Active shooter at YouTube

Shooting at YouTube HQ in California

Still think Citizens being disarmed and gun free zones are a good idea?

Yet another soft target with no one to defend it was attacked by a cowardly shooter!

How many times does America have to learn that in situations like this, The Police can only bring you a body bag.

We Need National Open Carry Now!
Shooting at YouTube HQ in California

Still think Citizens being disarmed and gun free zones are a good idea?

Yet another soft target with no one to defend it was attacked by a cowardly shooter!

How many times does America have to learn that in situations like this, The Police can only bring you a body bag.

We Need National Open Carry Now!

DUDE! You think there are NO security personnel with guns at a facility this size. Don't be trumpface stupid!
So if it’s a Muslim or lesbian, you guys will be orgasmic because finally after all these mass shooting strike outs you finally hit the ball?

Probably not. I didn't hear a peep about that lesbian couple who deliberately drove off the cliff with the 6 adopted black kids. Have you?

Besides it was just reported that the shooter shot her boyfriend along with several other people, and then killed herself. Just another left-wing nutcase.
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98% of Shooters and Terrorists are Liberals. That’s a fact.

So if it’s a Muslim or lesbian, you guys will be orgasmic because finally after all these mass shooting strike outs you finally hit the ball?

Wrong again....the local police are handling it. This was either a lovers quarrel or a disgruntled employee..

SORRY MISTER trump....THIS IS NOT A TERRORIST...but thanks for praying for a dark skinned shooter...
Just so everyone feels safe, over 100 cops and SWAT Officers and multiple police departments, CHIPS, even helicopters and armored cars showed up at YouTube HQ

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98% of Shooters and Terrorists are Liberals. That’s a fact.

So if it’s a Muslim or lesbian, you guys will be orgasmic because finally after all these mass shooting strike outs you finally hit the ball?
No. That’s one of those “alternative” facts you guys like to throw around along with photoshopped pictures. Most mass shooters aren’t politically motivated, though everyone scrambles around madly trying to find “evidence” of some hint of ideological leaning so they can crow to their follows that (insert ideology of choice) are evil. Not sure what accomplishes but it must make you feel better :dunno:
So if it’s a Muslim or lesbian, you guys will be orgasmic because finally after all these mass shooting strike outs you finally hit the ball?

Probably not. I didn't hear a peep about that lesbian couple who deliberately drove off the cliff with the 6 adopted black kids. Have you?

Besides it was just reported that the shooter shot her boyfriend along with several other people, and then killed herself. Just another left-wing nutcase.
There were two threads on it dupe. If they hadn’t been lesbian there would not have been any.

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