Act of War

Democracy huh? Bush loved democracy so much that he helped the coup d'etat against the DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED Hugo Chavez.
Puuuuuleeease. Bush didn't give a damn if Iraq were democratic or not. What he cared about was having the govt controlled by someone pro-US.

I guess you'd rather someone like Russia have them then. If it wasn't us, it could be anyone from Russia to Iran. You're so against war that you're willing to abandon people who have repeatedly asked for our help. The Yazidis come to mind, the Coptic Christians in Egypt too.

You'd guess? You'd guess wrong.

Your point seems to be that Bush went into Iraq to help the people of Iraq. Er... he didn't. He didn't give a flying fuck about the people of Iraq, if they died or not, why does he care? His policy directly led to hundreds of thousands of people dying, he I bet he hasn't lost a wink of sleep over it. Not US soldiers's lives and not Iraqi lives.

I'm not necessarily against war. I'm against people going and doing things that aren't right. And what Bush did was not right.

He went in on a false pretext, he LIED about it all, used FAKE evidence to convince people that Saddam had a nuclear program when the CIA told him they almost certain did NOT have a nuclear program.

He wanted to defeat OPEC. That's all.
Defeat OPEC.....................:cuckoo:

Jesus where do these people come from....................Our current policy is to remove Assad for an Oil Pipeline from Qatar through Syria to Europe............Qatar and Saudi Arabia ARE OPEC..............................Defeat OPEC...............Get your head out of that Dark place..............

To the current policy of the United States...............the beloved FSA.......................They are murdering Christians there...............and they are supposed to be the good guys............:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Christians being targeted and murdered in Syria by U.S. backed FSA rebels - GroundReport


And if it turns out to be French nationals who self-radicalized? What, civil war?

Odd how when a conservative posted about this, you whined the bodies were not cold. A leftist does it and suddenly it's OK to discuss. who saw that one coming? I mean besides everyone...
In 2006 there wasn't much direction to be heading in other than the "right direction", do you mean right wing or right as in correct?

As in what direction the Iraqis saw their country heading in. Amid all the distrust of the US occupation, they saw their country headed in the right direction.


Yes, the idea the Iraqis wanted Saddam rather than the US is retarded. I opposed the invasion, but the left has a way of being even more wrong when they are right than when they are wrong. lies, double standards, idiocy, that's what they offer consistently
Sunni and Shia have been killing each other for Generations.................Saddam was raping, torturing, and killing them before we came there............They uncovered the mass graves.......................

In the Iran versus Iraq War a Million died............Basically a Sunni versus Shia War.....................

Taking out Sadam shifted the balance of power more towards Shia...........and the Iranians are taking advantage of it.............The Sunni's are pissed and trying to restore their power to the region and are Brutal about it.....................

Welcome to the Middle East...................The True VALLEY OF DEATH in the World............More conflicts over history have been fought there throughout history than any other place on earth..............

Yes they have. The first point to make is that the British made Iraq, and shouldn't have. They put three groups together that really should have been three countries.

Yes, Saddam was a evil MF, and not many are sad that Saddam is gone. I certain am not. This isn't about Saddam though.

Sure the Iranians are taking advantage of it.

The question is why did the Bush Senior team know this would happen but the Bush junior team either didn't, or didn't care?

Either they were fucking stupid, or they sensed they could get something out of this. What exactly?
I am aware of the 1st Gulf War, I served then...............I also served during the Iran/Iraq War in Tanker escort missions in the Gulf.................

The military wanted to finish it then..............we had a half a million troops a day away from taking the whole danged place..................Saddam was meat on the table for us.....................And yes he did have WMD's back we blew the hell out of his ammo depots..............and it set off wmd monitors with the troops........How much we destroyed is unknown............Most of it is quite possible..................Saddam bragged about having it.........then said he didn't have it..............

We had no reason to believe anything he said.................

We shouldn't have Nation built there...................we should have taken out as many as possible and left...........from the get go.............but that didn't happen............

The difference between doing under Bush 1 and Bush 2.................under Bush 1 we had another 350,000 Troops to control the region taken while we didn't under Bush 2........................

The Fing Middle East is cursed.................
Defeat OPEC.....................:cuckoo:

Jesus where do these people come from....................Our current policy is to remove Assad for an Oil Pipeline from Qatar through Syria to Europe............Qatar and Saudi Arabia ARE OPEC..............................Defeat OPEC...............Get your head out of that Dark place..............

