Acorn and its connection to the DOJ scandal

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...... now I'm gettin' it.'s an easy target because of its past actions.
ACORN Calls Police Raid of Las Vegas Office a Political "Stunt" | Election 2008 | AlterNet

For them to execute some sort of search warrant and flag or call attention to the media while we did that is nothing more than a stunt since we were already providing information about the problem and in fact flagged the problem for them and asked them to take it seriously," he said.

Earlier this year, ACORN's Las Vegas office had turned over "at least 74 packages of problematic cards; there could be one or more voter applications per package," Slater said. ACORN then met with the Secretary of State's staff in mid-July and then turned over "46 packages, implicating 33 separate canvassers," he said. In 2008, ACORN registered more than 80,000 voters in Clark County, where Las Vegas is located.

"We flagged 200 applications out of those," Slater said. "More than 99 percent of the applications were valid applications. I don't understand the politics of it. I don't understand why they would go out and make a public show of information that we had already been providing them, and do it on the day when we were announcing the successful conclusion of our (2008 voter drive) work. It does seem political."

Nevada Secretary of State Spokesman Walsh confirmed that ACORN had been meeting with his office earlier in the year, and had turned over materials that could be used in possible prosecutions. He defended the raid saying the voter registration problems could have been more extensive than what ACORN reported to the state.

"Just because they turned stuff in doesn't mean we got it all," Walsh said. "There was stuff that we felt wasn't turned in to us - not necessarily for nefarious reasons."
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yup, it's obviously a Republican conspiracy.

Not like their scumbag workers turn in the names of Dallas Cowboys as registered voters...
they pay temps to registar voters.

Some of those temps( a very small percent as they have registared over a million legal voters nationawide) cheat and fill out cards without actually going out and canvasing.

they take ACORNS money and give them fake cards which no one has ever voted with.

What part of the DOJ lawyers being fired for not falsely indicting ACORN do you not get?
they pay temps to registar voters.

Some of those temps( a very small percent as they have registared over a million legal voters nationawide) cheat and fill out cards without actually going out and canvasing.

they take ACORNS money and give them fake cards which no one has ever voted with.


ACORN deserves it----payback is a bitch.
And why pray tell do they deserve to be cheated by these employees?
they pay temps to registar voters.

Some of those temps( a very small percent as they have registared over a million legal voters nationawide) cheat and fill out cards without actually going out and canvasing.

they take ACORNS money and give them fake cards which no one has ever voted with.


Hey fool, guess what.
Perhaps you aren't in a management position or own a business.

When you hire someone, you are responsible for their actions. If your employee cheats someone guess what, that person goes after the company not that individual.

If Acorn is going to hire massive temps around election time they should hire more qualified people.

The company is responisble for the actions of it's employees.
If ACORN wasn't so partisan and so sloppy in registering voters they might be left alone.

No, even if they were doing a perfect job, they would be attacked by the right because they bring in more dems to the voting process.
They registar poor people.

That is there whole mission you fool.

They bring in perfectly legal American voters to the tune of 1.3 million and you hate these voters because they are poor and of color.
too bad the majority of the 1.3 million they bring in are fradulent

thats the problem
OK prove that idiot statement.

You see this is what you do.

You slime your fellow Americans for voting because you are a republican.

These 1.3 million Americans are legal voters.

Its been proven and its a fact yet you insist on NO FACTS whatsoever that they are not.
They registar poor people.

That is there whole mission you fool.

They bring in perfectly legal American voters to the tune of 1.3 million and you hate these voters because they are poor and of color.

Your'e an absolute idiot if you can't see ACORN is a tool for the democrats--they endorse OBAMA for, God sakes.
Wow calling someone an idiot because you cant defend the lies you spewed is really classy.
Your'e an absolute idiot if you can't see ACORN is a tool for the democrats--they endorse OBAMA for, God sakes.

And why shouldnt they endorse the candidate who is best for the puplic they serve on the issues?

If their 1.3 million legal voters they registared are a tool for Obama then that tool they are using is called democracy you fool.

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