Act of War

Every morning, I put 2 strips of bacon in a freezer bag on my front porch to ward off muslims. It works! Not one single muslim has ever crossed them to get to my door! Unfortunately, my next door neighbors, who are Jews, don't come around any more, either, but it is a small price to pay.

Perhaps I should hang a Bible on my door, to act as a liberal repellent. But wait, I have an American Flag hanging in my window. It caused my liberal neighbors across the street to pack up and move!
If we could change the past, there's a lot of things we could do differently in the Middle East to prevent the rise of Islamic terrorism. However, we can't roll back the clock. ISIS, Al Qaeda, and other terrorist groups are well established and there're not going to disappear nor are they going to abandon their goal of a worldwide Jihad just because we ignore them. The time for that has long past.
No one suggested changing the past, only that we learn from it and not repeat all the mistakes that led us into the imbroglio that we currently find ourselves in.

Bye the bye it's not reasonable to suggest the goal is "worldwide Jihad", the stated goal of the Sunni Radicals is and has been control of the bulk of the Arabic world and the elimination of the Shia apostates, thus the attempted resurrection of the Caliphate and the antipathy toward the Persian Shiites.

"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting." -- Sun Tzu, the Art of War
Any kind of US or NATO military action in the Middle East against ISIS will be a goldmine for ISIS recruiting. However, doing nothing will only strengthen their resolve. The choice is between the lesser of two evils.
Don't forget to take your sons and daughters to the recruiting station with you.

wouldn't want to look like a hypocrite now would we

You aren't going either so stop the whining, you are not in a position to pontificate to anyone else.

You seem to be saying only people actually in the military should have the right to voice an opinion on when and where the military should be used?

That is called a military dictatorship.

And to try to say American citizens should have no say about where their military should be used is ludicrous. The military exists to exert OUR will, not theirs.

I think what he's saying is that it's so easy to call for war when there's no skin in the game .

We keep going to war, no draft , not even a war tax . It's too easy for people .

I agree the draft should be reinstated today. The entire country should have skin in the game, I understand that and support that absolutely. But we have to fight. Now. Tomorrow. In two years. In 10 years. Whatever it takes. The populations of the West have to get used to the idea that we will need to repeatedly send troops to various places until the jihad crap is played out, and that will be years if not decades. That is the reality.

View attachment 54755

View attachment 54756

Since you feel that way here's three of the first draft picks when they come of age if they aren't already old enough. No exemptions for any reason even college, current marital status, or even parental status.



These bizarre 'ideas' only reside in your head. Not out here. But it makes you feel good so go wit it.
Every morning, I put 2 strips of bacon in a freezer bag on my front porch to ward off muslims. It works! Not one single muslim has ever crossed them to get to my door! Unfortunately, my next door neighbors, who are Jews, don't come around any more, either, but it is a small price to pay.

Perhaps I should hang a Bible on my door, to act as a liberal repellent. But wait, I have an American Flag hanging in my window. It caused my liberal neighbors across the street to pack up and move!

90% of people claiming to be 'christian' are not. You demonstrate it yourself by bearing false witness against people every day of your life. But that part of the bible you really haven't read and really don't care about so all's good eh. LOL
Hilarious to see people think they are somehow 'dissing' NATO? Weird to say the least.

Who gives a shit.

Some of you really need to turn off your pc and go outside now and then. Relax, get some air. And stop viewing the world as us vs them on everything. Or not, small minds think small thoughts.
Every morning, I put 2 strips of bacon in a freezer bag on my front porch to ward off muslims. It works! Not one single muslim has ever crossed them to get to my door! Unfortunately, my next door neighbors, who are Jews, don't come around any more, either, but it is a small price to pay.

Perhaps I should hang a Bible on my door, to act as a liberal repellent. But wait, I have an American Flag hanging in my window. It caused my liberal neighbors across the street to pack up and move!

You sure it wasn't a confederate flag? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Every morning, I put 2 strips of bacon in a freezer bag on my front porch to ward off muslims. It works! Not one single muslim has ever crossed them to get to my door! Unfortunately, my next door neighbors, who are Jews, don't come around any more, either, but it is a small price to pay.

