About Obama, can anyone tell me?

How can you be in the top at Harvard Law and claim judicial review is "unprecedented"?


Who gives a fuck what he claimed.

Can you say anything in one sentence that "automatically" eliminates your entire education from existing? Just shut the fuck up already, this bottom of the barrel shit is just pathetic. Dry up your mangina, put your man boots on, hop off of the interwebz, and go be a man about shit if you so thoroughly believe Obama is some sort of retarded evil Alien Muslim from Kenya, you pussy. Hop off the net, go let everyone know, physically. Don't be askurred to get laughed at ya bitch.

It's hard to understand Obama Fluffers sometimes because their duty require them to, well, fluff Obama. But, if I understood you, you're saying that you have NOTHING in response other than some lame plead to get me off Al Gore's Internet.

Wahhh. Too fucking bad for you, Buckwheat

There is not a chance in hell that anyone went to law school without know Judicial Review. Take the dumbest fuck at the worst Law School and he will know Judicial review.

But Obama? He's never heard of it

He doesn't know judicial review, how many states in the USA, how to pledge alligence, can;t tell one US holiday from another...

but you love him

I think the exact opposite is true.

You love him.

You're mad that he wont personally hand Crusaderfrank his birth certificate.

You loathe the fact that you weren't a fly on the wall during his childhood outside of Country.

You want to know so bad how this man somehow was magna cum laude at Harvard and widdle ole' you don't get to personally examine how.

You're mad that our President can probably dunk on your tin foil hat wearing goofy ass, hang from the rim and look down at you while you gaze at his nuts, star struck and wanting to know if he has battery-powered rockets in his sneakers.

You want to make sure his soap box car doesnt have an engine after he whoops your sorry ass in the race.

You want to follow his every footstep between studying and test time to know how he bested your dumbass by 30 points.

There's just NO FUCKING LEGITIMATE WAY this man is BETTER than Crusader da frank, Da internetz Birfer Champion, NO POSSIBLE LEGITIMATE WAY Obama is President! No way!

And - - - - - you love him.

But you nshould pretend, someday soon, that his dick is a diving board, and jump off of it.
I like the line of defense being, it doesn't matter or your guy was dumber. Not a one saying Obama is smart really. lol
I've traveled all over the 57 United States, I've eaten dry dog food, I love my Marxist professors, the Supreme Court can't tell lawmakers what to do, the Constitution is just an old piece of paper, I went to school but nobody remembers me, I had no girl friends (because I liked the boys better) and all my old boyfriends are dead, I'll have more flexibility in dealing with the Russians after "my election"...so you'll just have to believe me when I say I did good at school.

Don't forgit....I'm the fuckin' President!

Obama is a goddamned Marxist. That's what he doesn't want you to know.
I like the line of defense being, it doesn't matter or your guy was dumber. Not a one saying Obama is smart really. lol

No, Graduating Harvard Magna Cum Laude and moving on to become President of the United States means you are smart.

Arguing the opposite is small, and frivolous.

Here is a poster designed by the internetz for guys like CF who are in existence on every City block in America:

How can you be in the top at Harvard Law and claim judicial review is "unprecedented"?


that isn't what he said.

it's what the rightwingnut obama deranged loons claim he said.

Wow! You're lying, There's no nice way to say it. You're just outright lying

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWZ9JVvUG0g]OBAMA SLAMS 'ACTIVIST' SUPREME COURT, CALLS THEM 'AN UNELECTED GROUP OF PEOPLE' - YouTube[/ame]

Even Larry Tribe had to say Obama "misspoke"
Who gives a fuck what he claimed.

Can you say anything in one sentence that "automatically" eliminates your entire education from existing? Just shut the fuck up already, this bottom of the barrel shit is just pathetic. Dry up your mangina, put your man boots on, hop off of the interwebz, and go be a man about shit if you so thoroughly believe Obama is some sort of retarded evil Alien Muslim from Kenya, you pussy. Hop off the net, go let everyone know, physically. Don't be askurred to get laughed at ya bitch.

It's hard to understand Obama Fluffers sometimes because their duty require them to, well, fluff Obama. But, if I understood you, you're saying that you have NOTHING in response other than some lame plead to get me off Al Gore's Internet.

Wahhh. Too fucking bad for you, Buckwheat

There is not a chance in hell that anyone went to law school without know Judicial Review. Take the dumbest fuck at the worst Law School and he will know Judicial review.

But Obama? He's never heard of it

He doesn't know judicial review, how many states in the USA, how to pledge alligence, can;t tell one US holiday from another...

but you love him

I think the exact opposite is true.

You love him.

You're mad that he wont personally hand Crusaderfrank his birth certificate.

You loathe the fact that you weren't a fly on the wall during his childhood outside of Country.

You want to know so bad how this man somehow was magna cum laude at Harvard and widdle ole' you don't get to personally examine how.

You're mad that our President can probably dunk on your tin foil hat wearing goofy ass, hang from the rim and look down at you while you gaze at his nuts, star struck and wanting to know if he has battery-powered rockets in his sneakers.

You want to make sure his soap box car doesnt have an engine after he whoops your sorry ass in the race.

You want to follow his every footstep between studying and test time to know how he bested your dumbass by 30 points.

There's just NO FUCKING LEGITIMATE WAY this man is BETTER than Crusader da frank, Da internetz Birfer Champion, NO POSSIBLE LEGITIMATE WAY Obama is President! No way!

And - - - - - you love him.

But you nshould pretend, someday soon, that his dick is a diving board, and jump off of it.

Rocket powered sneakers?

Wow. You must be snorting that Hopey Change Kool-Aid straight out of the can.

You think Obama a Superhero? How sad that you set your sights so low, but then again, for you that's probably an improvement.
Heres the deal.

