Accusing Israel of Genocide is an Antisemitic Trope

Israel beat the shit out of the Arabs in 1948, the Arabs are still whining about getting their asses kicked.

Germans aren't whining about getting their asses kicked.

Why are Arabs such whiners?

Sorry that you're confused. It's probably all your whining.

I can't believe that you are claiming that the Arabs are such whiners when your multi billion dollar, international Holocaust Industry has littered the world with Holocaust theme parks for relentless "Whine Festivals"
Yes, we agreed that, why repeat yourself?

Yes, that's why I used the word "now", they're no longer displaced.

Yes I know, next time just reply "I agree" if you agree, no need for all this long winded hand waving and stuff.

Yes, that's why I used the word "now", they're no longer displaced.

If only their fellow Arabs had treated their own displaced as well.

I agree, the Arabs are whiny losers.
Yes, that's why I used the word "now", they're no longer displaced.

If only their fellow Arabs had treated their own displaced as well.

I agree, the Arabs are whiny losers.
Bigotry: In your case the "particular group" in question is "Arabs".


Note too how, if one said "the Jews are whiny losers" how there'd be an uproar and shouts of "antisemitism" so I should also include this


There' you've learned some things about yourself you never knew.
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What argument? You wanted information about Israel's illegal and genotoxic D.I.M.E. bomb and I provided it.

The reasons it's illegal are further evidence that Israel's right wing wants to exterminate as many of Palestine's native residents as possible even into future generations



"Delayed Effects​

"Scientific studies have found that HMTA is chemically toxic, damages the immune system, rapidly causes cancer, and attacks DNA (genotoxic).[6-13] It is unfortunate that the US media have virtually blacked out the story of Israel’s new weapon, not least because our own military may soon be using it in Iraq and Afghanistan. The story might also have told us something about the grossly disproportionate brutality of Israel’s war on the Palestinian people—reason enough for the media to suppress it." CONTINUED

You're trying to pretend that Israel' genocidal leadership is "defending itself" by dropping 1 ton bombs on refugee camps, hospitals, residential apartment buildings, schools and especially targeting children "for fun".

Is that the best that the most sophisticated military in the region and "most moral " army in the world can do?

I've already posted numerous Israeli sources condemning IDF's murderous excesses but deployment of genotoxic ordinance over densely populated neighborhoods is proof that extermination into future generations is the true Zionist / Israeli objective.

The deliberate development of a genotoxic weapon that inflicts untreatable wounds is additional proof that Israel's leadership is more interested in the systematic extermination of Palestine's existing residents than defending Israel.

Most studies have shown tungsten to be toxicologically inert.
What argument? You wanted information about Israel's illegal and genotoxic D.I.M.E. bomb
It was sarcasm.
The reasons it's illegal
These weapons are not illegal. And no, CCW, Protocol 1 is not applicable, imo.
are further evidence that Israel's right wing wants to exterminate as many of Palestine's native residents as possible even into future generations
Oh please, this is just another version of the ancient "poisoning the wells" trope.
You're trying to pretend that Israel' genocidal leadership is "defending itself" by dropping 1 ton bombs on refugee camps, hospitals, residential apartment buildings, schools and especially targeting children "for fun".
Misinformation, deliberate appeals to emotion, not founded in fact.
Is that the best that the most sophisticated military in the region and "most moral " army in the world can do?
Have you not heard about the new nanotechnology which causes a lethal dose of toxic micro-fungi to be injected into the bloodstream with death resulting in mere moments with one hundred percent success rate and no collateral damage? It only works on terrorists because it is keyed to the presence of trace elements on the skin of those who have been within close proximity to weapons. The IDF and all Israeli citizens have been immunized, of course.

Edited to add: Of course, someone is going to find a reason why even that level of precision in war is illegal when Israel does it.
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I can't believe that you are claiming that the Arabs are such whiners when your multi billion dollar, international Holocaust Industry has littered the world with Holocaust theme parks for relentless "Whine Festivals"

Arabs keep starting wars, keep losing wars, keep whining that the wars were unfair.
Perhaps less whining and more civilized behavior would work better for them?
Bigotry: In your case the "particular group" in question is "Arabs".

View attachment 1025151

Note too how, if one said "the Jews are whiny losers" how there'd be an uproar and shouts of "antisemitism" so I should also include this

View attachment 1025152

There' you've learned some things about yourself you never knew.


Not based on reason or actual experience?
In my actual experience, the Arabs keep losing and keep whining.
I couldn't find any links to scientific studies at this source. Just wild opinions.

I did find this.
Neoplastic transformation of human osteoblast cells to the tumorigenic phenotype by heavy metal–tungsten alloy particles: induction of genotoxic effects

This is the first report showing that HMTA mixtures of W, Ni and Co or Fe cause human cell transformation to the neoplastic phenotype. While additional studies are needed to determine if protracted HMTA exposure produces tumors in vivo, the implication from these in vitro results is that the risk of cancer induction from internalized HMTAs exposure may be comparable with the risk from other biologically reactive and insoluble carcinogenic heavy metal compounds (e.g. nickel subsulfide and nickel oxide).
Embedded Weapons-Grade Tungsten Alloy Shrapnel Rapidly Induces Metastatic High-Grade Rhabdomyosarcomas in F344 Rats

Like the US before them, the Israelis, the US protege, is poisoning the land and committing millions to a lifetime of misery and pain.




These are the United States' version of "Pallys" but these were called "Gooks". Like todays Palestinian civilians these people were deemed expendable and guilty by association "collateral damage". Like "Gooks" the "Pallys" are not white and hence not deserving of anything but contempt. Once dehumanized by ceaseless propaganda they pose little threat, even when reported by the press and media these crimes are not acknowledged because the victims are unworthy of human compassion.
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Ugh. And this is what I mean about never being able to talk about the actual facts, development of new weapons and the ethics of war. Which would have been an interesting conversation.

But once again, we have to instead confront repugnant misinformation, appeals to emotion, and antisemitism.

Making Gaza Unliveable

Dust from the collapsed World Trade Center towers on 9/11 ravaged first responders. A 2020 study found that rescuers were “41 percent more likely to develop leukemia than other individuals.” Some 10,000 New Yorkers suffered short-term health ailments following the attack, and it took a year for air quality in Lower Manhattan to return to pre-9/11 levels.

While it’s impossible to analyze all of the impacts of Israel’s nonstop bombing, it’s safe to assume that the ongoing leveling of Gaza will have far worse effects than 9/11 had on New York City. Nasreen Tamimi, head of the Palestinian Environmental Quality Authority, believes that an environmental assessment of Gaza now would “exceed all predictions.”

JOSHUA FRANK is the managing editor of CounterPunch and co-host of CounterPunch Radio. He is the author of the new book, Atomic Days: The Untold Story of the Most Toxic Place in America, published by Haymarket Books. He can be reached at [email protected]. You can troll him on Twitter @joshua__frank.
Most studies have shown tungsten to be toxicologically inert.
People have been working with tungsten for more than 150 years - if there were a toxicological issue, we'd know.
And, of course, the most obvious part:
Even if tungsten has some small degree of toxicology, using it in a military weapon in no way makes it a chemical weapon.

Its amazing how hatred of Jews will make people lie through their teeth,.

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