Abortion should be banned in the United States

If you don't want a baby, DON'T have sex!! **drops mic**

I'm all for a free society, but there HAS to be limitations, rules, and laws to keep everything in place and in correct working order.

Anybody that thinks abortion is ok, should be forcibly sterilized. That way, they never have to worry about it and can go whore it up all they want.

With exceptions of rape, but rape HAS to be proven.
why should a child die bc of the crime of his father?

a child is valuable whether .. no matter how he or she came into existence. Women should always protect themselves.. not be around strangers at late hours, etc.. There are ways to prevent rape. It's too bad we live in a crime ridden world but we do.
Would you allow a woman to choose to terminate her pregnancy if it was the result of rape or incest, or if the fetus was so horrible malformed that survival outside the womb wouldn't be possible? What if the mother's health would be severely compromised, to the point of it being life threatening?

Would you have a problem with a woman choosing to terminate in those scenarios?

I would ban abortion for the scenarios you state.

Those scenarios fall under medical procedures, not abortion.
I would ban abortion for the scenarios you state.

Those scenarios fall under medical procedures, not abortion.


So, if a woman is raped and gets pregnant, and wants to terminate the pregnancy, it's a medical procedure and not an abortion?

You should know that extremist zealots would disagree with you...
So, our elected officials determine for us what is and is not moral?
Learn how to read. I literally just told you that THE PEOPLE determine via the representatives who they elect.
Then why haven't they outlawed extra-marital sex?
You are still avoiding the fact that The People, via their elected representatives in government, ALREADY legislate morality. Just admit that I was correct about this and you were wrong, otherwise we're just going to continue going in circles.
But not everything which is immoral should be illegal...
You really can't stay focused on a single topic, can you? Is your strategy to fatigue me by bouncing all around to different topics and continuously moving the goalposts around?? STAY FOCUSED!!!! You claimed that you oppose "legislating morality" and I have refuted your claim by pointing out that government ALREADY "legislates morality" (see the current murder and theft laws THAT YOU SUPPORT, for example).
And there's you, being a monumental failure at explaining the "why" part of the question...
There's no need for me to explain anything... You are simply bouncing all around various topics and rabbit holes, continuously moving goalposts around, instead of staying focused on a single point of discussion (because you keep losing each one that you bring up).
Horse shit. If you were, you'd have explained the "why" behind your answer of "Maybe we should"...
Horse shit. I've been straightforward with you this whole time while YOU have been continuously bouncing around random topics, rabbit holes, and goalpost shifts. STAY FOCUSED.
Hardly. Unless you take the position that every immoral act should be illegal, you're a hypocrite...
Once again, STAY FOCUSED..... You made a claim that one shouldn't "legislate morality". I've refuted that claim by telling you that morality IS ALREADY BEING LEGISLATED (see current murder and theft laws for example) and that you support those laws, thus you support the legislating of morality.
Sure, why wouldn't she?

Then again, I didn't mention Wisconsin, you did, simply because you can't argue my point about a woman in Portland
No, I mentioned Wisconsin because I am in Wisconsin and because it is an example that needs to be treated the same as your "murder and theft" being "the law" statement. In Wisconsin, abortion is treated the same way and is "the law".
without your ignorant "What if I'm her husband" bullshit scenarios.
As you phrased your initial question, I could be affected by her abortion decision if I happened to be her husband (and the father of the kid being aborted).
You're NOT her husband, and you KNOW you're not affected by it...
Continued goalpost shifting...
We disagree, although I can acknowledge (and I'm assuming here) that your faith dictates that belief...
It CAN dictate it, but it doesn't have to. Science also supports my position (human life development stages, etc), so I have no need to appeal to my religious beliefs.
Do you understand what "viable" is?
Yes. Now answer my questions:
What is developing inside of the mother's womb for 9 months if not her child? What comes out of her womb after 9 months if not her child?
And if I were talking about what moral and legal in Wisconsin, you might actually have a point.
So you're just going to ignore any example that refutes your position?? Got it.
I asked how a woman getting an abortion in Portland affects you
That's not what you asked originally. Continued goalpost shifting.
and, instead of actually answering the question (which you remain being a pathetic failure at)
I answered the question that you asked. I'm not answering all of your goalpost shifting questions.
You want me to consider "What if" scenarios like you being her husband or her boyfriend. Sorry, Chief, but that's not reality.
No, that was made in response to your original question as you originally asked it. It showed you examples that refuted your position... and you don't like that so now you are moving goalposts. I'm gonna be done responding to your drivel after this response since you are incapable of holding an honest discussion without constantly moving goalposts around after you get refuted.
You can't answer my question because you're afraid to answer it honestly...
I've already answered it. Now you are moving goalposts because I successfully refuted your position. I'm not playing that game.
Says the "What if I were her husband" guy...
It was a direct answer and refutation to your claim, as originally claimed. You've since shifted the goalposts, and I'm not letting you off the hook for it.
No, you didn't. Please stop being such an idiot.
Yes I did. You should take your own advice.
REAL CLEAR QUESTION: How does a woman that you don't know, getting an abortion in Portland, adversely affect you in Wisconsin?
Continued goalpost shift. Summarily dismissed.
That's the last time I'm going to ask.
I've already determined that I'm done beating a dead horse who can't stay focused on a single point of discussion without constantly shifting goalposts.
If you come back with some "What if I'm her boyfriend" bullshit I'll be left with no option than to label you a fucking retard and mock and taunt you.
Now you're resorting to insults.
I already know you won't answer it. I know that because I've asked it numerous times and each time you've cowardly avoided providing a direct, succinct answer...
Do you actually know how to read? I have to ask that because I've stated it several times...
I've already determined that I'm done beating a dead horse who can't stay focused on a single point of discussion

And I've pretty much determined that I'm beating the coward who lacks the intellectual stability to have a comprehensive discussion on a multi-faceted topic...

without constantly shifting goalposts.

