Abortion Survivor Melissa Ohden: "What About My Choice?"

There's big profit to be made in calling yourself "abortion survivor".

But only if you're a pretty white woman.

Black males need not apply, as most conservatives would just reflexively scream about how they wish he had been aborted

Abortion is the single most effective reason why the Latino ovulation is now replacing the black population in North America. You can thank Lyndon B Johnson's great society for that particular misfortune.
You sound like an idiot. Mexicans and NA's are the people that populated all of the americas and have always been more numerous than Africans.
No compassion, no love, just hate for a defenseless life.
Nope. No hate.

You are lying in my opinion and your callousness, your lack of compassion or love for another human being purely disgusts me.

Nope. I am not.

Let me know when your compassion and love reach out to the children forceably seperated from their parents at the border. Oh wait...silly me...they are already born. No compassion there.

They should not be separated at the border, they need to be processed quickly and either given asylum or transported to the country of their choice.

And as far as I am concerned you have said nothing that changes my mind that you are a hateful, callous and your attitude is disgusting.
Even if those they are with are human traffickers or people that are not their relative's etc ???

They need to be taken into custody, made safe, and returned to the people they were with, yet only if the people are their parents, relatives and such.

Then they all can be given asylum or transported back to their country of origin etc. Whatever the proper decision making is or will be in regards to the best solutions possible.
We have always allowed for the seperation of children if the agents suspect trafficking. That is a very small percentage of familiess. If that is the superficial excuse for supporting 100 percent seperation then it is little more than supporting child abuse given how horribly it has worked.
The Daily Caller ^

Melissa Ohden, abortion survivor and author of "You Carried Me", tells Amber Athey her survival story and asks "What about my choice?"

With New York's passage of a new abortion laws, and Virginia considering them, the time for this conversation is now.

Don’t worry, they said that they would have made her comfortable before they decide wether to murder her. Sounds like a LAST MEAL, for a mass murder....and the baby did WHAT UNFORGIVABLE FELONY?....

And if she had been successfully aborted, she would not have known it.
You might not expect them to but deep down you know they will. It’s your subconscious security blanket behind the “I’m so independent” facade.

They can't if they aren't expected to or asked to do so. You automatically assume everyone demands someone else pay the prices for their bad choices. Perhaps that's because you've done it so much.

I am sure when you are old and indigent you will fully expect someone to change your diapers because like the rest of us adults you have already paid into it.
Since when did getting old become a bad choice made in life ??? Duh !

The bad choice of using an abortion procedure for birth control is murder period, end of story.

Coyote believes everyone automatically looks to the government when things don't go their way.
Her idea of looking to the government to do evil deeds for her or others is an unexceptable thing, and it should be rebuked by the government to ever follow suit for them on some issues.

The government plays a role in our society of course, but it should always be an ethical and morally sound role in which a majority might agree, and not a deplorable one in which only a few influential groups agree, and then try and use government to push it down everyone's throat's.
Why do you consider contraception and comprehensive sexual education "evil deeds"? It sounds as if you support teen pregnancies, kids dropping out of school to have babies they cant afford and ending up on the margins of the economy. It is people like you thst insure the US will continue to outrank other developed nations in teen pregnancy rates and abortion rates.
The Daily Caller ^

Melissa Ohden, abortion survivor and author of "You Carried Me", tells Amber Athey her survival story and asks "What about my choice?"

With New York's passage of a new abortion laws, and Virginia considering them, the time for this conversation is now.

Don’t worry, they said that they would have made her comfortable before they decide wether to murder her. Sounds like a LAST MEAL, for a mass murder....and the baby did WHAT UNFORGIVABLE FELONY?....

Hmmm. What is someone else’s body doing in my body? Evicting an unwanted tenant is not murder.

What if you invited that person into your body with your own actions?
Consenting to sex doesn't mean consenting to pregnancy. Just like driving to work doesnt mean consenting to an accident.
The Daily Caller ^

Melissa Ohden, abortion survivor and author of "You Carried Me", tells Amber Athey her survival story and asks "What about my choice?"

With New York's passage of a new abortion laws, and Virginia considering them, the time for this conversation is now.

Don’t worry, they said that they would have made her comfortable before they decide wether to murder her. Sounds like a LAST MEAL, for a mass murder....and the baby did WHAT UNFORGIVABLE FELONY?....

And if she had been successfully aborted, she would not have known it.

And when you and I die, we won’t know it or remember it. So what is your point?
The Daily Caller ^

Melissa Ohden, abortion survivor and author of "You Carried Me", tells Amber Athey her survival story and asks "What about my choice?"

With New York's passage of a new abortion laws, and Virginia considering them, the time for this conversation is now.

Don’t worry, they said that they would have made her comfortable before they decide wether to murder her. Sounds like a LAST MEAL, for a mass murder....and the baby did WHAT UNFORGIVABLE FELONY?....

