Abortion Is Finally Illegal -- And I Can't Wait To Sue

Look how angry the leftnuts get when someone tells them they can't murder their children for convenience. :oops:

The left is TRULY a death cult.
In 2018 or 2019, NY passed an abortion law that enabled a child that was born alive be killed under some circumstances. The NY state legislature gave that law a standing "O".
Yes, they are, idiot. This is the USA, the government may not mandate ANYTHING.

We have these things called INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS. Government mandates are a direct infringement on those RIGHTS.

But, being a stupid fascist, you don't understand, nor respect INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS.

They are anathema to authoritarians, like you.

There are no rights.. There are only privileges the rest of society thinks you should have.

Any fool who thinks he has "rights" needs to look up "Japanese-Americans, 1942". That's how fast rights can disappear.

So, yes, there is no right to refuse vaccination if the majority of society doesn't want to fucking die because you are a crazy nut.

There is also, to be fair, no right to an abortion. Abortion is a privilege, and we might even get to a point where the religious nuts ban it again.

Look up Abortion in the Philippines if you want to see what that looks like.
This Texas law makes no exceptions for rape and incest.

A lot of women are going to be harmed badly. I won't be surprised if a lot die because of this.

"My body, my choice" only applies to republicans who refuse to wear a mask or get vaccinated.

These people are disgusting.
A best which says it all, short and spot on.
You're going to get Karened


You say that it is A-ok for a woman to kill her unborn child, but then have the gall to declare that a parent can't refuse to give a child a vaccine.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander, moron.

well - what about all them there precious little 'babies' that are exposed to covid in utero - by either their ppoorly education 'mother' .... or a complete stranger passing it on in say - the grocery store?

guess deep down inside - your ilk doesn't reallllllllllyyyyyyyyyy care about 'em, do ya?
Yeah, I have natural immunity, dumbass.

how do you know how long it lasts?

oh that's right. you don't.

Now run along. I am sure there are some other children for you to play with.

why don't you care about children? especially ones that are post born & cannot get vaxxed yet?


It is after all your playtime.

at least i know that if i'm around kids - i would make sure they didn't get covid from me.
vaxxed people don't get anywhere as ill if they test positive - AND don't take up hospital beds - especially in the ICU - AND care about post born children.

your ilk is only pro birth .... if you were pro life, you'de care about the 'pre born'.

What's funny is you think I am pro life. I am anti abortion, but I am also pro choice.

I know you aren't capable of figuring out why so I will tell you. The government that has the power to tell you that you may not have an abortion, also has the power to tell you that you must have an abortion.

Your tiny head can't compute that but you are provably stupid.
Yes, they are, idiot. This is the USA, the government may not mandate ANYTHING.

We have these things called INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS. Government mandates are a direct infringement on those RIGHTS.

But, being a stupid fascist, you don't understand, nor respect INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS.

They are anathema to authoritarians, like you.

state governments can lawfully mandate a lot of things. seatbelts, helmets for bikes & motorcycles .... school vaccinations.
how do you know how long it lasts?

oh that's right. you don't.

why don't you care about children? especially ones that are post born & cannot get vaxxed yet?


at least i know that if i'm around kids - i would make sure they didn't get covid from me.

It lasts forever, moron. Unlike your precious vaccine, which lasts less than a year.

I have been through dozens of flu outbreaks and never caught it. I have been vaccinated multiple times for diseases in regions I was working in.

Those vaccines actually worked. Tetanus needs a booster every 10 years, which I always get. Once I am vaccinated, I don't have to worry about getting it.

The covid vaccine, people still get it. Some die from the vaccine. But a vaccine that needs a booster after a few months, that doesn't prevent contraction of the disease, is, in my mind, pretty useless.

If you were half as smart as you thought you were, you would already know that natural immunity is superior to vaccines, and doesn't wear off.