I didn't shift anything. I asked you a pointed question; one which continue to cowardly avoid. This is what I was talking about above. See, I can discuss more than one aspect of the issue and not get tripped up. You, on the other hand, are so mentally bereft that you're unable to see a simple fucking question for what it is: A SIMPLE FUCKING QUESTION.

Now, with regards to the simple question which you're wholly incapable of answering, I'll answer it for you:

Steve: "If a woman chooses to terminate her pregnancy in Portland, how are you adversely affected in Wisconsin?"

gfm7175: "Well, Steve, I'm not. It doesn't affect me in any way whatsoever. But I'm a narcissistic little dipshit who can only be happy if everyone everywhere does exactly as I think they should do, because I really do feel (because I can't actually think) that I know what's best for everyone everywhere in this country, including some woman in Portland who I don't know and will never meet. Because, without that, I'm faced with accepting the reality that my life has no actual value and that I'm just a wasted bag of skin."

Steve: "Thanks for setting the record straight on that."

See, without an actual response from you, there's no reason to think you would say anything other than that.

Or, you could actually answer the question...

Now you're resorting to insults.

Hey, don't bitch at me. You earned 'em...
The fun part that the radicals of both sides miss:
Most Americans are pro-life, but don't believe its the government's place to limit abortions before its viable as a baby.
It is not the federal government's place, but it is most certainly the State government's place.
And I've pretty much determined that I'm beating the coward who lacks the intellectual stability to have a comprehensive discussion on a multi-faceted topic...

I didn't shift anything. I asked you a pointed question; one which continue to cowardly avoid. This is what I was talking about above. See, I can discuss more than one aspect of the issue and not get tripped up. You, on the other hand, are so mentally bereft that you're unable to see a simple fucking question for what it is: A SIMPLE FUCKING QUESTION.

Now, with regards to the simple question which you're wholly incapable of answering, I'll answer it for you:

Steve: "If a woman chooses to terminate her pregnancy in Portland, how are you adversely affected in Wisconsin?"

gfm7175: "Well, Steve, I'm not. It doesn't affect me in any way whatsoever. But I'm a narcissistic little dipshit who can only be happy if everyone everywhere does exactly as I think they should do, because I really do feel (because I can't actually think) that I know what's best for everyone everywhere in this country, including some woman in Portland who I don't know and will never meet. Because, without that, I'm faced with accepting the reality that my life has no actual value and that I'm just a wasted bag of skin."

Steve: "Thanks for setting the record straight on that."

See, without an actual response from you, there's no reason to think you would say anything other than that.

Or, you could actually answer the question...

Hey, don't bitch at me. You earned 'em...
Continued goalpost shifting. Continued insults. Speaking for others. No new argumentation presented.
It is not the federal government's place, but it is most certainly the State government's place.

Continued goalpost shifting. Continued insults. Speaking for others. No new argumentation presented.

That's because you continue to be a coward, dodging like a pussy the old argumentation.

You can't even say that my characterization of what your response would be is inaccurate.

That's pretty telling.

Nailed you, dude, and we both know it...
That's because you continue to be a coward, dodging like a pussy the old argumentation.

You can't even say that my characterization of what your response would be is inaccurate.

That's pretty telling.

Nailed you, dude, and we both know it...
Continued fantasies, insults, goalpost shifting... No new argumentation presented.

The problem is that most pro-lifers adhere to a religion which literally teaches them that a woman got pregnant without having sex. It's the very foundation of their beliefs...
we have a mighty Creator

too bad you don't. Who created you, by the way?

How were the first humans created when there was yet no sperm or egg?
we have a mighty Creator

too bad you don't. Who created you, by the way?

How were the first humans created when there was yet no sperm or egg?


You and I both know that you're going to refute anything I say; that's what zealots like you do.

So let's just agree to disagree, m'kay?
Still a little chickenshit who's only interested in his will being forced on others.

Typical religious zealot...
I already blew your weak arguments out of the water, moron... let me know when you're ready to admit that "legislating morality" already occurs (and MUST occur) even though you pretend that it doesn't occur (that it shouldn't be done).
There is only pro-abortion or anti-abortion. Pro-choice is just a cop out.
I already blew your weak arguments out of the water, moron... let me know when you're ready to admit that "legislating morality" already occurs (and MUST occur) even though you pretend that it doesn't occur (that it shouldn't be done).

I'm sure you've blown something, dipshit, but my argument wasn't it.

If something is illegal because it's immoral, then everything which is immoral would be illegal.

Sure, murder is immoral, but you're assuming it's illegal because it's immoral.

I disagree with that. I disagree with that and you don't know how to respond. You can't deal with someone having a different opinion. That's a very common trait among zealots like yourself, so it's really not surprising. At the very least, it exposes you as a hypocrite and a coward...

So, if a woman is raped and gets pregnant, and wants to terminate the pregnancy, it's a medical procedure and not an abortion?

You should know that extremist zealots would disagree with you...
Yes, medical. Most likely there is tearing, damage from the violence. Best done in real hospitals by real doctors.
" Anti-Federalist Statistism Despots Against Individualism "

* Horse Shit On A Cracker Authority Of Us 10th Amendment Claims *

It is not the federal government's place, but it is most certainly the State government's place.

Continued goalpost shifting. Continued insults. Speaking for others. No new argumentation presented.
The dobbs ruling is SEDITION against US 1st , 9th and 14th amendments and TRAITORS support the decision .

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