To the current policy of the United States...............the beloved FSA.......................They are murdering Christians there...............and they are supposed to be the good guys............:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Christians being targeted and murdered in Syria by U.S. backed FSA rebels - GroundReport



Maybe people like me come from a place which sees the reality.

In 2001, there were four OPEC countries that hated the US.

Venezuela, Iraq, Iran and Libya.

Hugo Chavez in Venezuela tried to get the OPEC countries together to be a stronger cartel. This goes directly against US interests.

The Powell Doctrine (he was a member of the Bush govt).

  1. Is a vital national security interest threatened?
  2. Do we have a clear attainable objective?
  3. Have the risks and costs been fully and frankly analyzed?
  4. Have all other non-violent policy means been fully exhausted?
  5. Is there a plausible exit strategy to avoid endless entanglement?
  6. Have the consequences of our action been fully considered?
  7. Is the action supported by the American people?
  8. Do we have genuine broad international support?
Number one, most important, US interests. National Security is not just to protect citizens from attacks, but also from, say, rising oil prices.

So, OPEC was getting strong.

The first thing to happen was a coup against Chavez in 2002. US money was clearly being banded around freely to anyone who would try and take Chavez out of the game. It failed.

2003, invasion of Iraq. Need I say more.

Sanctions against Iran were being ramped up from 2006 onwards. This was in an attempt to get Iran to pump out more oil and reduce OPEC's power further. It didn't really work though. Iran is suffering, but not pumping oil out more than before.

Then you have Libya. Bush had gone when the opportunity came in Libya, but McCain jumped on it like nobody's business. Within 12 days of things starting in Libya, McCain was criticising Obama for being way too slow. Obama then proceeded to attack Syria. It's US interests.

But Syria. It took McCain 6 months to give a damn about anything to do with Syria.

What's the difference? Why did the right want Gadaffi gone so quickly, and Assad they didn't care so much about?

A pipeline through Syria they might want. However it's not that important at all. Oil prices won't change much because there's a pipeline to Europe. It doesn't impact the US in any way at all.

OPEC is much weaker than in 2001. Oil prices are much lower than in 2001. Go figure.
Oh, and there was ISIS bubbling under the surface since 2003 in Iraq too. Great for stability that.

Where did you get that information?

All over the place.

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi started ISIS in 1999. His group became known as AQI, al Qaeda in Iraq.

al-Zarqawi went to Afghanistan to fight the US but suffered some kind of injury (cracked ribs or wounded in the chest in a firefight) and went back to Iran. He didn't really do much in Afghanistan.

In February 2003 al-Zarqawi was setting up resistance to the the invasion that was coming. He then fought throughout the campaign up until 2006 when he was killed.

By about 2006 AQI was building up towards an Islamic State in Iraq. However a surge by US forces made things very difficult for them.

Al Qaeda in Iraq becoming less foreign-U.S. general

Al Qaeda in Iraq becoming less foreign-U.S. general"

By 2009 the foreign influence within AQI was being much reduced. Iraqi people were angry and they were fighting back.

US troops pulled out and AQI was able to literally just take over large areas because the Iraqi forces couldn't cope.

In 2006 there wasn't much direction to be heading in other than the "right direction", do you mean right wing or right as in correct?

As in what direction the Iraqis saw their country heading in. Amid all the distrust of the US occupation, they saw their country headed in the right direction.


No, not really.

They saw less killings. I mean, when you have bombs going off daily, and then you see bombs going off every other day, you see things getting better.

Better doesn't mean good.
Defeat OPEC.....................:cuckoo:

Jesus where do these people come from....................Our current policy is to remove Assad for an Oil Pipeline from Qatar through Syria to Europe............Qatar and Saudi Arabia ARE OPEC..............................Defeat OPEC...............Get your head out of that Dark place..............

To the current policy of the United States...............the beloved FSA.......................They are murdering Christians there...............and they are supposed to be the good guys............:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Christians being targeted and murdered in Syria by U.S. backed FSA rebels - GroundReport



Maybe people like me come from a place which sees the reality.

In 2001, there were four OPEC countries that hated the US.

Venezuela, Iraq, Iran and Libya.