But you're not very smart.
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state governments can lawfully mandate a lot of things. seatbelts, helmets for bikes & motorcycles .... school vaccinations.

They may not mandate things going into your body.

Even felons can't be ordered to take drugs. Schizophrenic patients can't be forced to take their drugs.
What's funny is you think I am pro life. I am anti abortion, but I am also pro choice.

what's funnier is you don't realize it's a distinction without a difference.

I know you aren't capable of figuring out why so I will tell you.

& here we goooooooooooooooooooooooooo............

The government that has the power to tell you that you may not have an abortion, also has the power to tell you that you must have an abortion.


Your tiny head can't compute that but you are provably stupid.

blah blah blah .... your tiny head can't compute that one who lives in a society really REALLY must BELONG in a society. your ' FREEDOMS'!!!!

begin & end at the tip of yer nose. after that, then like it or not - society is affected one way or the other. don't like it? then become a hermit & go live on a fucking mountain; & whatever you do when you get sick & need an ICU bed ....

It last forever, moron.

how do you know - when the virus is less than 2 yrs old.

Unlike tour precious vaccine, which lasts less than a year.

we are learning it's pattern. & the vaccine is effective against the original covid - it's dipshits who aren't getting vaxxed that are allowing it to morph. & since we are still learning, then a multi vaccine might be the norm for this virus. shingles takes 2 shots for example.

I have been through dozens of flu outbreaks and never caught it. I have been vaccinated multiple times for diseases in regions I was working in.

Those vaccines actually worked. Tetanus needs a booster every 10 years, which I always get. Once I am vaccinated, I don't have to worry about getting it.

The covid vaccine, people still get it.

it's the delta variant that is breaking thru ... because it's learning how to evade the vaccine. the next one might be totally immune to the vaccine.

Some die from the vaccine.

extremely rare - more die from the disease than can ever die from the vaccine.

But a vaccine that needs a booster after a few months, that doesn't prevent contraction of the disease, is, in my mind, pretty useless.

DELTA. not covid 19. the vaccine was designed for covid 19 ... NOT delta which wasn't around until after it morphed. god damn - learn the facts.

If you were half as smart as you thought you were, you would already know that natural immunity is superior to vaccines, and doesn't wear off.

if you were 1/2 as smart you would have remembered what i said about chickenpox & shingles. same disease. lifelong immunity against one, but not the other. & you don't know how long yer immunity is.

NO ONE does.

But you're not very smart.

lol ... ^^^ irony at its best.^^^
what's funnier is you don't realize it's a distinction without a difference.

& here we goooooooooooooooooooooooooo............


blah blah blah .... your tiny head can't compute that one who lives in a society really REALLY must BELONG in a society. your ' FREEDOMS'!!!!

begin & end at the tip of yer nose. after that, then like it or not - society is affected one way or the other. don't like it? then become a hermit & go live on a fucking mountain; & whatever you do when you get sick & need an ICU bed ....


Distinctions matter. My Rights end at YOUR nose. Not mine.

Learn the difference.
Distinctions matter. My Rights end at YOUR nose. Not mine.

Learn the difference.
Vaccine mandates are happening whether you like it or not. More and more companies are requiring it from their workers.

So if you are outraged, why don't you move to Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia... where you can live your Sharia life of women being under a man's thumbnail.

And oh yeah... even in those countries there are women are getting abortions.
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Vaccine mandates are happening whether you like it or not. More and more companies are requiring it from their workers.

So if you are outraged, why don't you move to Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia... where you can live your Sharia life of women being under a man's thumbnail.

And oh yeah... even in those countries there are women are getting abortions.

And people will stop working for the companies and the companies will go out of business. And my aren't you obtuse. It is YOU who are for sharia you dumbshit. It's the governments way, or death.

That's SHARIA you ignorant twat.
except you see - - - *YOUR* right to infect *me* isn't a right at all.

learn the difference.

I won't infect you. Dumbshit. You really should read something other than your ignorant propaganda.

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