Abortion Is Finally Illegal -- And I Can't Wait To Sue

If you actually knew the full story behind the Schiavo case, you'd never side with her criminal husband. That is, unless you're as evil as him. Disgusting.

Actually it's you who doesn't know the truth of the Terry Schivo case.

The woman's brain had turned to liquid. It lost half is size and she was blind.

The brain damage was so extensive that no amount of physical therapy would help.

The autopsy also showed there was no physical abuse and no one strangled her.

I know you won't read the article and you will still spew the lies. People like you refuse truth.

From the article:

An autopsy on Terri Schiavo backed her husband’s contention that she was in a persistent vegetative state, finding that she had massive and irreversible brain damage and was blind, the medical examiner’s office said Wednesday. It also found no evidence that she was strangled or otherwise abused. The autopsy and post-mortem investigation found no proof that she had an eating disorder, as was suspected at the time, Pinellas-Pasco Medical Examiner Jon Thogmartin said. Schiavo died from dehydration, Thogmartin said. He said she did not appear to have suffered a heart attack and there was no evidence that she was given harmful drugs or other substances prior to her death. He said that after her feeding tube was removed, she would not have been able to eat or drink if she had been given food by mouth, as her parents requested. “Removal of her feeding tube would have resulted in her death whether she was fed or hydrated by mouth or not,” Thogmartin told reporters. He also said she was blind, because the “vision centers of her brain were dead,” and that her brain was about half of its expected size when she died 13 days following the feeding tube’s removal. The medical examiner’s conclusions countered a videotape released by the Schindlers of Terri Schiavo in her hospice bed. The video showed Schiavo appearing to turn toward her mother’s voice and smile, moaning and laughing. Her head moved up and down and she seemed to follow the progress of a brightly colored Mickey Mouse balloon. They believed her condition could improve with therapy. However, doctors said her reactions were automatic responses and not evidence of thought or consciousness, and Thogmartin’s report went farther. “The brain weighed 615 grams, roughly half of the expected weight of a human brain,” he said. “This damage was irreversible, and no amount of therapy or treatment would have regenerated the massive loss of neurons.”
Now you're just lying. EEG's proved she had no brain-activity

He said electroencephalograms, also known as EEGs or brain wave tests, of Schiavo's brain have revealed no activity.

That wasn't a spontaneous smile. It was probably gas. Her family kept faking videos in a vein attempt to keep her a living zombie. Like the 5 second video they released where it appeared she was looking at a balloon... but turned out to be 5 seconds of a video where they edited out more than an hour of her just staring off into space as the balloon passed repeatedly in front of her face. Even worse, it turned out she was blind and couldn't even see that balloon for 5 seconds.

And then there was the autopsy which proved her condition was permanent...

An autopsy on Terri Schiavo backed her husband’s contention that she was in a persistent vegetative state, finding that she had massive and irreversible brain damage and was blind

Poor buttercup, all she can do is disagree with reality.
Another odd thing to think about, here:

This law may not pass muster in the SCOTUS, if someone tries to use it. They would essentially have to reverse Roe v Wade. It is unclear that could happen.

What IS clear is that the clinics in Texas have already said they would comply. So that much IS clear.

So they are the dog who finally caught the car. Possibly, as long as the law does not get used in any court, they get what they wanted: a virtually complete abortion ban. Such an odd situation. A cold war detente.

In fact, by upholding the Texas anti-choice law – or the similar law in Mississippi – the conservative justices needn’t bother with Roe at all; they can have it both ways.

They can rule to allow the states to enact de facto bans rendering Roe still enforceable but otherwise moot.
If you actually knew the full story behind the Schiavo case, you'd never side with her criminal husband. That is, unless you're as evil as him. Disgusting.
This is a lie.

Everyone knows the full and true story: the reprehensible, dishonest right exploited the family’s tragedy in a partisan effort to advance their agenda hostile to the right to privacy.
Republicans never believed in limited government. At least they didn't believe the literal meaning.

They believe that paying taxes is big government.

When the republicans say they don't want big government they mean they don't want to pay taxes.

That has been the one and only meaning of their phrase "big government" from the beginning.

Republicans have never believed in limited government.
Republicans need to understand that ‘limited government’ is far more than just reckless, irresponsible deregulation and tax cuts that explode the debt.
Just as long as we all know that all of that cosplaying you do about "muh freedoms" was bullshit..

