Abortion should be banned in the United States

When a traditional male and female have intercourse (not the new females with a beard and cock), a baby can result if no numerous contraceptives were used. So unless it's ectopic or down syndrome, there's no need to terminate a healthy pregnancy, unless you want to murder a human being.
So unless it's ectopic or down syndrome, there's no need to terminate a healthy pregnancy, unless you want to murder a human being.

Are you a Christian with a hand full of stones or just a pissed off Neanderthal just because you can’t drag a woman by the hair into your cave anymore?

Golarz: Time for Christians to 'drop the stone' in passing judgment on abortion​

Ray Golarz Fri, June 2, 2023 at 5:17 AM EDT·3 min read
Though I have never been present at an abortion, I have experienced, in my life’s work, the back alley rooms after the abortive act — the bloodied tables, the flies and roaches, and the nauseating stench.

Raymond Golarz

Raymond Golarz
Much of my work had been tending to that segment of American humanity that we call the poor. In my many years of work with them I found only kindness, shyness, and a hunger for human respect. Of those I worked with, some aborted. Did they thus commit murder? We can’t say that since no human being knows at which point a fetus or unborn becomes a human being with an everlasting soul.

An abortion is not murder. Before 24 weeks it is biologically and neurologically impossible for gestating fetus to be murdered by its mother.

Who shot the veteran climbing through the widow?
A patriot who protected the sanctity of my vote for Joe Biden who has created 13 million jobs and is defending Europe from Russian aggression. Shooting a stupid Q/anon imbecile like Ashley Babbit also saved Ukraine from being taken by Putin if he had his wish come true that Biden never ever was inaugurated.
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I'm agnostic with no clemmies.
{nfbw #905 to ncvmn #902 } In a secular world human life is ascribed value the moment one of our species is born or takes a first birth, but you say a woman who terminates her own pregnancy before birth is murdering a human being.

{ captaincvmn #902 } “When a traditional male and female have intercourse (not the new females with a beard and cock), a baby can result if no numerous contraceptives were used. So unless it's ectopic or down syndrome, there's no need to terminate a healthy pregnancy, unless you want to murder a human being.”

Are you citing any precedent in common or established law where an abortion is murder in the USA?

If not why are you stoning women that have done nothing to you when they get an abortion?
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When a traditional male and female have intercourse (not the new females with a beard and cock), a baby can result if no numerous contraceptives were used. So unless it's ectopic or down syndrome, there's no need to terminate a healthy pregnancy, unless you want to murder a human being.
You have no sense in reality. There being a healthy pregnancy with rape, domestic violence, poverty, fired by the job, incest, divorce or minor girls.
{nfbw #905 to ncvmn #902 } In a secular world human life is ascribed value the moment one of our species is born or takes a first birth, but you say a woman who terminates her own pregnancy before birth is murdering a human being.

{ captaincvmn #902 } “When a traditional male and female have intercourse (not the new females with a beard and cock), a baby can result if no numerous contraceptives were used. So unless it's ectopic or down syndrome, there's no need to terminate a healthy pregnancy, unless you want to murder a human being.”

Are you citing any precedent in common or established law where an abortion is murder in the USA?

If not why are you stoning women that have done nothing to you when they get an abortion?
Murder is defined as the unlawful killing of a human being. The five members of the Supreme Court (SC) has made it clear; R v. W was repealed, and abortion is a murder in the 1st degree.

Four of the members of the SC are males and three women: The single woman and two males all lied; two of the males and trump were sexual deviates and misogynists.

trump married three women and divorced two of them, one claiming she was raped by trump. trump exposed himself by rape in a civil court matter and trump recorded making vulgar comments about women:

You have no sense in reality. There being a healthy pregnancy with rape, domestic violence, poverty, fired by the job, incest, divorce or minor girls.
And you have no sense of reality, nature rewards those with a baby too. Nature is not bothered what label you place on the intercourse.
When a traditional male and female have intercourse (not the new females with a beard and cock), a baby can result if no numerous contraceptives were used. So unless it's ectopic or down syndrome, there's no need to terminate a healthy pregnancy, unless you want to murder a human being.
So people with Downs syndrome aren't people and you think you can just kill them.

Fucking hypocrite
Something you receive for your deed. What nature can present you with, reward you with for having unprotected intercourse.

If you don't want it, don't do it.
I’m trying figure out why an 11 yr old girl or a rape victim should be be “rewarded”.
I am pro-life, my view is that unless human rights mean something divergent to "human rights," the unborn should have them. As a consequence, I believe nearly all abortion should be banned (the typical 99% or more or cases). There are potential exceptions which I remain agnostic on but these do not make up the paradigm of incidents. Otherwise, I have never heard a good argument for legal abortion and I will openly argue that it ought to be banned.
TLDR all the responses up to this point.

Where morally I agree with the sentiment that Abortion should be illegal this is not the way the government of the US works.

What you are suggesting is an impingement upon state's rights. The individual States/Church have the right to outlaw or restrict abortion as they see fit. It's described and outlined in the constitution in this manner as the SCOTUS has established.

Which has also repercussions on many other recent decisions. Such as SSM and Affirmative Action and LGBTQ "rights". These powers belong to the states...
I’m trying figure out why an 11 yr old girl or a rape victim should be be “rewarded”.
That girl falls into a statistic bracket of less than 1%, yet pro-abortionists use that tiny statistic 100% of the time in abortion debates.

It's pretty obvious that nature does not take age or circumstance into account when a sperm meets an egg. Can't believe I had to point that out.
" Waaa Sex Waaa "

" Primal Jealousy For A Genetic Afterlife *

When a traditional male and female have intercourse (not the new females with a beard and cock), a baby can result if no numerous contraceptives were used. So unless it's ectopic or down syndrome, there's no need to terminate a healthy pregnancy, unless you want to murder a human being.
There are without cause abortion and with cause abortion and without cause abortion are not sought when with cause abortion are valid .
" Anthropocentric Arrogance Of Damned Dirty Apes "

* Moral Relativism Of Event Outcomes *

That girl falls into a statistic bracket of less than 1%, yet pro-abortionists use that tiny statistic 100% of the time in abortion debates.
It's pretty obvious that nature does not take age or circumstance into account when a sperm meets an egg. Can't believe I had to point that out.
According to nature or theism , was it a miracle that the plane went down , or that 3 children survived ?

Did nature care whether the zygote , embryo or fetus was aborted ?
" Traitors To Us Republic Repeating Bull Shit And Hoping It Sticks "

* Abortion Anti-Choice Us 10th Amendment Dogma *

What you are suggesting is an impingement upon state's rights. The individual States/Church have the right to outlaw or restrict abortion as they see fit. It's described and outlined in the constitution in this manner as the SCOTUS has established.
The dumbfounded dobbs decision is sedition against us 14th , 9th and 1st amendments , that is supported by traitors to us republic .

While any other requirements for naturalization are relative , birth is required to become a citizen , and by equitable doctrine , birth is required for equal protection with a citizen , that would have included a wright to life .

Thus , states a prohibited from protecting a wright to life of any which has not met a live birth requirement to receive it , and consequently , states are prohibited from proscribing abortion .

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