Abortion Is Finally Illegal -- And I Can't Wait To Sue

Those damn minorities here in Texas keep on voting those damn Republicans into power!!!

Wait, Texas is a minority-majority state, so why is it Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians feel a woman does not have a right to her body?
Texass doesn't like the idea of a person having liberty to control their bodies. Their idea of religion are something close to a totalistic state.
wrong as always dumbass.That the rest of the united communist states of America you are talking about with Florida being the other exception.

waits for your farting response.
This decision never had any basis for being brought to the court and subsequently becoming a ruling of the Burger Court in the first place. The courts role as interpreter of constitutionality to one of writing law has its roots in this 73 decision. The actual ruling by chief Justice Burgers court was a decision based on saving the life of the mother which evolved into what we have today. In my opinion this is a states rights issue in that the states have to right to define what constitutes the legal termination of a fetus.
Should Roe vs Wade be overturned, no, it’s too late for that, the federal government needs to acknowledge that the states have the sole right to approve or prohibit the practice, define criteria, and establish their own set of laws regarding the abortion issue. Roe in itself permits the practice, however, it remains the states right to allow it.
Abortions must not occur after the babies heart starts beating.

Since a heartbeat medically determines life and death, I can’t see any argument.

85% drop in abortions in Texas now.
Such an odd law. there is no actual enforcement. It just allows citizens to sure people who assist in abortions after 6 weeks. But abortions are private, so I don't understand how that would work and why the clinics are kowtowing to it.
Because your "predictions" are always so accurate. Moron.

This is why I was never worried about the Afghanistan withdrawal.

If it's one thing you can always count on, is a dumbass righty to shoot himself in both feet.
The authoritarian right seeks only to compel conformity and punish dissent at the expense of individual liberty.
That some might perceive abortion to be wrong is personal and subjective and not within the purview of the state.

Conservatives of course place the authority of the state over the liberties of the people.

The Taliban threaten to turn back womens rights.

Texas says, 'Hold my beer'
The conservatives on the Supreme Court just ended Roe v. Wade without lifting a finger. Literally. They refused to act to block a new law in Texas from going into effect, the most restrictive abortion ban in the nation. The Court needed to act by midnight and did not, so this morning millions of Texans woke up in a state in which it’s virtually impossible to legally access an abortion.

They just wrote the campaign ads against Republicans in every state, and the national elections. Enjoy now righties, this is going to bite you in ass hard in the coming months and years.
Well all the Libertarians will DEFINITELY be voting Democrat for a few elections now.



No? What's that you say? They are actually all just frauds hiding behind the word "freedom"?

Oh. Okay.
God Bless Texas!!!!!
It’s neither the role nor responsibility of government to compel women to give birth against their will through force of law.

Hence the authoritarian right and big government conservatives.

Rightists need to understand that there’s far more to ‘limited government’ than tax cuts that explode the debt and reckless, irresponsible, unwarranted deregulation.
The conservatives on the Supreme Court just ended Roe v. Wade without lifting a finger. Literally. They refused to act to block a new law in Texas from going into effect, the most restrictive abortion ban in the nation. The Court needed to act by midnight and did not, so this morning millions of Texans woke up in a state in which it’s virtually impossible to legally access an abortion.

They just wrote the campaign ads against Republicans in every state, and the national elections. Enjoy now righties, this is going to bite you in ass hard in the coming months and years.
People like you is what abortion is for. Whatever a mother does is her business only

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