Abolish ICE? Or Abolish The Democratic Party?

Abolish ICE, or the Democratic Party?

  • ICE

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • Democratic Party

    Votes: 27 93.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Which would you think would be the more useful event in furthering American goals and defending national security?

Which do you think is doing the better job overall?
ICE was an agency cooked up by fear and knee-jerk reactions -- vomited out thru the Patriot Act -- Conservatives are full of shit when they talk about small government because they are always in favor of larger government when it comes to sticking it to brown people

You mean the ILLEGAL brown people?
White people can be illegal too, but they aren't as easy to demonize as Brown people -- illegal or otherwise..

we also wouldn't mind criminalizing gay people too -- since GOP still are fighting tooth and nail to keep gays from being a protected class

Yes, white people can be illegal too, and when the illegal white people start reaching into the millions they will be addressed, gay illegals too. BTW, you are the one that specifically identified "brown" people....dumbass.
Yes I say brown people cause I don't play games with racists like yourself who try to be coy about it -- I have more respect for the racists who own up to it -- I have ZERO respect for cowards like you
Maxdeath, I cannot speak for others, but I think you are laboring under a false assumption that anyone is for open borders. I respectfully do not believe this is true.

As a Michigander, I have often passed into Canada, always stopped at the border station, and spent some wonderful time in a wonderful country. I had to show ID and explain my visit. That was then. I believe one now needs a passport to enter Canada. So that border was never open. People from Windsor and Sarnia worked in Detroit and Port Huron and had monthly bridge passes. God! what a shame that this good neighbor and friend is on the government shit list.

I don't know much about our southern border, or Mexico, but to my knowledge we never had an open border there either. Nor would anyone I know want one. There really ARE bad guys out there..nobody thinks otherwise. Immigrants need screening and vetting. But can we not have both vetting AND asylum? It is said we don't have enough attorneys and vetters or whatever is required. But that's like a business that depends on customers not gearing up for peak hours and peak locations, or police departments not beefing up for a significant visit or event. There is NO excuse for not having more manpower at a border that has the most activity.
Which would you think would be the more useful event in furthering American goals and defending national security?

Which do you think is doing the better job overall?
ICE was an agency cooked up by fear and knee-jerk reactions -- vomited out thru the Patriot Act -- Conservatives are full of shit when they talk about small government because they are always in favor of larger government when it comes to sticking it to brown people

You mean the ILLEGAL brown people?
White people can be illegal too, but they aren't as easy to demonize as Brown people -- illegal or otherwise..

we also wouldn't mind criminalizing gay people too -- since GOP still are fighting tooth and nail to keep gays from being a protected class

Yes, white people can be illegal too, and when the illegal white people start reaching into the millions they will be addressed, gay illegals too. BTW, you are the one that specifically identified "brown" people....dumbass.
Yes I say brown people cause I don't play games with racists like yourself who try to be coy about it -- I have more respect for the racists who own up to it -- I have ZERO respect for cowards like you

So sorry you feel that way, I'd rather be fair and toss out any illegal, regardless of color.
ICE was an agency cooked up by fear and knee-jerk reactions -- vomited out thru the Patriot Act -- Conservatives are full of shit when they talk about small government because they are always in favor of larger government when it comes to sticking it to brown people

You mean the ILLEGAL brown people?
White people can be illegal too, but they aren't as easy to demonize as Brown people -- illegal or otherwise..

we also wouldn't mind criminalizing gay people too -- since GOP still are fighting tooth and nail to keep gays from being a protected class

Yes, white people can be illegal too, and when the illegal white people start reaching into the millions they will be addressed, gay illegals too. BTW, you are the one that specifically identified "brown" people....dumbass.
Yes I say brown people cause I don't play games with racists like yourself who try to be coy about it -- I have more respect for the racists who own up to it -- I have ZERO respect for cowards like you

So sorry you feel that way, I'd rather be fair and toss out any illegal, regardless of color.