But you fascists cucks gonna do what you cucks do......online that is....in life, you still a bitch
How can you speak with such a mouth full of stinky turds!
Wrong, it is not constitutional. It violates Roe v. Wade.
Clayton - if he ever musters the intellectual honesty to address the issue - will tell you the law is constitutional.
Ask him. You'll see.
Clayton - if he ever musters the intellectual honesty to address the issue - will tell you the law is constitutional.
Ask him. You'll see.
If he thinks it's constitutional, then he too is wrong. That law will be kicked to the curb when the first lawsuit is challenged.

"A new Texas abortion law that bars the procedure after approximately six weeks of pregnancy took effect Wednesday, after the Supreme Court didn’t act on an emergency request by clinics and abortion-rights advocates to block it. When the court said nothing by midnight, the ban officially went into force, making it the most restrictive abortion law in effect in the U.S. The state law dictates that a physician can’t knowingly perform an abortion if there is a detectable fetal heartbeat after 6 weeks of pregnancy. Abortion-rights advocates typically challenge new restrictions before they go into effect by suing the government officials -- but lawmakers devised a measure that shifts enforcement from the state to private parties. Under the new law private parties can file civil lawsuits against any person who allegedly performs or aids a banned abortion, or who intends to do so. Under the law, a successful suit entitles the plaintiff to collect at least $10,000 in damages per abortion challenged."

One of the many good things about living in Texas is now one is able to sue any whore whom they think had an abortion, along with the doctor that helped that whore; the receptionist at the clinic -- and even the person who gave the whore a ride to the clinic -- if you want, you can sue all of them.. In fact, there are already lawsuits in the works to sue..For example, there is a lawyer in Collin County, Tx who donated to abortion rights groups; now that person is getting sued...and there is this other lawyer who represents women who were impregnated from "sexual assault" and are trying to get abortions -- not so fast...they are getting sued too....At $10,000 per abortion challenge, one can make a pretty penny or at least put these folks who are part of this abortion industry out of business and hopefully in jail -- because that is what freedom is all about.

No. It's still legal, and will continue to be. And there's nothing Texas or any other state can do about it.
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Poor buttercup, all she can do is disagree with reality.

Wrong, I just have actual real life things I'm doing today. Which are more important than correcting people who believe lies and side with evil. When I have time I'll post more, but for now just off the top of my head, I don't trust anything that came from her "husband"s side... but even if the autopsy was true, obviously that was after she was starved and dehydrated to death for almost 2 weeks. The point that we have been trying to get you people to understand is that she WAS still there, before she was killed. There is zero doubt about that. Again, not only according to her family and other witnesses, video footage, but also many doctors disagreed with her "husband"s doctor's diagnosis. But of course you prodeathers ignore what other doctors said, preferring to err on the side of death. She was murdered, plain and simple. And again, apparently YOU people have no problem with murder… whether it's an innocent baby in the womb, or a brain damaged woman who fought for her life till the very end. One day everyone involved with her murder will pay. I have zero doubt about that as well.
Bullshit. Don't even get me started on this case, this is one of the worst, most evil cases I have ever seen. Everything about it from start to finish was evil: lies, misinformation, and a total miscarriage of justice.

Her "husband" wasn't even her husband anymore, except for on paper. There were numerous conflicts of interest; a financial conflict of interest, shadiness in regard to the true cause of her initial accident, plus he was living with another woman for many years, had kids with the other woman, yet he refused to divorce Terri so he wouldn't have to give up control.

He refused to divorce her because she couldn't consent to a divorce.

I followed the case, and she was not in a "vegetative state," that's a big fat lie. I saw numerous videos of her that made it clear there was still someone there. She was brain-damaged, yes, but brain-damaged is not the same thing as being a vegetable.

Nope, the autopsy proved she was in a vegatative state.

Also, there were lots of doctors who disagreed with the diagnosis from Michael Schiavo's handpicked doctor, so that alone should have prevented her killing (murder, in my opinion) because any decent, honest person would agree that if you're going to err, you err on the side of life.

But apparently that's not how proaborts think. So I guess I shouldn't be surprised that most pro aborts would side with her eager-to-kill "husband" who made Terri's family's life a living hell, for many years.

I feel bad for the family, they were unwilling to let go. Of course, the husband and the family were on the same sheet of music when it came to suing the doctors... none of who ever alledged foul play, which you think they would have done in fighting a malpractice suit.

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