Abortion Is Finally Illegal -- And I Can't Wait To Sue


The cost and nuisance of defending against a lawsuit is intimidation, even if it's soon dismissed as meritless.

The way that law is written it not only violates the 4th Amendment and the right to choose, it also violates the 14th Amendment of equal protection under the law.

The fact that only one party can recover court costs is a violation of equal protection under the law.

This law is so unconstitutional.
You people are really without a moral compass. Using rape and incest victims as human shields, blackmailing society with the threat to murder children in the womb if we don't pay for them, and now you describe motherhood as a house of horrors.

Sick. Really sick.

You know, I've been tolerant of your opinions because you have a right to them.


How dare you say women are using rape and incest survivors?

Seriously. Women are trying to protect rape and incest survivors.

I am the survivor of rape and you can bet your life if that barbaric act had caused a pregnancy I would have ran as fast as I could to a clinic to get an abortion as quickly as possible and would have been very happy with relief after it was done.

We aren't just talking about rape and incest.

We're talking about ALL women.

Pointing out that the anti choice people are so barbaric as to force a rape or incest survivor to carry a pregnancy that's a result of those barbaric acts to term isn't using rape and incest survivors.

IT'S PROTECTING THEM. Or at least trying to. In Texas they have no protection.

As a rape survivor I know you are wrong. I'm telling you from first hand experience. An experience you will never have if you're a man and can never, ever comprehend.

Do you really think that a 12 year old child who is being raped by a family member has access to the morning after pill? Do you think she even has access to a pregnancy test?

If so, you are very, very wrong.

Or the countless women and young women who don't go to a hospital and don't report the rape would run to get the morning after pill?

If you think so, you are very wrong.

I can tell you those women who don't report it do, they run home. They take off all their clothes and get into the shower. They scrub as hard as they can to get the feeling and smell of the man off of her. She cries and cries trying to remove something that can never be removed but she doesn't realize that yet.

After she has collapsed on the floor of the shower from realizing that nothing will make it go away, she cries even more. Then she gets herself out of the shower and crawls into her bed and curls up into a ball. She then cries until she can't cry anymore. She shakes so bad the whole bed shakes.

Unfortunately, she doesn't think about pregnancy until the next day.

That first 24 hours she's a robot on auto pilot putting one foot in front of the other and just trying to breathe and survive.

Don't ask me how I know this.

This can happen to any woman. In fact, it does to one in four women today. We women know this.

The fact that you accuse those of us who are trying to protect these women of using them is so disgusting and appalling that I just don't have words.

What's worse, is the fact that you make light of these women and the fact that now, today in Texas they are being forced to carry those pregnancies to term. You say it's only a small amount of women. As if since it's not many women it's ok to force them to carry that pregnancy to term.

And that you use them as a weapon against people who believe in choice and support a woman's right to terminate a pregnancy for any reason of her choice no matter how she got pregnant according to Roe V. Wade laws.

Believe what you want. I will defend your right to do so but when it comes to your post I replied to, in my opinion, you have crossed the line.
You know, I've been tolerant of your opinions because you have a right to them.


How dare you say women are using rape and incest survivors?

Seriously. Women are trying to protect rape and incest survivors.
Whenever any politician announces they are pro-life, what is invariably the very first question out of a reporter's mouth?

"What about victims of rape and incest?"

This is to divert attention away from the 99 percent of abortions that are NOT connected to rape or incest.

Pro-abortionists are using the victims of these most heinous crimes as human shields to protect the 50 million murders of the unborn.

I am the survivor of rape and you can bet your life if that barbaric act had caused a pregnancy I would have ran as fast as I could to a clinic to get an abortion as quickly as possible and would have been very happy with relief after it was done.
The best bet for a rape victim would be to take the morning after pill rather than wait and see if she is impregnated. That is standard procedure for rape victims now.

We aren't just talking about rape and incest.

We're talking about ALL women.

Pointing out that the anti choice people are so barbaric as to force a rape or incest survivor to carry a pregnancy that's a result of those barbaric acts to term isn't using rape and incest survivors.
I'm fine with making exceptions for rape and incest victims. But as I said, abortion is completely unnecessary for rape victims now. They should take the morning after pill.

IT'S PROTECTING THEM. Or at least trying to. In Texas they have no protection.

As a rape survivor I know you are wrong. I'm telling you from first hand experience. An experience you will never have if you're a man and can never, ever comprehend.
Oh, I see. Men are never raped, eh?

I have been trying to get a friend of mine mental health care because he was raped by his wrestling coach when he was 15 and his mind is totally broken. He was the number one wrestler in America in his weight class.

