Act of War

Nobody said I'm scared...

I just don't believe the military should take orders or disrespect from a panty-waist homo Lib...

After all, look where doing that got us with Obozo...

Obiwan you are a panty-waist homo lib. Whatever that means in your angry world.
Naw, I'm a veteran, and vets aren't too partial to queers...

But since you're so hot for an all-out war, I wonder why you refuse to go down to the recruiter's office and say you want to volunteer to go over and help straighten out the mess Hillary and Obama created.

Don't forget to pick up Chelsea and Obozo's girls on the way!!!

If you are a vet you whine like no other. You don't want to go? Too scared? Don't go then. See how easy?


State your service or when you're signing up for the crusade you're promoting.



This bile was addressed in various other threads you have nothing to stand on Barney. But whining about it is still allowed.


I have twenty years of service to stand on while you obviously have nothing in your hand, except bile and hate, and no desire to place your own blood much less the blood of those who you wish to start your bloody crusade into harms way.

You desire to scream for war then put up or shut up.


Every one advocating war should immediately sign up for combat duty, and head to Syria.

Correct. This is America, and nobody should be allowed to have an opinion.

Got it. And your opinion is that my son should go to war.

What did your son join the military for if he doesn't want to ever see battle?

I don't want the police to get hurt busting into the drug house on the next street, but because I think it's the right thing to do, should I join the police force to do it for them?
It is an act of war towards France. And France has every right to wage war on Isis until they submit, are obliterated or France does.

We of course, should be securing our nation from potential attack and offer to sell weapons and training to France id they do choose all out war on Isis.
Every one advocating war should immediately sign up for combat duty, and head to Syria.

Correct. This is America, and nobody should be allowed to have an opinion.

Got it. And your opinion is that my son should go to war.

What did your son join the military for if he doesn't want to ever see battle?

I don't want the police to get hurt busting into the drug house on the next street, but because I think it's the right thing to do, should I join the police force to do it for them?

Why not? I did. Sheriff Auxiliary Volunteers. I serve two shifts per week, for free. I even paid for the uniform. I wear a 2,000 hour pin.

So, just what would be your plans while sending my son to war? Posting on this message board? I'm thinking that you should find an avatar without a gun in it, Ray. It's just not, "you".
Every one advocating war should immediately sign up for combat duty, and head to Syria.

Correct. This is America, and nobody should be allowed to have an opinion.

Got it. And your opinion is that my son should go to war.

What did your son join the military for if he doesn't want to ever see battle?

I don't want the police to get hurt busting into the drug house on the next street, but because I think it's the right thing to do, should I join the police force to do it for them?


It's one thing to have a volunteer force that takes care of situations as they arise.

It's quite another thing to call for the draft without putting your own blood on the line like the OP is doing.

I will not support another war run the way bureaucrats operate.

You want war? Then...

1. The children of the bureaucrats are first picks on the draft choice with no exemptions.

2. The bureaucrats keep their noses out of military operations.

3. If fired upon our military fires back even if there are civilians in the vicinity.

4. Any captured combatant not in uniform is executed after interrogation.

5. The land and resources belong to us as a sovereign territory when the war is over to do with as we choose.


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Every one advocating war should immediately sign up for combat duty, and head to Syria.

Correct. This is America, and nobody should be allowed to have an opinion.

Got it. And your opinion is that my son should go to war.

What did your son join the military for if he doesn't want to ever see battle?

I don't want the police to get hurt busting into the drug house on the next street, but because I think it's the right thing to do, should I join the police force to do it for them?

Why not? I did. Sheriff Auxiliary Volunteers. I serve two shifts per week, for free. I even paid for the uniform. I wear a 2,000 hour pin.

So, just what would be your plans while sending my son to war? Posting on this message board? I'm thinking that you should find an avatar without a gun in it, Ray. It's just not, "you".

Sure it's me. I believe in our Constitutional right to carry and use firearms for protection.

I'm not sending your son to war. Your son sent himself when he signed on the dotted line and I'm sure he knew it as well; just like our police when they sign up, or firemen when they do the same.

If you are disturbed about your son getting into harms way, perhaps you should have been more influential in his decision making. But as an American protected by free speech, I do have a right as a taxpayer to express my feelings about what I think needs to be done in this country. The ability to have an opinion and express it is what our founders wanted.

