Abortion Is Finally Illegal -- And I Can't Wait To Sue

"A new Texas abortion law that bars the procedure after approximately six weeks of pregnancy took effect Wednesday, after the Supreme Court didn’t act on an emergency request by clinics and abortion-rights advocates to block it. When the court said nothing by midnight, the ban officially went into force, making it the most restrictive abortion law in effect in the U.S. The state law dictates that a physician can’t knowingly perform an abortion if there is a detectable fetal heartbeat after 6 weeks of pregnancy. Abortion-rights advocates typically challenge new restrictions before they go into effect by suing the government officials -- but lawmakers devised a measure that shifts enforcement from the state to private parties. Under the new law private parties can file civil lawsuits against any person who allegedly performs or aids a banned abortion, or who intends to do so. Under the law, a successful suit entitles the plaintiff to collect at least $10,000 in damages per abortion challenged."

One of the many good things about living in Texas is now one is able to sue any whore whom they think had an abortion, along with the doctor that helped that whore; the receptionist at the clinic -- and even the person who gave the whore a ride to the clinic -- if you want, you can sue all of them.. In fact, there are already lawsuits in the works to sue..For example, there is a lawyer in Collin County, Tx who donated to abortion rights groups; now that person is getting sued...and there is this other lawyer who represents women who were impregnated from "sexual assault" and are trying to get abortions -- not so fast...they are getting sued too....At $10,000 per abortion challenge, one can make a pretty penny or at least put these folks who are part of this abortion industry out of business and hopefully in jail -- because that is what freedom is all about
I was always taught that in order to file/prevail in a civil lawsuit you had to have sustained damages and show that the defendant was the 'proximate cause' of said damages.

If it's not your child, how does the termination harm an uninvolved third party?
The women in Texas really should wake up.

The politicians in Texas are taking away their rights and our courts won't do anything about it.

The women and all intelligent people of Texas really should vote those republicans out of office.

The women of child bearing years in Texas will now have to take pregnancy tests monthly so they know if they are pregnant before that 6 week deadline.

We will see women leave Texas for their abortions. We will see women and young girls die or harmed because of this law. They will try to induce miscarriage or go on line to buy the abortion pill and take it without doctor to monitor the process for any complications. Women could end up bleeding which could cause infertility or even die.

This could cause backlash big time on the republicans.
You know they consider all of that a big plus
I was always taught that in order to file/prevail in a civil lawsuit you had to have sustained damages and show that the defendant was the 'proximate cause' of said damages.

If it's not your child, how does the termination harm an uninvolved third party?
Depends,. If the law gives you standing to sue, you have standing to sue.
Vaccinations have nothing to do with abortion, stupid.

False equivalency.

You say that it is A-ok for a woman to kill her unborn child, but then have the gall to declare that a parent can't refuse to give a child a vaccine.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander, moron.
if not you - then someone else in yer knuckle dragging orbit. count on it, 'cause covid is morphing.

good luck, jr.

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Yeah, I have natural immunity, dumbass. Now run along. I am sure there are some other children for you to play with. It is after all your playtime.
You say that it is A-ok for a woman to kill her unborn child, but then have the gall to declare that a parent can't refuse to give a child a vaccine.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander, moron.
Like I said before dumb ass, abortion has nothing to do with getting the vaccine.

Are you trumpies that stupid?
One of the many good things about living in Texas is now one is able to sue any whore whom they think had an abortion, along with the doctor that helped that whore; the receptionist at the clinic -- and even the person who gave the whore a ride to the clinic -- if you want, you can sue all of them..
Wow you just proved my point that anti-abortionists are misogynists that want to control women.

How about the men who impregnated them... should we forcibly give them a vasectomy?

"A new Texas abortion law that bars the procedure after approximately six weeks of pregnancy took effect Wednesday, after the Supreme Court didn’t act on an emergency request by clinics and abortion-rights advocates to block it. When the court said nothing by midnight, the ban officially went into force, making it the most restrictive abortion law in effect in the U.S. The state law dictates that a physician can’t knowingly perform an abortion if there is a detectable fetal heartbeat after 6 weeks of pregnancy. Abortion-rights advocates typically challenge new restrictions before they go into effect by suing the government officials -- but lawmakers devised a measure that shifts enforcement from the state to private parties. Under the new law private parties can file civil lawsuits against any person who allegedly performs or aids a banned abortion, or who intends to do so. Under the law, a successful suit entitles the plaintiff to collect at least $10,000 in damages per abortion challenged."

One of the many good things about living in Texas is now one is able to sue any whore whom they think had an abortion, along with the doctor that helped that whore; the receptionist at the clinic -- and even the person who gave the whore a ride to the clinic -- if you want, you can sue all of them.. In fact, there are already lawsuits in the works to sue..For example, there is a lawyer in Collin County, Tx who donated to abortion rights groups; now that person is getting sued...and there is this other lawyer who represents women who were impregnated from "sexual assault" and are trying to get abortions -- not so fast...they are getting sued too....At $10,000 per abortion challenge, one can make a pretty penny or at least put these folks who are part of this abortion industry out of business and hopefully in jail -- because that is what freedom is all about.
Let us all know when you get rich on the murder of unborn children.
Like I said before dumb ass, abortion has nothing to do with getting the vaccine.

