Abortion Is Finally Illegal -- And I Can't Wait To Sue

Another odd thing to think about, here:

This law may not pass muster in the SCOTUS, if someone tries to use it. They would essentially have to reverse Roe v Wade. It is unclear that could happen.

What IS clear is that the clinics in Texas have already said they would comply. So that much IS clear.

So they are the dog who finally caught the car. Possibly, as long as the law does not get used in any court, they get what they wanted: a virtually complete abortion ban. Such an odd situation. A cold war detente.
Well when you read the actual decision rendered by SCOTUS.. it more or less indicated that it wasn't necessarily a decision based on its constitutionality.

But that didn't keep the liberal side of the bench from slamming the "shadow docket" ruling.

Roe V. Wade really tried to strike a balance between a woman's right and the state's interest in the unborn. And it came down to viability.

With the TEX-ASS law... at 6 weeks the fetus is not viable.... it can't live without the use of the mother's body.

And it can't live in a hospital either... there's no technology available to keep a fetus alive at that stage.... and even if there were the technology... would it be in the fetus's interest to do so?

It's like keeping a born person alive... the question comes up of quantity of life versus quality of life.

The Terry Schiavo case was an example of that... bible thumping, whackadoodle Christian conservative parents arguing that she should be kept alive... versus her husband who said that his wife didn't want to be hooked up to machines for years and years.

Well like I said... audits have been done and no evidence of tax money going towards abortions.

But even if there were... I wouldn't have a problem with it all!!!

I am pro-woman and pro-choice.

And now that I think about it... perhaps the Feds should ask people on their Tax return... "Would you like some of your money to go to Planned Parenthood?"

I would check the box... it's a better use of money than checking the box on your return for funding Presidential campaigns.

I don't believe that. Once the money goes into the pot it's nearly impossible to see where it goes
What IS clear is that the clinics in Texas have already said they would comply. So that much IS clear.
Well the clinics in Texas do other things besides abortions... they do things like pap smears, contraception etc. A lot of poor people depend on Planned Parenthood.

Interestingly enough... even bible thumpers seem to have a problem with women using contraception....in fact there had to be a SCOTUS decision on that too because religious conservative whackadoodles wanted to control that as well.

Well the clinics in Texas do other things besides abortions... they do things like pap smears, contraception etc. A lot of poor people depend on Planned Parenthood.

Interestingly enough... even bible thumpers seem to have a problem with women using contraception....in fact there had to be a SCOTUS decision on that too because religious conservative whackadoodles wanted to control that as well.

Well PP can survive without abortion funds.

You -do- agree, however: This law is constitutional.
Who would agree with that? Even the Supreme Court doesn't agree with that.

"This order is not based on any conclusion about the constitutionality of Texas' law, and in no way limits other procedurally proper challenges to the Texas law, including in Texas state courts."

The law is very unconstitutional as it violates Roe v. Wade, which is still the law of the land. The Judiciary will smack that law down with the first lawsuit filed against someone for an abortion past 6 weeks.
No, you're a misogynist ass... who wants to force women to have babies.

Therefore if you want to force women to have babies then let's force men to get vasectomies...

Seems only fair!

I guess you keep missing the part where I specifically state I am pro choice.

Clearly you are a moron.
No error, sorry. The crazy old man Westwall (definitely sunsetting) is arguing that, if we let abortion be a right (which it is), then the government will force us to have abortions.

His example? Communist, authoritarian China.

So fucking stupid it hurts. The only thing more stupid would be trying to defend that painfully idiotic point. So knock yourself out.

Yeah, mandating masks, China, mandating vaccines that don't work, China, requiring vaccine cards to go to dinner, China

You are such a fundamental dipshit you can't add 2+2.
Yeah, mandating masks, China, mandating vaccines that don't work, China, requiring vaccine cards to go to dinner, China
And how many other countries? That doesn't seem to be a symptom of communism or authoritarianism. It seems to be a symptom of developed civilizations and intelligent policy that defers to science.
In 2018 or 2019, NY passed an abortion law that enabled a child that was born alive be killed under some circumstances. The NY state legislature gave that law a standing "O".
that is disgusting and evil to kill a child , that is murder with the law protecting them from being charged with murder , this hurts my heart so much
These lawsuits are a joke. You have to show standing and you have to prove your case. Even then, I doubt you'll get $10 from some poor woman who got an illegal abortion, especially if she's stuck in prison because of you. The most you can expect is a whole lot of foul language and possibly violence from her friends and relatives.
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It's like keeping a born person alive... the question comes up of quantity of life versus quality of life.

The Terry Schiavo case was an example of that... bible thumping, whackadoodle Christian conservative parents arguing that she should be kept alive... versus her husband who said that his wife didn't want to be hooked up to machines for years and years.

If you actually knew the full story behind the Schiavo case, you'd never side with her criminal husband. That is, unless you're as evil as him. Disgusting.

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