My plans for war? To stop our enemies before they cross our borders such as they did in France. That's my plan.
Obiwan you are a panty-waist homo lib. Whatever that means in your angry world.
Naw, I'm a veteran, and vets aren't too partial to queers...

But since you're so hot for an all-out war, I wonder why you refuse to go down to the recruiter's office and say you want to volunteer to go over and help straighten out the mess Hillary and Obama created.

Don't forget to pick up Chelsea and Obozo's girls on the way!!!

If you are a vet you whine like no other. You don't want to go? Too scared? Don't go then. See how easy?


State your service or when you're signing up for the crusade you're promoting.



This bile was addressed in various other threads you have nothing to stand on Barney. But whining about it is still allowed.

View attachment 54764

I have twenty years of service to stand on while you obviously have nothing in your hand, except bile and hate, and no desire to place your own blood much less the blood of those who you wish to start your bloody crusade into harms way.

You desire to scream for war then put up or shut up.



So tell us Gomer, do you have an age range for people who should 'have to put up or shut up'?

I know many veterans of various wars and not one of them would use their service to try to berate another human being. Sorry to pop your bubble but serving in the military doesn't give you super free speech rights where you get to decide what everyone talks about.

So sorry. I know you use military service as a crutch and a hammer, which is what weak people do.

Why aren't you going now? Scared? Too busy bitching at everyone else that isn't going? Your argument is tired and self-serving and not worthy of anyone that claims to have worn a uniform. And its an internet message board where anyone and their Chihuahua can claim to be anything the imagination can dream up.

Keep your self-righteous crap to yourself. Free speech is what it is no matter who did or didn't serve. No special rights, again sorry.
Every one advocating war should immediately sign up for combat duty, and head to Syria.

Correct. This is America, and nobody should be allowed to have an opinion.

Got it. And your opinion is that my son should go to war.

What did your son join the military for if he doesn't want to ever see battle?

I don't want the police to get hurt busting into the drug house on the next street, but because I think it's the right thing to do, should I join the police force to do it for them?


It's one thing to have a volunteer force that takes care of situations as they arise.

It's quite another thing to call for the draft without putting your own blood on the line like the OP is doing.

I will not support another war run the way bureaucrats operate.

You want war? Then...

1. The children of the bureaucrats are first picks on the draft choice with no exemptions.

2. The bureaucrats keep their noses out of military operations.

3. If fired upon our military fires back even if there are civilians in the vicinity.

4. Any captured combatant not in uniform is executed after interrogation.

5. The land and resources belong to us as a sovereign territory when the war is over to do with as we choose.



The last thing I am for is a draft. A draft only drags people into doing something they are not capable of doing. You can't turn a drummer of a rock band into a scientist.

The left likes to use our military to promote their political agenda. I don't think that's what you use our military for or should be used for.
Every one advocating war should immediately sign up for combat duty, and head to Syria.

Correct. This is America, and nobody should be allowed to have an opinion.

Got it. And your opinion is that my son should go to war.

What did your son join the military for if he doesn't want to ever see battle?

I don't want the police to get hurt busting into the drug house on the next street, but because I think it's the right thing to do, should I join the police force to do it for them?

Why not? I did. Sheriff Auxiliary Volunteers. I serve two shifts per week, for free. I even paid for the uniform. I wear a 2,000 hour pin.

So, just what would be your plans while sending my son to war? Posting on this message board? I'm thinking that you should find an avatar without a gun in it, Ray. It's just not, "you".

Sure it's me. I believe in our Constitutional right to carry and use firearms for protection.

I'm not sending your son to war. Your son sent himself when he signed on the dotted line and I'm sure he knew it as well; just like our police when they sign up, or firemen when they do the same.

If you are disturbed about your son getting into harms way, perhaps you should have been more influential in his decision making. But as an American protected by free speech, I do have a right as a taxpayer to express my feelings about what I think needs to be done in this country. The ability to have an opinion and express it is what our founders wanted.

My plans for war? To stop our enemies before they cross our borders such as they did in France. That's my plan.

Nobody is muzzling your free speech. You are just being called out for your cavalier opinion that somebody else's blood should be shed instead of yours. It totally discredits whatever opinion that you may have, since you have no dog in that fight.
Correct. This is America, and nobody should be allowed to have an opinion.

Got it. And your opinion is that my son should go to war.

What did your son join the military for if he doesn't want to ever see battle?

I don't want the police to get hurt busting into the drug house on the next street, but because I think it's the right thing to do, should I join the police force to do it for them?