I’m just waiting for a hard core abortion enthusiast, to come along and smoke her... A liberal jury would aquit...
The Daily Caller ^

Melissa Ohden, abortion survivor and author of "You Carried Me", tells Amber Athey her survival story and asks "What about my choice?"

With New York's passage of a new abortion laws, and Virginia considering them, the time for this conversation is now.

Don’t worry, they said that they would have made her comfortable before they decide wether to murder her. Sounds like a LAST MEAL, for a mass murder....and the baby did WHAT UNFORGIVABLE FELONY?....

Hmmm. What is someone else’s body doing in my body? Evicting an unwanted tenant is not murder.

What if you invited that person into your body with your own actions?
Consenting to sex doesn't mean consenting to pregnancy. Just like driving to work doesnt mean consenting to an accident.
Is driving to works primary biological purpose; to “get in an accident”...?
Yeah... Your analogy is really that weak...
The Daily Caller ^

Melissa Ohden, abortion survivor and author of "You Carried Me", tells Amber Athey her survival story and asks "What about my choice?"

With New York's passage of a new abortion laws, and Virginia considering them, the time for this conversation is now.

Don’t worry, they said that they would have made her comfortable before they decide wether to murder her. Sounds like a LAST MEAL, for a mass murder....and the baby did WHAT UNFORGIVABLE FELONY?....

And if she had been successfully aborted, she would not have known it.

If someone shot you in the right spot of your brain, you would never know that either.

Your point was?
The Daily Caller ^

Melissa Ohden, abortion survivor and author of "You Carried Me", tells Amber Athey her survival story and asks "What about my choice?"

With New York's passage of a new abortion laws, and Virginia considering them, the time for this conversation is now.

Don’t worry, they said that they would have made her comfortable before they decide wether to murder her. Sounds like a LAST MEAL, for a mass murder....and the baby did WHAT UNFORGIVABLE FELONY?....

Hmmm. What is someone else’s body doing in my body? Evicting an unwanted tenant is not murder.

What if you invited that person into your body with your own actions?
Is it just like a person she might have accidentally or on purpose let into her home, and then soon after she wanted that person to leave, and if he or she didn't, well she would just kill him or her next with a supposed right to do so ??

Is this the same mindset that she might have ??

Does she have a right to kill a person she doesn't want in her home, and if not then how does she have the right to kill a baby who is an innocent, and is living in it's home/body that she has provided for the child in order to keep it safe, nurtured, and alive ????

Abortion used as a means of contraception after the fact, is sin.
The Daily Caller ^

Melissa Ohden, abortion survivor and author of "You Carried Me", tells Amber Athey her survival story and asks "What about my choice?"

With New York's passage of a new abortion laws, and Virginia considering them, the time for this conversation is now.

Don’t worry, they said that they would have made her comfortable before they decide wether to murder her. Sounds like a LAST MEAL, for a mass murder....and the baby did WHAT UNFORGIVABLE FELONY?....

Hmmm. What is someone else’s body doing in my body? Evicting an unwanted tenant is not murder.

What if you invited that person into your body with your own actions?
Is it just like a person she might have accidentally or on purpose let into her home, and then soon after she wanted that person to leave, and if he or she didn't, well she would just kill him or her next with a supposed right to do so ??

Is this the same mindset that she might have ??

Does she have a right to kill a person she doesn't want in her home, and if not then how does she have the right to kill a baby who is an innocent, and is living in it's home/body that she has provided for the child in order to keep it safe, nurtured, and alive ????

Abortion used as a means of contraception after the fact, is sin.

Sin or not, the child is violated and I will never let that go unchallenged.
The Daily Caller ^

Melissa Ohden, abortion survivor and author of "You Carried Me", tells Amber Athey her survival story and asks "What about my choice?"

With New York's passage of a new abortion laws, and Virginia considering them, the time for this conversation is now.

Don’t worry, they said that they would have made her comfortable before they decide wether to murder her. Sounds like a LAST MEAL, for a mass murder....and the baby did WHAT UNFORGIVABLE FELONY?....

Hmmm. What is someone else’s body doing in my body? Evicting an unwanted tenant is not murder.

What if you invited that person into your body with your own actions?
Consenting to sex doesn't mean consenting to pregnancy. Just like driving to work doesnt mean consenting to an accident.
The Daily Caller ^

Melissa Ohden, abortion survivor and author of "You Carried Me", tells Amber Athey her survival story and asks "What about my choice?"

With New York's passage of a new abortion laws, and Virginia considering them, the time for this conversation is now.

Don’t worry, they said that they would have made her comfortable before they decide wether to murder her. Sounds like a LAST MEAL, for a mass murder....and the baby did WHAT UNFORGIVABLE FELONY?....

Hmmm. What is someone else’s body doing in my body? Evicting an unwanted tenant is not murder.