I also have many women friends who have been raped and/or victims of incest or child sex abuse. It is shocking how many women this has happened to.

So I most certainly can comprehend.

Do you really think that a 12 year old child who is being raped by a family member has access to the morning after pill? Do you think she even has access to a pregnancy test?

If so, you are very, very wrong.
Incest is a different situation from the rape of an adult woman. I have stated several times in these various topics these past few days that I support exceptions for rape and incest.

Or the countless women and young women who don't go to a hospital and don't report the rape would run to get the morning after pill?
So you are saying a rape victim is incapable of procuring a morning after pill at the local pharmacy but can manage to make all the arrangements to get an abortion? Really?

Unfortunately, she doesn't think about pregnancy until the next day.
The morning after!

Morning after pill! How about that!
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My wife is a victim of childhood incest. Her father raped her for two years, starting at the age of nine. The only reason he stopped was because he was worried she was reaching puberty and might impregnate her.

The fallout from this abuse has had a profound effect on our marriage. More profound than you can ever imagine.

So don't lecture me about this shit, Dana.

Interestingly, my wife has told me that if she was raped and impregnated, she would keep the baby. She is more pro-life than I am.
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Meh, just go across the border. Texas is a shithole. Always has been, always will be. Shouldn't of let them join the union. Should have let the shithole go bankrupt back in the 1840s. Yet another southern state still living in the past...
Look how angry the leftnuts get when someone tells them they can't murder their children for convenience. :oops:

The left is TRULY a death cult.
Only in Holy Roller land is this even an issue. I'm against abortion in principle, but what a woman does to her body is none of my business. And men sure as shit don't have a right telling them what to do.
I'm against abortion in principle, but what a woman does to her body is none of my business.
She isn't doing anything to her body. She is destroying another body.

That's another tactic of the left. Divert their gaze from what is really happening.

"Stay out of my vagina!" :rolleyes:

Uh, sorry honey. The murder of another body is taking place north of there. And there is a 50/50 chance you are obliterating a vagina.
She isn't doing anything to her body. She is destroying another body.

That's another tactic of the left. Divert their gaze from what is really happening.

"Stay out of my vagina!" :rolleyes:

Uh, sorry honey. The murder of another body is taking place north of there. And there is a 50/50 chance you are obliterating a vagina.
I object to abortion for a number of reasons, but religion isn't one of them. And that by and far is the main reason MEN in the US get involved in the debate. That, I do object to. These same conservative want nothing to do with the mother or baby once it is born and say shit like this:


Platinum Member​

Texas is now one is able to sue any whore whom they think had an abortion

This is the type of cocksucker women have to put up. These are the same twat-faced nimrods who don't believe women should have sex for recreational purposes and make it hard to get the morning after pill and other types of contraception. Men are running these aspects in shitholes like Texarse...

does your doctor advise against it? do you wear a mask to protect yourself? does he tell you to wear a mask?

also remember that this is a brand spanking new virus & you may not have lifelong immunity. who knows? i had chicken pox as a kid b4 the vaccine & i have lifelong immunity but that virus can morph into shingles cause it's not really outa yer system - - - showing up decades later 'cause it lies dormant in yer nervous system & if it rears its ugly head in certain nerve pathways, you can go deaf or blind.

None of which matters a tinkers damn. No, I don't wear a mask.

I'm not a sheep, like ewe.
The Texas "heartbeat" law grants anyone a right to sue health care providers for $10K if they provide legal abortions. If the Sup. Ct. allows Texas to do this, other states can enact laws granting private citizens the right to sue gun dealers & makers for $10K if they sell guns.
The Texas "heartbeat" law grants anyone a right to sue health care providers for $10K if they provide legal abortions. If the Sup. Ct. allows Texas to do this, other states can enact laws granting private citizens the right to sue gun dealers & makers for $10K if they sell guns.

Wrong. But you're an idiot so nothing new there.
The Texas "heartbeat" law grants anyone a right to sue health care providers for $10K if they provide legal abortions.
False. Providers can only be sued for performing abortions that are illegal under the law.
If the Sup. Ct. allows Texas to do this, other states can enact laws granting private citizens the right to sue gun dealers & makers for $10K if they sell guns.
Non seq. See above
Pro-lifers having been staking out abortion clinics for decades. They will know.
But there technically isn't such thing as an "abortion clinic", there are "health service center", where women can go get all kinds of medical services. Anyone sitting outside stalking wouldn't have any idea why someone would go there.
i have never protested outside a health service centre and i am a pro-lifer i was there after I got attacked a few years back they had to do blood tests etc just in case the person who attacked me had HIV etc i wanted to make sure because i am married and didn't want to give my husband anything in the future , it has been years since the attack it still affects me even now, PTSD etc
It is my personal belief that no one should be allowed to murder another person. If someone comes after you with a gun, I expect the government to intervene and prosecute them. The killer has no "right to privacy" in such matters.