Hugo Chavez in Venezuela tried to get the OPEC countries together to be a stronger cartel. This goes directly against US interests.

The Powell Doctrine (he was a member of the Bush govt).

  1. Is a vital national security interest threatened?
  2. Do we have a clear attainable objective?
  3. Have the risks and costs been fully and frankly analyzed?
  4. Have all other non-violent policy means been fully exhausted?
  5. Is there a plausible exit strategy to avoid endless entanglement?
  6. Have the consequences of our action been fully considered?
  7. Is the action supported by the American people?
  8. Do we have genuine broad international support?
Number one, most important, US interests. National Security is not just to protect citizens from attacks, but also from, say, rising oil prices.

So, OPEC was getting strong.

The first thing to happen was a coup against Chavez in 2002. US money was clearly being banded around freely to anyone who would try and take Chavez out of the game. It failed.

2003, invasion of Iraq. Need I say more.

Sanctions against Iran were being ramped up from 2006 onwards. This was in an attempt to get Iran to pump out more oil and reduce OPEC's power further. It didn't really work though. Iran is suffering, but not pumping oil out more than before.

Then you have Libya. Bush had gone when the opportunity came in Libya, but McCain jumped on it like nobody's business. Within 12 days of things starting in Libya, McCain was criticising Obama for being way too slow. Obama then proceeded to attack Syria. It's US interests.

But Syria. It took McCain 6 months to give a damn about anything to do with Syria.

What's the difference? Why did the right want Gadaffi gone so quickly, and Assad they didn't care so much about?

A pipeline through Syria they might want. However it's not that important at all. Oil prices won't change much because there's a pipeline to Europe. It doesn't impact the US in any way at all.

OPEC is much weaker than in 2001. Oil prices are much lower than in 2001. Go figure.
The dollar is tied to the oil.............the Petro dollar.................some wanted to go to the dinar and the gold standard..............

In that aspect, our policy is to take them out...............Libya being a prime example now under Obama...............
Oil is a vital World Commodity............always has been...............BRICS is a Pact to defeat the Petro dollar...............

I'm well aware of the Oil interests in the region..................I'm also well aware that the current Lower prices are because of Saudi Arabia and other OPEC nations are purposely Increasing supply to drive the prices down................In response to the BRIC's alliance and to destroy the Ruble.............It is working and Russia isn't too happy about it.......................Syria is about a sell oil to Europe and to ditch Russia......................

That doesn't change the fact that this region is in a Religious Civil War........a War that has gone on since the 6th Century....................the only difference is now the Wars aren't fought with swords and spears...................but with modern weapons..............the utter barbaric actions of the contestants has never changed...................

You complain about Europe taking control and fucking up the region............before WWI it was already fucked up..........aka the Ottoman Empire...........As they slaughtered the Armenians in the desert and put their heads on the same cursed desert....................The current battlefield in Syria is a GRAVEYARD..................and so history keeps repeating...................

What is the history lesson of this...............the same history lesson taught to the turks in WWI.................Evicted from the area via extreme measures..........aka the French, British, and Austrialian forces killed them and took the land by the same time defeating Germany with our help....................

The only way this ends is by force.
Sunni and Shia have been killing each other for Generations.................Saddam was raping, torturing, and killing them before we came there............They uncovered the mass graves.......................

In the Iran versus Iraq War a Million died............Basically a Sunni versus Shia War.....................

Taking out Sadam shifted the balance of power more towards Shia...........and the Iranians are taking advantage of it.............The Sunni's are pissed and trying to restore their power to the region and are Brutal about it.....................

Welcome to the Middle East...................The True VALLEY OF DEATH in the World............More conflicts over history have been fought there throughout history than any other place on earth..............

Yes they have. The first point to make is that the British made Iraq, and shouldn't have. They put three groups together that really should have been three countries.

Yes, Saddam was a evil MF, and not many are sad that Saddam is gone. I certain am not. This isn't about Saddam though.

Sure the Iranians are taking advantage of it.

The question is why did the Bush Senior team know this would happen but the Bush junior team either didn't, or didn't care?

Either they were fucking stupid, or they sensed they could get something out of this. What exactly?
I am aware of the 1st Gulf War, I served then...............I also served during the Iran/Iraq War in Tanker escort missions in the Gulf.................

