Abortion Is Finally Illegal -- And I Can't Wait To Sue

You know, I've been tolerant of your opinions because you have a right to them.


How dare you say women are using rape and incest survivors?

Seriously. Women are trying to protect rape and incest survivors.

I am the survivor of rape and you can bet your life if that barbaric act had caused a pregnancy I would have ran as fast as I could to a clinic to get an abortion as quickly as possible and would have been very happy with relief after it was done.

We aren't just talking about rape and incest.

We're talking about ALL women.

Pointing out that the anti choice people are so barbaric as to force a rape or incest survivor to carry a pregnancy that's a result of those barbaric acts to term isn't using rape and incest survivors.

IT'S PROTECTING THEM. Or at least trying to. In Texas they have no protection.

As a rape survivor I know you are wrong. I'm telling you from first hand experience. An experience you will never have if you're a man and can never, ever comprehend.

Do you really think that a 12 year old child who is being raped by a family member has access to the morning after pill? Do you think she even has access to a pregnancy test?

If so, you are very, very wrong.

Or the countless women and young women who don't go to a hospital and don't report the rape would run to get the morning after pill?

If you think so, you are very wrong.

I can tell you those women who don't report it do, they run home. They take off all their clothes and get into the shower. They scrub as hard as they can to get the feeling and smell of the man off of her. She cries and cries trying to remove something that can never be removed but she doesn't realize that yet.

After she has collapsed on the floor of the shower from realizing that nothing will make it go away, she cries even more. Then she gets herself out of the shower and crawls into her bed and curls up into a ball. She then cries until she can't cry anymore. She shakes so bad the whole bed shakes.

Unfortunately, she doesn't think about pregnancy until the next day.

That first 24 hours she's a robot on auto pilot putting one foot in front of the other and just trying to breathe and survive.

Don't ask me how I know this.

This can happen to any woman. In fact, it does to one in four women today. We women know this.

The fact that you accuse those of us who are trying to protect these women of using them is so disgusting and appalling that I just don't have words.

What's worse, is the fact that you make light of these women and the fact that now, today in Texas they are being forced to carry those pregnancies to term. You say it's only a small amount of women. As if since it's not many women it's ok to force them to carry that pregnancy to term.

And that you use them as a weapon against people who believe in choice and support a woman's right to terminate a pregnancy for any reason of her choice no matter how she got pregnant according to Roe V. Wade laws.

Believe what you want. I will defend your right to do so but when it comes to your post I replied to, in my opinion, you have crossed the line.

What's worse, is the fact that you make light of these women and the fact that now, today in Texas they are being forced to carry those pregnancies to term. You say it's only a small amount of women. As if since it's not many women it's ok to force them to carry that pregnancy to term.

My wife is a victim of childhood incest. Her father raped her for two years, starting at the age of nine. The only reason he stopped was because he was worried she was reaching puberty and might impregnate her.

a lot of females aren't that 'lucky'.

The fallout from this abuse has had a profound effect on our marriage. More profound than you can ever imagine.

oh, i see. so the amount of 'profoundness 'depends on the ideology of the person? is that what you are saying? & deciding?

So don't lecture me about this shit, Dana.

it's rather pitiful that she even had to.

Interestingly, my wife has told me that if she was raped and impregnated, she would keep the baby.

interestingly, if she chose to carry to term; nobody would force her into doing that. don't want an abortion?, then don't have one.

She is more pro-life than I am.

perhaps - but you say that as if you can make an exception... you get to decide. over another woman. hmmmmm, what a twist when life is life & has a right to gestate & become a post born baby;


most that claim to be 'pro life' are actually pro birth because those post born children need to be fed, clothed, have education & medical care... & housing. & as for texas - they just passed a fucking law that one can openly carry a weapon whose default design is to kill.

without any training.

without even a permit.

but has put bounties on females' heads for wanting to have autonomy & travel her own destiny.

yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...................... pro life.
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Do you make medical records subject to police review?


i say sue all the females who won't wear a mask or get vaxxed because they are endangering their babies!!!! & sue the fathers if they don't mask up & vax up because they are endangering their kids AND their incubators!
a lot of females aren't that 'lucky'.

