About voting I.d being against minorities

So I walk by a t.v with MSNBC on and I see a large man screaming about how the new voter i.d law is going to stop minorities from voting. I wonder why it is more likely to stop them from voting and not the whites? Honestly aren't a large percentage of southern whites poor and dumb too? :eusa_shhh:

Why is everything about race to these people? They seem to be saying that blacks aren't capable of getting a i.d to vote and somehow those whites are.

That my friends is racist!!!!

Illegal Aliens are still a minority, having to show an I.D. discriminates against them and the democrats depend on those votes.

An illegal alien cannot register to vote. Therefore, asking a voter to show ID has nothing to do with preventing illegals from voting.

If you have illegals on your voter registration rolls, then fix what is broken. Voter ID won't fix that.
Yea that's something I really don't get. It's ridiculously easy to get an i.d.

Last november in VA I just showed up at the polling place and gave my name. Didn't have to show them anything.

And that is the way it has been working for over two centuries.

If the voter registration process is secure, then there is absolutely no need for Voter ID on election day. It's like demanding a kickstand on a tank.
So I walk by a t.v with MSNBC on and I see a large man screaming about how the new voter i.d law is going to stop minorities from voting. I wonder why it is more likely to stop them from voting and not the whites? Honestly aren't a large percentage of southern whites poor and dumb too? :eusa_shhh:

Why is everything about race to these people? They seem to be saying that blacks aren't capable of getting a i.d to vote and somehow those whites are.

That my friends is racist!!!!

Illegal Aliens are still a minority, having to show an I.D. discriminates against them and the democrats depend on those votes.

An illegal alien cannot register to vote. Therefore, asking a voter to show ID has nothing to do with preventing illegals from voting.

If you have illegals on your voter registration rolls, then fix what is broken. Voter ID won't fix that.
Anyone that believes illegals are not registering and voting by mail now, because they don't need an i.d. to do so, is either a fool or democrat. Wait the democrats know and encourage it.
And there is the crux of the problem. As soon as these laws get in, they will be followed by laws that make the ID's harder to get, and not free. That is the whole idea behind what the GOP is doing. Not being able to win elections legally, they are resorting to voter suppression. After all, it worked well in the South for 100 years.

It's funny how small government conservatives will trust the government when it comes to id's. I don't think they should be handing out id's that are needed to vote. Something tells me certain areas that vote certain ways will be late in receiving their id's. like after the election.

We don't need to suppress voting anymore than it is now.
Illegal Aliens are still a minority, having to show an I.D. discriminates against them and the democrats depend on those votes.

An illegal alien cannot register to vote. Therefore, asking a voter to show ID has nothing to do with preventing illegals from voting.

If you have illegals on your voter registration rolls, then fix what is broken. Voter ID won't fix that.
Anyone that believes illegals are not registering and voting by mail now, because they don't need an i.d. to do so, is either a fool or democrat. Wait the democrats know and encourage it.

Actually, you have to be a total fool to be a democrook in the first place.

For all their bluster and bullshit, they know their voter fraud methods are compromised with ID laws.

Fuck 'em.
If you walk the streets and county roads around here with out a I..D. you can bet you are going to jail for a few hours to find out who you are.

And does this strike you as being in any way acceptable in America, Mein Fuhrer?

Papers! Papers, please! Vee must track zee movements of effry-vone!

This message brought to you by the Department of Fatherland Security:
Secure driver's licenses and identification documents are a vital component of a holistic national security strategy. Law enforcement must be able to rely on government-issued identification documents and know that the bearer of such a document is who he or she claims to be.

Boy, the mask is really slipping off now...

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Illegal Aliens are still a minority, having to show an I.D. discriminates against them and the democrats depend on those votes.

An illegal alien cannot register to vote. Therefore, asking a voter to show ID has nothing to do with preventing illegals from voting.

If you have illegals on your voter registration rolls, then fix what is broken. Voter ID won't fix that.
Anyone that believes illegals are not registering and voting by mail now, because they don't need an i.d. to do so, is either a fool or democrat. Wait the democrats know and encourage it.

Strawman fallacies are real popular with Voter ID proponents!

Evidence. Provide.
So I walk by a t.v with MSNBC on and I see a large man screaming about how the new voter i.d law is going to stop minorities from voting. I wonder why it is more likely to stop them from voting and not the whites? Honestly aren't a large percentage of southern whites poor and dumb too? :eusa_shhh:

Why is everything about race to these people? They seem to be saying that blacks aren't capable of getting a i.d to vote and somehow those whites are.