Maybe, but I bet you have all kinds of raccoons and stray cats hanging around. :banana:
Every morning, I put 2 strips of bacon in a freezer bag on my front porch to ward off muslims. It works! Not one single muslim has ever crossed them to get to my door! Unfortunately, my next door neighbors, who are Jews, don't come around any more, either, but it is a small price to pay.

Perhaps I should hang a Bible on my door, to act as a liberal repellent. But wait, I have an American Flag hanging in my window. It caused my liberal neighbors across the street to pack up and move!

You sure it wasn't a confederate flag? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Doesn't matter which, has the same effect.
So you were too chicken to serve, but now you're demanding a full-scale war that you want others to fight for you...

Damn, you must be a Lib!!!

Your scared, go hide. The adults will handle it, don't worry. You are just eaten up by us vs them hatred, it is the only thing that keeps you warm, having some 'other' that you can point your boney finger at and say 'I'm better than you'. I hope you feel better.
Nobody said I'm scared...

I just don't believe the military should take orders or disrespect from a panty-waist homo Lib...

After all, look where doing that got us with Obozo...

Obiwan you are a panty-waist homo lib. Whatever that means in your angry world.
Naw, I'm a veteran, and vets aren't too partial to queers...

But since you're so hot for an all-out war, I wonder why you refuse to go down to the recruiter's office and say you want to volunteer to go over and help straighten out the mess Hillary and Obama created.

Don't forget to pick up Chelsea and Obozo's girls on the way!!!

If you are a vet you whine like no other. You don't want to go? Too scared? Don't go then. See how easy?


State your service or when you're signing up for the crusade you're promoting.


Every morning, I put 2 strips of bacon in a freezer bag on my front porch to ward off muslims. It works! Not one single muslim has ever crossed them to get to my door! Unfortunately, my next door neighbors, who are Jews, don't come around any more, either, but it is a small price to pay.

Perhaps I should hang a Bible on my door, to act as a liberal repellent. But wait, I have an American Flag hanging in my window. It caused my liberal neighbors across the street to pack up and move!

90% of people claiming to be 'christian' are not. You demonstrate it yourself by bearing false witness against people every day of your life. But that part of the bible you really haven't read and really don't care about so all's good eh. LOL

Um. I have a Bible app on my phone. I have 27 different versions of the Bible downloaded on my PC with all the pertinent commentaries. I stand ready to defend my faith with the only weapon I have against keyboard warriors like you. The Word of God.

Besides, 90% of liberals like you whine about people like me, passing summary judgement and bearing false witness, as you have done. You have clearly demonstrated that.

I invite you to debate me in biblical theology. I'll destroy you.
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If we could change the past, there's a lot of things we could do differently in the Middle East to prevent the rise of Islamic terrorism. However, we can't roll back the clock. ISIS, Al Qaeda, and other terrorist groups are well established and there're not going to disappear nor are they going to abandon their goal of a worldwide Jihad just because we ignore them. The time for that has long past.
No one suggested changing the past, only that we learn from it and not repeat all the mistakes that led us into the imbroglio that we currently find ourselves in.

Bye the bye it's not reasonable to suggest the goal is "worldwide Jihad", the stated goal of the Sunni Radicals is and has been control of the bulk of the Arabic world and the elimination of the Shia apostates, thus the attempted resurrection of the Caliphate and the antipathy toward the Persian Shiites.

"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting." -- Sun Tzu, the Art of War
Any kind of US or NATO military action in the Middle East against ISIS will be a goldmine for ISIS recruiting. However, doing nothing will only strengthen their resolve. The choice is between the lesser of two evils.

What is really needed is a coalition with a strong representation from other Muslim nations. Middle Eastern countries have far more to lose if ISIS prevails than the NATO countries.
Your scared, go hide. The adults will handle it, don't worry. You are just eaten up by us vs them hatred, it is the only thing that keeps you warm, having some 'other' that you can point your boney finger at and say 'I'm better than you'. I hope you feel better.
Nobody said I'm scared...

I just don't believe the military should take orders or disrespect from a panty-waist homo Lib...

After all, look where doing that got us with Obozo...

Obiwan you are a panty-waist homo lib. Whatever that means in your angry world.
Naw, I'm a veteran, and vets aren't too partial to queers...

But since you're so hot for an all-out war, I wonder why you refuse to go down to the recruiter's office and say you want to volunteer to go over and help straighten out the mess Hillary and Obama created.