I'd rather be realistic and admit that tossing out ten million people is as much as a pipe dream 40 years ago as it is now -- especially when even if you get your way and get rid of all illegal aliens -- the same people in favor of that will be same ones against employers having to raise wages
If we abolished the damn Illegals there would be no need for ICE.

We need to secure the border and then round up all the Illegals and deport them and then we can abolish ICE and use the money allocated to fund the agency to pay off some of the enormous debt that Obama gave us.

You will not "abolish" the illegals so long as the Democrats give aid and comfort to them. So the question stands.

We've been carrying debt since Alexander Hamilton. Most of it is owed to ourselves.
You will not abolish illegals so long as the idea of arresting the people who hires illegals with the same vigor that we want illegals arrested is not something either party will do -- because those people who hire illegals look a lot like the politicians

That is true.

One of the reasons Bush was almost as bad about the illegals as that Obama asshole is that they put pressure on Bush to not interrupt the flow if cheap labor.

A comprehensive policy to secure the border would entail building a wall, increased interceptions, increase rounding up existing illegals and punishing those that employ the illegals.
Which would you think would be the more useful event in furthering American goals and defending national security?

Which do you think is doing the better job overall?
It's a good example of tossing the baby out with the bathwater. Part of an either/or psyche. We need ICE. We also need better direction in dealing with illegals and asylum seekers. Do you think our current admin can hammer out a reasonable solution? So far, it seems to be whim-driven.
You mean congress right? They make laws!
If we abolished the damn Illegals there would be no need for ICE.

We need to secure the border and then round up all the Illegals and deport them and then we can abolish ICE and use the money allocated to fund the agency to pay off some of the enormous debt that Obama gave us.

You will not "abolish" the illegals so long as the Democrats give aid and comfort to them. So the question stands.

We've been carrying debt since Alexander Hamilton. Most of it is owed to ourselves.
You will not abolish illegals so long as the idea of arresting the people who hires illegals with the same vigor that we want illegals arrested is not something either party will do -- because those people who hire illegals look a lot like the politicians

Time will tell.
The whole illegal alien so called crisis been around for over 60 years -- they are NOT going to crack down on employers with the same focus that they do on the people who are just trying to come here to work

Especially with the way so many conservatives are sycophants for wealthy elites and would commit suicide before they force employers to pay American workers more by eliminating the illegal workforce

Not to quibble over your point but it always pisses me off to hear ignorance like " conservatives are supported by the wealthy elite". That is untrue.

In 2008 and 2012 that asshole Obama received more donation from Wall Street and from Billionaires than did either McCain or Romney. In 2016 that shithead Crooked Hillary received considerable amount more money from Wall Street and billionaires than Trump. Not even close.

Very rich people do well when they own the government and can control the regulatory process and the Democrats are always for sale. Crooked Hillary was most certainly for sale. The Democrat Party is a coalition of the ghetto welfare queens and the Hollywood Limousine Liberals, Silicon Valley billionaires and Wall Street bosses. Unholy alliance, isn't it?
If we abolished the damn Illegals there would be no need for ICE.

We need to secure the border and then round up all the Illegals and deport them and then we can abolish ICE and use the money allocated to fund the agency to pay off some of the enormous debt that Obama gave us.

You will not "abolish" the illegals so long as the Democrats give aid and comfort to them. So the question stands.

We've been carrying debt since Alexander Hamilton. Most of it is owed to ourselves.
You will not abolish illegals so long as the idea of arresting the people who hires illegals with the same vigor that we want illegals arrested is not something either party will do -- because those people who hire illegals look a lot like the politicians

Time will tell.
The whole illegal alien so called crisis been around for over 60 years -- they are NOT going to crack down on employers with the same focus that they do on the people who are just trying to come here to work

Especially with the way so many conservatives are sycophants for wealthy elites and would commit suicide before they force employers to pay American workers more by eliminating the illegal workforce

Not to quibble over your point but it always pisses me off to hear ignorance like " conservatives are supported by the wealthy elite". That is untrue.

