Abortion facts

Abortion doesn't benefit women. It's all about the power of (mostly liberal) men. A man walks away from 20 years of future responsibilities at the stroke of a scalpel while a woman deals with symptoms similar to PTSD sometimes for the rest of her life.
maybe she should have kept her legs closed until she was married

More than half of the women who get abortions are married or in a committed relationship.

Who Gets Abortions? You Might Be Surprised.

Induced Abortion in the United States

Huntin' ain't no fun when the rabbit's got the gun, asshole.

There is no part of the current abortion problem in the USA that hasn't been created by the Republican Party's labour legislation, and lack of income and supports for the country's poorest families.

Abortion, like violent crime, drugs, and other social problems, start with the extreme poverty of low income and working Americans.
Many American Women Have Felt Pressured into Abortions, Study Finds - PRI

The study, published recently in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, found that nearly three-quarters (73.8%) of women with a history of abortion surveyed admitted that they experienced at least subtle forms of pressure to terminate their pregnancies.

More than half of the women reported that the perceived pressure was great enough to significantly influence their decision to abort. Of the 987 women surveyed, more than half (58.3%) indicated that they decided to abort in order to make others happy. Nearly 30% of survey respondents admitted that they were afraid that they would lose their partner if they failed to terminate their pregnancy.

Further underlining the fact that choosing abortion is contrary women’s natural instincts, the study also found that two-thirds of the women (66%) knew in their hearts that abortion was wrong. Many women (67.5%) said that the decision to terminate their pregnancies was one of the hardest decisions of their lives.

Sounds about right. This Progressive death loving culture that forces God out of class rooms and embraces some 300 people overdosing on drugs every day instead while doing nothing to stop the drugs coming across the border that is causing it is simply the status quo now.

Did I mention all the school shootings?

As society delves farther into secularism, it will only get worse.

All this hand wringing and woe. Where's the mandated maternity leave that would give them job security? The USA is the only first world country that doesn't give pregnant women paid maternity leave and job security. No universal health care for poor women or their babies either. No subsidized child care for poor families. Nothing to support poor women having babies at all.

80% of all women who have abortions cite financial reasons for having the abortion, and live at or just above the poverty line. A lot more of these women would have their babies, if they could keep their jobs, had health care, and child care available to them.

Stop pretending you care about these women and their babies, when you give these women NOTHING to help them keep their babies.
you are one dumb witch,,,

the US does have paid maternity with job security

but you being a canadian wouldnt know that

No it doesn't. You being a man, you wouldn't know that. A few enlightened employers offer it to the professional classes, but low wage workers are shit outta luck:


Try again asshole!
but I am a husband and a father that watched my wife take months off to birth and take care of both our children and then return to her job,,,

so while you only listen to what makes you feel good I actually experienced it

You wife is clearly one of those fortunate women who has an enlightened employer. Your experience is highly atypical.

The poorest women, the 80% of women who seek abortions who live at or below the poverty line, are part of the 88% who no paid leave or job security.

Currently, the Family Medical Leave Act, gives women 12 weeks job-protected unpaid leave, but many workers don't qualify for that. Twelve percent of U.S. non-government workers have access to paid family leave, according to the Department of Labor.

Survey: 38% of Employers Offer Paid Parental Leave

Keep trying, asshole.

one thing you as a canadian dont understand,,,its not the job of the fed government to intervene in peoples personal lives

in other words its against the law
Abortion doesn't benefit women. It's all about the power of (mostly liberal) men. A man walks away from 20 years of future responsibilities at the stroke of a scalpel while a woman deals with symptoms similar to PTSD sometimes for the rest of her life.
maybe she should have kept her legs closed until she was married

More than half of the women who get abortions are married or in a committed relationship.

Who Gets Abortions? You Might Be Surprised.

Induced Abortion in the United States

Huntin' ain't no fun when the rabbit's got the gun, asshole.
so they are just murdering their own children for their own benefit

got it
Abortion doesn't benefit women. It's all about the power of (mostly liberal) men. A man walks away from 20 years of future responsibilities at the stroke of a scalpel while a woman deals with symptoms similar to PTSD sometimes for the rest of her life.
maybe she should have kept her legs closed until she was married

More than half of the women who get abortions are married or in a committed relationship.

Who Gets Abortions? You Might Be Surprised.

