Abortion Is Finally Illegal -- And I Can't Wait To Sue

Finally the innocence of babies in wombs have their right to live.
And women are demoted to incubaters.

I think they should pass a law that if a woman, who wants an abortion, and now can’t have one, must carry through the pregnancy, the man who impregnated her must be sterilized.
your the stupid dumbfuck troll who wants to have his OWN facts you fag.

you blatantly ignore facts how your hero Obomination was a mass murderer and expanded the Bushs war in the mideast asswipe.

I can understand your frustration incel. Must be a scary thing with all of these women having all of that power huh?
Watch out for these underground abortion clinics killing babies trying to form. It's going to be sickening but we must keep this law intact.
The women in Texas really should wake up.

The politicians in Texas are taking away their rights and our courts won't do anything about it.

The women and all intelligent people of Texas really should vote those republicans out of office.

The women of child bearing years in Texas will now have to take pregnancy tests monthly so they know if they are pregnant before that 6 week deadline.

We will see women leave Texas for their abortions. We will see women and young girls die or harmed because of this law. They will try to induce miscarriage or go on line to buy the abortion pill and take it without doctor to monitor the process for any complications. Women could end up bleeding which could cause infertility or even die.

This could cause backlash big time on the republicans.
Holy screeching overreacting Batman! No surprise considering who it is.
Thank you, no I never do get any smarter, white men can become rapist and have incest with no worries. Its allowed in Texas.

Texas already has a very high rate of maternal deaths and infant deaths.. Like some third world country.

This is criminal.
I can understand your frustration incel. Must be a scary thing with all of these women having all of that power huh?
Do what your boss from Langley tells you,evade the facts of your hypocrisy and change the subject when you can’t counter them. Love your game of dodgeball you played with just a guys postpone by the watch,you excel at dodgeball.
Conservatives truly are scumbags – with one law they’ve managed to both violate a woman’s right to privacy and disadvantage the poor.
And then they suddenly become concerned about racism…imagine that? So out of one side of their mouths they are all about “saving” black babies while out of the other they are calling them welfare queens, sluts, and leaches.
This is just more bullshit being imposed by older people and religious goobers. The young generation is going to come of age and vote all of these freaks right out, if they continue this.
Watch out for these underground abortion clinics killing babies trying to form. It's going to be sickening but we must keep this law intact.
Of course, gotta make those babies are born, meanwhile you’re busy cutting programs that help women and children, oppose family friendly legislation and attempts to make contraception readily available (ever wonder why red states like Texas have some of the highest numbers of teen pregnancies?).
Big Brother has finally arrived and he’s wearing a Republican suit. Neighbors spying on neighbors, anyone can sue, with prohibitions on frivolous suits removed. What’s more if you win you get a $10,000 bounty and if you lose, the poor sucker you sued still has to pay court costs. No need for proof. Today’s Republican Party, one step above slime molds (because technically, they are human).
So theoretically, could someone start a bunch of spurious lawsuits against Texass repugs and force them to go through all the legal bullshit and expense and risk nothing doing so?

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