In 2008 and 2012 that asshole Obama received more donation from Wall Street and from Billionaires than did either McCain or Romney. In 2016 that shithead Crooked Hillary received considerable amount more money from Wall Street and billionaires than Trump. Not even close.

Very rich people do well when they own the government and can control the regulatory process and the Democrats are always for sale. Crooked Hillary was most certainly for sale. The Democrat Party is a coalition of the ghetto welfare queens and the Hollywood Limousine Liberals, Silicon Valley billionaires and Wall Street bosses. Unholy alliance, isn't it?
You assume that disproves anything I just said -- Wall Street donates to both parties in order to hedge their bets -- but the return on their investment is far far far far far far greater with conservatives than with democrats

Example...although Obama received more from wallstreet -- Obama still created the Consumer Protections Bureau which financial institutions hated -- so when they got a republican in office -- that republican decided to seriously cripple that agency

Example, although Obama received more from Wallstreet, and even tho Wallstreet under Obama did extremely well -- in spite of new banking regulations implementation that Wall Street themselves caused -- when a republican got into office -- those regulations start getting repealed for no other reason than "Wallstreet said so"

So yes, conservatives are the party of wealthy elites -- or in other words, Democrats may force the wealthy donor class to take them out on a few dates first -- conservatives will suck dick in the backseat on the first date.
You will not "abolish" the illegals so long as the Democrats give aid and comfort to them. So the question stands.

We've been carrying debt since Alexander Hamilton. Most of it is owed to ourselves.
You will not abolish illegals so long as the idea of arresting the people who hires illegals with the same vigor that we want illegals arrested is not something either party will do -- because those people who hire illegals look a lot like the politicians

Time will tell.
The whole illegal alien so called crisis been around for over 60 years -- they are NOT going to crack down on employers with the same focus that they do on the people who are just trying to come here to work

Especially with the way so many conservatives are sycophants for wealthy elites and would commit suicide before they force employers to pay American workers more by eliminating the illegal workforce

Not to quibble over your point but it always pisses me off to hear ignorance like " conservatives are supported by the wealthy elite". That is untrue.

In 2008 and 2012 that asshole Obama received more donation from Wall Street and from Billionaires than did either McCain or Romney. In 2016 that shithead Crooked Hillary received considerable amount more money from Wall Street and billionaires than Trump. Not even close.

Very rich people do well when they own the government and can control the regulatory process and the Democrats are always for sale. Crooked Hillary was most certainly for sale. The Democrat Party is a coalition of the ghetto welfare queens and the Hollywood Limousine Liberals, Silicon Valley billionaires and Wall Street bosses. Unholy alliance, isn't it?
You assume that disproves anything I just said -- Wall Street donates to both parties in order to hedge their bets -- but the return on their investment is far far far far far far greater with conservatives than with democrats

Example...although Obama received more from wallstreet -- Obama still created the Consumer Protections Bureau which financial institutions hated -- so when they got a republican in office -- that republican decided to seriously cripple that agency

Example, although Obama received more from Wallstreet, and even tho Wallstreet under Obama did extremely well -- in spite of new banking regulations implementation that Wall Street themselves caused -- when a republican got into office -- those regulations start getting repealed for no other reason than "Wallstreet said so"

So yes, conservatives are the party of wealthy elites -- or in other words, Democrats may force the wealthy donor class to take them out on a few dates first -- conservatives will suck dick in the backseat on the first date.

Business buys whatever politicians are for sale and both parties are sellers.

Some business can thrive in highly regulated environments and some do very well with government welfare in the form of subsidies and bailouts. Big government is often the Sugar Daddy of the big business that the Liberals hate and vilify so much.

In 2016 Crooked Hillary was for sale. Big time for sale. She raised over a billion dollars from filthy special interest groups. Everybody from greedy Unions to Wall Street to Environmental Wacko Billionaires.Trump was not for sale.