Induced Abortion in the United States

Huntin' ain't no fun when the rabbit's got the gun, asshole.
but the child doesnt have a gun,,,
Abortion doesn't benefit women. It's all about the power of (mostly liberal) men. A man walks away from 20 years of future responsibilities at the stroke of a scalpel while a woman deals with symptoms similar to PTSD sometimes for the rest of her life.
maybe she should have kept her legs closed until she was married
Maybe guys should wait till they are married.
thats true,,,but they arent the ones that are killing their own children and they unlike women can't abandon their children if they want
Oh but in many cases they are.
not legally like women do,,,women have the option and men dont
If people can't afford children or don't want children, how about birth control or abstain...dumbass.
Accidents happen. If you really want them having more babies free healthcare and college would be a good start. Or do you really not care about abortions?

Accidents happen? Should have taken that into consideration before taking your pants off.
So you don’t want fewer abortions it seems. Shocking.

So, you can't see beyond your nose...shocking.
It’s cute how dishonest you are. You won’t do anything to make people less likely to have an abortion, yet claim it’s important to you. It’s clear you just play politics.

Well, you could stop making heroines out of those who kill babies......

"Shout Your Abortion — Abortion is normal. Our stories are ours to tell ."
Shout Your Abortion — Abortion is normal. Our stories are ours to tell. This is not a debate.

You could admit that almost 100% of abortions are simply for convenience.

You could remember that the fetus is not a part of the mother's body.

That'd be a start.
Accidents happen. If you really want them having more babies free healthcare and college would be a good start. Or do you really not care about abortions?

Accidents happen? Should have taken that into consideration before taking your pants off.
So you don’t want fewer abortions it seems. Shocking.

So, you can't see beyond your nose...shocking.
It’s cute how dishonest you are. You won’t do anything to make people less likely to have an abortion, yet claim it’s important to you. It’s clear you just play politics.

Well, you could stop making heroines out of those who kill babies......

"Shout Your Abortion — Abortion is normal. Our stories are ours to tell ."
Shout Your Abortion — Abortion is normal. Our stories are ours to tell. This is not a debate.

You could admit that almost 100% of abortions are simply for convenience.

You could remember that the fetus is not a part of the mother's body.

That'd be a start.
Why would I bother? Haven’t met grieving parents from an abortion yet. You don’t really care either, just playing politics.
Many American Women Have Felt Pressured into Abortions, Study Finds - PRI

The study, published recently in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, found that nearly three-quarters (73.8%) of women with a history of abortion surveyed admitted that they experienced at least subtle forms of pressure to terminate their pregnancies.

More than half of the women reported that the perceived pressure was great enough to significantly influence their decision to abort. Of the 987 women surveyed, more than half (58.3%) indicated that they decided to abort in order to make others happy. Nearly 30% of survey respondents admitted that they were afraid that they would lose their partner if they failed to terminate their pregnancy.

Further underlining the fact that choosing abortion is contrary women’s natural instincts, the study also found that two-thirds of the women (66%) knew in their hearts that abortion was wrong. Many women (67.5%) said that the decision to terminate their pregnancies was one of the hardest decisions of their lives.

Sounds about right. This Progressive death loving culture that forces God out of class rooms and embraces some 300 people overdosing on drugs every day instead while doing nothing to stop the drugs coming across the border that is causing it is simply the status quo now.

Did I mention all the school shootings?

As society delves farther into secularism, it will only get worse.
No secularism in the Middle East. How’s that working out?
Like you would expect when Christian haters were in charge.
Accidents happen? Should have taken that into consideration before taking your pants off.
So you don’t want fewer abortions it seems. Shocking.

So, you can't see beyond your nose...shocking.
It’s cute how dishonest you are. You won’t do anything to make people less likely to have an abortion, yet claim it’s important to you. It’s clear you just play politics.

Well, you could stop making heroines out of those who kill babies......

"Shout Your Abortion — Abortion is normal. Our stories are ours to tell ."
Shout Your Abortion — Abortion is normal. Our stories are ours to tell. This is not a debate.

You could admit that almost 100% of abortions are simply for convenience.

You could remember that the fetus is not a part of the mother's body.

That'd be a start.

Why would I bother? Haven’t met grieving parents from an abortion yet. You don’t really care either, just playing politics.

I graciously accept your white flag.
So you don’t want fewer abortions it seems. Shocking.

So, you can't see beyond your nose...shocking.
It’s cute how dishonest you are. You won’t do anything to make people less likely to have an abortion, yet claim it’s important to you. It’s clear you just play politics.

Well, you could stop making heroines out of those who kill babies......