Its none of your business.

He is not required to release them.

Your military record belongs to the people

I kind of think it is our business. We need to know these people running for high political office.

Then why was it OK for Bush to make people SUE for his military record?

No one forced them to sue. I think all information is good to know. That doesnt mean our interest in knowing any way invalidates their interest in privacy. We still have an interest even when they have a conflicting interest.
It's hard to understand Obama Fluffers sometimes because their duty require them to, well, fluff Obama. But, if I understood you, you're saying that you have NOTHING in response other than some lame plead to get me off Al Gore's Internet.

Wahhh. Too fucking bad for you, Buckwheat

There is not a chance in hell that anyone went to law school without know Judicial Review. Take the dumbest fuck at the worst Law School and he will know Judicial review.

But Obama? He's never heard of it

He doesn't know judicial review, how many states in the USA, how to pledge alligence, can;t tell one US holiday from another...

but you love him

I think the exact opposite is true.

You love him.

You're mad that he wont personally hand Crusaderfrank his birth certificate.

You loathe the fact that you weren't a fly on the wall during his childhood outside of Country.

You want to know so bad how this man somehow was magna cum laude at Harvard and widdle ole' you don't get to personally examine how.

You're mad that our President can probably dunk on your tin foil hat wearing goofy ass, hang from the rim and look down at you while you gaze at his nuts, star struck and wanting to know if he has battery-powered rockets in his sneakers.

You want to make sure his soap box car doesnt have an engine after he whoops your sorry ass in the race.

You want to follow his every footstep between studying and test time to know how he bested your dumbass by 30 points.

There's just NO FUCKING LEGITIMATE WAY this man is BETTER than Crusader da frank, Da internetz Birfer Champion, NO POSSIBLE LEGITIMATE WAY Obama is President! No way!

And - - - - - you love him.

But you nshould pretend, someday soon, that his dick is a diving board, and jump off of it.

Rocket powered sneakers?

Wow. You must be snorting that Hopey Change Kool-Aid straight out of the can.

You think Obama a Superhero? How sad that you set your sights so low, but then again, for you that's probably an improvement.

you're a fuggin dunce, dude. No wonder you're jealous of his College.
You just proved he had a 3.5 or higher you disgruntled brain fool

Wow, you really bring the "stupid" to "stupid fuck."

So where is that link?

If you cant find out from Harvard's site itself that Obama graduated Magna cum laude, you get an f minus in research.

But we know that you dont really want to know, just to be a nit pickey douche like yourself, daily.
I think the exact opposite is true.

You love him.

You're mad that he wont personally hand Crusaderfrank his birth certificate.

You loathe the fact that you weren't a fly on the wall during his childhood outside of Country.

You want to know so bad how this man somehow was magna cum laude at Harvard and widdle ole' you don't get to personally examine how.

You're mad that our President can probably dunk on your tin foil hat wearing goofy ass, hang from the rim and look down at you while you gaze at his nuts, star struck and wanting to know if he has battery-powered rockets in his sneakers.

You want to make sure his soap box car doesnt have an engine after he whoops your sorry ass in the race.

You want to follow his every footstep between studying and test time to know how he bested your dumbass by 30 points.

There's just NO FUCKING LEGITIMATE WAY this man is BETTER than Crusader da frank, Da internetz Birfer Champion, NO POSSIBLE LEGITIMATE WAY Obama is President! No way!

And - - - - - you love him.

But you nshould pretend, someday soon, that his dick is a diving board, and jump off of it.

Rocket powered sneakers?

Wow. You must be snorting that Hopey Change Kool-Aid straight out of the can.

You think Obama a Superhero? How sad that you set your sights so low, but then again, for you that's probably an improvement.

you're a fuggin dunce, dude. No wonder you're jealous of his College.

Yo! I'm not being all "jealous" homey (I have to talk ghetto so GT has a chance of understanding).

It's just (how do you say obvious in ghetto?) fo-shizzle dat Obama's never seen the inside of a classroom.

That information HAS b een released by Harvard you idiot.

Its on the commencement day program for the 1991 graduation ceremonies
Rocket powered sneakers?

Wow. You must be snorting that Hopey Change Kool-Aid straight out of the can.

You think Obama a Superhero? How sad that you set your sights so low, but then again, for you that's probably an improvement.

you're a fuggin dunce, dude. No wonder you're jealous of his College.

Yo! I'm not being all "jealous" homey (I have to talk ghetto so GT has a chance of understanding).

It's just (how do you say obvious in ghetto?) fo-shizzle dat Obama's never seen the inside of a classroom.


I think you're pretty pathetic and stupid, as compared to a U.S. President, (or any ghetto child).
Grades are private records folks you can not sue to get your neighbors grades

Employers can...........
If you apply for a job, say you were an honor student...the employer has every right to check with the school to verify what you tell them. Did you even read my link??? An employer (us) has every right to see the presidents records.

Obama has had them locked up and nobody is to see them...so i guess since he doesn't want to abide by his EMPLOYERS rules then he should be FIRED! God your such a fool...

By applying you hazve given them access you clown.

try telling a prospective employer NO when he asks for proof of your colledge degree?

See you just made my statement TRUE!

Obama did just that...when he decided to run for President (he was APPLYING for the job...right?)...that gives us EMPLOYERS (we pay his wages..right???) the RIGHT to know for sure he was telling us the truth about his education. We have the right to have ALL OF HIS COLLEGE RECORDS pulled to verify he wasn't just "pulling our leg". A good employer that is going to hire someone for a job as important as this would always verify everything.

Democrats don't seem to be very efficient "employers" it seems.......they don't give a crap as long has he's giving them what they want!

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