Abortion Is Finally Illegal -- And I Can't Wait To Sue

You misread. Clearly a third time is on order. And then apologize (since you've kind of a jerk about it as well). Or, keep humiliating yourself. That's kinda fun too.
Hmm, no, I nailed it. But thank you for the ankle biting, my little attack poodle.
Did either you or Fort Fun Indiana even read his post? You're making fools of yourselves.
Westwall doesn't have any argument to make.

He can argue morality... that it's killing a person... and yet biologically most abortions are in the first or 2nd trimester where the fetus is not even viable.

That's like arguing we got to save an egg because at some point it can turn into a chicken.

Also I disagree with abortion being a right that's granted or taken away by the state.... the state can only stop abortion from being a safe medical procedure... but they can't stop women from having abortions.

Even in places like the Philippines where abortion is heavily restricted because of the excessive influence of the pedophile loving Catholic Church in Philippine politics ... it hasn't stopped women from getting abortions.

Also there were many people in China who got around the 1 child rule.
Well, since even they don't know what they are going to say next...
For us it's a relatively clear path. It's Ds and Rs who are all over the place. Sometimes it seems like they must flip a coin to decide which side they'll be in on for a given issue. But once it's decided, they fight like hell. :rolleyes:
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No, you're a misogynist ass... who wants to force women to have babies.

Therefore if you want to force women to have babies then let's force men to get vasectomies...

Seems only fair!

Women (and men) can prevent pregnancy.

It's called personal responsibility
Westwall doesn't have any argument to make.

He can argue morality... that it's killing a person... and yet biologically most abortions are in the first or 2nd trimester where the fetus is not even viable.

That's like arguing we got to save an egg because at some point it can turn into a chicken.

Also I disagree with abortion being a right that's granted or taken away by the state.... the state can only stop abortion from being a safe medical procedure... but they can't stop women from having abortions.

Even in places like the Philippines where abortion is heavily restricted because of the excessive influence of the pedophile loving Catholic Church in Philippine politics ... it hasn't stopped women from getting abortions.

Also there were many people in China who got around the 1 child rule.
I bet you're gonna dig all the way to China before you realize that you fucked up - that you misread. Go!
Better tell the others.
We're aware. It's like anything else, anyone can call themselves a libertarian - nothing we can really do about that. But the core literature, and for the most part the party platforms, are remarkably consistent. Far more so than Ds or Rs, who are, as i said, all over the place.
I didn't fuck up... this asshole has been arguing against abortion for many posts.

He's an asshat.

Women (and men) can prevent pregnancy.

It's called personal responsibility
That's exactly my point.... if we're going to FORCE WOMEN carry out their pregnancy when they DON'T wish to be pregnant, it only seems fair we FORCE MEN to get a vasectomy.

Vasectomies are a very safe medical procedure compared to child birth.

Also as a taxpayer, I would prefer to see my tax dollars go towards abortion and contraception.

This would be a huge cost savings!!!

Because the way I see it... if we force women to have babies, we're going to see an increase in foster kids (and all the costs associated with that system), more children on foodstamps and welfare etc.

Not only that, but abortion is good for the planet.

Worldwide there are 50 + million abortions a year.

We don't need more people on the planet screwing up the environment.
We're aware. It's like anything else, anyone can call themselves a libertarian - nothing we can really do about that. But the core literature, and for the most part the party platforms, are remarkably consistent. Far more so than Ds or Rs, who are, as i said, all over the place.
The libertarian movement doesn't even have any workable ideas.

It's a cluster fuck.
That's exactly my point.... if we're going to FORCE WOMEN carry out their pregnancy when they DON'T wish to be pregnant, it only seems fair we FORCE MEN to get a vasectomy.

Vasectomies are a very safe medical procedure compared to child birth.

Also as a taxpayer, I would prefer to see my tax dollars go towards abortion and contraception.

This would be a huge cost savings!!!

Because the way I see it... if we force women to have babies, we're going to see an increase in foster kids (and all the costs associated with that system), more children on foodstamps and welfare etc.

Not only that, but abortion is good for the planet.

Worldwide there are 50 + million abortions a year.

We don't need more people on the planet screwing up the environment.

Taxpayers money can't go towards abortion. ...but sadly it does

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