Active Shooter Reported Near Planned Parenthood In Colorado

Left wingers are truly disgusting individuals.
Yet count the number of rightwingers who auto-pointed to Muslim terrorism right out of the gate...... Pretty much the same in my book.........

Anybody who assumed that they automatically know what the shooter of this action was like is a narcissist.
Not a narcissist, just a bunch of hacks who already made up their minds based on what they want to believe.
4 dead, including suspect, in Colorado Springs shooting
Just heard on the scanner it's a black male.

What a POS you are, liar.
No I'm not. A black male caused all of this.

Poor education? Inbreeding? Upbringing?
I think you're referring to your tribe.
No, yours......
The racist card via moronic and desperate Democrats is dying out as a ridiculous lie. Get used to it KKK, lynching, slavery and Jim Crow law et. all supporter.

Yep, those blue states are now all red. :)

Yes indeed, mainly due to the long history of the Democratic Parties racism. The Democrat party killed off many Indian nations and Andrew Jackson held slaves and is indeed the Democrat (slavery parties) first President.

You are truly one seriously fucked up piece of shit. As I essplained to you in the past, slavery and racism began waaay before there was a Democratic Party, or any party, or even a country. And here we have -- not even a racism situation but innocent Americans under attack from a sniper, and all you see is a scoreboard on which to try to hang up a field goal in your partisan bullshit game.

You're a fucked up piece of shit.

You seem frustrated with the truth, I'm not surprised...:laugh:

I just handed you the truth. But you're the one who has to live with it.

When you man up to the truth and don't require low class conversation, get back with me. You're a lot more fun when you're not drunk or high.
History for Democrats in a way they might understand...

View attachment 55771

The republicans of the 1860s look nothing like the republicans of today. Nothing. In fact, you could say the Dems and Repubs have swapped places.

Very much so. The RP when it was new was both the home of Liberalism (from the Abolitionists) and of doing big things with federal gummint (from the Whigs), while the DP was the home of "smaller gummint" and "states' rights", a concept passed down from George Wallace and Strom Thurmond to Ronald Reagan. Much has morphed since then but partisan hacks thrive on the ignorant meme that "Democrat" and "Republican" are some kind of static definition that never changes with the political winds. :lol:

Ah to be young and stoopid.... (/offtopic)
Police in Colorado Springs, Colorado, have responded to calls of an active shooter near a Planned Parenthood.

The Colorado Springs Police Department confirmed to The Huffington Post that there are reports of an active shooter near the facility, but could not say whether the incident is taking place inside or outside the building.

Brigitte Wolfe, who works at a restaurant next door, told the Denver Post she saw at least a dozen police cars.

"We were looking out the window and we had an officer wave us back inside," Wolfe said.

The situation is unfolding less than a month after a shooting rampage left four people dead in Colorado Springs, including the gunman.

This is a developing story. Check back for updates.

Active Shooter Reported In Colorado Springs Near Planned Parenthood

Is this another self-righteous homegrown terrorist anti-abortion nut? We shall see...

It wasn't near the clinic it was IN the clinic.

And yes it's another far right wing conservative terrorist.

I guess the conservatives don't believe that killing innocent lives is murder.
Police in Colorado Springs, Colorado, have responded to calls of an active shooter near a Planned Parenthood.

The Colorado Springs Police Department confirmed to The Huffington Post that there are reports of an active shooter near the facility, but could not say whether the incident is taking place inside or outside the building.

Brigitte Wolfe, who works at a restaurant next door, told the Denver Post she saw at least a dozen police cars.

"We were looking out the window and we had an officer wave us back inside," Wolfe said.

The situation is unfolding less than a month after a shooting rampage left four people dead in Colorado Springs, including the gunman.

This is a developing story. Check back for updates.

Active Shooter Reported In Colorado Springs Near Planned Parenthood

Is this another self-righteous homegrown terrorist anti-abortion nut? We shall see...

It wasn't near the clinic it was IN the clinic.

And yes it's another far right wing conservative terrorist.

I guess the conservatives don't believe that killing innocent lives is murder.
The murderer tell you this before or afterwards?
History for Democrats in a way they might understand...

View attachment 55771

The republicans of the 1860s look nothing like the republicans of today. Nothing. In fact, you could say the Dems and Repubs have swapped places.

