Abortion Is Finally Illegal -- And I Can't Wait To Sue

So give up your guns, Texans. Anyone whom you want to shoot has a heartbeat, including those wading across the Rio Grande with their babies on their backs. Why do you think that these people do it? Because they have stable homes and plenty of food to raise their children? Give me a fucking break!
They can't come in legally they are a target. Stupid libs.
Because the court did not grant an emergency stay on a law that has yet to the see the inside of a state or federal courtoom?
The law breaks the precedent on restrictive abortion laws that the High Court has set in the past. The court usually issues an injunction while these lawsuits work their way through the system.

However, the women of Texas should realize it's a brave new world out there and vote out the Neo-GOPer that infest Texas politic right now.
Don't have to. Unlike your dumbass I know. The court used the due process clause in the 14th amendment to make their ruling. It is a stretch at best. So, abortion itself is not in the constitution.
As a citizen, you are entitled to challenge the Constitutionality of Roe v Wade

Why don’t you?
No, actually I oppose abortion after the first trimester. But six weeks is ridiculous. Many women have no clue they might be preggo at the 6 week point. And even if they take the pee test at 5 weeks shortly after a missed period and it turns out positive, the likelihood of scheduling a procedure in a week or less is slim to none.

You clowns are on the wrong side of literally every major issue in this country. And it's going to cost you. If not the next election cycle - in many election cycles to come.

Well the laws passed in NYS and other abortion rights states going to the 3rd trimester are just as ridiculous.

Your side has decided zero compromise, so now you get it good and hard, and you whine.
Blatantly illegal
I can’t see how the court can stand behind it

Someone with NO LEGAL STANDING is allowed to sue
The state is allowing private citizens to enforce its laws

I can’t believe this would not set a precedent for other areas

The law gives them legal standing, you're not very smart are ya?

Why not, democrats want to legalize murder. Think of all the prison cells that they could vacate if ALL murder was not controlled by laws.
Isn't that the way it's going? Of course it is murder. But murder of a human being wholly within and dependent upon the body of another human being making it more like murder adjacent. This is a problem with no good answers. Because of the nature of the relationship between the parties, the line between murder and suicide is too close.
No it's not. You have to hire a lawyer sue someone, and win the lawsuit to get your reward, and then you have to collect it. The state has turned everyone into vigilantes dispensing justice for the unborn.

Wow, never thought I'd see you admit that there needs to be justice for the killing of the unborn. Good job commie.

The conservatives on the Supreme Court just ended Roe v. Wade without lifting a finger. Literally. They refused to act to block a new law in Texas from going into effect, the most restrictive abortion ban in the nation. The Court needed to act by midnight and did not, so this morning millions of Texans woke up in a state in which it’s virtually impossible to legally access an abortion.

They just wrote the campaign ads against Republicans in every state, and the national elections. Enjoy now righties, this is going to bite you in ass hard in the coming months and years.

All Texas has to do is make it legal.

They don't want to ?

Their business.

F**k off.

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