Don't forget to pick up Chelsea and Obozo's girls on the way!!!

If you are a vet you whine like no other. You don't want to go? Too scared? Don't go then. See how easy?


State your service or when you're signing up for the crusade you're promoting.



This bile was addressed in various other threads you have nothing to stand on Barney. But whining about it is still allowed.
And if it turns out to be French nationals who self-radicalized? What, civil war?

Time is up, we know who the enemy is. If they only 'influenced' others to take this action that is enough. They must be dealt with. Evil men will do evil until they are stopped.

Inaction by the West only instills confidence and a great recruiting atmosphere for these groups. "Look! The US and its allies are too afraid to come fight us".

At some point Nato has to put an end to this shit and that moment has arrived.

So how do you propose a counter-attack will be mounted? Where? Upon whom? The attackers killed themselves or were killed by the Gendarmerie. The others within this terrorist group in Paris are so heavily embedded into the local outlying neighborhoods, predominantly Muslim areas, as to be invisible.

In Iraq and Syria, where they are. It would be a relatively quick campaign and 'Isis' would be no more. There would only be the scattered remnants of a failed 'caliphate' which also cannot be underestimated.

What psychological impact will it have when the 'caliphate' is destroyed in a week.

All the nutjobs around the world will continue isolated attacks here and there now and then, no matter what we do or don't do. Doesn't matter, you have to kill the queen and the hive will eventually die.


No it won't.


Every morning, I put 2 strips of bacon in a freezer bag on my front porch to ward off muslims. It works! Not one single muslim has ever crossed them to get to my door! Unfortunately, my next door neighbors, who are Jews, don't come around any more, either, but it is a small price to pay.

Perhaps I should hang a Bible on my door, to act as a liberal repellent. But wait, I have an American Flag hanging in my window. It caused my liberal neighbors across the street to pack up and move!

90% of people claiming to be 'christian' are not. You demonstrate it yourself by bearing false witness against people every day of your life. But that part of the bible you really haven't read and really don't care about so all's good eh. LOL

Um. I have a Bible app on my phone. I have 27 different versions of the Bible downloaded on my PC with all the pertinent commentaries. I stand ready to defend my faith with the only weapon I have against keyboard warriors like you. The Word of God.

Besides, 90% of liberals like you whine about people like me, passing summary judgement and bearing false witness, as you have done. You have clearly demonstrated that.

I invite you to debate me in biblical theology. I'll destroy you.

You are blind. Who cares what you can or can't recite you don't follow it. You have a hard heart and you are not a follower of Christ.

Don't forget to take your sons and daughters to the recruiting station with you.

wouldn't want to look like a hypocrite now would we

You aren't going either so stop the whining, you are not in a position to pontificate to anyone else.

You seem to be saying only people actually in the military should have the right to voice an opinion on when and where the military should be used?

That is called a military dictatorship.

And to try to say American citizens should have no say about where their military should be used is ludicrous. The military exists to exert OUR will, not theirs.

I think what he's saying is that it's so easy to call for war when there's no skin in the game .

We keep going to war, no draft , not even a war tax . It's too easy for people .

I agree the draft should be reinstated today. The entire country should have skin in the game, I understand that and support that absolutely. But we have to fight. Now. Tomorrow. In two years. In 10 years. Whatever it takes. The populations of the West have to get used to the idea that we will need to repeatedly send troops to various places until the jihad crap is played out, and that will be years if not decades. That is the reality.

View attachment 54755

View attachment 54756

Since you feel that way here's three of the first draft picks when they come of age if they aren't already old enough. No exemptions for any reason even college, current marital status, or even parental status.



These bizarre 'ideas' only reside in your head. Not out here. But it makes you feel good so go wit it.


You're the one calling for total war not I... You want total war and the draft to boot then those leaders who have failed in 'bridging the gap' can put a little of their own blood into the mess they've made. Until then FU and the white horse you rode in on.


Hilarious to see people think they are somehow 'dissing' NATO? Weird to say the least.

Who gives a shit.

Some of you really need to turn off your pc and go outside now and then. Relax, get some air. And stop viewing the world as us vs them on everything. Or not, small minds think small thoughts.


Your whole OP is based on a concept of us vs them hypocrite.



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