The military wanted to finish it then..............we had a half a million troops a day away from taking the whole danged place..................Saddam was meat on the table for us.....................And yes he did have WMD's back we blew the hell out of his ammo depots..............and it set off wmd monitors with the troops........How much we destroyed is unknown............Most of it is quite possible..................Saddam bragged about having it.........then said he didn't have it..............

We had no reason to believe anything he said.................

We shouldn't have Nation built there...................we should have taken out as many as possible and left...........from the get go.............but that didn't happen............

The difference between doing under Bush 1 and Bush 2.................under Bush 1 we had another 350,000 Troops to control the region taken while we didn't under Bush 2........................

The Fing Middle East is cursed.................

Yep, the military wanted to finish it then, but people who were looking at the overall situation decided this would not be a good idea. Why? Well, they kind of predicted the sort of thing we're seeing now.

There are a lot of "shouldn't haves", but in the end, Bush went in, and he stayed and he fucked things up badly.

Bush went in knowing the US was already in Afghanistan. Why go in when you know you can't control things properly? Which ever way you look at it, he fucked up badly. He caused ISIS to grow. There's no doubt about that.
Given that we've become one of the top producers of oil in the world now, why was there a need to invade Iraq for oil? Perhaps we were doing it for a noble purpose, not out of self interest.

Sunni and Shia have been killing each other for Generations.................Saddam was raping, torturing, and killing them before we came there............They uncovered the mass graves.......................

In the Iran versus Iraq War a Million died............Basically a Sunni versus Shia War.....................

Taking out Sadam shifted the balance of power more towards Shia...........and the Iranians are taking advantage of it.............The Sunni's are pissed and trying to restore their power to the region and are Brutal about it.....................

Welcome to the Middle East...................The True VALLEY OF DEATH in the World............More conflicts over history have been fought there throughout history than any other place on earth..............

Yes they have. The first point to make is that the British made Iraq, and shouldn't have. They put three groups together that really should have been three countries.

Yes, Saddam was a evil MF, and not many are sad that Saddam is gone. I certain am not. This isn't about Saddam though.

Sure the Iranians are taking advantage of it.

The question is why did the Bush Senior team know this would happen but the Bush junior team either didn't, or didn't care?

Either they were fucking stupid, or they sensed they could get something out of this. What exactly?
I am aware of the 1st Gulf War, I served then...............I also served during the Iran/Iraq War in Tanker escort missions in the Gulf.................

The military wanted to finish it then..............we had a half a million troops a day away from taking the whole danged place..................Saddam was meat on the table for us.....................And yes he did have WMD's back we blew the hell out of his ammo depots..............and it set off wmd monitors with the troops........How much we destroyed is unknown............Most of it is quite possible..................Saddam bragged about having it.........then said he didn't have it..............

We had no reason to believe anything he said.................

We shouldn't have Nation built there...................we should have taken out as many as possible and left...........from the get go.............but that didn't happen............

The difference between doing under Bush 1 and Bush 2.................under Bush 1 we had another 350,000 Troops to control the region taken while we didn't under Bush 2........................

The Fing Middle East is cursed.................

Yep, the military wanted to finish it then, but people who were looking at the overall situation decided this would not be a good idea. Why? Well, they kind of predicted the sort of thing we're seeing now.

There are a lot of "shouldn't haves", but in the end, Bush went in, and he stayed and he fucked things up badly.

Bush went in knowing the US was already in Afghanistan. Why go in when you know you can't control things properly? Which ever way you look at it, he fucked up badly. He caused ISIS to grow. There's no doubt about that.
I remember Bush SR. being interviewed about not finishing it......................He said he miscalculated Saddam's ability to stay in power...........He thought that he had weakened him enough for the people to overthrow him.....................Saddam that is...............

He had called for the people of Iraq to RISE UP.......and OVERTHROW SADDAM..............they did and were slaughtered by Saddam because we left a lot of the Republican Guard intact................the people of Iraq then rose up thinking that we were coming to finish Saddam..........the survivors felt betrayed by the United States Back they were the few survivors who stood and fought against Saddam.............

In the same interview..............Bush Sr retrospect................that he should have finished it...........
Defeat OPEC.....................:cuckoo:

Jesus where do these people come from....................Our current policy is to remove Assad for an Oil Pipeline from Qatar through Syria to Europe............Qatar and Saudi Arabia ARE OPEC..............................Defeat OPEC...............Get your head out of that Dark place..............

