Zone1 Abortion Policy Poll

What is your position on abortion policy?

  • It is a Constitutional Right prior to actual birth.

    Votes: 10 23.3%
  • It should be left up to the States.

    Votes: 22 51.2%
  • There should be a federal law regulating all abortions

    Votes: 11 25.6%

  • Total voters
Abortion isn't murder unless you are a religious nut.

62% of U.S. adults said the practice should be legal in all or most cases, while 36% said it should be illegal in all or most cases.

Nearly one in four women in the United States (23.7%) will have an abortion by age 45

And a lot of them are Republican hypocrites. Or their daughters.

I was using a logical chain example as a response, not calling abortion murder. It's killing something, but not murder.

Most of that 62% would be OK with 1st trimester limits on birth control abortions.

So much for "safe, legal, and rare"

Okay, let's look a that.

First, a murderer would be caught, arrested, tried and prosecuted.

A woman who chooses abortion would probably never be caught, especially in early stages with RU-486.
If she were, the cops wouldn't arrest her, their relationship with the public is bad enough as it is.
No prosecutor in his right mind would put a woman on trial for having an abortion.
And no jury would ever convict. If you put me on a jury, I'll vote to acquit I don't care if you have tape of the provider tossing little globby across the room into the medical waste container and yelling, "THREE POINTS".

Not as much in many Blue States these days.

You go after the doctors then, or the people providing the pills in jurisdictions banning them.

Jury nullification: OK for the left, Treason for the right.
I was using a logical chain example as a response, not calling abortion murder. It's killing something, but not murder.

Most of that 62% would be OK with 1st trimester limits on birth control abortions.

So much for "safe, legal, and rare"


Doesn't every state have a cut off for when you can get an abortion? I believe they all do.

So what reasons do women get late term abortions? Do you even know? I do.
Not as much in many Blue States these days.

You go after the doctors then, or the people providing the pills in jurisdictions banning them.

Jury nullification: OK for the left, Treason for the right.

We should do the same for guns. Where was the gun purchased? Texas gun store? Go after the seller in Texas.
You go after the doctors then, or the people providing the pills in jurisdictions banning them.

That seems a bit hypocritical, doesn't it?

When you have a murder for hire, you don't go after the hit man, you go after the person who ordered the hit.

It would seem to me that if you guys were serious about "the bah-bies" you'd go after the women who have abortions.

Jury nullification: OK for the left, Treason for the right.
Well, the right has become the party of treason these days.
Doesn't every state have a cut off for when you can get an abortion? I believe they all do.

So what reasons do women get late term abortions? Do you even know? I do.

Not Blue States. you get one doctor to say your health is at risk, and abortion is legal up to the second before birth.
We should do the same for guns. Where was the gun purchased? Texas gun store? Go after the seller in Texas.

Guns are a protected right. and the guns are being used as intended, pushing a projectile down a metal tube via explosive combustion.
I wasn't going there. I was pointing out that SCOTUS got slavery wrong. But now that you mention it, treating human life as property to be disposed of at the will of its owner isn't a false equivalency. It's spot on.

you mean like this?

That seems a bit hypocritical, doesn't it?

When you have a murder for hire, you don't go after the hit man, you go after the person who ordered the hit.

It would seem to me that if you guys were serious about "the bah-bies" you'd go after the women who have abortions.

Well, the right has become the party of treason these days.

You have said abortion isn't murder, and I've agreed with you. that duck doesn't fly.

The objective is to reduce abortions, most pro-life people don't care how. Birth control, restrictions, counseling, whatever.

Women spontaneously become pregnant?

they do not. but it happens. & the moment it happens until the moment b4 viability seems to still be under that autonomy. if you can't agree with that, then anything else you sputter is incorrect.

Haven't seen that since Mary.

that is also incorrect, you haven't seen that.

but your faith, is YOUR faith & shouldn't be entered into it whether you were being snide or it's true.
they do not. but it happens. & the moment it happens until the moment b4 viability seems to still be under that autonomy. if you can't agree with that, then anything else you sputter is incorrect.

that is also incorrect, you haven't seen that.

but your faith, is YOUR faith & shouldn't be entered into it whether you were being snide or it's true.

It's an opinion, so it would be wrong to you, not incorrect. reality doesn't bend to your will.

I've always put the line at 10-15 weeks for birth control abortions, which the abortion rights people detest for some reason.

Why should faith not enter into political viewpoints?
Not Blue States. you get one doctor to say your health is at risk, and abortion is legal up to the second before birth.
As it should be. Stay out of my doctors office please! They don't believe it's murder, I don't believe it's murder, who cares what you think? You're as wacky as the politicians in Alabama banning IVF.
As it should be. Stay out of my doctors office please! They don't believe it's murder, I don't believe it's murder, who cares what you think? You're as wacky as the politicians in Alabama banning IVF.
Statists seek to use the government to force others to adopt their beliefs.
As it should be. Stay out of my doctors office please! They don't believe it's murder, I don't believe it's murder, who cares what you think? You're as wacky as the politicians in Alabama banning IVF.

I don't believe in welfare for illegal immigrants, or massive gun control, or progessive taxation. Yet those things exist because governments via voting desire they exist. Your argument of "you shouldn't think that" isn't an argument at all.

So a viable baby should be aborted if you get one doctor to say a mother may suffer post partum depression, or may have elevated blood pressure?

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