Abortion Is Finally Illegal -- And I Can't Wait To Sue

And how many other countries? That doesn't seem to be a symptom of communism or authoritarianism. It seems to be a symptom of developed civilizations and intelligent policy that defers to science.

Just because you think it's a good idea just means you are the authoritarian. Australia is the largest prison in the world right now.

And you approve.


There is no science that supports the lockdowns, so why are they still doing them?
If you actually knew the full story behind the Schiavo case, you'd never side with her criminal husband. That is, unless you're as evil as him. Disgusting.
There was no hope for her ever coming out of that stare. She had no brain activity after much of her brain liquefied and there was zero chance of recovery. They did the right thing removing her feeding tube.

If you actually knew the full story behind the Schiavo case, you'd never side with her criminal husband. That is, unless you're as evil as him. Disgusting.

The full story was that she was brain dead, and being kept alive by artificial means. She had no higher brain function. Now, yes, I could make a crack that they could have put a MAGA hat on her at that point, but the reality- she had no hope of recovery.

The family should have worked this out and let her die with dignity.
oh i didnt know that no hope with her so i can understand why , poor baby i wouldn't want her to stuffer , my uncles daughter had twin but they were early one of them was born with a brain deformed they had to let her go her twin sister was ok my mum was having twins my sister twin died in the womb but my sister was still there and went to full term my sister always felt like there was something missing its kinda messed my sister up its sad when babies go early because they could have been someone who could change the world
There was no hope for her ever coming out of that stare. She had no brain activity after much of her brain liquefied and there was zero chance of recovery. They did the right thing removing her feeding tube.


Bullshit. Don't even get me started on this case, this is one of the worst, most evil cases I have ever seen. Everything about it from start to finish was evil: lies, misinformation, and a total miscarriage of justice.

Her "husband" wasn't even her husband anymore, except for on paper. There were numerous conflicts of interest; a financial conflict of interest, shadiness in regard to the true cause of her initial accident, plus he was living with another woman for many years, had kids with the other woman, yet he refused to divorce Terri so he wouldn't have to give up control.

I followed the case, and she was not in a "vegetative state," that's a big fat lie. I saw numerous videos of her that made it clear there was still someone there. She was brain-damaged, yes, but brain-damaged is not the same thing as being a vegetable.

Her "husband" was far, far too eager and determined to kill her, for many years, which is why many people believe he was trying to cover up what actually happened in the first place.

Also, there were lots of doctors who disagreed with the diagnosis from Michael Schiavo's handpicked doctor, so that alone should have prevented her killing (murder, in my opinion) because any decent, honest person would agree that if you're going to err, you err on the side of life.

But apparently that's not how proaborts think. So I guess I shouldn't be surprised that most pro aborts would side with her eager-to-kill "husband" who made Terri's family's life a living hell, for many years.
Bullshit. Don't even get me started on this case, this is one of the worst, most evil cases I have ever seen. Everything about it from start to finish was evil: lies, misinformation, and a total miscarriage of justice.

Her "husband" wasn't even her husband anymore, except for on paper. There were numerous conflicts of interest; a financial conflict of interest, shadiness in regard to the true cause of her initial accident, plus he was living with another woman for many years, had kids with the other woman, yet he refused to divorce Terri so he wouldn't have to give up control.

I followed the case, and she was not in a "vegetative state," that's a big fat lie. I saw numerous videos of her that made it clear there was still someone there. She was brain-damaged, yes, but brain-damaged is not the same thing as being a vegetable.

Her "husband" was far, far too eager and determined to kill her, for many years, which is why many people believe he was trying to cover up what actually happened in the first place.

Also, there were lots of doctors who disagreed with the diagnosis from Michael Schiavo's handpicked doctor, so that alone should have prevented her killing (murder, in my opinion) because any decent, honest person would agree that if you're going to err, you err on the side of life.

But apparently that's not how proaborts think. So I guess I shouldn't be surprised that most pro aborts would side with her eager-to-kill "husband" who made Terri's family's life a living hell, for many years.
She was completely brain-dead. Had zero brain activity. Her parents were caught fabricating a video of her watching a balloon because she couldn't even do that. On top of which, it's completely believable she had a conversation with her husband (at that time) about "pulling the plug." It was the absolute right thing to do.
She was completely brain-dead. Had zero brain activity. Her parents were caught fabricating a video of her watching a balloon because she couldn't even do that. On top of which, it's completely believable she had a conversation with her husband (at that time) about "pulling the plug." It was the absolute right thing to do.