Human life, in or out of the womb, should be protected by the government.

Fetuses aren't people. You also haven't really thought this out. Once you've given fetuses more rights than the women they are inside, how do you enforce it? Do you make medical records subject to police review? Require doctors to inform on their patients? Investigate every miscarriage as a potential homicide?

Before Roe v. Wade, the states decided who could or could not get an abortion. And I believe that is the way it should be.

The laws varied from state to state.

But I learned something incredibly surprising when I looked into this many years ago. Nationally, the number of abortions prior to Roe v. Wade was the same as the number of abortions after Roe v. Wade.

Not surprisingly, the claim that 5,000 to 10,000 women died every year from illegal abortions prior to Roe was a lie. NARAL later admitted to making up the number.

But pro-abortion people still quote that figure to this day.

The actual figure is less than 100 deaths a year from illegal abortions. That's because illegal abortions were not so much performed in the proverbial back alley, but in skilled doctors' offices.

This is why the Court struck down these laws. They realized no one was following them. The reality is, before Roe, women were never prosecuted for having abortions and doctors were only prosecuted when they screwed up and maimed or killed the women.

You see, this is the problem with trying to regulate this sort of thing. The law would be impossible to actually enforce. You would get a situation like what we had in this country before Roe (where abortion was illegal but widespread) or they have in the Philippines today. (Where there are 800,000 abortions a year performed).

The reason why the Texas law is so dangerous is because it actually would expose these doctors to serious consequences when all the Aunt Lydias and misogynists start reporting doctors trying to get that sweet, sweet reward money.

I mentioned the number of abortions in America prior to Roe were about the same as after Roe. And in reality, the number of annual abortions in America has beens steadily declining despite an ever growing population.

The reason there were so many abortions prior to Roe is that many states where abortion was illegal still had a medical exemption for abortion. And sympathetic doctors were more than willing to craft a medical exemption for mothers who wanted to abort, virtually nullifying the abortion ban.

Actually, the main reason why the number of abortions have declined is other forms of birth control have become more effective, and because the aging of the Boomer Population has reduced the number of fertile women.
This is the exact center of the divide between pro-life and pro-choice. Pro-lifers believe a human is being murdered by abortion.

Here's something for you to think about: About half of Americans self-identify as pro-life, and half self-identify as pro-choice. However, 72 percent of Americans believe abortion should be banned after the first trimester.

Think about that. This means many people who consider themselves pro-choice actually hold a belief which is in direct opposition to Roe v. Wade which allows abortions will past the first trimester!

So at some point, even many pro-choice people believe a living person is harmed by an abortion.

You are in a minority.

Actually, the biggest problem is using terms like 'Pro-Life" and "Pro-Choice", which are designed to elicit emotional responses. Nobody wants to be Anti-Life or Anti-Choice, do they?

As for when an abortion should be allowed, most of those 72% aren't doctors, are they? I doubt you take a poll when you need a medical procedure. You listen to your doctor when he lays out your options and you decided what to do.

The reality is that a surgical abortion really isn't safe before 8 weeks... so you have a very thin window for this to get done if you are limiting it to 12 weeks. Worse than that, in a lot of Red States, the imposition of Trap Laws have reduced the number of available facilities.
Yes, according to Planned Parenthood 65 percent of all abortions occur in the first 8 weeks of gestation, and 91 percent are performed in the first trimester.

But since many pro-choicers and all pro-lifers have common ground in the second trimester, that is where the fight should begin.

I believe there is also a lot of common ground when it comes to access to birth control and providing eduction about birth control. Nearly half of all abortions are because no birth control was used during sex, which is incredibly irresponsible, especially considering the ubiquity and cheapness of birth control.

Yes, because often sex happens in the moment, but birth control is something you have to plan. That's the thing.

I knew this girl who stopped using birth control because she wanted her boyfriend to keep his promise to marry her. This was not a stupid woman. College educated, came from a strict Asian-American family, very religious, and yet when he scheme to force a marriage failed, she got an abortion so her parents wouldn't know she wasn't still a virgin at 22.

Now, you might have a point about the first Trimester, if we do a lot of OTHER things first. France abortion is legal up to the first Trimester, and then after that, the doctor has to give a good reason why he is performing it.

The French also pay for the abortions, they pay for pre-natal care. They have extensive social programs and easy access to family planning.

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