Are you trumpies that stupid?

Apparently you are that stupid. In one case you demand a woman can kill her child, yet in the same breath you declare that parents have no right to refuse a vaccine.

You are a fucked up fascist to the core.
If the baby has a heart beat they are a living being. I applaud Texas. There are all types of birth control, no reason for abortions.
At 12 weeks for example... the fetus is only 2 inches long and weighs 0.5 ounces... I don't think there's anything wrong with aborting it at that point.

If isn't viable... and it's no more a baby than an egg is a chicken at that point.


The World Health Organization found that abortion rates are “virtually” equal in rich and poor countries. Looking at abortion trends, researchers concluded that regardless of restrictive abortion laws, women sought abortions. In other words, restricting access to abortion does not make it go away; it only makes it clandestine and unsafe.

Of course anti-abortionists could care less about women's lives... hell they don't even care about children's lives... that's why anti-abortionists in America support a political party that cuts social programs that would help impoverished children and mothers!!!

Also, in the USA, we have over 400,000 kids in foster care... many of these are kids bounce from one foster home to another and never get adopted. Many of them end up homeless when they age out of the foster care system. Outlawing abortion would only great add to the number of kids in foster homes.

But funny how you don't see hardly any of these "Christian" bible thumping prolife hypocrites ever adopt these kids!

You want to know why???

It's because most of these foster kids are children of color or they have a disability.

And white prolife bible thumpers don't want kids like that!

As I said before and I will say it again... the anti-abortion movement is DEEPLY rooted in misogyny, racism and classism.
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You are a fucked up fascist to the core.
You're so stupid, you don't even know what fascism even is... it's you dirt bag shit stains that want to control women's lives, overturn elections, suppress votes and even hold attempted insurrections.

You right wing anti-abortion folks are more than deplorable... you're fucking worthless POS.
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You're so stupid, you don't even know what fascism even is... it's you dirt bag shit stains that want to control women's lives, overturn elections, suppress votes and even hold attempted insurrections.

You right wing anti-abortion folks are more than deplorable... you're fucking worthless POS.

Yeah, fascism is statism. You demand the ability to determine how I live my life. That is the essence of fascism, you boob.
At 12 weeks for example... the fetus is only 2 inches long and weighs 0.5 ounces... I don't think there's anything wrong with aborting it at that point.

If isn't viable... and it's no more a baby than an egg is a chicken at that point.


The World Health Organization found that abortion rates are “virtually” equal in rich and poor countries. Looking at abortion trends, researchers concluded that regardless of restrictive abortion laws, women sought abortions. In other words, restricting access to abortion does not make it go away; it only makes it clandestine and unsafe.

Of course anti-abortionists could care less about women's lives... hell they don't even care about children's lives... that's why anti-abortionists in America support a political party that cuts social programs that would help impoverished children and mothers!!!

Also, in the USA, we have over 400,000 kids in foster care... many of these are kids bounce from one foster home to another and never get adopted. Many of them end up homeless when they age out of the foster care system. Outlawing abortion would only great add to the number of kids in foster homes.

But funny how you don't see hardly any of these "Christian" bible thumping prolife hypocrites ever adopt these kids!

You want to know why???

It's because most of these foster kids are children of color or they have a disability.

And white prolife bible thumpers don't want kids like that!

As I said before and I will say it again... the anti-abortion movement is DEEPLY rooted in misogyny, racism and classism.
Maybe one of your loved ones will take away a joy you could've had. CHOICE!
Yeah, fascism is statism. You demand the ability to determine how I live my life. That is the essence of fascism, you boob.
Vaccine mandates are not fascism stupid.

We've had vaccine mandates for years... how do you think small pox and polio were eradicated??

You also don't have the right to spread diseases to others....
The late great George Carlin really nailed when it comes to religious Conservatives and their stupid anti-abortion views... hahahaha

Vaccine mandates are not fascism stupid.

We've had vaccine mandates for years... how do you think small pox and polio were eradicated??

You also don't have the right to spread diseases to others....

Vaxed inviduals spread COVID too
Vaxed inviduals spread COVID too
Vaxxed individuals carry a smaller viral load than the unvaxxed which makes them less contagious.

In addition the unvaxxed are costing everyone else. Health insurance companies are passing off the medical expenses involved with covering for the unvaxxed onto everyone else in the form of higher health insurance premiums.

So with that said... I think in addition to vaccine mandates, we ought to raise the life insurance and health insurance premiums of the unvaxxed by 200 - 400% and for the unvaxxed who are uninsured (have no health insurance), they ought to be ineligible for any charity care, Medicaid or even Medicare.

Let the unvaxxed have to pay off their own medical bills!
Vaccine mandates are not fascism stupid.

We've had vaccine mandates for years... how do you think small pox and polio were eradicated??

You also don't have the right to spread diseases to others....

Yes, they are, idiot. This is the USA, the government may not mandate ANYTHING.

We have these things called INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS. Government mandates are a direct infringement on those RIGHTS.

But, being a stupid fascist, you don't understand, nor respect INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS.

They are anathema to authoritarians, like you.

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