ABC Harris-Trump Debate

Trump is such a whiny, pessimistic little bitch.

His schtick has gotten really old.
Her whining is not going to cut it.

Why has she not doing now what she is promising?

Trump wins that!
The hell he does!

The motherfucker was the president. Why didn't HE do what hes taking about now?

Seems that you forget that Trump was the president at this time 4 years ago.
the cash was returning money that Iran paid to the US in the 1970's for military equipment. But then in 1979, the Shah was ousted and we froze these funds. But interest was compounding, so it saved us the interest payments by returning the cash.
Saved the interest, but got 1100 Jews killed and started a war. There was a reason Trump kept the Iranian Sponsor of Terror.
Not a good close from Trump
I think it’s like a C versus C- and I cant tell which is which
She sells soap way better than I knew
He is gruff and tough about serious things but her hope for tomorrow stuff goes over well
And even knowing that, she skipped over the Governor of PA because she didn’t want to risk the election by putting a Jew in on ticket.
As bad as Kamala is, she did an okay job picking her VP. Even Trump knew it would be a mistake to pick a minority for the VP slot.
The most important thing Harris said all night was that she will be a president for ALL Americans.
And here we see a classic lie that will be posted by the cult. Harris beat the shit out of Trump. There was nothing scripted or inauthentic about it. What you saw was a man who got the beating he has deserved for 9 years.
he didn't take a beating you ignorant scumbag .. he stayed above the fray and didn't get personal with her like she [with the help of the mods] did with him .. and Harris wasn't pressed on her bullshit answers by the mods ... the debate was 3 against one .. for instance she never had to account for her policy flip flops .. not criminalizing illegal border crossings , gun confiscation , banning fracking, ect .. the mods were in her corner .

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