Why not? I did. Sheriff Auxiliary Volunteers. I serve two shifts per week, for free. I even paid for the uniform. I wear a 2,000 hour pin.

So, just what would be your plans while sending my son to war? Posting on this message board? I'm thinking that you should find an avatar without a gun in it, Ray. It's just not, "you".

Sure it's me. I believe in our Constitutional right to carry and use firearms for protection.

I'm not sending your son to war. Your son sent himself when he signed on the dotted line and I'm sure he knew it as well; just like our police when they sign up, or firemen when they do the same.

If you are disturbed about your son getting into harms way, perhaps you should have been more influential in his decision making. But as an American protected by free speech, I do have a right as a taxpayer to express my feelings about what I think needs to be done in this country. The ability to have an opinion and express it is what our founders wanted.

My plans for war? To stop our enemies before they cross our borders such as they did in France. That's my plan.

Nobody is muzzling your free speech. You are just being called out for your cavalier opinion that somebody else's blood should be shed instead of yours. It totally discredits whatever opinion that you may have, since you have no dog in that fight.

If you are calling me out because I am expressing my thoughts, then of course you have a problem with my free speech. You don't like what I'm saying. You think that because I have such an opinion, I should keep it to myself unless I have "a dog in the fight."
Got it. And your opinion is that my son should go to war.

What did your son join the military for if he doesn't want to ever see battle?

I don't want the police to get hurt busting into the drug house on the next street, but because I think it's the right thing to do, should I join the police force to do it for them?

Why not? I did. Sheriff Auxiliary Volunteers. I serve two shifts per week, for free. I even paid for the uniform. I wear a 2,000 hour pin.

So, just what would be your plans while sending my son to war? Posting on this message board? I'm thinking that you should find an avatar without a gun in it, Ray. It's just not, "you".

Sure it's me. I believe in our Constitutional right to carry and use firearms for protection.

I'm not sending your son to war. Your son sent himself when he signed on the dotted line and I'm sure he knew it as well; just like our police when they sign up, or firemen when they do the same.

If you are disturbed about your son getting into harms way, perhaps you should have been more influential in his decision making. But as an American protected by free speech, I do have a right as a taxpayer to express my feelings about what I think needs to be done in this country. The ability to have an opinion and express it is what our founders wanted.

My plans for war? To stop our enemies before they cross our borders such as they did in France. That's my plan.

Nobody is muzzling your free speech. You are just being called out for your cavalier opinion that somebody else's blood should be shed instead of yours. It totally discredits whatever opinion that you may have, since you have no dog in that fight.

If you are calling me out because I am expressing my thoughts, then of course you have a problem with my free speech. You don't like what I'm saying. You think that because I have such an opinion, I should keep it to myself unless I have "a dog in the fight."

Ray, i don't give a rat's ass what you say. Just be aware that your opinion on when someone else should go to war is worth about the same thing as the candy wrapper I found in my pocket after washing the clothes last week.
What did your son join the military for if he doesn't want to ever see battle?

I don't want the police to get hurt busting into the drug house on the next street, but because I think it's the right thing to do, should I join the police force to do it for them?

Why not? I did. Sheriff Auxiliary Volunteers. I serve two shifts per week, for free. I even paid for the uniform. I wear a 2,000 hour pin.

So, just what would be your plans while sending my son to war? Posting on this message board? I'm thinking that you should find an avatar without a gun in it, Ray. It's just not, "you".

Sure it's me. I believe in our Constitutional right to carry and use firearms for protection.

I'm not sending your son to war. Your son sent himself when he signed on the dotted line and I'm sure he knew it as well; just like our police when they sign up, or firemen when they do the same.

If you are disturbed about your son getting into harms way, perhaps you should have been more influential in his decision making. But as an American protected by free speech, I do have a right as a taxpayer to express my feelings about what I think needs to be done in this country. The ability to have an opinion and express it is what our founders wanted.

My plans for war? To stop our enemies before they cross our borders such as they did in France. That's my plan.

Nobody is muzzling your free speech. You are just being called out for your cavalier opinion that somebody else's blood should be shed instead of yours. It totally discredits whatever opinion that you may have, since you have no dog in that fight.

If you are calling me out because I am expressing my thoughts, then of course you have a problem with my free speech. You don't like what I'm saying. You think that because I have such an opinion, I should keep it to myself unless I have "a dog in the fight."

