Abortion Is Finally Illegal -- And I Can't Wait To Sue

Well all the Libertarians will DEFINITELY be voting Democrat for a few elections now.



No? What's that you say? They are actually all just frauds hiding behind the word "freedom"?

Oh. Okay.

Same with the evangelical Israel supporters.

You know, the country where abortion is free and legal under all circumstances.
No it's not. You have to hire a lawyer sue someone, and win the lawsuit to get your reward, and then you have to collect it. The state has turned everyone into vigilantes dispensing justice for the unborn.
Your Law Enforcement goons are dragging preachers out of churches beating the crap out of them.
It’s neither the role nor responsibility of government to compel women to give birth against their will through force of law.

It is most certainly the role and the responsibility of government to prevent the killing of the most innocent and vulnerable in our nation.

This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

No jurisdiction in the United States is mandating vaccinations and threatening those unvaccinated with lawsuits or criminal prosecution.

Yeah you love trotting out your logical fallacy arguments. The problem is, you are so ignorant that they apply more to you, than to anybody else. My body My choice. The woman is killing an unborn child, thus my argument FULLY applies.
No, actually I oppose abortion after the first trimester. But six weeks is ridiculous. Many women have no clue they might be preggo at the 6 week point. And even if they take the pee test at 5 weeks shortly after a missed period and it turns out positive, the likelihood of scheduling a procedure in a week or less is slim to none.

You clowns are on the wrong side of literally every major issue in this country. And it's going to cost you. If not the next election cycle - in many election cycles to come.

Why is that? Wouldn't a decrease in the number of abortions free up that scheduling?
This is why I was never worried about the Afghanistan withdrawal.

If it's one thing you can always count on, is a dumbass righty to shoot himself in both feet.

The Taliban threaten to turn back womens rights.

Texas says, 'Hold my beer'

My point stands, you are wrong every time.
The conservatives on the Supreme Court just ended Roe v. Wade without lifting a finger. Literally. They refused to act to block a new law in Texas from going into effect, the most restrictive abortion ban in the nation. The Court needed to act by midnight and did not, so this morning millions of Texans woke up in a state in which it’s virtually impossible to legally access an abortion.

They just wrote the campaign ads against Republicans in every state, and the national elections. Enjoy now righties, this is going to bite you in ass hard in the coming months and years.
great, that means fewer Democrats
point stands, you are wrong every time.

You're certainly entitled to your opinion.

But not to your own facts.

I was right about Obama, both times. I was right about Obamacare remaining the law of the land. I was right about the ass kicking Democrats dished out in the 2018 midterms, I was right about Trump being a one term President, I was right about the Democrats taking back both Houses of Congress.

And listen very carefully.

I will be right about all of the pissed off women, that will be voting a lot of Republicans out of office in state, local, and national elections beginning next year.
The republicans quickly threw the "my body my choice" out the window didn't they?

The republicans believe that phrase only applies to someone who won't wear a mask and won't get vaccinated.

They also believe the words freedom and liberty don't apply to women.

The republicans are nothing but hypocrites.

Republicans are infamous for their hypocrisy.
You're certainly entitled to your opinion.

But not to your own facts.

I was right about Obama, both times. I was right about Obamacare remaining the law of the land. I was right about the ass kicking Democrats dished out in the 2018 midterms, I was right about Trump being a one term President, I was right about the Democrats taking back both Houses of Congress.

And listen very carefully.

I will be right about all of the pissed off women, that will be voting a lot of Republicans out of office in state, local, and national elections beginning next year.
your the stupid dumbfuck troll who wants to have his OWN facts you fag.

you blatantly ignore facts how your hero Obomination was a mass murderer and expanded the Bushs war in the mideast asswipe.
It’s neither the role nor responsibility of government to compel women to give birth against their will through force of law.

Hence the authoritarian right and big government conservatives.

Rightists need to understand that there’s far more to ‘limited government’ than tax cuts that explode the debt and reckless, irresponsible, unwarranted deregulation.
It is the role and responsibility of government to protect innocent human life.

Texans can still travel to murder friendly blue states
What is it with hypocrite lefties? Is it about power? They want to put you in jail for not wearing a mask or not being vaccinated but when a law comes along that might save the lives of countless unborn humans they get hysterical and want to sue.
This is a lie.

No one is being put in jail or sued because he refuses to wear a mask or be vaccinated.

That’s not the case in Texas when a resident seeks to exercise her right to privacy.

Conservatives are hypocrites, authoritarians, and advocates of big government, more government at the expense of individual liberty – this Texas law is further proof of that.

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