Adam Schiff Censured

None of the last 3 impeachments were deserved. All were a waste of time and taxpayer money.
One was very well deserved: the second impeachment of Trump.

It occurred after he stood by and did nothing for hours while his cult followers battled cops and then occupied the Capitol in support of his despicable treasonous efforts to find a way to remain in power after losing the 2020 election. That 2nd impeachment was more than fully justified and should have led to his conviction in the Senate.

Conviction by the Senate would have ended Trump’s political career and the open threat he represents to “the rule of law” in our country, and it also could have allowed the GOP to quickly rebuild itself as a relatively healthy Conservative Party.

Senate conviction got a great majority but failed to get the necessary two-thirds vote only due to cowardly Republicans who knew better but feared losing votes from the base of MAGA morons who believed the “Big Lies” of Trump, a cunning propagandist, entertainer, demagogue and conman.

Our nation is now much the worse off as a result, deeply divided and potentially heading toward a disastrous crisis — all over a rich fat unprincipled lunatic, whose once relatively minor criminal and authoritarian tendencies have now festered, grown out of control, and merged with his long-standing megalomania.


Adam Schiff’s “censure” is utterly meaningless. Today’s Congressional Republican Party acts mostly out of pettiness, and sees itself as an actor in its own “theatre of the ridiculous.” The once-great GOP has become ever more petty and irrelevant, but will remain a mortal threat to democracy until it rids itself of its Trump-cultist MAGA crazies.
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:auiqs.jpg: Big deal. With censure, he loses any committee chair, but he lost that in January with the new Congress. He loses no pay, no benefit, still votes and retains his seat in Congress. Today he even got to take Durham apart, making him admit the Russian helped Trump in the 2016 election.
The prick is still on the intelligence committee today.

She already did, read back a page or so. Post #81

Way to parrot the media propaganda!

Why do 6 "different" sources all say the same exact thing? :rolleyes:

Because that's their propaganda for the day, that's why. :rolleyes-41:
You can watch the video on YouTube if you missed it on C-Span.:D
Schiff got censured for his bad behavior.

---Schiff calls Trump’s election lie a ‘dangerous cancer’---

---Schiff, D-Calif., was required to stand on the House floor and receive a formal reprimand.---

Schiff should have been impeached except for the fact that Rino Congresspeople refused the ultimate embarrass meant for Schiff.
If crapping all over the Constitution meant expulsion, it would mean a massive dump of Republicans and there ain’t enough toilet paper in the world for that.
Sorry to see you so sad, Miss Potty-mouth.
But Schiff had it coming in spades.
He's been trashing Trump for years over what turned out to be total falsehoods.
He committed outright fraud and against the President.
He was doing it for the Obiden Administration....but still, he gladly took the job.

The Republican Congresswoman read her script well, but he still sits in congress, without loss of pay or benefits, still has his voting rights, is still a sitting Congressman and it would not surprise me if he got re-elected when he comes up again. And it still does not change him getting the esteemed Republican lawyer to admit into the congressional record that trump was helped by Russia, that trump asked for Russia to find emails, the emails were stolen and released by Russia, and Schiff even managed to slip in that their release was around the time the campaign thought would be beneficial. He got the last word saying GOP does not like the word collusion, but maybe it should just be called good old-fashioned cheating with the enemy. Congrats! No collusion. Of course, there is no Federal law against collusion, is there? :auiqs.jpg:
I didn't think the republicans had the 'nads to actually do it.
Well, 100% of the MSM pretended that President Trump was a bad person from the false charge he colluded with Russia and that he was seen naked with sex workers in Russia in the same bed Hillary Clinton has slept in the week before, while Trump insisted he did not collude with Russia nor peed in a bed Hillary slept on. The sickening truth is that Hillary and her crazy collaborators of the old Clinton War Room made the sickening salacious story up, likely based on things Bill Clinton may or may not have done. Adam Schiff thought himself to be Mr. Smart with his wink, wink support of all the former First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton's dirty trick that was timed to get rid of President Trump as revenge for losing her bid against him for POTUS in November, 2016. People didn't know she was lying because members of the FBI failed to disclose that there was no truth to the charges brought against President Trump that resulted in the Mueller inquiry and report that the collusion could not be proven, when It's pretty certain he knew that the Clinton/Steele Dossier was a total lie arising from Hillary Clinton['s campaign. The actual proof she did so was on her computer, which she took an axe, gave the computer thirty whacks. Sounds like a madwoman, no? Yeah. The contents of her cellular was copied onto a friend's computer, so the information is somewhere out there. She's trying to lay low for a few weeks in case someone produces the phone information would sink her ship deeper than the Titanic.