Ray, i don't give a rat's ass what you say. Just be aware that your opinion on when someone else should go to war is worth about the same thing as the candy wrapper I found in my pocket after washing the clothes last week.

Hmmm. Then I'm guessing you must have a strong opinion about that candy wrapper as well.
If it happened against the US, then we should go in and annex the country. That was our mistake in Iraq. Instead of letting the Shiites (enemy) vote their own person in, the US should have run the show. It's better than nuking some country or some group and take out innocent lives.

Somehow I suspect it was money from various countries that supported this. Still, it's the Shiites. Remember Amed Mohamed who brought a clock to school that looked like a bomb? He was influenced by Shiite terrorists (not saying he is a terrorist).
So tell us Gomer, do you have an age range for people who should 'have to put up or shut up'?

Have you or your children signed up for your high crusade yet?

I know many veterans of various wars and not one of them would use their service to try to berate another human being.

I'm sure you hang out at the American Legion or Veterans Of Foreign Wars clubs and know all about vets.

Sorry to pop your bubble but serving in the military doesn't give you super free speech rights where you get to decide what everyone talks about.

Never said it did. Just voicing my opinion of community organizers like yourself screaming for war but not willing to put your own blood on the line.

So sorry. I know you use military service as a crutch and a hammer, which is what weak people do.

No weak people call for the draft and war but don't think they should put their own blood on the line.

Why aren't you going now? Scared?

If that's how you feel sign up yourself or drag any of your children who are old enough down to your nearest recruiter and have them sign up.

Too busy bitching at everyone else that isn't going?

I've done my time for king and country and it would take an act of God to drag me back to it before you or your children have to go. You want war I'm just allowing you, or your children, to experience it yourself first hand.

Your argument is tired and self-serving and not worthy of anyone that claims to have worn a uniform.

Yours is the argument that is old and tired.

Don't scream for the draft and war unless you're willing to put your own on the line.

And its an internet message board where anyone and their Chihuahua can claim to be anything the imagination can dream up.

You mean like "Isaac Newton" or "Dante"?

Keep your self-righteous crap to yourself.

Speaking of self-righteous and self-deluded how many people presume to name themselves after a famous physicist?

Free speech is what it is no matter who did or didn't serve.

That's right. This nation does allow for Free Speech and if you don't like what I have to say that really is to bad.

No special rights, again sorry.

Then why do you expect special rights and privileges for yourself and the bureaucrats by calling for the draft and not expecting to put your own blood on the line?



Well, although this event was very sad, I really don't see it as a reason for the United States to get involved in yet another war. What is worth it for us to waste lives and resources? We cannot possibly kill ALL the terrorists. There are new ones being born and raised every day. We need to cut them off from their funding. I think that would be the most logical thing to do.
Every one advocating war should immediately sign up for combat duty, and head to Syria.

Correct. This is America, and nobody should be allowed to have an opinion.

Got it. And your opinion is that my son should go to war.

What did your son join the military for if he doesn't want to ever see battle?

I don't want the police to get hurt busting into the drug house on the next street, but because I think it's the right thing to do, should I join the police force to do it for them?


It's one thing to have a volunteer force that takes care of situations as they arise.

It's quite another thing to call for the draft without putting your own blood on the line like the OP is doing.

I will not support another war run the way bureaucrats operate.

You want war? Then...

1. The children of the bureaucrats are first picks on the draft choice with no exemptions.

2. The bureaucrats keep their noses out of military operations.

3. If fired upon our military fires back even if there are civilians in the vicinity.

4. Any captured combatant not in uniform is executed after interrogation.

5. The land and resources belong to us as a sovereign territory when the war is over to do with as we choose.



The last thing I am for is a draft. A draft only drags people into doing something they are not capable of doing. You can't turn a drummer of a rock band into a scientist.

The left likes to use our military to promote their political agenda. I don't think that's what you use our military for or should be used for.


I'm not willing to have the United States drug into a war run by bureaucrats and community organizers with no end in sight while they're unwilling to put their own blood on the line.

Most of the guys and gals in uniform have served enough crappy rotations over the last fifteen years and suffered enough broken homes and bodies.

Whether you believe it or not lots of those guys and gals serve and have served to gain a chance at a better life once they opt out so they can go to college or start a business of their own with the money they saved.

They too have a life to live and unless you've served and put up with the away time and crappy living conditions that a criminal would be rioting over you wouldn't understand.



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