That my friends is racist!!!!

The Minorities say its going to stop minorities

The Old people say it's going to stop old people

Poor people are going to say its going to stop the poor

I'm guessin the man was a minority and you are wondering how can he worry about himself? Which is strange because people never ever care about themselves...only bad minorities *fog horn*
If you walk the streets and county roads around here with out a I..D. you can bet you are going to jail for a few hours to find out who you are.You can betcha all the poor folks carry an I..D. I even remember just being a passenger in a car that got pulled over up in Chicago in the 80's a cop bitching me out because I didnt have a I.D. with me.

You go to jail for not having an ID? Where do you live and how do they find out you don't have one?
A recent national survey sponsored by the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law reveals that millions of American citizens do not have readily available documentary proof of citizenship. Many more – primarily women – do not have proof of citizenship with their current name. The survey also showed that millions of American citizens do not have government-issued photo identification, such as a driver’s license or passport. Finally, the survey demonstrated that certain groups – primarily poor, elderly, and minority citizens – are less likely to possess these forms of documentation than the general population.

So I walk by a t.v with MSNBC on and I see a large man screaming about how the new voter i.d law is going to stop minorities from voting. I wonder why it is more likely to stop them from voting and not the whites? Honestly aren't a large percentage of southern whites poor and dumb too? :eusa_shhh:

Why is everything about race to these people? They seem to be saying that blacks aren't capable of getting a i.d to vote and somehow those whites are.

That my friends is racist!!!!

The Minorities say its going to stop minorities

The Old people say it's going to stop old people

Poor people are going to say its going to stop the poor

I'm guessin the man was a minority and you are wondering how can he worry about himself? Which is strange because people never ever care about themselves...only bad minorities *fog horn*
I don't hear many old people complaining. The only minorities I hear are mad because their illegal relatives won't be able to vote. I don't hear a lot of poor complaining. I do hear a lot of democrats saying that without the illegal vote they can't win. I think this time their right.
Heres how these conversations go. First Ignorance and inability to understand

Repubs: Who DOESNT have an ID? That's stupid

Then someone answers and provides proof showing who doesn't have ID. Repubs respond with what they wanted to say in the first place

Repubs: I don't givea shit if they have ID or not. They cant jump through hoops they don't DESERVE to vote

They don't care who or how or why people cannot get ID. They already know and Don't care. No matter how hard it is go do it but GODDAMMIT don't make it hard for me to get my hands on a AR-15 because THAT would be wrong
So I walk by a t.v with MSNBC on and I see a large man screaming about how the new voter i.d law is going to stop minorities from voting. I wonder why it is more likely to stop them from voting and not the whites? Honestly aren't a large percentage of southern whites poor and dumb too? :eusa_shhh:

Why is everything about race to these people? They seem to be saying that blacks aren't capable of getting a i.d to vote and somehow those whites are.

That my friends is racist!!!!

The Minorities say its going to stop minorities

The Old people say it's going to stop old people

Poor people are going to say its going to stop the poor

I'm guessin the man was a minority and you are wondering how can he worry about himself? Which is strange because people never ever care about themselves...only bad minorities *fog horn*
I don't hear many old people complaining.

That's because you aren't really looking, now are you.

Bill Internicola, a 91-yar-old World War II veteran, was born and raised in Brooklyn, N.Y., and now lives in Florida's Broward County. He recently received a letter from county elections officials asking him to show proof he was a U.S. citizen or be removed from the voting rolls.

Internicola says he was "flabbergasted."

"To me, it's like an insult," he says. "They sent me a form to fill out. And I filled out the form and I sent it back to them with a copy of my discharge paper and a copy of my tour of duty in the ETO, which is the European Theater of Operations."

Internicola's was one of more than 180,000 names Florida's secretary of state identified from motor vehicle records as possible noncitizens. Several weeks ago, the secretary's office sent county elections supervisors a first batch of some 2,600 names. County officials, who are also preparing for the state's August primary, started sending out letters to suspected noncitizens, saying they had 30 days to prove their citizenship or be removed from the voting rolls.

World War II Vet Caught Up In Florida's Voter Purge Controversy

The only minorities I hear are mad because their illegal relatives won't be able to vote.

