Active shooter reported at Texas elementary school

Also Italian.

Portugese and Spanish: habitational name from any of the towns called Ramos, in Portugal and Spain. Portuguese and Spanish: from the plural of ramo 'branch' (Latin ramus), a topographic name for someone who lived in a thickly wooded area.
Yes, because having a gun in your desk in a room full of fifth graders, how can that possibly go wrong?
Only an idiot would keep the gun in their desk. Anyone with training and a desire to actually observe firearm safety(not you) would carry it in a holster on their person at all times.
There are already enough "gun laws" on the books to prevent these thing from happening.
But they're not enforced.
So, given the unwillingness to expend the effort that would require let's go against the other common factor: Schools.
Shut 'em down.
Ban them entirely.
Then common sense might make a comeback when the liberal indoctrination ends!
You'll find Republican white-wingers who would go with that solution.
Which is more than you have to support your claims.
I’m courageous enough to know the brown piece of shit lives in a border town….border towns are full of brown pieces of filthy shit here on stolen citizenships.
Hahahaha…you honestly didn’t know that or is it safer and does it FEEL better to play stupid?
The FAKE FALSE RAGE by you sick democrats is overwhelming! Where is your rage every day when innocent children are killed in their loving mothers womb?
60 million children have been killed by abortion!

Where is your rage at the daily black on black homicides in every one of your Democratic cities?

Only an idiot would keep the gun in their desk. Anyone with training and a desire to actually observe firearm safety(not you) would carry it in a holster on their person at all times.

That would be a little awkward to be packing at all times. They're teachers, not cops.

Yes, some of those guns would end up in desk drawers...
The FAKE FALSE RAGE by you sick democrats is overwhelming! Where is your rage every day when innocent children are killed in their loving mothers womb?
60 million children have been killed by abortion!

Where is your rage at the daily black on black homicides in every one of your Democratic cities?

I can understand your desperate need to derail....but be of good cheer. Your guns are safe.

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