ACA as an option: Republicans for free choice? What a concept!


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
Finally -- something that actually makes sense.
Instead of prochoice Democrats punishing law abiding working people with tax fines and mandates depriving us of free choice (but complaining when rightwing prolife threaten to abuse govt to do that).
I never could figure that out, how any of that is defending the principle of free choice.
Luckily, if Republicans in Congress can figure it out, people and states can choose and quit fighting to abuse govt to dictate.
The Republican Health Plan That Doesn't Repeal Obamacare

As the party struggles to agree on a replacement, a group of GOP senators unveil a bill that would give states the option to keep it.


Senators Bill Cassidy of Louisiana and Susan Collins of Maine unveil a Republican alternative to Obamacare.J. Scott Applewhite / AP

The vast majority of Republicans in Congress haven’t budged from their longstanding vow to completely repeal the Affordable Care Act. But as the party struggles to write a replacement, a few GOP lawmakers are declaring their support for keeping the law on the books in some form indefinitely.

A group of senators on Monday unveiled legislation that would give states the option of preserving Obamacare, securing federal support for a more conservative health-insurance system, or opting out of any assistance from Washington. Offered as a middle ground in the partisan health-care fight, the proposal breaks with years of Republican orthodoxy on the 2010 law, which party leaders have pledged to rip out “root and branch.”

“Republicans think that if you like your insurance, you can keep it. And we mean it,” said Senator Bill Cassidy, a Louisiana Republican and the lead author of legislation he has titled the Patient Freedom Act of 2017. “We give states the choice,” he said at a Capitol press conference. “So California and New York, you have Obamacare, you can keep it. I disagree with it, but Republicans think power is best held at the state level, not by Washington, D.C., so it’s not for us to dictate.”
Then it will fail them. Obamacare is a financial nightmare. That's why the fine for not signing up for it is necessary. To try to stay afloat. Insurance companies are soaking people. Deductibles through the roof. It needs to go. We need insurance reform, not healthcare reform. We had the best care in the world.
Then it will fail them. Obamacare is a financial nightmare. That's why the fine for not signing up for it is necessary. To try to stay afloat. Insurance companies are soaking people. Deductibles through the roof. It needs to go. We need insurance reform, not healthcare reform. We had the best care in the world.
Of course that's what ACA IS, insurance reform. Guaranteed, at the true price, with transparent competition. Never got a chance.
No it is not. It is a money grab. It is page after page of fines and regulations.
What we need is affordable health care. Not a Insurance-Managed Healthcare scam system. We should be able to set up tax free medical accounts that roll over each year. We should have the option to waive off unnecessary tests that doctors prescribe to cover their liability. Cash payment should get the discount rates the insurance companies now are allowed.
I cant wait to see Trump repeal Part D.

43 shoved it up RW's ass and they may have grumbled but never revolted.
I cant wait to see Trump repeal Part D.

43 shoved it up RW's ass and they may have grumbled but never revolted.

43 and his GOP Congress created the trillion dollar medical entitlement program (Part D) to get senior votes in 2004.

Trump and this GOP Congress will never repeal it. The GOP are as big spenders as the Democrats, though the rubes have never caught on. The rubes hear what the hucksters say, never seeing what they do.
Finally -- something that actually makes sense.
Instead of prochoice Democrats punishing law abiding working people with tax fines and mandates depriving us of free choice (but complaining when rightwing prolife threaten to abuse govt to do that).
I never could figure that out, how any of that is defending the principle of free choice.
Luckily, if Republicans in Congress can figure it out, people and states can choose and quit fighting to abuse govt to dictate.
The Republican Health Plan That Doesn't Repeal Obamacare

As the party struggles to agree on a replacement, a group of GOP senators unveil a bill that would give states the option to keep it.


Senators Bill Cassidy of Louisiana and Susan Collins of Maine unveil a Republican alternative to Obamacare.J. Scott Applewhite / AP

The vast majority of Republicans in Congress haven’t budged from their longstanding vow to completely repeal the Affordable Care Act. But as the party struggles to write a replacement, a few GOP lawmakers are declaring their support for keeping the law on the books in some form indefinitely.

A group of senators on Monday unveiled legislation that would give states the option of preserving Obamacare, securing federal support for a more conservative health-insurance system, or opting out of any assistance from Washington. Offered as a middle ground in the partisan health-care fight, the proposal breaks with years of Republican orthodoxy on the 2010 law, which party leaders have pledged to rip out “root and branch.”

“Republicans think that if you like your insurance, you can keep it. And we mean it,” said Senator Bill Cassidy, a Louisiana Republican and the lead author of legislation he has titled the Patient Freedom Act of 2017. “We give states the choice,” he said at a Capitol press conference. “So California and New York, you have Obamacare, you can keep it. I disagree with it, but Republicans think power is best held at the state level, not by Washington, D.C., so it’s not for us to dictate.”
So let me summarize.

This is a bill which would allow states to keep ObamaCare if they want it.

I don't see a single word about any reforms to fix rising healthcare costs.

Trump and the GOP own healthcare now. What are they going to do to lower healthcare costs?
"The Patient Freedom Act of 2017." Holy shit. This is fucking hilarious in light of what I said just last Friday:

When you ask a pseudocon for a plan to lower health care costs, you get a blank stare.

After a few minutes of staring into space, they finally come up with, "Freedom!"

Yeah, let's put that in a bill. :lol:

The Really Cool Freedom Act To Save Healthcare of 2017.

"Um...Bob? We need some text to go with that."

I'm a goddam psychic! :cool-45:
I cant wait to see Trump repeal Part D.

43 shoved it up RW's ass and they may have grumbled but never revolted.

43 and his GOP Congress created the trillion dollar medical entitlement program (Part D) to get senior votes in 2004.

Trump and this GOP Congress will never repeal it. The GOP are as big spenders as the Democrats, though the rubes have never caught on. The rubes hear what the hucksters say, never seeing what they do.

call Part D, Obama-D, and the shit hits the fan in Dingleberry RFD.
"The Patient Freedom Act of 2017." Holy shit. This is fucking hilarious in light of what I said just last Friday:

When you ask a pseudocon for a plan to lower health care costs, you get a blank stare.

After a few minutes of staring into space, they finally come up with, "Freedom!"

Yeah, let's put that in a bill. :lol:

The Really Cool Freedom Act To Save Healthcare of 2017.

"Um...Bob? We need some text to go with that."

I'm a goddam psychic! :cool-45:

Kreskin500 ..

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