No she wasn't, that is blatantly false. And there wasn't just one video, there were a number of videos. Including videos where you can clearly see her smiling and responding. You must be a horrible judge of character if you believe her heartless evil "husband" over her parents, family and friends.
These lawsuits are a joke. You have to show standing and you have to prove your case.
The only "standing" required is that you are a citizen of Texas. If the accused party does not show up to contest, the judge HAS to rule in favor of the complainant. So no, you also may not have to prove your case.
No she wasn't, that is blatantly false. And there wasn't just one video, there were a number of videos. Including videos where you can clearly see her smiling and responding. You must be a horrible judge of character if you believe her heartless evil "husband" over her parents, family and friends.
Now you're just lying. EEG's proved she had no brain-activity

He said electroencephalograms, also known as EEGs or brain wave tests, of Schiavo's brain have revealed no activity.

That wasn't a spontaneous smile. It was probably gas. Her family kept faking videos in a vein attempt to keep her a living zombie. Like the 5 second video they released where it appeared she was looking at a balloon... but turned out to be 5 seconds of a video where they edited out more than an hour of her just staring off into space as the balloon passed repeatedly in front of her face. Even worse, it turned out she was blind and couldn't even see that balloon for 5 seconds.

And then there was the autopsy which proved her condition was permanent...

An autopsy on Terri Schiavo backed her husband’s contention that she was in a persistent vegetative state, finding that she had massive and irreversible brain damage and was blind
The only "standing" required is that you are a citizen of Texas. If the accused party does not show up to contest, the judge HAS to rule in favor of the complainant. So no, you also may not have to prove your case.
Is that right? So I could sue you and then tie you up so you can't appear in court and automatically win?

I'll be right over with a summons and a roll of duct tape.
Taxpayers money goes towards abortion?

Nope ... not true.

And even if it does, that's a good thing.

Yes tax dollars pay for women on medicaid to have an abortion.


ONLY those who have survived rape, incest or there is a threat to the woman's health or life.

It's what is known as the Hyde amendment. It's been the law of the land for decades and I do not support it. I would like to see it repealed.

That applies to all but 17 states.

There are 17 states that use their state medicaid dollars to pay for an abortion for any reason. Not only rape, incest and the health or life of the woman.

My state is one of them. We voted on it in the early 80s. The ballot initiative simply asked if we want to use our medicaid dollars to pay for abortions according to Roe V Wade laws.

The initiative passed with a good margin. I voted with the majority. So my state has been using our medicaid dollars that way for decades.
More government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty is not the solution.

Conservatives once believed that – but they’ve been replaced with authoritarian rightwing ideologues who wish only to compel conformity and punish dissent.

Roe v. Wade is an example of conservative political dogma: limit the authority of the state to the benefit of individual liberty.

Conservatives long ago abandoned the principle of limited government and replaced it with the tyranny of Republican rule.

Republicans never believed in limited government. At least they didn't believe the literal meaning.

They believe that paying taxes is big government.

When the republicans say they don't want big government they mean they don't want to pay taxes.

That has been the one and only meaning of their phrase "big government" from the beginning.

Republicans have never believed in limited government.
Like I said... I don't care... it doesn't bother me at all. I support Planned Parenthood on everything they do!!!!

The thing is the person you replied to is lying.

I contribute to Planned Parenthood. They have several programs and all of them are separate.

A regular blanket donation goes to their political work and it's not tax deductible.

If you write the check out to Planned Parenthood Education it goes to programs that teach sex education and how to prevent pregnancy. That fund is tax deductible.

Then there is their fund that the money only goes to pay for abortions. Nothing else. Since it's not political activity and lobbying, that fund is also tax deductible.

All are kept separate and not mixed together. Regular audits prove it. We all know if Planned Parenthood used tax dollars illegally for abortions the anti choice people would have had them in court suing them very quickly and the authorities in anti choice states would have sent the police to arrest them and put them in jail faster than a New York minute.

I contribute to all three funds every year.

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