Yes, it is obvious you have a very heavy confirmation bias.
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Heres how these conversations go. First Ignorance and inability to understand

Repubs: Who DOESNT have an ID? That's stupid

Then someone answers and provides proof showing who doesn't have ID. Repubs respond with what they wanted to say in the first place

Repubs: I don't givea shit if they have ID or not. They cant jump through hoops they don't DESERVE to vote

They don't care who or how or why people cannot get ID. They already know and Don't care. No matter how hard it is go do it but GODDAMMIT don't make it hard for me to get my hands on a AR-15 because THAT would be wrong
I.D.'s are available for everyone in this country that want to vote. If you don't feel it's worth it, don't vote. Most don't anyway. Nobody ever said freedom didn't come with some responsibility. If you want to vote, it's your choice, get an I.D. Now days everyone wants everything handed to them so they don't have to do anything. A lot of people died through our history insuring us the freedoms we have if the worst most Americans have to suffer is to get an I.D. Quit bitchin' and go get one.
Heres how these conversations go. First Ignorance and inability to understand

Repubs: Who DOESNT have an ID? That's stupid

Then someone answers and provides proof showing who doesn't have ID. Repubs respond with what they wanted to say in the first place

Repubs: I don't givea shit if they have ID or not. They cant jump through hoops they don't DESERVE to vote

They don't care who or how or why people cannot get ID. They already know and Don't care. No matter how hard it is go do it but GODDAMMIT don't make it hard for me to get my hands on a AR-15 because THAT would be wrong
I.D.'s are available for everyone in this country that want to vote. If you don't feel it's worth it, don't vote. Most don't anyway. Nobody ever said freedom didn't come with some responsibility. If you want to vote, it's your choice, get an I.D. Now days everyone wants everything handed to them so they don't have to do anything. A lot of people died through our history insuring us the freedoms we have if the worst most Americans have to suffer is to get an I.D. Quit bitchin' and go get one.

Hey, thanks for proving ClosedCaption 100 percent correct!

Wow. Look at you, demanding the government place more hurdles between us and our rights that will do absolutely NOTHING to make our electoral process more secure!

Fuggin liberal, is what you are.
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This wacky idea that someone Is going to walk up to a voting place with a name that Is on the Rolls AND who hasn't already voted yet :lol:

How does it go: Illegal walks up to table and says "I am John Smith, here to vote" and the illegal knows John hasn't voted and that John votes there already. This isn't an illegal this is fucking Professor X
Heres how these conversations go. First Ignorance and inability to understand

Repubs: Who DOESNT have an ID? That's stupid

Then someone answers and provides proof showing who doesn't have ID. Repubs respond with what they wanted to say in the first place

Repubs: I don't givea shit if they have ID or not. They cant jump through hoops they don't DESERVE to vote

They don't care who or how or why people cannot get ID. They already know and Don't care. No matter how hard it is go do it but GODDAMMIT don't make it hard for me to get my hands on a AR-15 because THAT would be wrong
I.D.'s are available for everyone in this country that want to vote. If you don't feel it's worth it, don't vote. Most don't anyway. Nobody ever said freedom didn't come with some responsibility. If you want to vote, it's your choice, get an I.D. Now days everyone wants everything handed to them so they don't have to do anything. A lot of people died through our history insuring us the freedoms we have if the worst most Americans have to suffer is to get an I.D. Quit bitchin' and go get one.

And now do your lines from why restrictions on guns are wrong. Show us your range. GO!
This wacky idea that someone Is going to walk up to a voting place with a name that Is on the Rolls AND who hasn't already voted yet :lol:

How does it go: Illegal walks up to table and says "I am John Smith, here to vote" and the illegal knows John hasn't voted and that John votes there already. This isn't an illegal this is fucking Professor X

Yes. That is a masturbatory fantasy of Voter ID proponents that has no basis in reality. In-person voter fraud is extremely rare, and anyone who spends two seconds thinking about it realizes why.
This wacky idea that someone Is going to walk up to a voting place with a name that Is on the Rolls AND who hasn't already voted yet :lol:

How does it go: Illegal walks up to table and says "I am John Smith, here to vote" and the illegal knows John hasn't voted and that John votes there already. This isn't an illegal this is fucking Professor X

What kind of idiot illegal would vote someone else's name when they can register in their own name and vote without an I.D. Do you really think they wouldn't lie when ask to check the box that ask if they are a citizen. God, you libs think everyone is an idiot and believes your bull. Ok I''l agree to producing an i.d. to buy my gun if it makes you happy. Wait. I already do and don't complain about it.

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