"Shout Your Abortion — Abortion is normal. Our stories are ours to tell ."
Shout Your Abortion — Abortion is normal. Our stories are ours to tell. This is not a debate.

You could admit that almost 100% of abortions are simply for convenience.

You could remember that the fetus is not a part of the mother's body.

That'd be a start.

Why would I bother? Haven’t met grieving parents from an abortion yet. You don’t really care either, just playing politics.

I graciously accept your white flag.
Didn’t think you had any real responses. Politics is all it is for you. The white flag is yours.
Accidents happen? Should have taken that into consideration before taking your pants off.
So you don’t want fewer abortions it seems. Shocking.

So, you can't see beyond your nose...shocking.
It’s cute how dishonest you are. You won’t do anything to make people less likely to have an abortion, yet claim it’s important to you. It’s clear you just play politics.

Well, you could stop making heroines out of those who kill babies......

"Shout Your Abortion — Abortion is normal. Our stories are ours to tell ."
Shout Your Abortion — Abortion is normal. Our stories are ours to tell. This is not a debate.

You could admit that almost 100% of abortions are simply for convenience.

You could remember that the fetus is not a part of the mother's body.

That'd be a start.
Why would I bother? Haven’t met grieving parents from an abortion yet. You don’t really care either, just playing politics.

so respecting human life and not wanting defensless babys murdered is political

thanks for your opinion
So you don’t want fewer abortions it seems. Shocking.

So, you can't see beyond your nose...shocking.
It’s cute how dishonest you are. You won’t do anything to make people less likely to have an abortion, yet claim it’s important to you. It’s clear you just play politics.

Well, you could stop making heroines out of those who kill babies......

"Shout Your Abortion — Abortion is normal. Our stories are ours to tell ."
Shout Your Abortion — Abortion is normal. Our stories are ours to tell. This is not a debate.

You could admit that almost 100% of abortions are simply for convenience.

You could remember that the fetus is not a part of the mother's body.

That'd be a start.
Why would I bother? Haven’t met grieving parents from an abortion yet. You don’t really care either, just playing politics.

so respecting human life and not wanting defensless babys murdered is political

thanks for your opinion
If you care then free child care, healthcare and college would lower abortions. I’m sure you are in full support?
So, you can't see beyond your nose...shocking.
It’s cute how dishonest you are. You won’t do anything to make people less likely to have an abortion, yet claim it’s important to you. It’s clear you just play politics.

Well, you could stop making heroines out of those who kill babies......

"Shout Your Abortion — Abortion is normal. Our stories are ours to tell ."
Shout Your Abortion — Abortion is normal. Our stories are ours to tell. This is not a debate.

You could admit that almost 100% of abortions are simply for convenience.

You could remember that the fetus is not a part of the mother's body.

That'd be a start.

Why would I bother? Haven’t met grieving parents from an abortion yet. You don’t really care either, just playing politics.

I graciously accept your white flag.
Didn’t think you had any real responses. Politics is all it is for you. The white flag is yours.

Well, you could stop making heroines out of those who kill babies......

"Shout Your Abortion — Abortion is normal. Our stories are ours to tell ."
Shout Your Abortion — Abortion is normal. Our stories are ours to tell. This is not a debate.

You could admit that almost 100% of abortions are simply for convenience.

You could remember that the fetus is not a part of the mother's body.

That'd be a start.

That was my post.....and you had no response.....hence....your surrender.

Accidents happen? Should have taken that into consideration before taking your pants off.
So you don’t want fewer abortions it seems. Shocking.

So, you can't see beyond your nose...shocking.
It’s cute how dishonest you are. You won’t do anything to make people less likely to have an abortion, yet claim it’s important to you. It’s clear you just play politics.

Well, you could stop making heroines out of those who kill babies......

"Shout Your Abortion — Abortion is normal. Our stories are ours to tell ."
Shout Your Abortion — Abortion is normal. Our stories are ours to tell. This is not a debate.

You could admit that almost 100% of abortions are simply for convenience.

You could remember that the fetus is not a part of the mother's body.

That'd be a start.
Why would I bother? Haven’t met grieving parents from an abortion yet. You don’t really care either, just playing politics.

and just so you know,,,I am a grieving parent after an abortion,,

at the time my girlfriend said she just couldnt have a baby and since I was young and stupid went along with it,,
but many yrs later after having children I always wonder what my first child would be like and miss them everyday
So, you can't see beyond your nose...shocking.
It’s cute how dishonest you are. You won’t do anything to make people less likely to have an abortion, yet claim it’s important to you. It’s clear you just play politics.

