was a good reason you want to keep a Muslim state sponsor of terror broke. Make them rich, and the next thing you know….1100 massacred Jews.
Now now be honest. Shitstain obama sent Iran pallets of cash. Stacks of dollars and euros, plastic wrapped and flown in, in the middle of the night.

Our national demise is spelled democrat.
The problem is she is identifying as black because that’s why the bitch got picked as VP.
She has always identified as black. So much so that she attended an HBCU and is a member of a black sorority. So STFU wIth your lying, b.
No, you explain to me how telling grocers they have to charge less than their costs won’t bring on a food shortage.
They suspect price gouging. When they're making record profits and prices are going up, there may be some truth to that.

Now you explain to me why it's a good idea for the President to be in charge of the Fed.
and as i predicted the debate went exactly how I said it would .. with one extra caveat ... Harris's answers weren't off the cuff and seemed very very scripted .. did she get the questions for the debate days in advance ?

It's not difficult to predict the questions that would be asked. They probably rehearsed double the number of questions. They're going to talk about the economy, Afghanistan, things like that.

Was there any question there that was a surprise? No.

A good president will do their homework.

A bad president will come out with "I'm the best, she's no bad" every, single, damn, time.
She blamed the Israeli government. Just like most of the Jews in Israel are doing.
No she didn’t. She specifically said “the Jews.” And then lamented why Jews couldn’t be “normal.”

Out and out antisemite, calling OTHER people racist. Typical lib hypocrite.
Climate change denier. Not good.
Could have brought it home by saying we want the manufacturing here where we can regulate emissions and pollution instead of abroad where we have less influence.

But he dropped the ball AGAIN.

It's a hoax.
Climate change denier. Not good.
Could have brought it home by saying we want the manufacturing here where we can regulate emissions and pollution instead of abroad where we have less influence.
Trump lied about manufacturing. Manufacturing construction is the largest it has been in several decades. And manufacturing employment is higher than it was during Trump's regime.

Trump straight up lied.
It's not difficult to predict the questions that would be asked. They probably rehearsed double the number of questions. They're going to talk about the economy, Afghanistan, things like that.

Was there any question there that was a surprise? No.

A good president will do their homework.

A bad president will come out with "I'm the best, she's no bad" every, single, damn, time.
she knew the Pacific questions in detail .. she came off as scripted and inauthentic .. she got the questions in advance ...
Trump's claims and statements are so detached from reality it is incredible. Yet his supporters are too ignorant to see it. They'll bleev every word.

Also, he pulled his usual stunt of saying he will release his plan for healthcare in the next two weeks.

You can bet your house you won't see shit from Trump about his healthcare plan.
He has no plan. He gve himself away when he talked about people who had private plans.

Trump got destroyed tonight, but his cult worshippers will either swear he won, or that somehow he was being picked on.
the debate is rigged in her favor .. she will not accept a debate on Fox news ..
Here’s the $64k question: do the independents in PA see how rigged it was, and how she got away with the fracking lie?

Because if she loses PA, she’s toast.

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