Abortion Is Finally Illegal -- And I Can't Wait To Sue

Coming from our resident fascists I can’t take that very seriously.

Fascists? How am I a fascist? lolol.

Everything that's been invoked since your brood took over has been an active experiment in how far it can take fascism.


Relax, killer.

They're not gonna make you stop killing the other patient involved in the pregnancy. There will still be ways to get around the system.
Any reason will do.
For conservatives’ abortion is a partisan weapon to use against opponents and keep the base energized and going to the polls – having no intent in actually doing something that might end the practice.

And once Roe is overturned or otherwise nullified, we’ll hear nothing from the right again about ‘abortion.’

Or if we do, it will only be about enacting a Federal ban or amending the Constitution – still having nothing to do with actually ending the practice.
Son YOU are the one who disappeared when Hillary lost....for 2 weeks. You also forgot to mention you were wrong about keeping Congress in Bambi's midterm....nobody thought Bambi would lose in either race. I know you think your poop doesn't stink but seriously, you aren't the superior intellect you see yourself as.
Notice how he played dodgeball with these facts about him you listed,same as he played dodgeball with me and changed the subject when he could not refute them,he excels at dodgeball don’t he? :abgg2q.jpg:
Murder is Murder.
And I don't care what part of this Planet we live in.
Abortion = Murder
What's wrong is wrong.
Abortion is very wrong.
Killing a baby :(
Especially when there are couples who can’t have children for whatever reason who would be glad to raise the child as their own.
Big Brother has finally arrived and he’s wearing a Republican suit. Neighbors spying on neighbors, anyone can sue, with prohibitions on frivolous suits removed. What’s more if you win you get a $10,000 bounty and if you lose, the poor sucker you sued still has to pay court costs. No need for proof. Today’s Republican Party, one step above slime molds (because technically, they are human).
Have you read the law? The plaintiff still has to hire a lawyer and pay the court costs to file a suit against the doctor, don't they? That would easily exceed the $10,000.
I don’t believe in any inherent right to life prior viability, the mothers rights overrule that which is within her. If you don’t believe that, then you believe pregnant women, uniquely, lose their rights at conception.
Pathetic excuses. Par for the course with you. Adoption is a very viable alternative. But you can’t stand ANY option except murder the baby. Note how the left NEVER mentions the father’s rights....
Ah well.

Hopefully this will serve as a lesson to the Biden administration not to go making empty threats to the SCOTUS and to the judicial process itself.

What comes around goes around. Nawmean?
Have you read the law? The plaintiff still has to hire a lawyer and pay the court costs to file a suit against the doctor, don't they? That would easily exceed the $10,000.

Marc Hearron, an attorney for the Center for Reproductive Rights, said the law “creates a vigilante scheme” that will encourage many people to file lawsuits against abortion providers as well as those who “aid or abet” them. They are entitled to $10,000 in damages and have their court costs paid by the abortion provider if they win. However, they pay no court costs if they lose, he noted.

Marc Hearron, an attorney for the Center for Reproductive Rights, said the law “creates a vigilante scheme” that will encourage many people to file lawsuits against abortion providers as well as those who “aid or abet” them. They are entitled to $10,000 in damages and have their court costs paid by the abortion provider if they win. However, they pay no court costs if they lose, he noted.
"Court costs" doesn't include legal fees. They would still have to pony up the $$$ to hire lawyers to sue the doctors. THis is a civil case, plaintiff will have to prepare a complaint, have evidence, depositions .... It's going to exceed $10,000 before they walk in the courthouse door. If this gets used, it's going to be used by well funded Right to Life groups, not individuals.

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