Active shooter at YouTube

And you tell them how much better it would have been if a Monster, unable to get a gun, instead mowed them down with a car.

You do understand that a homicidal maniac doesn’t care what he kills with, he just wants to kill.

I think it would be far better to discuss why he did it? Was he on mood altering prescription drugs?

Most were, likely him too.

You could be right. All we have to do is cure mental illness, and guns won't be an issue. Why don't you take care of that, and let us know when you're done.

Now for seriousness, which ain’t way for B Dog.

You think taking each and every gun away from murderous maniacs will accomplish exactly what?

Will it keep them from constructing pipe bombs, pressure cooker bombs or just jumpin in the first available truck and offing several dozen folks?

You go right ahead and think that a murderous monster won’t find a way to murder. It is, after all, what murderous monsters do. Hell, you might provide them with actually accomplishing more carnage then they would have with guns!

Good for you

You figure out who all the murderous maniacs are, and then we can figure out what to do about them.

It’s fourth down. You just punt?

Nope. That was a touchdown with extra points. You're just too dumb to see it.

Good for you, but we were shooting hoops Poodle.

Oh, and dollars to doughnuts says this chick was on anti-depression drugs.
People like yourself [FFI] are the ones voting to have someone invade my home, take away my rights, and possibly shoot me. That makes you my enemy and there's no difference than if you did that yourself.
Ah, hysterical ninnyism, it never gets old.
You deny it but that's exactly what you are trying to bring about - people with no means to defend themselves from people who refuse to obey laws.

Rise in recorded crime is accelerating in England and Wales

8% murder rate increase in those wonderful countries.

With their amazingly low gun related murder rate, what is 8%? A dozen more per year?

I think I proved my point. Murderers murder, it’s what they do. Doesn’t matter what you do, they could give a rats ass.

You did accurately repeat a nut job talking point. You didn't prove anything.
And you tell them how much better it would have been if a Monster, unable to get a gun, instead mowed them down with a car.

You do understand that a homicidal maniac doesn’t care what he kills with, he just wants to kill.

I think it would be far better to discuss why he did it? Was he on mood altering prescription drugs?

Most were, likely him too.

Mass shooters aren't out to "kill" per se. They're out for carnage as a sensory input.

I'd explain that in detail but on you it would be a waste of time.

Sure, you do that pogster. Then explain how a gun is the only way to produce carnage. K?

It isn't....but the second amendment reads "well regulated"...that tells me there has to be guidelines.

There you go again, misinterpreting the phrase "well regulated."

That phrase meant nothing to do with government "regulation" or restriction. During that time, it mean some thing that worked smoothly...

"The following are taken from the Oxford English Dictionary, and bracket in time the writing of the 2nd amendment:

1709: “If a liberal Education has formed in us well-regulated Appetites and worthy Inclinations.”

1714: “The practice of all well-regulated courts of justice in the world.”

1812: “The equation of time … is the adjustment of the difference of time as shown by a well-regulated clock and a true sun dial.”

1848: “A remissness for which I am sure every well-regulated person will blame the Mayor.”

1862: “It appeared to her well-regulated mind, like a clandestine proceeding.”

1894: “The newspaper, a never wanting adjunct to every well-regulated American embryo city.”

The phrase “well-regulated” was in common use long before 1789, and remained so for a century thereafter. It referred to the property of something being in proper working order. Something that was well-regulated was calibrated correctly, functioning as expected. Establishing government oversight of the people’s arms was not only not the intent in using the phrase in the 2nd amendment, it was precisely to render the government powerless to do so that the founders wrote it."

"Well-Regulated" - Bearing Arms - Second Amendment, Well-Regulated

Indeed. So tell us, is a society where every few days another nut goes on a shooting spree, a "well-regulated society"?

At this point in time, it's a "liberal" sculpted society, Pogo, How you like it now? These are the fruits fuckers like you bear. Don't even get me started on "village raised" babies. Those are the kind you can't have around and need to stow under the jail. I knew this in the 90s.

That guy is an idiot. The shooting had nothing to do with the NRA.

They get off blaming the NRA Grant isn't blaming the NRA for sure though lol.

They've already started with their bullshit...

"If this shooter at YouTube isn't a white male with far-right leanings, I will eat my fucking hat. Get rid of the fucking guns."

Specific Gyre on Twitter

The link to most mass shootings, non terrorist, is that they are on anti-depression prescriptions or ADHD drugs.

That guy is an idiot. The shooting had nothing to do with the NRA.

They get off blaming the NRA Grant isn't blaming the NRA for sure though lol.

They've already started with their bullshit...

"If this shooter at YouTube isn't a white male with far-right leanings, I will eat my fucking hat. Get rid of the fucking guns."

Specific Gyre on Twitter

I imagine "Specific Gyre" is disappointed... Seems the shooter was female... the shooting was domestic... and a conservative in San Bruno? Unlikely, possible, but highly unlikely...
You could be right. All we have to do is cure mental illness, and guns won't be an issue. Why don't you take care of that, and let us know when you're done.

Now for seriousness, which ain’t way for B Dog.

You think taking each and every gun away from murderous maniacs will accomplish exactly what?

Will it keep them from constructing pipe bombs, pressure cooker bombs or just jumpin in the first available truck and offing several dozen folks?

You go right ahead and think that a murderous monster won’t find a way to murder. It is, after all, what murderous monsters do. Hell, you might provide them with actually accomplishing more carnage then they would have with guns!