Shiff got censured today. What he did on purpose was the intention to change the vote to favor Biden in the election in 2020. he weaponized a number of Department of Justice to "Get Trump."
Ridiculous but not surprising. So now they can’t even criticize the president? That is pretty petty.
The Biden Administration has already punished a number of Republicans who claimed President Trump was innocent for over 7 years. They're getting them through the people's banks and large companies who blacklisted the Republicans who strongly supported Trump. They're working on depriving Republicans of their Social Security also for "crimes against the state" if they resisted the lies online. Their good credit is being destroyed for five years by their secret blacklist workers handed a list of what the Democrat Party designated as "liars," when actually, we told the truth. Communists are not particularly merciful people.
The Republican Congresswoman read her script well, but he still sits in congress, without loss of pay or benefits, still has his voting rights, is still a sitting Congressman and it would not surprise me if he got re-elected when he comes up again. And it still does not change him getting the esteemed Republican lawyer to admit into the congressional record that trump was helped by Russia, that trump asked for Russia to find emails, the emails were stolen and released by Russia, and Schiff even managed to slip in that their release was around the time the campaign thought would be beneficial. He got the last word saying GOP does not like the word collusion, but maybe it should just be called good old-fashioned cheating with the enemy. Congrats! No collusion. Of course, there is no Federal law against collusion, is there? :auiqs.jpg:
Glad to see you be consistent.

If the Dems told you that Trump was a Klingon you'd believe them.
Clearly the truth doesn't matter to some.
Only the source matters.
This is why they're going to end up getting away with the Hell they're about to unleash on us. :iagree:
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Sorry to see you so sad, Miss Potty-mouth.
But Schiff had it coming in spades.
He's been trashing Trump for years over what turned out to be total falsehoods.
He committed outright fraud and against the President.
He was doing it for the Obiden Administration....but still, he gladly took the job.
Well, Mr. Mudwhistle, we tried to let our Democrats know how deep the lies were, and it will take some time until they realize what a horrific thing their Democrat Deep State leaders did to get Trump above all counts of reasoning. Wait until they realize people they loved in the press perpetrated the lies frequently using the same vocabulary disparagements against President Trump. Some of them probably think he has green hair under his arms, to use a 60s high school diss of people who irritated the cool crowd. :(
He should be brought up on sedition charges and go to jail.

Censure is nothing. Meaningless. Written off as a partisan tantrum.
Ridiculous but not surprising. So now they can’t even criticize the president? That is pretty petty.

Schiff lied more than Trump. He actively worked against the duly elected president, and wasted 40 million taxpayer dollars on a bullshit witch hunt. Those actions weakened the USA and aided our enemies.

Schiff is an unethical piece of shit who should spend the rest of his life in prison for fraud.
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Glad to see you be consistent.

If the Dems told you that Trump was a Klingon you'd believe them.
Clearly the truth doesn't matter to some.
Only the source matters.
This is why they're going to end up getting away with the Hell they're about to unleash on us. :iagree:
No way! Warf always showed much more honor as a Klingon than trump as a human being.
Indeed. And it is interesting they are calling for expulsion. Like with TN…they edge closer to authoritarianism and one party rule.
Coyote, your loyalty is sterling, but not only was Schiff passing lies like a Gatlin gun, he knew he was perpetrating lies and was proud of it. Every time he lied, I knew it, and it gave me the creeps with chills. He used high office to create joy in the party loyals, who may never consider realizing how destructive lying is to a government based on trust like our democratic republic. Congressman Schiff heard the word "shame" from both sides of the aisle this evening after his censure vote was announced. I'm sorry decent Democrats were so sucker-punched by their own leaders for years on end. It's not your fault, hon. The Deep State uses Thespian entertainment knowledge to gain their voters' trust. Hollywood always portrays the "bad guy" as one who does disgusting things such as trips the old lady good guys help cross the street, or pees on a bed with a sex worker on his wedding anniversary with his wife at home. How many people had their stomach turned over with that one against Trump so cheerfully criticized by a former first lady who invented the whole enchilada of the myth to destroy her adversary with pure witchcraft.
Reading comments by beautress is like entering into another world — bizarro world. She’s so earnest and cute … you just gotta sit back and enjoy the show.


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