About those Haitians in Springfield.

You are the one saying you prefer sending money to foreigners. Spin it any faggy way you want.

I guess your communist revolution takes a backseat to financially lubing-up foreigners? ….The ghost of Lenin is very disappointed in you, Joe….

Foreign aid helps American business. I'm sorry that your understanding of economics is so poor, but not surprised.
Foreign aid helps American business. I'm sorry that your understanding of economics is so poor, but not surprised.
You said that already….. So, why wouldn’t that same money being spent by Americans help American business? The same condition could be applied. (Careful answering this, the ghost of Lenin is watching you, comrade)
Dude, I just explained it to you.. you are clearly stupid, so there's no point explaining it to you gain.
Dude, you can’t answer the basic question. Why can’t Americans spending the money have the same effect for American businesses? Stop being such a faggy bitch.

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