Abortion Is Finally Illegal -- And I Can't Wait To Sue

Far more so than Ds or Rs, who are, as i said, all over the place.
Well sure, because people are not monoliths. And I sure do hear "RINO" more than I hear "DINO"... so let's agree on commonalities, but not equivalence, re: purity tests.
False. The Texas law does not allow the mother to be sued by vigilantes. Even before Roe v. Wade, the mother was never penalized for an abortion in those states where abortion was illegal. Only the providers of abortion were prosecuted.

The intent of the Texas anti-choice measure is to compel women to give birth against their will through force of law.

The state has no authority to interfere in personal, private matters as to whether to have a child or not.

Limiting the authority of the state to the benefit and preservation of individual liberty is unrelated to the issue of abortion.

Citizens must stop using ‘abortion’ as a partisan wedge issue and find a way to end the practice consistent with the Constitution.
Considering that roughly 40% of abortions are now induced by taking some pills... this TEX-ASS law isn't going to stop much of anything. People will just order pills from abortion clinics out of state and have it shipped to their house.
Considering that roughly 40% of abortions are now induced by taking some pills... this TEX-ASS law isn't going to stop much of anything. People will just order pills from abortion clinics out of state and have it shipped to their house.
Then the UPS guy gets reported too, I suppose
It was immoral for the Supreme Court to side with the abortionists in Roe V Wade. Thank god this ruling corrects some of it.
More government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty is not the solution.

Conservatives once believed that – but they’ve been replaced with authoritarian rightwing ideologues who wish only to compel conformity and punish dissent.

Roe v. Wade is an example of conservative political dogma: limit the authority of the state to the benefit of individual liberty.

Conservatives long ago abandoned the principle of limited government and replaced it with the tyranny of Republican rule.
Then the UPS guy gets reported too, I suppose
I think that would be hard to enforce in such an instance. You got a package with a just a PO box on it... how are you the UPS guy going to know it's from Planned Parenthood?

I also think that once you get a bunch of people filing lawsuits, the Texas court system is going to get overwhelmed.

Right now it's rather hilarious how Pro-choice folks are calling into Texas Prolife tip lines with all kinds of BS and insults... hahaha...

I'm lovin' it!
You got a package with a just a PO box on it... how are you the UPS guy going to know it's from Planned Parenthood?
Ha, right, kind of joking. Although maybe I just overhear the UPS guy talking to her about the package. So many possibilities. I could report that you facilitated a late abortion. But you have to show up to defend yourself. If not... the court HAS to rule against you. I get $10,000, you get a bill for $10,000 and court costs.

One thing I cannot seem to get an answer to: Does this apply for citizens of all 50 States?
Women (and men) can prevent pregnancy.

It's called personal responsibility
And when that fails – as it always will – the right to privacy prevents the state from interfering in citizens’ personal, private decisions – such as whether to have a child or not; particularly when making a good faith effort to not have children and that effort fails through no fault of their own.
Ha, right, kind of joking. Although maybe I just overhear the UPS guy talking to her about the package. So many possibilities. I could report that you facilitated a late abortion. But you have to show up to defend yourself. If not... the court HAS to rule against you. I get $10,000, you get a bill for $10,000 and court costs.

One thing I cannot seem to get an answer to: Does this apply for citizens of all 50 States?
Yeah I don't see how they can enforce it to citizens of 50 states.... I mean I suppose they could make a judgement against someone ... but how are they going to enforce that judgement?

It's like if you get a speeding ticket in another state, are you going to get extradited so you pay it?
And when that fails – as it always will – the right to privacy prevents the state from interfering in citizens’ personal, private decisions – such as whether to have a child or not; particularly when making a good faith effort to not have children and that effort fails through no fault of their own.

Will you eat your sammich and cease bothering me?

I think you're an idiot
I also think that once you get a bunch of people filing lawsuits, the Texas court system is going to get overwhelmed.
Another odd thing to think about, here:

This law may not pass muster in the SCOTUS, if someone tries to use it. They would essentially have to reverse Roe v Wade. It is unclear that could happen.

What IS clear is that the clinics in Texas have already said they would comply. So that much IS clear.

So they are the dog who finally caught the car. Possibly, as long as the law does not get used in any court, they get what they wanted: a virtually complete abortion ban. Such an odd situation. A cold war detente.
Isn't about Trump
Well like I said... audits have been done and no evidence of tax money going towards abortions.

But even if there were... I wouldn't have a problem with it all!!!

I am pro-woman and pro-choice.

And now that I think about it... perhaps the Feds should ask people on their Tax return... "Would you like some of your money to go to Planned Parenthood?"

I would check the box... it's a better use of money than checking the box on your return for funding Presidential campaigns.

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