Abe Lincoln Used the "N" Word and other racist Language very very Frequently


Radical Freedom
Aug 16, 2009

In his masterpiece Forced into Glory: Abraham Lincoln’s White Dream, the author states that he scoured Lincoln’s Collected Works and demonstrates that he used the N-word about as frequently as your modern-day "gangster rapper" does.

Bennett also describes how this has all been covered up by the Lincoln Cult. Despite the hundreds of examples that are right there in black and white in Lincoln’s own speeches,

In his masterpiece Forced into Glory: Abraham Lincoln’s White Dream, the author states that he scoured Lincoln’s Collected Works and demonstrates that he used the N-word about as frequently as your modern-day "gangster rapper" does.

Bennett also describes how this has all been covered up by the Lincoln Cult. Despite the hundreds of examples that are right there in black and white in Lincoln’s own speeches,

" The book was originally published in 1999 and was recently released in paperback. Bennett was a longtime managing editor of Ebony magazine and, among other things, the author of a biography of Martin Luther King, Jr., What Manner of Man.

Although several "Civil War" publications have labeled yours truly as the preeminent Lincoln critic of our day, Forced into Glory is a much more powerful critique of Dishonest Abe than anything I have ever written. The Lincoln Cult, which would not dare to personally attack a serious African-American scholar like Bennett, has largely ignored the book instead.

In his masterpiece Forced into Glory: Abraham Lincoln’s White Dream, the author states that he scoured Lincoln’s Collected Works and demonstrates that he used the N-word about as frequently as your modern-day "gangster rapper" does.

Bennett also describes how this has all been covered up by the Lincoln Cult. Despite the hundreds of examples that are right there in black and white in Lincoln’s own speeches,

So? Are you trying to say Republicans are racists? :)

In his masterpiece Forced into Glory: Abraham Lincoln’s White Dream, the author states that he scoured Lincoln’s Collected Works and demonstrates that he used the N-word about as frequently as your modern-day "gangster rapper" does.

Bennett also describes how this has all been covered up by the Lincoln Cult. Despite the hundreds of examples that are right there in black and white in Lincoln’s own speeches,

So? Are you trying to say Republicans are racists? :)
yes...and segregationist...
Think Lincoln should have referred to them as 'African Americans'?

In his masterpiece Forced into Glory: Abraham Lincoln’s White Dream, the author states that he scoured Lincoln’s Collected Works and demonstrates that he used the N-word about as frequently as your modern-day "gangster rapper" does.

Bennett also describes how this has all been covered up by the Lincoln Cult. Despite the hundreds of examples that are right there in black and white in Lincoln’s own speeches,
The "Lincoln cult?" What a dumbass.

In his masterpiece Forced into Glory: Abraham Lincoln’s White Dream, the author states that he scoured Lincoln’s Collected Works and demonstrates that he used the N-word about as frequently as your modern-day "gangster rapper" does.

Bennett also describes how this has all been covered up by the Lincoln Cult. Despite the hundreds of examples that are right there in black and white in Lincoln’s own speeches,


Lincoln like virtually everyone in 1860 was a racist by our standards. That word was commonly used in 'polite society' at that point.

Hardly shocking to anyone who has read history of the period.
So are we going to erase Lincoln from history, too?

We are running headlong into communism.

In his masterpiece Forced into Glory: Abraham Lincoln’s White Dream, the author states that he scoured Lincoln’s Collected Works and demonstrates that he used the N-word about as frequently as your modern-day "gangster rapper" does.

Bennett also describes how this has all been covered up by the Lincoln Cult. Despite the hundreds of examples that are right there in black and white in Lincoln’s own speeches,

So? Are you trying to say Republicans are racists? :)

Lincoln definitely was.

"Since very few Americans have spent much time educating themselves about Lincoln and nineteenth-century American history (much of which has been falsified anyway), it is easy for members of what I call the Lincoln Cult to dismiss all literary criticisms of Lincoln as the work of "neo-Confederates," their code-word for "defenders of slavery" (as though anyone in America today would defend slavery), or "racist." Although they label themselves "Lincoln scholars," the last thing they want is honest scholarship when it comes to the subject of Lincoln and his war. They are, at best, cover-up artists and pandering court historians who feed at the government grant trough, "consuming" tax dollars to support their "research" and their overblown university positions."