Good for you

You figure out who all the murderous maniacs are, and then we can figure out what to do about them.

It’s fourth down. You just punt?

Nope. That was a touchdown with extra points. You're just too dumb to see it.

Good for you, but we were shooting hoops Poodle.

Oh, and dollars to doughnuts says this chick was on anti-depression drugs.

Wouldn't doubt it Crazy ex-girlfriends often do.
The girl who did the shooting was a stone cold biatch.

In the Police's first press conference, the officer said, " victim who had an apparent gunshot wound toward the front of the business".

She could have shot him in the head, in the chest. or even the butt. But you never ever shoot a man where she shot him. That's just cold-blooded.


Ah, hysterical ninnyism, it never gets old.
You deny it but that's exactly what you are trying to bring about - people with no means to defend themselves from people who refuse to obey laws.

Rise in recorded crime is accelerating in England and Wales

8% murder rate increase in those wonderful countries.

With their amazingly low gun related murder rate, what is 8%? A dozen more per year?

I think I proved my point. Murderers murder, it’s what they do. Doesn’t matter what you do, they could give a rats ass.

You did accurately repeat a nut job talking point. You didn't prove anything.

I did poodle?

Antidepressants Are a Prescription for Mass Shootings – Citizens Commission on Human Rights, CCHR

Are these right wing talking points?

From the link

Psychiatrists generally will tell you that these people were mentally ill and they weren’t treated in time or didn’t get enough help to prevent the tragedy. However, Dr. Peter Breggin, who is a psychiatrist, stated that depression rarely leads to violence and that it’s only since the SSRI’s came on the market that such mass shootings have taken place.

In a study of thirty-one drugs that are disproportionately linked to reports of violence toward others, five of the top ten are antidepressants. These are Prozac, Paxil, Luvox, Effexor and Pristiq. Two other drugs that are for treating ADHD are also in the top ten which means these are being given to children who could then become violent. One could conclude from this study alone that antidepressants causeboth suicidal thoughts and violent behavior. This is a prescription for mass shootings. “

Now for seriousness, which ain’t way for B Dog.

You think taking each and every gun away from murderous maniacs will accomplish exactly what?

Will it keep them from constructing pipe bombs, pressure cooker bombs or just jumpin in the first available truck and offing several dozen folks?

You go right ahead and think that a murderous monster won’t find a way to murder. It is, after all, what murderous monsters do. Hell, you might provide them with actually accomplishing more carnage then they would have with guns!

Good for you

You figure out who all the murderous maniacs are, and then we can figure out what to do about them.

It’s fourth down. You just punt?

Nope. That was a touchdown with extra points. You're just too dumb to see it.

Good for you, but we were shooting hoops Poodle.

Oh, and dollars to doughnuts says this chick was on anti-depression drugs.

Wouldn't doubt it Crazy ex-girlfriends often do.

Especially in the last twenty years
Okay, now it's sounding like "Latina shot cheating man" What's going on here?

Were other people shot, or no?
If this is some " Latin girl finds out her BF is cheating and shoots him in the nads" deal?

If it is, we've been fed some faulty info.

Well, he's lucky she didn't cut everything off. All of them have the capability of doing that, you know.

What comes into their mind if they think they've been wronged? "Cut ya" Guaranteed.

You gotta be extra special stupid to get one to shoot ya.
If this is some " Latin girl finds out her BF is cheating and shoots him in the nads" deal?

If it is, we've been fed some faulty info.

Well, he's lucky she didn't cut everything off. All of them have the capability of doing that, you know.

What comes into their mind if they think they've been wronged? "Cut ya" Guaranteed.

You gotta be extra special stupid to get one to shoot ya.

She did not.........


I've seen a "White Hispanic female" throw 7 knives and stick them into a wall. I walked in as a knife whizzed by, I asked her what was wrong, She started screaming some incoherent shit and turning red in the face in the kitchen, my friend met me and said "Don't mind her, bro, she's pregnant, let's go. And go we did. :) To the bar.
You deny it but that's exactly what you are trying to bring about - people with no means to defend themselves from people who refuse to obey laws.

Rise in recorded crime is accelerating in England and Wales

8% murder rate increase in those wonderful countries.

With their amazingly low gun related murder rate, what is 8%? A dozen more per year?

I think I proved my point. Murderers murder, it’s what they do. Doesn’t matter what you do, they could give a rats ass.

You did accurately repeat a nut job talking point. You didn't prove anything.

I did poodle?

Antidepressants Are a Prescription for Mass Shootings – Citizens Commission on Human Rights, CCHR

Are these right wing talking points?

From the link

Psychiatrists generally will tell you that these people were mentally ill and they weren’t treated in time or didn’t get enough help to prevent the tragedy. However, Dr. Peter Breggin, who is a psychiatrist, stated that depression rarely leads to violence and that it’s only since the SSRI’s came on the market that such mass shootings have taken place.

In a study of thirty-one drugs that are disproportionately linked to reports of violence toward others, five of the top ten are antidepressants. These are Prozac, Paxil, Luvox, Effexor and Pristiq. Two other drugs that are for treating ADHD are also in the top ten which means these are being given to children who could then become violent. One could conclude from this study alone that antidepressants causeboth suicidal thoughts and violent behavior. This is a prescription for mass shootings. “

It wouldn't surprise me, at all, to learn that those drugs were deliberately designed that way.

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