What if you invited that person into your body with your own actions?
Consenting to sex doesn't mean consenting to pregnancy. Just like driving to work doesnt mean consenting to an accident.

Again, we arrive back to what Supreme Court justice Potter Stewart said (and what he did not say.)

He (unlike you) clearly understands the legalities around the assumptions of a risk.

The Daily Caller ^

Melissa Ohden, abortion survivor and author of "You Carried Me", tells Amber Athey her survival story and asks "What about my choice?"

With New York's passage of a new abortion laws, and Virginia considering them, the time for this conversation is now.

Don’t worry, they said that they would have made her comfortable before they decide wether to murder her. Sounds like a LAST MEAL, for a mass murder....and the baby did WHAT UNFORGIVABLE FELONY?....

Hmmm. What is someone else’s body doing in my body? Evicting an unwanted tenant is not murder.

What if you invited that person into your body with your own actions?
Consenting to sex doesn't mean consenting to pregnancy. Just like driving to work doesnt mean consenting to an accident.
Are you a nutter?
The Daily Caller ^

Melissa Ohden, abortion survivor and author of "You Carried Me", tells Amber Athey her survival story and asks "What about my choice?"

With New York's passage of a new abortion laws, and Virginia considering them, the time for this conversation is now.

Don’t worry, they said that they would have made her comfortable before they decide wether to murder her. Sounds like a LAST MEAL, for a mass murder....and the baby did WHAT UNFORGIVABLE FELONY?....

Hmmm. What is someone else’s body doing in my body? Evicting an unwanted tenant is not murder.

What if you invited that person into your body with your own actions?
Is it just like a person she might have accidentally or on purpose let into her home, and then soon after she wanted that person to leave, and if he or she didn't, well she would just kill him or her next with a supposed right to do so ??

Is this the same mindset that she might have ??

Does she have a right to kill a person she doesn't want in her home, and if not then how does she have the right to kill a baby who is an innocent, and is living in it's home/body that she has provided for the child in order to keep it safe, nurtured, and alive ????

Abortion used as a means of contraception after the fact, is sin.

Sin or not, the child is violated and I will never let that go unchallenged.
Until they are born.
The Daily Caller ^

Melissa Ohden, abortion survivor and author of "You Carried Me", tells Amber Athey her survival story and asks "What about my choice?"

With New York's passage of a new abortion laws, and Virginia considering them, the time for this conversation is now.

Don’t worry, they said that they would have made her comfortable before they decide wether to murder her. Sounds like a LAST MEAL, for a mass murder....and the baby did WHAT UNFORGIVABLE FELONY?....

Hmmm. What is someone else’s body doing in my body? Evicting an unwanted tenant is not murder.

You’ve been evicted!
twisted into a creepy smirk that is the stuff of nightmares.

President Trump called on Congress to “prohibit the late-term abortion of children who can feel pain in the mother’s womb.”

Chuck Schumer’s face when President Trump mentions NY’s new baby killing law.

“Lawmakers in New York cheered with delight upon the passage of legislation that would allow a baby to be ripped from the mother’s womb moments before birth,” Trump said. “These are living, feeling, beautiful babies who will never get the chance to share their love and dreams with the world.”

As the president spoke, Schumer’s face caught many people’s attention.

This weird smirk on Schumer’s face while Trump talks about late-term abortion, is so creepy #SOTU

Chuck Schumer contemplating Democrats' recent legalization of post-birth "abortion" #SOTU

Craig Middleton@Rooster_121
The fact that Chuck Schumer can sit with a deviant smirk on his face while Trump talks about late term abortion being legalized in his home state is disgusting. #SOTU

“Let us work together to build a culture that cherishes innocent life,” Trump said, as Schumer channeled his inner-demon.

I must say smirking over a baby being killed a law presented and passed by DemonZRSTS is most disturbing.... what shall be their next trick, killing what? Killing WHO and all for POLITICAL POWER.... NO WONDER I call these NAZI TACTICS from ABNORMALS!
The Daily Caller ^

Melissa Ohden, abortion survivor and author of "You Carried Me", tells Amber Athey her survival story and asks "What about my choice?"

With New York's passage of a new abortion laws, and Virginia considering them, the time for this conversation is now.

Don’t worry, they said that they would have made her comfortable before they decide wether to murder her. Sounds like a LAST MEAL, for a mass murder....and the baby did WHAT UNFORGIVABLE FELONY?....

Hmmm. What is someone else’s body doing in my body? Evicting an unwanted tenant is not murder.

What if you invited that person into your body with your own actions?
Consenting to sex doesn't mean consenting to pregnancy. Just like driving to work doesnt mean consenting to an accident.
Driving to work recklessly, taking chances on running into people, not wearing a seatbelt would pretty much be intending to get into an accident.

Legally, men who have unprotected sex have consented to paternity and to support any child resulting. Men have been screaming about that for years.
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