Very much so. The RP when it was new was both the home of Liberalism (from the Abolitionists) and of doing big things with federal gummint (from the Whigs), while the DP was the home of "smaller gummint" and "states' rights", a concept passed down from George Wallace and Strom Thurmond to Ronald Reagan. Much has morphed since then but partisan hacks thrive on the ignorant meme that "Democrat" and "Republican" are some kind of static definition that never changes with the political winds. :lol:

Ah to be young and stoopid.... (/offtopic)

Maybe if you studied up on the truth as opposed to the revisionist history you feed on, you could make reasonable sense.

Sure, quite unlikely but still.
Police in Colorado Springs, Colorado, have responded to calls of an active shooter near a Planned Parenthood.

The Colorado Springs Police Department confirmed to The Huffington Post that there are reports of an active shooter near the facility, but could not say whether the incident is taking place inside or outside the building.

Brigitte Wolfe, who works at a restaurant next door, told the Denver Post she saw at least a dozen police cars.

"We were looking out the window and we had an officer wave us back inside," Wolfe said.

The situation is unfolding less than a month after a shooting rampage left four people dead in Colorado Springs, including the gunman.

This is a developing story. Check back for updates.

Active Shooter Reported In Colorado Springs Near Planned Parenthood

Is this another self-righteous homegrown terrorist anti-abortion nut? We shall see...

It wasn't near the clinic it was IN the clinic.

And yes it's another far right wing conservative terrorist.

I guess the conservatives don't believe that killing innocent lives is murder.
The murderer tell you this before or afterwards?
he is a christer stan just like you
I simply do not care anymore. I just can't muster an ounce of care. Ten a day? + Muslims? who cares?

The only little bit of care I had was wondering WHY we have 30-40 GOVT workers standing around behind some bulldog spokeswoman? Why so many on payroll? GOVT is out of control bloated.
Police in Colorado Springs, Colorado, have responded to calls of an active shooter near a Planned Parenthood.

The Colorado Springs Police Department confirmed to The Huffington Post that there are reports of an active shooter near the facility, but could not say whether the incident is taking place inside or outside the building.

Brigitte Wolfe, who works at a restaurant next door, told the Denver Post she saw at least a dozen police cars.

"We were looking out the window and we had an officer wave us back inside," Wolfe said.

The situation is unfolding less than a month after a shooting rampage left four people dead in Colorado Springs, including the gunman.

This is a developing story. Check back for updates.

Active Shooter Reported In Colorado Springs Near Planned Parenthood

Is this another self-righteous homegrown terrorist anti-abortion nut? We shall see...

At this point, there is no reason to think that PP was the target. Of course, libs assume things. Some witnesses saw the guy near Chase Bank before he ran to PP. Some think he may have been planning to rob the bank.

Typical that I've seen so many FB posts from lib friends assuming that it was an attack on PP and one demanded that every pro-life person speak up and denounce this, as if everyone who holds a certain view has an obligation to atone for the actions of one nut. Not like pro-lifers are out there calling for killing of police and whites (BML) or getting together with large groups to chant 'death to America' (numerous Muslims).

This guy acted on his own, for whatever reason, but most likely a robber and not making a political statement. Why do libs get more upset about the random and rare shootings instead of the daily murders in Chicago and the countless terror attacks? Clearly, you guys think some nut was going after one of your darling liberal organizations.

I wonder if BLM are cheering over the deaths of a couple cops tonight.
It really doesn't matter what the truth is anymore.
All of the dishonest Democrat supporters will only believe the first reports of it being a White Christian Domestic Terrorist Attacking Planned Parenthood.

Doesn't matter.....because 3 people died....if that guy wanted to off a bunch of abortionists....he sure screwed that pooch, big-time.
Spokesperson Spokeswoman Spokesman Spokeaholic Deputy Spokewoman Deputy dog... why you need a spokesperson? 100K each base........250K cost with bennies. lots of beenines Green beans.

Is this the same people bringing me the weekly "emergency test pattern" promise to tell me where to tune in for info since 1950 never used?

Thanks for calling Satellite TV.
Democrats following their proven and compulsive liars Obama/Bill and now Hillary.

Shoot Shoot Shoot till your ears bleed. I don't care. Bring in Muslims by 40 ft trailer loads to any and all areas. Hire more GOVT, give 25% raise to existing. I don't give a crap. Let them all telecomute and retire at 50....then hire back on as consultants. Let them give SSISD to their goldbrick buttbuddies.

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