In his masterpiece Forced into Glory: Abraham Lincoln’s White Dream, the author states that he scoured Lincoln’s Collected Works and demonstrates that he used the N-word about as frequently as your modern-day "gangster rapper" does.

Bennett also describes how this has all been covered up by the Lincoln Cult. Despite the hundreds of examples that are right there in black and white in Lincoln’s own speeches,

So? Are you trying to say Republicans are racists? :)
yes...and segregationist...

"Bennett argues that "academics and [the] media had been hiding the truth for 135 years and that Lincoln was not the great emancipator or the small emancipator or the economy-sized emancipator." He presents chapter and verse of how the Emancipation Proclamation freed no one, since it only applied to "rebel territory," and specifically exempted all the slave-owning/Union-controlled border states and other areas that were occupied by the U.S. army at the time. He quotes James Randall, who has been called the "greatest Lincoln scholar of all time," as writing, "the Proclamation itself did not free a single slave." It was the Thirteenth Amendment that finally ended slavery, he correctly notes, and Lincoln was dragged into accepting it kicking and screaming all the way."

Come on, it ain't racist if the "N" word was the only common term for a Black person for four hundred freaking years. People who judge the 19th century by 21st century social standards are nothing but ignorant race baiters. Why single out Abe Lincoln? Why not discuss FDR's use of the "N" word as well as notorious foul mouthed LBJ a hundred years after Lincoln?
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They have to marginalize all the great liberators of the past because they know these great leaders would have recognized today's democrats as a clear threat to freedom and democracy, and life.
Think Lincoln should have referred to them as 'African Americans'?

"Bennett is especially critical of how the Lincoln Cult uses black historical figures as pawns in its defense of "Father Abraham." For example, he contends that there is no way to get around the fact that Lincoln was a lifelong white supremacist, loudly proclaiming that he was opposed to "making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people." He said far worse things than that, as Bennett documents. The typical response of the Lincoln Cult is to "find a slave or a former slave or, better, a Black officeholder to say that he adores Lincoln and doesn’t care what people say . . . "

Come on, it ain't racist if the "N" word was the only common term for a Black person for four hundred freaking years. People who judge the 19th century by 21st century social standards are nothing but ignorant race baiters. Why single out Abe Lincoln? Why not discuss FDR's use of the "N" word as well as notorious foul mouthed LBJ a hundred years after Lincoln?

That doesn't stop turds like you from judging Confederates by the standards of the 21st Century.

What a colossal hypocrite.

In his masterpiece Forced into Glory: Abraham Lincoln’s White Dream, the author states that he scoured Lincoln’s Collected Works and demonstrates that he used the N-word about as frequently as your modern-day "gangster rapper" does.

Bennett also describes how this has all been covered up by the Lincoln Cult. Despite the hundreds of examples that are right there in black and white in Lincoln’s own speeches,
The "Lincoln cult?" What a dumbass.

"Why, one would ask, is such a distinguished African-American journalist so incensed over the Lincoln myth? It is because of his twenty years of painstaking research, resulting in this book, that proves, among other things, what a vulgar racist Lincoln was. Bennett provides quote after quote of Lincoln’s own words, habitually using the N-word so much that people in Washington thought he was weirdly consumed by his racism. Bennett tells of first-hand accounts by some of Lincoln’s generals of how they left a meeting with him during a crisis in the war in which the president spent most of his time in the meeting telling off-color "darkie" jokes (Lincoln’s language). General James Wadsworth, for example, was "shocked by the racism in the Lincoln White House."

In his masterpiece Forced into Glory: Abraham Lincoln’s White Dream, the author states that he scoured Lincoln’s Collected Works and demonstrates that he used the N-word about as frequently as your modern-day "gangster rapper" does.

Bennett also describes how this has all been covered up by the Lincoln Cult. Despite the hundreds of examples that are right there in black and white in Lincoln’s own speeches,
Are your parents everything you think they should be? Go set a watchman.
In his masterpiece Forced into Glory: Abraham Lincoln’s White Dream, the author states that he scoured Lincoln’s Collected Works and demonstrates that he used the N-word about as frequently as your modern-day "gangster rapper" does.

Bennett also describes how this has all been covered up by the Lincoln Cult. Despite the hundreds of examples that are right there in black and white in Lincoln’s own speeches,
Are your parents everything you thing they should be? Go set a watchman.

Do you think of old Lincoln as your pappy? Ahhhhh, that is so sweet.

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