The business that want the cheap labor of Illegals would have supported Crooked Hillary. They would not have supported Trump.
Democratic Party is ALREADY abolished. Many of them just don't know it yet. Others do, but they'll continue on as they were, because it brings in a hefty paycheck, for the time being anyway.
The Republican Party has been an accessory to treason so many times in recent years, it should be outlawed. Even if not all Republicans are guilty (and thus should not be punished), so many crimes have been committed in its name, it's practically a criminal syndicate.

If you asked me this a decade or two ago, I would have blamed both parties.
Maxdeath, I cannot speak for others, but I think you are laboring under a false assumption that anyone is for open borders. I respectfully do not believe this is true.

As a Michigander, I have often passed into Canada, always stopped at the border station, and spent some wonderful time in a wonderful country. I had to show ID and explain my visit. That was then. I believe one now needs a passport to enter Canada. So that border was never open. People from Windsor and Sarnia worked in Detroit and Port Huron and had monthly bridge passes. God! what a shame that this good neighbor and friend is on the government shit list.

I don't know much about our southern border, or Mexico, but to my knowledge we never had an open border there either. Nor would anyone I know want one. There really ARE bad guys out there..nobody thinks otherwise. Immigrants need screening and vetting. But can we not have both vetting AND asylum? It is said we don't have enough attorneys and vetters or whatever is required. But that's like a business that depends on customers not gearing up for peak hours and peak locations, or police departments not beefing up for a significant visit or event. There is NO excuse for not having more manpower at a border that has the most activity.
I assume you have not read most of the things coming from the Democratic Party or the left. There are a large number of those that are calling for the catch and release policies we have had for many years.
The biggest problem with the southern border as compared to the northern border is two fold.
First and foremost is that there are not millions of undereducated or unemployed wanting to cross the northern border to enter the U.S.
Second there have been almost 400 deaths each year of those attempting to cross the border illegally since they were forced on to the Arizona desert route because of the wall placed on the Mexico California border. This does not include those dying in the back of Semi trucks or in vans attempting to be smuggled into the country.
We had a law that said that children could not be held in captivity more then twenty days yet because of that law someone could cross the border illegally with a child and if caught make a claim for asylum. Because of court backup this meant twenty days in detention then release while awaiting trial. They would disappear not to be seen again. Hence the term catch and release.
The reason a visa is now needed to visit any country is because of the first bombing of the World Trade Center and 9/11.
The Republican Party has been an accessory to treason so many times in recent years, it should be outlawed. Even if not all Republicans are guilty (and thus should not be punished), so many crimes have been committed in its name, it's practically a criminal syndicate.

If you asked me this a decade or two ago, I would have blamed both parties.
It is up to you to do something about it. Pick up your weapons and get to work. Voter registration lists are in every state. You will have the names and addresses of every registered republican.
Maxdeath, I cannot speak for others, but I think you are laboring under a false assumption that anyone is for open borders. I respectfully do not believe this is true.

As a Michigander, I have often passed into Canada, always stopped at the border station, and spent some wonderful time in a wonderful country. I had to show ID and explain my visit. That was then. I believe one now needs a passport to enter Canada. So that border was never open. People from Windsor and Sarnia worked in Detroit and Port Huron and had monthly bridge passes. God! what a shame that this good neighbor and friend is on the government shit list.

