ABC moderators slammed for their pathetic bias.

You haven’t determined anything but your bullshit preconceived lie.

Fuck off.
Others are under zero obligation to agree with your assessment.

I have correctly determined that it is a non-issue.

Cry harder.
Others are under zero obligation to agree with your assessment.

No shit, you moron. I never said they were.
I have correctly determined that it is a non-issue

Nope. You merely determined what you choose to believe because you’re a rabidly dishonest hack troll bitch. 👍
Cry harder.
I’m not the one crying, you lying twat.

I banish your useless ass to the Pharom Zone.

Go overdose on Midol.

Bye. :fu:
You merely determined what you choose to believe because you’re a rabidly dishonest hack troll bitch.
You seem to think that just because you consider it an issue, that settles the matter. False premise.

Keep crying. It’s funny.
You seem to think that just because you consider it an issue, that settles the matter. False premise.

Keep crying. It’s funny.
You seem to think that just because you consider it a non-issue, that settles the matter. False premise.

Keep crying. It’s funny.
Democrats are experts at rigging debates.

They even rigged one to get rid of their incumbent.

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