To the current policy of the United States...............the beloved FSA.......................They are murdering Christians there...............and they are supposed to be the good guys............:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Christians being targeted and murdered in Syria by U.S. backed FSA rebels - GroundReport



Maybe people like me come from a place which sees the reality.

In 2001, there were four OPEC countries that hated the US.

Venezuela, Iraq, Iran and Libya.

Hugo Chavez in Venezuela tried to get the OPEC countries together to be a stronger cartel. This goes directly against US interests.

The Powell Doctrine (he was a member of the Bush govt).

  1. Is a vital national security interest threatened?
  2. Do we have a clear attainable objective?
  3. Have the risks and costs been fully and frankly analyzed?
  4. Have all other non-violent policy means been fully exhausted?
  5. Is there a plausible exit strategy to avoid endless entanglement?
  6. Have the consequences of our action been fully considered?
  7. Is the action supported by the American people?
  8. Do we have genuine broad international support?
Number one, most important, US interests. National Security is not just to protect citizens from attacks, but also from, say, rising oil prices.

So, OPEC was getting strong.

The first thing to happen was a coup against Chavez in 2002. US money was clearly being banded around freely to anyone who would try and take Chavez out of the game. It failed.

2003, invasion of Iraq. Need I say more.

Sanctions against Iran were being ramped up from 2006 onwards. This was in an attempt to get Iran to pump out more oil and reduce OPEC's power further. It didn't really work though. Iran is suffering, but not pumping oil out more than before.

Then you have Libya. Bush had gone when the opportunity came in Libya, but McCain jumped on it like nobody's business. Within 12 days of things starting in Libya, McCain was criticising Obama for being way too slow. Obama then proceeded to attack Syria. It's US interests.

But Syria. It took McCain 6 months to give a damn about anything to do with Syria.

What's the difference? Why did the right want Gadaffi gone so quickly, and Assad they didn't care so much about?

A pipeline through Syria they might want. However it's not that important at all. Oil prices won't change much because there's a pipeline to Europe. It doesn't impact the US in any way at all.

OPEC is much weaker than in 2001. Oil prices are much lower than in 2001. Go figure.
The dollar is tied to the oil.............the Petro dollar.................some wanted to go to the dinar and the gold standard..............

In that aspect, our policy is to take them out...............Libya being a prime example now under Obama...............
Oil is a vital World Commodity............always has been...............BRICS is a Pact to defeat the Petro dollar...............

I'm well aware of the Oil interests in the region..................I'm also well aware that the current Lower prices are because of Saudi Arabia and other OPEC nations are purposely Increasing supply to drive the prices down................In response to the BRIC's alliance and to destroy the Ruble.............It is working and Russia isn't too happy about it.......................Syria is about a sell oil to Europe and to ditch Russia......................

That doesn't change the fact that this region is in a Religious Civil War........a War that has gone on since the 6th Century....................the only difference is now the Wars aren't fought with swords and spears...................but with modern weapons..............the utter barbaric actions of the contestants has never changed...................

You complain about Europe taking control and fucking up the region............before WWI it was already fucked up..........aka the Ottoman Empire...........As they slaughtered the Armenians in the desert and put their heads on the same cursed desert....................The current battlefield in Syria is a GRAVEYARD..................and so history keeps repeating...................

What is the history lesson of this...............the same history lesson taught to the turks in WWI.................Evicted from the area via extreme measures..........aka the French, British, and Austrialian forces killed them and took the land by the same time defeating Germany with our help....................

The only way this ends is by force.

War has gone on there, and in many other places, for a long time. A religious war? Perhaps, but one which wouldn't be happening now if the British hadn't have made Iraq like they did and other such decisions that have caused no end of problems.

Yes, the Ottoman Empire did bad things, nothing compared to what the Nazis did in WW2, and things changed there. So why not the Middle East? Probably because the US seems to go in and cause problems all the time.

Why does Iran have a religious state? Oh, the US and their interfering in the last 1970s.....

You say the only way this ends is with force. Force is the thing that's keeping it going. You're wrong, force will not end this. Only peace can end this.
Given that we've become one of the top producers of oil in the world now, why was there a need to invade Iraq for oil? Perhaps we were doing it for a noble purpose, not out of self interest.