I don't know much about our southern border, or Mexico, but to my knowledge we never had an open border there either. Nor would anyone I know want one. There really ARE bad guys out there..nobody thinks otherwise. Immigrants need screening and vetting. But can we not have both vetting AND asylum? It is said we don't have enough attorneys and vetters or whatever is required. But that's like a business that depends on customers not gearing up for peak hours and peak locations, or police departments not beefing up for a significant visit or event. There is NO excuse for not having more manpower at a border that has the most activity.
I assume you have not read most of the things coming from the Democratic Party or the left. There are a large number of those that are calling for the catch and release policies we have had for many years.
The biggest problem with the southern border as compared to the northern border is two fold.
First and foremost is that there are not millions of undereducated or unemployed wanting to cross the northern border to enter the U.S.
Second there have been almost 400 deaths each year of those attempting to cross the border illegally since they were forced on to the Arizona desert route because of the wall placed on the Mexico California border. This does not include those dying in the back of Semi trucks or in vans attempting to be smuggled into the country.
We had a law that said that children could not be held in captivity more then twenty days yet because of that law someone could cross the border illegally with a child and if caught make a claim for asylum. Because of court backup this meant twenty days in detention then release while awaiting trial. They would disappear not to be seen again. Hence the term catch and release.
The reason a visa is now needed to visit any country is because of the first bombing of the World Trade Center and 9/11.
Maxdeath, thank you for a cogent disagreement. And I applaud your compassion for those who died in an unforgiving desert or in the back of an airless van for trying to make it. The difference, my friend, is that those folks are not the drug smugglers who have a viable safe crossing network or killers bent on chaotic murder sprees. So we still do not agree, but you have gained my respect, and my attention to your posts in the future.
ps. I know the reasons for passports and I can't complain. But Canada? I remember the billboard sign in Detroit facing across the river into Windsor that said "Thank you, Canada!" for protecting and hiding and ultimately helping the successful escape of our diplomatic service members from the Iranian hostage mess. When the pedal hit the metal, they were there for us.
If we abolished the damn Illegals there would be no need for ICE.

We need to secure the border and then round up all the Illegals and deport them and then we can abolish ICE and use the money allocated to fund the agency to pay off some of the enormous debt that Obama gave us.

You will not "abolish" the illegals so long as the Democrats give aid and comfort to them. So the question stands.

We've been carrying debt since Alexander Hamilton. Most of it is owed to ourselves.

See, to a fucked up asshole, you can only "abolish" the illegals if you punish their children & treat vthem like shit.

Treating them like people is the American way.
If we abolished the damn Illegals there would be no need for ICE.

We need to secure the border and then round up all the Illegals and deport them and then we can abolish ICE and use the money allocated to fund the agency to pay off some of the enormous debt that Obama gave us.

You will not "abolish" the illegals so long as the Democrats give aid and comfort to them. So the question stands.

We've been carrying debt since Alexander Hamilton. Most of it is owed to ourselves.

See, to a fucked up asshole, you can only "abolish" the illegals if you punish their children & treat vthem like shit.

Treating them like people is the American way.

If you don't want your children taken by the authorities then don't bring them to the scene of a crime, dumbass.

You Moon Bats really don't give a shit about children. You never have and you never will. If you gave a shit about children you wouldn't be a filthy ass Liberal that supports abortion that murders a million American children each year. You wouldn't vote for dumbass Democrats with failed Left economic policies that put children in poverty, decreases their family income, takes away their liberties, destroys their heath care and puts them $10 trillion in debt.
If we abolished the damn Illegals there would be no need for ICE.

We need to secure the border and then round up all the Illegals and deport them and then we can abolish ICE and use the money allocated to fund the agency to pay off some of the enormous debt that Obama gave us.

You will not "abolish" the illegals so long as the Democrats give aid and comfort to them. So the question stands.

We've been carrying debt since Alexander Hamilton. Most of it is owed to ourselves.

See, to a fucked up asshole, you can only "abolish" the illegals if you punish their children & treat vthem like shit.

Treating them like people is the American way.

Who says?

Treating them as invaders is the wisest way.
Ice is a fairly new agency. The idea was to split INS and the enforcement side .

Looking back , that may have been a mistake .
Ice is a fairly new agency. The idea was to split INS and the enforcement side .

Looking back , that may have been a mistake .

The mistake was not putting up a wall decades ago and giving amnesty to a whole shitload of Beaners. What the hell were we thinking allowing Mexico and the Central American countries to export their poverty and crime to the US? How dumb is that?

However, the biggest mistake was electing that asshole Obama who allowed millions of the little fuckers to flood into the country just so the Democrats would have more welfare queen voters..

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