oh, i see. so the amount of 'profoundness 'depends on the ideology of the person? is that what you are saying? & deciding?

it's rather pitiful that she even had to.

interestingly, if she chose to carry to term; nobody would force her into doing that. don't want an abortion?, then don't have one.

perhaps - but you say that as if you can make an exception... you get to decide. over another woman. hmmmmm, what a twist when life is life & has a right to gestate & become a post born baby;


most that claim to be 'pro life' are actually pro birth because those post born children need to be fed, clothed, have education & medical care... & housing. & as for texas - they just passed a fucking law that one can openly carry a weapon whose default design is to kill.

without any training.

without even a permit.

but has put bounties on females' heads for wanting to have autonomy & travel her own destiny.

yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...................... pro life.

Thank you for replying to that person.

I didn't read it's reply and won't read any of it's replies.

A person like that doesn't understand what we women are doing.

That is a man and will never know what women go through when raped. He can talk about other people but he has no first hand knowledge of rape.

I do.

I know what women go through and for that man to use those women as a weapon against pro choice people who are only trying to protect them is so far past disgusting I just don't have the words to describe it.

People can have their views but when they cross the line that man crossed, someone needs to give them a dose of reality and put them in their place.

I did just that.

More people need to do that. People like that one go way too far.
lol... you, & that answer doesn't surprise me at all, jr.

Take a look at what a virology lab looks like. Then look at your stupid mask.

Yiu really think that will stop a virus?

You're stupid. Wash your hands regularly. Don't touch your eyes or nose, and live your life.

I have never had the flu vaccine either. Funny how you morons are mandating a vaccine for a disease weaker than the flu.

i say sue all the females who won't wear a mask or get vaxxed because they are endangering their babies!!!! & sue the fathers if they don't mask up & vax up because they are endangering their kids AND their incubators!

Fascists be fascists. Abortion is OK but we the stalinists won't let you live a natural life.

You people are fucked in the head.

i say sue all the females who won't wear a mask or get vaxxed because they are endangering their babies!!!! & sue the fathers if they don't mask up & vax up because they are endangering their kids AND their incubators!
Actually that's a really good idea!

One could also sue these politicians who came with this ridiculous law, as many of them are probably like this turd... anyone remember this arsehole?

Fetuses aren't people. You also haven't really thought this out. Once you've given fetuses more rights than the women they are inside, how do you enforce it? Do you make medical records subject to police review? Require doctors to inform on their patients? Investigate every miscarriage as a potential homicide?

This is why the Court struck down these laws. They realized no one was following them. The reality is, before Roe, women were never prosecuted for having abortions and doctors were only prosecuted when they screwed up and maimed or killed the women.

You see, this is the problem with trying to regulate this sort of thing. The law would be impossible to actually enforce. You would get a situation like what we had in this country before Roe (where abortion was illegal but widespread) or they have in the Philippines today. (Where there are 800,000 abortions a year performed).

The reason why the Texas law is so dangerous is because it actually would expose these doctors to serious consequences when all the Aunt Lydias and misogynists start reporting doctors trying to get that sweet, sweet reward money.
The whole prolife movement is rooted in misogyny, racism and classism.

Making abortion illegal is an attempt to control women, women of color and poor people.

That's all it is.

Another thing I find interesting is Bible Thumpers talk about the importance of religious freedom and yet they want to force their views about God... the invisible Sky Daddy on everyone else.

Anyway, I thought this was an interesting video on the history of abortion in the USA.

The whole prolife movement is rooted in misogyny, racism and classism.

Making abortion illegal is an attempt to control women, women of color and poor people.

That's all it is.

Another thing I find interesting is Bible Thumpers talk about the importance of religious freedom and yet they want to force their views about God... the invisible Sky Daddy on everyone else.

Anyway, I thought this was an interesting video on the history of abortion in the USA.

So then allowing children to not be vaccinated is okay with you.

My wife is a victim of childhood incest. Her father raped her for two years, starting at the age of nine. The only reason he stopped was because he was worried she was reaching puberty and might impregnate her.