Invading a nation is never noble and is always for self interest.
Given that we've become one of the top producers of oil in the world now, why was there a need to invade Iraq for oil? Perhaps we were doing it for a noble purpose, not out of self interest.


In 2003 things were different.

Also, the US imports about half of all oil NOW. Back in 2003 this was a lot, lot higher.

Also, it was not about getting oil. It was about reducing the impact of OPEC, so oil prices would drop. Back then the reliance on foreign oil was great, oil prices increasing impacted the US economy heavily.
French President Calls Attacks an 'Act of War'

The French president calls attacks in Paris an 'Act of War'.

That is what it is. Nato needs to mobilize immediately and neutralize this threat with all due hostility. We aren't at terrorism, we are at war. The ENEMY has made it clear.

Nato should convene, tell the member states we need a quarter million troops and all will participate and land troops in Iraq and Syria FOR STARTERS. And it should make clear to the rest of the world get the fuck out of the way.

The real world is harsh and sometimes deadly force is required and right now is one of those times. And be clear, Nato will have forces in that region for decades to come.

The Nato charter states 'any attack on one member nation is an attack on all'. The time for half measures and yammering is now over, for good. Brutal force is now required, not by our choice but by what has been forced on us.

France isn't a member of NATO.
Member countries
Sunni and Shia have been killing each other for Generations.................Saddam was raping, torturing, and killing them before we came there............They uncovered the mass graves.......................

In the Iran versus Iraq War a Million died............Basically a Sunni versus Shia War.....................

Taking out Sadam shifted the balance of power more towards Shia...........and the Iranians are taking advantage of it.............The Sunni's are pissed and trying to restore their power to the region and are Brutal about it.....................

Welcome to the Middle East...................The True VALLEY OF DEATH in the World............More conflicts over history have been fought there throughout history than any other place on earth..............

Yes they have. The first point to make is that the British made Iraq, and shouldn't have. They put three groups together that really should have been three countries.

Yes, Saddam was a evil MF, and not many are sad that Saddam is gone. I certain am not. This isn't about Saddam though.

Sure the Iranians are taking advantage of it.

The question is why did the Bush Senior team know this would happen but the Bush junior team either didn't, or didn't care?

Either they were fucking stupid, or they sensed they could get something out of this. What exactly?
I am aware of the 1st Gulf War, I served then...............I also served during the Iran/Iraq War in Tanker escort missions in the Gulf.................

The military wanted to finish it then..............we had a half a million troops a day away from taking the whole danged place..................Saddam was meat on the table for us.....................And yes he did have WMD's back we blew the hell out of his ammo depots..............and it set off wmd monitors with the troops........How much we destroyed is unknown............Most of it is quite possible..................Saddam bragged about having it.........then said he didn't have it..............

We had no reason to believe anything he said.................

We shouldn't have Nation built there...................we should have taken out as many as possible and left...........from the get go.............but that didn't happen............

The difference between doing under Bush 1 and Bush 2.................under Bush 1 we had another 350,000 Troops to control the region taken while we didn't under Bush 2........................

The Fing Middle East is cursed.................

Yep, the military wanted to finish it then, but people who were looking at the overall situation decided this would not be a good idea. Why? Well, they kind of predicted the sort of thing we're seeing now.

There are a lot of "shouldn't haves", but in the end, Bush went in, and he stayed and he fucked things up badly.

Bush went in knowing the US was already in Afghanistan. Why go in when you know you can't control things properly? Which ever way you look at it, he fucked up badly. He caused ISIS to grow. There's no doubt about that.
I remember Bush SR. being interviewed about not finishing it......................He said he miscalculated Saddam's ability to stay in power...........He thought that he had weakened him enough for the people to overthrow him.....................Saddam that is...............

He had called for the people of Iraq to RISE UP.......and OVERTHROW SADDAM..............they did and were slaughtered by Saddam because we left a lot of the Republican Guard intact................the people of Iraq then rose up thinking that we were coming to finish Saddam..........the survivors felt betrayed by the United States Back they were the few survivors who stood and fought against Saddam.............

In the same interview..............Bush Sr retrospect................that he should have finished it...........

In retrospect is another thing. Paving the way for an overthrow of a leader by the people of the country is far different to an invasion.

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