Well, you could stop making heroines out of those who kill babies......

"Shout Your Abortion — Abortion is normal. Our stories are ours to tell ."
Shout Your Abortion — Abortion is normal. Our stories are ours to tell. This is not a debate.

You could admit that almost 100% of abortions are simply for convenience.

You could remember that the fetus is not a part of the mother's body.

That'd be a start.
Why would I bother? Haven’t met grieving parents from an abortion yet. You don’t really care either, just playing politics.

so respecting human life and not wanting defensless babys murdered is political

thanks for your opinion
If you care then free child care, healthcare and college would lower abortions. I’m sure you are in full support?

So you agree that the following is 100% correct, true and accurate?

Well, you could stop making heroines out of those who kill babies......

"Shout Your Abortion — Abortion is normal. Our stories are ours to tell ."
Shout Your Abortion — Abortion is normal. Our stories are ours to tell. This is not a debate.

You could admit that almost 100% of abortions are simply for convenience.

You could remember that the fetus is not a part of the mother's body.

That'd be a start.
So, you can't see beyond your nose...shocking.
It’s cute how dishonest you are. You won’t do anything to make people less likely to have an abortion, yet claim it’s important to you. It’s clear you just play politics.

Well, you could stop making heroines out of those who kill babies......

"Shout Your Abortion — Abortion is normal. Our stories are ours to tell ."
Shout Your Abortion — Abortion is normal. Our stories are ours to tell. This is not a debate.

You could admit that almost 100% of abortions are simply for convenience.

You could remember that the fetus is not a part of the mother's body.

That'd be a start.
Why would I bother? Haven’t met grieving parents from an abortion yet. You don’t really care either, just playing politics.

so respecting human life and not wanting defensless babys murdered is political

thanks for your opinion
If you care then free child care, healthcare and college would lower abortions. I’m sure you are in full support?
So, you can't see beyond your nose...shocking.
It’s cute how dishonest you are. You won’t do anything to make people less likely to have an abortion, yet claim it’s important to you. It’s clear you just play politics.

Well, you could stop making heroines out of those who kill babies......

"Shout Your Abortion — Abortion is normal. Our stories are ours to tell ."
Shout Your Abortion — Abortion is normal. Our stories are ours to tell. This is not a debate.

You could admit that almost 100% of abortions are simply for convenience.

You could remember that the fetus is not a part of the mother's body.

That'd be a start.
Why would I bother? Haven’t met grieving parents from an abortion yet. You don’t really care either, just playing politics.

so respecting human life and not wanting defensless babys murdered is political

thanks for your opinion
If you care then free child care, healthcare and college would lower abortions. I’m sure you are in full support?
Sterilization would cut down on abortions too, that doesn't make it an option.

Human Rights isn't a side effect of Socialist policies.
So you don’t want fewer abortions it seems. Shocking.

So, you can't see beyond your nose...shocking.
It’s cute how dishonest you are. You won’t do anything to make people less likely to have an abortion, yet claim it’s important to you. It’s clear you just play politics.

Well, you could stop making heroines out of those who kill babies......

"Shout Your Abortion — Abortion is normal. Our stories are ours to tell ."
Shout Your Abortion — Abortion is normal. Our stories are ours to tell. This is not a debate.

You could admit that almost 100% of abortions are simply for convenience.

You could remember that the fetus is not a part of the mother's body.

That'd be a start.
Why would I bother? Haven’t met grieving parents from an abortion yet. You don’t really care either, just playing politics.

so respecting human life and not wanting defensless babys murdered is political

thanks for your opinion

And it began with the French Revolution....as did the Russian Revolution, and that of Mao.

The central fallacy is that society can replace religion and morality with science and reason.

Science tells us what we can do, not what we should do: hence, abortion and infanticide.

Dennis Prager:
"If there's no God - making ourselves the source of ethics for everybody, or declaring that nobody can be the source of ethics for anybody, and therefore morality is, again, purely subjective.

Abortion may be legal, and a woman’s right….but this doesn’t it is ethically right. The Greeks believed in a version of same in which they placed deformed babies on the hillside. The reason I use the Greek example of ugly children is not because we do it today, but because they had reason on their side.

Reason supports a lot of things, as for example, a very liberal position on abortion. If there is no God, "Love your neighbor as yourself" is just a good idea. That's why it is written, incidentally, in Leviticus, "Love your neighbor as yourself, I am God." I, God, tell you to be decent to other people."

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