The fallout from this abuse has had a profound effect on our marriage. More profound than you can ever imagine.

So don't lecture me about this shit, Dana.

Interestingly, my wife has told me that if she was raped and impregnated, she would keep the baby. She is more pro-life than I am.
And, if it is possible to say she is "fortunate", given what happened to her - she is. She can make that choice, at a time I might add when she is mature enough to fully understand the implications of it..something a pregnant 11 yr old or 12 yr old really coudn't

She should always be allowed her choice, it shouldn't forced on her or any woman.
The whole prolife movement is rooted in misogyny, racism and classism.

Making abortion illegal is an attempt to control women, women of color and poor people.

That's all it is.

Another thing I find interesting is Bible Thumpers talk about the importance of religious freedom and yet they want to force their views about God... the invisible Sky Daddy on everyone else.

Anyway, I thought this was an interesting video on the history of abortion in the USA.

I think some of it is rooted in political misogyny, but there are also people who genuinely care about human life, and that includes those killed under the death penalty and it includes helping mothers and children AFTER birth. That seems to cover only a few here, judging by the readiness to slut shame, punish only the women, cut funding for the programs she will most need if she must carry the pregnancy and a complete lack of empathy for her situation or rights to her body even if she was raped.
Take a look at what a virology lab looks like. Then look at your stupid mask.

Yiu really think that will stop a virus?

do you really think seatbelts & airbags stop all auto injuries & deaths? what are your odds of surviving without them, though?

You're stupid.

i know you are, what what am i?

Wash your hands regularly.


Don't touch your eyes or nose, and live your life.

i do.

I have never had the flu vaccine either.

lol .... tick tock.

Funny how you morons are mandating a vaccine for a disease weaker than the flu.

the families of nearly 700,000 dead would disagree with you.

i noticed you never answered my question about your doctor advising against getting the covid vaccine, or recommending ( or not ) wearing a mask when in a crowded public area.

anyhoo ....

A sharp drop in flu cases during COVID-19 pandemic

Precautions taken to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, including wearing masks and distancing, are likely the major reason for a steep decline of flu cases in the U.S., according to experts.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently reported that it had logged 1,316 positive flu cases in its surveillance network between September 2020 and the end of January 2021. During that same period last year, the CDC had recorded nearly 130,000 cases.
A sharp drop in flu cases during COVID-19 pandemic

just a coinky-dinky? :heehee:
I think some of it is rooted in political misogyny, but there are also people who genuinely care about human life, and that includes those killed under the death penalty and it includes helping mothers and children AFTER birth. That seems to cover only a few here, judging by the readiness to slut shame, punish only the women, cut funding for the programs she will most need if she must carry the pregnancy and a complete lack of empathy for her situation or rights to her body even if she was raped.

do you really think seatbelts & airbags stop all auto injuries & deaths? what are your odds of surviving without them, though?

i know you are, what what am i?


i do.

lol .... tick tock.

the families of nearly 700,000 dead would disagree with you.

i noticed you never answered my question about your doctor advising against getting the covid vaccine, or recommending ( or not ) wearing a mask when in a crowded public area.

anyhoo ....

A sharp drop in flu cases during COVID-19 pandemic

Precautions taken to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, including wearing masks and distancing, are likely the major reason for a steep decline of flu cases in the U.S., according to experts.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently reported that it had logged 1,316 positive flu cases in its surveillance network between September 2020 and the end of January 2021. During that same period last year, the CDC had recorded nearly 130,000 cases.
A sharp drop in flu cases during COVID-19 pandemic

just a coinky-dinky? :heehee:

After 75 years of no flu vaccine your tik tok is no threat.

You silly people are all the same. Anti science cult members.

Make sure your mom cleans your sippy cup little one.

Don't want to spill any of your juice when you fall over.
After 75 years of no flu vaccine your tik tok is no threat.

You silly people are all the same. Anti science cult members.

Make sure your mom cleans your sippy cup little one.

Don't want to spill any of your juice when you fall over.

if not you - then someone else in yer knuckle dragging orbit. count on it, 'cause covid is morphing.

good luck, jr.



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